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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INSTRUMENTS (22)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 128:
128. Strive for the future and many forces will be summoned to your aid. Of various instruments is the orchestra composed, but a symphony soon ends and its sounds die away through the open window.

New Era Community (1926) - 142:
One may pass from animals to plants. You already know that it is beneficial to sleep on cedar roots. You know what collectors of electricity pine needles are. Not only do plants serve salutarily by their extracts, but the plant emanation produces a strong effect on the surroundings. One may see how man can be helped by a bed of flowers consciously combined. Absurd are mixed flower beds whose mutual reactions destroy their good effect. Matched or homogeneous ones can answer the needs of our organism. How many useful combinations there are in fields covered by wild plants! Combinations of plants which are natural neighbors must be studied as instruments of an orchestra. Those scientists are right who look upon plants as subtly sensitive organisms. The next steps will be the study of the reaction of groups of plants on each other as well as upon man. The sensitivity and reciprocal action of plants upon surroundings is indeed astonishing. Plants are manifested, as it were, as a binding substance of the planet, acting on a network of imperceptible interactions. True, the value of plants was long ago foreseen, but group reciprocal actions have not been studied. Until recently people have not understood the vital capacity of vegetable organisms and have senselessly cut clusters of heterogeneous plants, not caring about the meaning of what they were doing. A man with a bouquet is like a child with fire. Exterminators of the vegetation of the planet's crust are like state criminals.

New Era Community (1926) - 167:
167. It has been said often - "Rest can be found not in sleep but in change of labor." True, some may discontinue sleeping and obtain poor results. As a preliminary it is necessary to teach the nerve centers to work in groups. One must disconnect the work of the centers. One must learn to unite the most unexpected groups and then quickly change their combinations. Thus, a street musician playing several instruments simultaneously performs one of the useful exercises. Dictating to several copyists at the same time is useful. Contrasting movement of the arms is useful. Stoppage of breathing and thinking is useful. One can enumerate a great number of exercises of the will about which it would be fitting to say, "Bees create their hives with patience."

New Era Community (1926) - 244:
244. We often speak to you about the new and the young. Once and for all, We wish it understood that under these concepts is meant not age in years, but newness of consciousness and the youth of striving. Length of beard has no significance, and of no value is the affirmation of being under age. The flame of aspiration does not depend upon the body. The magnet of the primary substance is manifested independently of events taking place. Indeed, the concept of the magnet transcends the physical sphere. Apply the magnet to the psychic domain and you obtain a most valuable observation. The association of ideas has a certain basis in the magnetic wave. If one will investigate the passage of magnetic waves, it will be possible to establish the advancement of ideas in the same direction. The quality of the ideas may be different but the technique of their spreading will be similar. A certain experiment on the connection of the magnet with thinking gives an adequate example of the influence of a physical invisible energy upon the psychic process. The qualities of magnets are diverse; they can be tuned like instruments. The scope of magnetic wave-length is inconceivable. Their reaction on people is not according to age but to psychic aspiration. For distant radiations, magnetic waves serve as an exceptional conductor. Thus, we began with distant horizons and end with the future talk of humanity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 306:
306. The Breath of the Mother of the World, the Giants bearing the burden, and the Redeemers who have accepted the Chalice - these three images were born close to the one law. The accumulation of spatial psychic energy causes shocks in parts of the planet. Those organisms that are attuned to the Breath of the Great Mother resound in response to the explosions of spatial bodies. Can such shocks be regarded as an advantage? It is precisely as when, for the performance of a superb musical creation, one chooses perfectly tuned instruments. Of course, when such instruments are few, the pressure of the currents will fall upon just those few. It is not necessary to prove that it is better to accept the burden of the world than to be detached from the activities of life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 446:
One can see that the main Plan is unvarying. When it is necessary for Us to take some time to recoup Our forces, do not assume that We are about to retreat. It should be understood that We will accelerate events as much as Our forces allow. You must just help Us with a right attitude. Understand that no orchestra conductor can properly produce a symphony if the musical instruments are not tuned. Besides, irritation is but a step back into lower matter. It is better to engage yourselves in useful work. Thus, you will be able to bring closer the predestined events. Indeed, there are certain paths on which one can proceed only with Us.

Hierarchy (1931) - 226:
226. The foci of life should be gathered. Thus is accumulated that quality which is called culture. Culture cannot be created instantaneously. Nor can the foci of life make their appearance like cannon balls. Thus, the manifestations of life demand tuning like the instruments of an orchestra. It would seem that I speak of various subjects, yet they are all nothing but Fire, Energy, Hierarchy!

Hierarchy (1931) - 351:
351. Hierarchy must be adopted as an evolutionary system. To those spirits who have not yet outlived slavery it should be repeated that Hierarchy differs completely from despotism. Even a chimney-sweep must climb to the roof in order to clean the flues. This cannot be done from below. One cannot compose a symphony without one key for all instruments. Many analogies may be quoted, beginning with a jest and finishing with the touching examples of bees, ants, and swans. But the best example for contemporary humanity is the comparison with impersonal chemistry. It is easy to understand that a reaction can take place only under precise conditions. Hierarchy likewise corresponds completely to the astrochemical principles, which even a neophyte of science will not deny. We justly agreed already upon the importance of the discovery of psychic energy; for the coordination of its realization Hierarchy is as indispensable as a helpful chemical process.

Heart (1932) - 129:
129. It is bad to have in the living quarters skins or parts of man-eating animals and other instruments of necromancy. One who has realized the significance of magnetism in the human organism understands how viable are the fluids of the organism and how unnatural is the mixture of the fluids of man with those of animals in various forms; therefore, every form of cannibalism is a festival for the dark forces. Moreover, the bodies in the lower strata of the Subtle World are especially attracted to necromancy.

Heart (1932) - 142:
142. I wanted to show you how, during the division of the spirit, the cosmic pulse becomes stronger. It is impossible to absorb the entire tension of the surrounding energies in the physical body. Only sometimes, for a short period, one can utilize propitious conditions in order to give an idea of the complexity of the surroundings. Only ignorance presupposes a primitive growth of the cosmos! The process of the subtlest interweaving of energies provides the necessary field for investigation, but the chief obstacle lies in impatience and mutual distrust. How can the unrepeatable manifestations be sensed if the one who senses them forgets to give the sign and the investigator does not keep the instruments ready? We advise strongly the construction of a biochemical laboratory, but of course for the purpose of serious and lengthy experiments. All signs here on the heights must be observed with especial attention. Nowhere else are there so many specific conditions assembled; nowhere else is there a coordination of the Highest Ways with the large numbers of people at the base of the mountain. Nowhere else are there such glaciers and underground hot springs. Nowhere else are there such deep canyons or such eruptions of gases and magnetic currents. All broad thoughts must be displayed in order that scientists, even without knowing the essence of psychic energy, may apply their experiments to all the kingdoms of nature. Thus one can find many forgotten treasures and can purify life. Special attention must be paid to psychic energy as the key to the future. Many experiments are carried out on a false track. One must accept the general situation and apply the details to it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 140:
140. Science has already established the existence of particular organisms that can hear distant radio stations without receiving instruments. Indeed, this manifestation of a fiery order discloses paths to realization of the possibility of receiving thought from a distance. If the law of sound waves be understood, it is possible to delve into the same principle. It is fortunate that even the timid contemporary science admits the obviousness of such natural possibilities. But it is deplorable that science does not take the trouble to investigate such individuals. One hears that "with the exception of this phenomenal ability the organism is perfectly normal." This is a most ignorant observation. It means that the physician examined such a phenomenal man as carelessly as he would a recruit before a march. We do not wish to offend the physician, because often there is no place for him to carry out the proper observation. Indeed, the conditions of life render difficult all work of a subtle nature. Try knocking at the door of experimental institutions, and you will be met with an absolutely hostile stream of requirements, which will be beyond the capacity of a seeker. It is necessary to change this situation, otherwise where will it be possible to investigate various evidences of a fiery basis? Try to find the means to investigate necessary manifestations, and you will see how hostile your listeners will be; they will remind you of the Inquisition. As if their task were not to assist that which is highly useful, but to destroy possibilities! Thus it has been, thus it is, and people desire that it should always be so. Otherwise, there would be no Armageddon. One should understand whole-heartedly how many of the subtlest conditions there are that can determine important changes in all of life. Yet how necessary it is to knock for admission, to persist, to submit to derision, in order to reveal that which, it would seem, is open to all. Golgotha is erected by lack of understanding and ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 11:
The Chinese of antiquity tried to reproduce the fiery sounding on string instruments. The Emperor of Fire in his temple had to be accompanied by a fiery sounding. Likewise, the Ruler of the Waters had to be accompanied by crystal instruments,. Of course such refinement is now forgotten, but it indicated a great keenness of observation of the soundings of Nature. It is useful even to remember about such cults based upon the finest vibrations. Verily, not cold reasoning, but the tremor of the heart will bring closer the fiery refinement. Besides, not fire-worship but the veneration of Agni, as the beginning of the link with the Higher World, should be laid into the foundation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 23:
23. Many experiments take place during the flights to high altitudes. Perhaps the investigators understand in the depth of their being that at great altitudes they can find much needed information. But besides physical instruments they must provide themselves with psychic energy; only then will such experiments really give a new conception. It is necessary that the investigators of heights and depths have a psychic training. Only through such a combination will the physical side of the work also acquire a special significance.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 165:
165. The forces of darkness press on by various means, being affirmed in strata which are found to be near to the Light. In the Subtle Spheres this proximity is naturally impossible, but in the earthly strata, where the atmosphere is so thickened with infected gases, the forces of darkness definitely try to come close to the Light. An impulse of destruction impels the forces of darkness to these Torch lights of Truth. The enemies who uplift a sword are not so dangerous as those who penetrate under the mask of Light. There are conscious and unconscious instruments of darkness. At first the unconscious ones create, as it were, in unison with the good, and these bearers of evil infect each pure beginning. But conscious servants of evil enter into the temple with your prayer, and woe to the undiscerning! Dark snares have been laid for them. It is not fitting to admit into the Holy of Holies offenders against the spirit. Djinn can help on the earthly plane, and may even build a temple, but the spiritual plane is inaccessible to them. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the servants of darkness who strive to penetrate into the Holy of Holies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 365:
365. The destruction of the contact with the higher energies actually isolates humanity from the Cosmos. How is it possible to exist in the Cosmos without any comprehension of world evolution? Thus, a conscious relationship to world evolution includes indirectly an understanding of Hierarchy as a life-giving Principle. Precisely, psychism and mediumism turn man away from the Higher Spheres, for the subtle body becomes thus so saturated with lower emanations that the entire being is altered. In reality a most difficult process is contained in purification of consciousness. Man does not precisely differentiate between the fiery state of spirituality and psychism. Thus, we must overcome the terrors of psychism. Actually, the ranks of those instruments are filled with the servants of darkness. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one must contend with psychism.

AUM (1936) - 35:
35. Prayer is exaltation and ecstasy. Self-seeking prayer is a more modern practice. How can man pray for himself? Does not the Higher Wisdom know what a man needs? Prayer is a conduit to the current of Benefaction. The current flows abundantly, but it is necessary to be united with it. One must find in one's own heart a concordance worthy to meet and welcome the highest and the most sacred treasure. Therefore, each prayer for self is incommensurate. Only when religions become instruments of state were they occupied with customary petitions for a fee. Prayer and payment - how incongruous! For this reason so many people have been repelled by the paid service. The very joy of prayer of exaltation takes flight at the clang of metal.

AUM (1936) - 342:
342. Experiments upon psychic energy can be carried out in different surroundings and at different times. Dim light sometimes even promotes the manifestations of the energy, but bright sunlight can complicate an experiment by its own strong chemism. There may also be diversity in the conditions of the premises. Best of all is a room which has been permeated with the radiations of the investigator. Yet each casual object can produce its reaction. One should not keep the objects of observation together, especially during the experiment. Likewise, one should not have around resonant objects and string instruments, which can vibrate to irrelevant activations. The very mood of the observer has a great significance. Irritation and unrest can be of no assistance to useful investigation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 220:
220. Each phase of the Teaching answers a particular need of humanity. The present time is distinguished by the shattering of morality. The help of the Teaching must be directed to the affirmation of moral foundations. The findings of science pursue a path different from the way of life; there results a particular kind of savagery, which is in possession of scientific instruments. A minority of highly enlightened workers stand out as rare islands in an ocean of ignorance. Literacy is by no means enlightenment; therefore, the advice is given to reinforce the heart as the focal point of enlightenment. Scientific and medical indications are given; they ought to help to restore the bodily and spiritual health. The more directly these counsels are accepted, the stronger will be their action. The embryo of enthusiasm grows into a beautiful inspiration. A drop of goodness is transformed into effective good. A grain of love grows into a beautiful garden. Who then would censure a desire to help a neighbor?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 42:
You know about the special musical instruments that are in Our possession. Urusvati has heard them. The refined scale and rhythm of Sister Oriole should be acknowledged as the highest harmony. Often such singing has served to bring peace to the world, and even the servants of darkness have retreated before its harmonies. One should learn how to develop one's own musicality by all possible means.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449:
449. Urusvati knows the apparatuses that We use for the concentration of currents that are to be transmitted. These apparatuses are used whenever possible to preserve psychic energy. Of course, transmission can be accomplished without instruments, but the principle of frugality should always be applied. Indeed, there can be moments of such tension that it is necessary to project a current of energy with urgency. People can sometimes sense such tension, but cannot often determine its source.


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