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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTELLECTUAL (16)

Hierarchy (1931) - 436:
436. Let no one think that without the energies of the heart he can comprehend help, cooperation, and Hierarchy. Neither the mind nor intellectual erudition will enlighten where only the tensity of the heart can kindle the rainbow of complete comprehension. The shield of heart-comprehension is most lasting. The sword pierces suffering, but the heart is the stronghold of the hero. To you, the keepers of the Stone, only heroism is befitting. Only unwaveringness and courage befit you. The ecstasy of a hero comes again with the tension of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 407:
407. The Arhat possesses the ability to prevent his feelings from becoming blunted. This rare ability is acquired by Him only through fiery tension. This may be termed an adamant asceticism. It attracts the hearts of the people. He about whom you recently read knew these intense poignancies of feeling. Everyone who approached Him felt his unfailing freshness of heart. This continuous acuteness is attained not by a special technique, but by a simple opening of the heart. He never pitied himself, and this trait was not an intellectual one, but had become his second nature. Yet, because of the deadening influence of daily routine, how many priests have lost that which they had accumulated! Daily routine is the great testing stone. It opens the Gates of Eternity and affirms Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 652:
652. Self-perfectment is the most difficult achievement. People inject into this process so many inconsistencies that the manifestation of true self-perfectment is obscured. Self-perfectment is simplified primarily when Hierarchy is accepted. Everyone should realize that the perfecting of the consciousness in itself contains all other aspects of improvement, but one cannot accept the mechanical betterment of the details of daily life as perfectment. One may be able to forge the most deadly blade or discover the most fatal poison, but it is impossible to consider such intellectual craftiness as worthy improvement. Nevertheless, to understand the idea of the Higher Worlds, it is necessary to determine what self-perfectment is. We can come to a decision as to what beautiful achievements are when we ourselves realize for what they must be accomplished. There will be not even a thought about achievement if we have no conception of the desirability of improvement of life. Affirmation of the physical world alone cannot advance the true development of consciousness. Take the history of humanity. Observe how brief were the periods of materialism; they invariably ended in bloody convulsions. Indeed, the trend of thought became rebellious, and the correct path having been lost, crimes multiplied. Self-perfectment is possible only through refinement of consciousness by its seeking to surround itself with worthy manifestations. Thus can consciousness protect us from small and shameful thoughts. Consciousness leads to the Fiery World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 152:
152. The stratification of observations over the extent of many lives, laid in the depths of consciousness is called dormant wisdom. It would be possible to carry out remarkable experiments by studying when man is drawing from his storehouse of knowledge. It is possible to make a comparison with atavism, which is manifested through several generations. Thus are displayed hereditary racial traits. But throughout his spiritual journeys man accumulates his own load, which he guards within his consciousness. It is instructive to observe the acquisitions of knowledge and inclinations already manifested in childhood, which cannot be explained in any other way except as former accumulations. The more so is it necessary to observe such individual propensities; they may indicate endowments which may later be damaged by an ugly upbringing. Dormant wisdom was already noted in deep antiquity, when questions of spiritual incarnation were sensibly understood. Intellectual advance resulted in a loss and impeded the development of the hidden forces of man.

Brotherhood (1937) - 377:
377. Each machine creates a particular psychology on the part of the worker. The rhythm of a machine is a strong indication of the structure of thinking. Therefore one should study the rhythm of different machines. It may be said that a machine is a sign of an existing condition. A machine worker should receive special intellectual cultivation in order not to fall under the influence of the machine's rhythm. Many will not comprehend what has been said and will think that such abstract reasoning has no meaning. It is time to discriminate where is abstraction, and where actuality.

Brotherhood (1937) - 462:
462. Certain Teachers have advised against touching upon insoluble questions. Of course, they had in mind not rousing unprepared minds to resentment, but where discussion is possible, the most far-reaching intellectual excursions should be encouraged. Beauty sparks in prognoses which can come to life in brotherly unity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165:
165. Urusvati knows the many different qualities that are required for self-perfectment. At times it is difficult to recognize their various combinations through intellectual reasoning alone. Let us take the example of Joshua, who was the leader of an unruly nation. Since his mission involved constant dangers, not only for him but also for the entire nation, he had to concentrate his will upon leadership, and could not allow himself to be distracted by basic theoretical tasks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165:
Now let us examine another path, that of the intellectual leader, the leader in creativeness, after whom a whole century of the highest achievements is named. We refer to the Age of Pericles, an era that is associated with the most refined manifestations. Science and creative power characterize this era. Pericles knew recognition and also the blows of Fate. He was surrounded by the finest intellects of his time, philosophers who left to humanity the legacy of an entire age of thought. The Great Pilgrim was a friend to Pericles, and highly approved of this unforgettable and brilliant era of knowledge and beauty. It is interesting to note how the finest spirits are brought together, so that later they may meet on the field of labor. One should watch attentively the accumulation of diverse qualities that will lead to creative work on a world scale.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 173:
He knew how difficult it is to give people a new consciousness directly through the heart, without intellectual reasoning. Intellectual reasoning can make things seem logical, but the heart knows that people do not easily relinquish their antiquated concepts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185:
185. Urusvati knows that there are many methods of healing. At one time, healing was considered an art that for best results required the inner fusion of the will of the practitioner with the will of the patient. It was believed that intellectual analysis alone would not bring success.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232:
The Teacher imparts many wise truths, but finally He will say, "Now walk alone, without fear." A particular tension of consciousness is required toward the end of the path. Intellectual knowledge breaks up and vanishes, and the pilgrim remains alone on the cliffs of ascent. Only the flame of the heart can warm when the accumulated coverings have been rent by the storm. Voices are heard, but they do not resemble the Call of the Beloved. Be prepared beforehand to face the Light and to accept It without fear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
The Thinker was able to embrace the whole Cosmos with His mind. People used to say, "It is better to err with Plato than to join the intellectual negators." Thus were the best concepts realized in ancient days.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 318:
When a person says that he will think about something, he has already thought about it. The fiery decision already exists within him and when he says that he will think, he refers to the act of intellectual deliberation. It is instructive to observe the duel that takes place between mental and fiery decisions. The intellect can often distort a fiery decision, but the fiery seed itself remains intact. It secretes itself in the depths of the consciousness and reappears often. It is lamentable that man stubbornly refuses to accept the various states of consciousness that exist within him. This very awareness would help him to treat the process of thinking with caution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 367:
Urusvati quite correctly stresses the building of character in the young. Indeed, it is more important than a strictly intellectual education, for only the building of good character can lay the foundations of calmness and productive labor in life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 440:
The teacher should have several skills in order to inspire his students beyond intellectual exercises to a higher quality of craftsmanship.


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