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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INSTITUTED (6)

New Era Community (1926) - 162:
Once, according to an old legend, there came a messenger from a distant world to give people equality, brotherhood and joy. Long since had people forgotten their songs. They remained in a stupor of hate. The messenger banished darkness and crowdedness, smote infection, and instituted joyful labor. Hatred was stilled, and the sword of the messenger remained on the wall. But all were silent and knew not how to begin singing. Then the messenger assembled the little children, led them into the woods, and said to them "These are your flowers, your brooks, your trees. No one has followed us. I shall rest - and you fill yourselves with joy." Thereupon, timidly they ventured into the forest. At last the littlest one came to a meadow and sighted a ray of the sun. Then a yellow oriole sounded its call. The little one followed it, whispering. And soon joyously he sang out, "The sun is ours!" One by one the children gathered upon the meadow, and a new hymn to Light rang out. The messenger said "Man has again begun to sing. Come is the date!"

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 127:
127. It should not be thought possible to have one universal remedy for illnesses which may have a thousand causes. Special sections of therapeutics can be instituted which will partly correspond to a considerable number of the causes of illness. Thus, it must be understood that a universal expedient is impossible, because the origins of illness are entirely different. Likewise, in the methods of Yoga it is impossible to apply the same means for all. And yet, quite often in lectures and discourses general methods are mentioned, and those present are deluded into thinking that the prescription is for one and all. Only a very attentive scrutiny of the spiritual condition of the individual in question will give the right guidance to the indications for him. It seems very primitive to consider the diversity of organisms, particularly the conditions of the spirit, but mankind so loves panaceas. Still, there is only one panacea - the uplifted consciousness!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 149:
149. When the photographing of auras shall be instituted, it will be possible to see a significant phenomenon. The aura in complete repose will be equal in intensity to the aura in great shock. But on the other hand the waves of the intermediate reactions recall the shaking of a dusty sack. That is why I so protect you from petty waverings and discords. One can picture the gray spots of dissension which, like a canopy, conceal the light of possibilities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 164:
164. Cosmic construction is saturated with all powerful energies. Likewise, constructiveness of the spirit manifests its power by the synthesis of all fires. It is possible to create, saturating the surroundings, only when the heart energies have been kindled. Without these sacred fires it is impossible to affirm the Higher Ethics. The Living Ethics can be instituted as the goal of striving in life, but for this it is necessary to know and to aspire to the higher and subtler understanding. Only subtle spirits can manifest the Living Ethics. The application of principles in life is accomplished by directed action. The empty word leaves a corresponding stratum, but action of the fiery heart evokes and sets alight fires in surrounding hearts. Thus creates the true Agni Yogi.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 318:
318. The present condition of the World corresponds to the stratified sedimentations accumulated by humanity. The manifestation of the conformity can affirm those cycles which are ensuing; in them will be reflected all the expiations of Karma, and each cycle will introduce its new step. Speaking about cycles, let us keep in mind the transference of cosmic conformity. Truly, let us look upon expiation as fiery construction. These cycles will be instituted by three causes - the transmutation of old accumulations, purification of space, and the molding of a great future. The transmutation has begun. And as monsters rise from the bottom of the seas, so is all rubbish rising from the depths of the rabble. In the Furnace of the Cosmos much is being melted down for the useful construction. The efforts at transmutation will attract each Karmic action. The condition of the planet creates an inevitable Karma, woven by the engenderings of humanity. But on the path to the Fiery World it must be kept in mind that the purification of space will bring a great future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 376:
376. The strata which humanity creates, surrounding the planet with them, become more and more congested, because that life which has been instituted on the Earth hinders not only spiritual discharge but also the physical. The conformity between the Worlds in Space thus dependsupon the saturation of these strata. In cosmic space each manifestation calls up an entire chain of effects. And the atmosphere of the Earth forms, as it were, a crust, spotted with dark stains. Knowing how much the Worlds are in need of nourishment by the higher energies, one can imagine the effects of such isolation! Those who stand on Eternal Watch direct the rays of Light, straining all their forces. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of this tension in which the Forces of Light are saving the planet.


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