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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTENTION (24)

New Era Community (1926) - 176:
We know that sometimes the symbol of an individual personality is important for nations, but, for all that, anonymity remains the ideal of true evolution. This is one of the conditions of realization of the brevity of earthly existence, and it is the best way to successful cooperation. The antipode of anonymity will be the self-delineations of ancient kings unknown at present to anyone. These inscriptions evoke nothing but a smile, and most often have nothing to do with the intention in behalf of the Common Good. To avoid such an antipode, the community will indeed strive for anonymity. But without psycho-mechanics such anonymity will be ugly. Only he can become anonymous who has established his own place among manifestations and objects. Only he can give up his "I" who has become conscious of space. Thus can the communities approach indestructibility.

New Era Community (1926) - 177:
You know that physical manifestations react on large groups of people. This cannot be called insanity, but is a particular manifestation of collective unity. One may visualize the reaction of subterranean gases and the dust of atmospheric bodies. Some paralyze psychic actions, but on the other hand there are such exciters that the Pilot must take urgent measures. Speaking about the possibilities of psycho-technics, We have no intention of destroying anyone's apparatuses. We, as Members of the Community, pursue the task of true economy, and each psychic apparatus must be safeguarded. Carefulness is the more needed because often the potential of psychic energy does not coincide with intellect, and it is necessary to determine the quality of psychic possibility. Forcing psychic energy into a direction foreign to it will be a most dangerous aspect of compulsion.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 527:
Or he will speak of his intention to defeat his enemies. You will think, "He is not one of us."

Hierarchy (1931) - 189:
189. Thus, thought can be commanded to direct itself to a benevolent intention. Humanity dreams of a better future, still it does not know how to pierce the depths of darkness, because the basis manifested by the Cosmic Fire is not observed in life. The laws of gravitation have lost their significance, hence only the law of purification can provide that which the planet has lost. Verily, only purification can provide the essentials for efflorescence. The key is within the spirit, and only this key can vouchsafe achievement. Hence, on the way to Us, the entire beauty of spirit must be understood.

Hierarchy (1931) - 328:
328. How difficult it is for people to realize what determines their own welfare. They think that they create; they think that they labor; they think that nothing will take place without them. They think that in them lies the foundation. Woe to those who take credit for that which does not issue from themselves, for these servitors of darkness are verily the destroyers of luminous inceptions. Certainly the attempts of these dark ones only determine their own destruction, for Light is unconquerable. Thus self-destruction occurs where there is disobedience to the Hierarchy of Light. Thus, the attributing of creativeness to themselves by the dark ones has a reason, because verily the jinns have affirmed themselves as co-workers of Light. Each evil intention is the affirmation of victory.

Hierarchy (1931) - 430:
430. How much significance people attribute to their ego! How people dread that their personality may be intruded upon by something incomprehensible to their consciousness! How people dread to adhere to the Highest and prefer to remain on the boundary of darkness! Each intention brings one closer to a better decision if the spirit strives toward the Hierarchy of Bliss. Man can ascend each step in evolution if he accepts the Leading Hand and each Command of Hierarchy. History is built by the Hierarchy of life. The best steps of humanity were built by Hierarchy. The best achievements were affirmed by Hierarchy. Thus one can attain only through Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 87:
87. Vengeance is justly condemned by all Teachings. The original wrong itself may be but little realized and even unintentional, yet vengeance is always thought out and consciously intensified in the heart. Vengeance is like a megaphone for the wrong; therefore its harm, in the spatial sense, is very great. Vengeance only slightly resembles indignation. Indignation, like an impulse to threaten may pass quickly, but premeditated acts of vengeance widely poison the atmosphere. It is said that intention is equal to action, but one must have in mind the action of thought. It is most difficult for humanity to get accustomed to these considerations. To contemporary humanity thought has been transformed into an inconsequential cerebral contraction. Since the eye does not perceive the consequence of the thought, this means that it does not exist; but then we will arrive at denying the process of thought completely! The heart is in a better position; it makes motion and noise - thus, the heart can knock.

Heart (1932) - 543:
543. Man manifests the most disgraceful spectacle by starting to read a book with a firm intention not to take into consideration its contents. From this issues the remark, "I know everything, everything is old." Yet the simplest advice has remained without application. It can obviously be seen how even the most essential observations were specifically neglected in order thus to depreciate the Teaching. One may light-mindedly deride, but not a single Indication can be disregarded. We speak now about the education of the heart; but will we not hear from the most stupid that they knew about it long ago? Whereas they think more about cutting their nails than about the heart. Heart attacks are most often caused precisely by failing to think of the heart, and we are ready to succumb to any overindulgence rather than admit to ourselves respect for the heart, as the center of existence.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 71:
71. Each blow of the hammer produces a fiery manifestation, but each sword stroke also yields a fiery display. Let us approve the work of the hammer, and warn against raising the sword. Let us discern each touch of Fire. Let us accept with utmost responsibility each evidence of the great element. The manifested Fire does not return to its primeval state; it will remain in a special state among fiery manifestations. It will be either life-creating or destructive, according to the intention of him who sends it. For this reason I stress the significance of Fire, this inseparable fellow traveler. By the most varied means one should impress people with the significance of the elements. They have forgotten how filled their life is with the most responsible actions. Words and thoughts beget fiery consequences; yet the tongue continues to prattle and thought continues to wound space. Ponder this fiery production! Do not pride yourselves on some dead knowledge as long as you continue to spew slander against the Highest. Remember that this slander will lodge with you forever. The world has been set aquiver by the flames of malice. Its progenitors hope for the ruin of others, but they themselves will perish from leprosy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 20:
20. There are many reasons why people fear the Subtle World and radiations of light. They feel in their essence that in the Subtle World every intention is accompanied by an obvious radiation, but man himself does not see his own radiations. If he were fully convinced of the good quality of his thoughts, he would fear nothing. But with a majority of people thoughts are very sinuous, and man, through the earthly habit of doubt, errs much from the true foundations of thinking. Therefore I reiterate so much about the necessity of clear thinking. One should be so sure of the quality of one's own thinking that not for an instant could one be confused by one's own light. A firm aspiration towards good, affirmed by the heart, will only multiply the beautiful lights. Besides their essence these lights are as purifiers of space. In the Subtle World such benevolent radiations create an all-embracing smile and contribute towards general joy. Therefore affirm yourself in good, and think so as not to be ashamed before any one. Do not consider these words an abstraction. The Subtle World confirms them. Many dwellers in the Subtle World regret that no one on Earth told them about these obvious radiations, which ought to be beautiful.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 573:
573. The Teaching of Good must be the friend of good in all its manifestations. This truth appears simple, yet evil intention continually tries to destroy it. The Teacher of Good must be grieved, seeing how the workers of Good become twisted and how they exclude each other. Such a mutilation of Good takes place when someone bears a burden of good which is too much for him and someone else attempts to carry a double load. And if someone will dare to think about a triple load, he will not find many helpers. Millions of years have not been enough for humanity to learn to rejoice at Good, to grow to love it as something of the utmost utility. The Teaching must stimulate in all the bearers of Good a feeling of broad sympathy. Otherwise it will not be the Teaching of Good but a teaching of egoism.

AUM (1936) - 491:
Many remember their past lives, but through obscuration of consciousness they call forth their own past imaginings. One needs to be careful also not to censure too greatly the mistakes of others. Aside from conceit and ignorance, there may be only partial errors without base motive. Indeed, there may also be different forms of obsession and whispering with evil intention, but enough has already been said about obsession.

Brotherhood (1937) - 63:
63. It has been said that virtue has a rainbow aura. The rainbow is the symbol of synthesis. Is not virtue revealed as a synthesis of qualities? In each ancient symbol can be found an unquestionable truth. People have understood that virtue is not simply the doing of good. They have distinctly known that only consonances of tensions of the best qualities provide the synthesis of ascent. They have known that only the motive will be the affirmation of virtue. No outward actions can testify to the intentions. Experiments with psychic energy will reveal to what extent action is to be distinguished from motive. No glittering words and actions can conceal intention. Many historical instances can be cited when, because of an unworthy motive, even useful actions could not be justified. On the other hand, much that remained inexplicable and under suspicion has shown the radiance of beautiful motives. Such evidences of the essence of life will be confirmed by the primary energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 64:
It may be asked, "Do habits linger on for several incarnations?" They can remain, and even grow, if the sojourn in the Subtle World has not been passed in the higher spheres. Everywhere motive has the decisive significance. Hence, at passage into the Subtle World the motive will be the conductor. Not the apparent but the heartfelt good intention will be beautiful, more beautiful than the most illustrious deeds. Only the man himself knows how this or that feeling has been engendered in him. He can inwardly follow the process of growth. Thus, the best judge is within oneself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 246:
246. The same fear impedes recognition of Hierarchy. In justice let us say that Hierarchy is far from any violence. It is ready to help and to send advice, but humanity is ready to suspect each good intention. Without trust there is no cooperation. Let us not forget that lack of trust is a sign of imperfection. A man filled with doubt will first of all not believe his neighbor. Let us not call these reminders moral counsels. Let them be called physical and mechanical laws. It makes absolutely no difference what the fundamentals of Existence are called, provided they be maintained and observed!

Brotherhood (1937) - 317:
317. An electrical apparatus produces discharges when energy is accumulated in it. There is no intention to shock certain people, but the discharge reaches those nearby. Likewise, a counterblow of psychic energy smites those who contact it with evil intent. The bearer of it does not wish to strike anyone, nevertheless the primary energy sends off discharges when a hostile force opposes it. Thus, the counterblow is not sent, but is evoked by the hostile force. Of course, where the primary energy is more powerful, the blow will be more crushing. It would be an inexcusable mistake to blame the bearer of the powerful energy for destroying someone. Not so, the assailant shatters himself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 346:
346. Unity is the light-winged dream of humanity; when the dream approaches fulfillment, only a few followers remain. The transformation of intention into action drives the majority away. Thus, affirmation of unity is aspiration to the higher law, which humanity in its present state contains with difficulty. But each one who wishes to serve Brotherhood is not afraid of even the concepts most unaccepted by the majority; though striving for unity will be found only in exceptional consciousnesses. Each healthful place must be safeguarded. Thus will begin to come into being a healthy envelope of the planet. Right now it is greatly poisoned.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 328:
328. Urusvati knows that souls incarnate with good intention; such is the Great Law. Even the spirits in the lower strata, just before incarnating, receive a ray of enlightenment about goodness as the foundation of life. But just as the finest aroma cannot permeate space for long, kind intentions are dissipated by the influence of the varied conditions of life. A child is not evil, but can quickly succumb to inherited atavism. Also bad habits, formed from the smallest details of life, are the gates of evil. Thus the enlightenment so briefly experienced in the Subtle World is dispersed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
We can provide an example of information that was prematurely interrupted. Once, We sent a mental message about the sad condition of a certain Western country, but as soon as the first word, "space," was sent, unwanted listeners were discovered and the communication had to be interrupted. In order to fulfill Our intention We used a code word, which was sent at night. We continued with our communication the following night, not naming the country, because Urusvati could then understand the meaning of Our message.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
362. Urusvati knows that intention equals action. More accurately, We can say that intention is more significant than action. Action discharges energy, whereas intention accumulates the energy that will be manifested as action. Therefore, when I advise being careful about intentions, I have in mind the maximum benefit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
Blessed are those who have a store of good intentions, for they will be beautifully realized. Truly, every intention will bear fruit, every promise will be kept, and every goodness glorified.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 374:
Similarly, people pay little attention to the "cementing of space," and question why thoughts should be sent forth again and again that are essentially the same as those that have been sent before. Little do they understand that Our repetitions are intended to fill space. It is not enough to make decisions; a suitable atmosphere must also be created for Our thoughts, and such weaving demands lengthy efforts. People also should understand that their intentions must be enveloped in a protective shield, and much can be facilitated by constant calm and affirmative thought, directed with intention.


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