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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTAKE (5)

New Era Community (1926) - 171:
Indeed, it is necessary to cleanse the chain of thinking. One should summon all solicitude for the successful progress of cooperation. True, in the communal consciousness there is no offense, but by untimely formulations of thought it is possible to inflame one's companion so as to bring harm to the work; therefore, We watch over the gradual growth of consciousness. It is not Our task simply to inflate the dimensions of consciousness. Only organic development and diversity of intake determines the actual capacity of the treasury.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 73:
73. You know that at an altitude of eleven thousand feet the astral body acquires a special quality. Each altitude has its specific effect on each body. You may have observed that at an altitude of seven thousand feet man can decrease his intake of food. The need for food gradually decreases as one ascends until at an altitude of sixteen thousand feet the decrease is substantial. Above an altitude of nine thousand feet I do not advise the use of wine, coffee, pepper or other spices. Above seventeen thousand feet even strong tea is inadvisable. With the decreasing need for food there is a parallel decrease in the need for sleep; one can consider sleeping for no more than six hours, and at twenty thousand feet four is quite enough. Thus one can understand that at great altitudes one can remain almost without sleep, or food.

Brotherhood (1937) - 288:
288. In many industries workers inhale and touch many chemical substances. A first glance it appears that such contacts pass without injury, but this will be only a superficial judgment. It can be proven that different branches of work give rise in time to identical illnesses. The first intake of a dangerous substance is not noticeable in its influence, but by constant repetition it takes possession of the entire organism and renders it incurable. I am speaking about this because of another effect, about which people still think too little. They have already noticed the moon's influence; even physicians have paid attention to the influence of the moon upon many human states. But such influences take place repeatedly. The effects may not be noticed with the human eye, but the rays of the luminary dominate not only the physical side but also all feelings. In this it can be noticed that people with strong psychic energy are less subject to the influence of the rays upon their psyche. Thus, the natural development of psychic energy will be an excellent prophylaxis. It will also be so in relation to many other currents; therefore neglect of psychic energy is ignorance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 139:
Often people feel the need to go into silence before undertaking a dynamic action. Thus, an experienced speaker will be momentarily silent and take a deep breath before uttering a decisive word. Some know the importance of such an intake of prana, but others do it quite unconsciously. The potency of one's psychic energy increases with the expansion of consciousness. There is joy in Our Abode when We learn that some great task was performed consciously. Thus, a current of striving can benefit human endeavors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 421:
People long ago found ways to restore their equilibrium. One of the ancient methods was pranayama, by which, through rhythmic breathing exercises, one could find an equilibrium that protected against an excessive intake of energy. Nothing can be more destructive than consuming an excess of energy.


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