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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INSTEAD (179)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 128:
Better to pay heavily, the sooner to learn the predestined path. The eye will perceive instead of briars a garden nurtured by love. The heart is aware of the phantoms of the mind, but it knows the truth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 356:
356. Teach My Path. Help people to develop an understanding of man's nature. They will understand the nature of Service. They will understand the joy of the Beautiful. They will understand the simple truths that transform life into a miracle. Our Shield is invisible, Yet by night you can perceive affirmation of the day's hints and whispers. For Us there has not been a more complex time than this, at the changing of races. It is necessary to thriftily use your forces; He is a poor chemist who instead of using a drop empties the bucket. Yes, the invisible battle was never before so great. Now the whole earthly orbit has become involved in it. Regard not lightly the disturbance of the world. Forces are so tense that a torrent of omens is pouring onto the planet. When tomorrow I shall narrate the book about Joy, do not forget about the battle cries!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.7:
2.1.7. The density of matter obstructs each experiment of the spirit. This concerns men as well as the whole of nature. For access to it matter must be melted. In the process of smelting there is produced a specific gas which assimilates with the substance of the spirit. In man, a gas emanates from the nerve centers at each ecstasy of happiness or unhappiness. Thus a laboratory of the spirit is obtained. Therefore, a misfortune is called the visitation of God, but each somnolent existence is death of spirit. In nature, ecstasies manifest as thunderstorms, earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes and floods. A similar laboratory of spirit begins to work. Hence, all sparks of ecstasy are blessed. Molten matter yields to improvement and provides new formulae. Instead of prolonged researches it suffices to reflect the elements in Our mirrors, and then to accumulate new formulae. Then remains the second part of the work: patiently, and in due time, to give them to people. Upon the fires of ecstasy travels Our Ray, seeking admittance into the heart. Where is the happiness or misfortune that has opened the entry? But, contacting molten matter, one senses the pulse of Earth, and the heart must withstand the gravitation. Those who will take part in this work must guard their hearts. Therefore, I say, guard the heart - all else is easy to repair. It represents matter, whereas the nerves are subservient to the spirit. At the knock of the spirit the door of the solar plexus is opened. But each stroke of matter beats upon the heart. Whosoever wishes to come in touch with the formula of matter must guard the heart. Our medicine teaches how to strengthen the heart through breathing; but about this another time.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.2:
There is thought which leads inwardly, leaving the surface of the spirit unruffled, and there is also thought which flies into space as a projectile, carrying an explosive charge. A ray accompanies the flying bullet. Every spirit knows when thought flies like a boomerang. It is especially desirable that the thought be tinted by one's own color. But it is only opened nerve centers that do not give color to the thought, leaving it enwrapped in the color of the person; and then true individuality has begun. Instead of the thought's being colored by its contents, the whole sending is permeated by the color of the individuality. Thus is the ray physically formed.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.3:
Many times have saints returned to Earth because they had conveyed to the crowd too much of their exaltation instead of the structure of life.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11:
When it is not the season for flowers, it is useful to have small pine trees. Like a dynamo they accumulate vitality, and they are more effectual than right breathing. Instead of by ritual breathings one can thus receive a most condensed supply of prana. Of course, a state of rest also increases the action.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.16:
It means that instead of receiving stings and wounds, he is immersed in his own ocean, and alien colors are seemingly absorbed by the accumulations of his aura. But the difficulty of these accumulations is that they cannot be superimposed from without and can be only evoked from within. Therefore, it is a good sign when the flame of the spirit radiates its own color.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
The striving towards a true cooperation lies at the foundation of evolution. Only by the awakening of creativeness may the march of ignorance be destroyed. Though its forms be even monstrous, though the sun be made in a back yard out of chips, still the foaming torrent will break through the walls of matter. New discoveries will stimulate the collecting. Instead of stock market speculation let there be striving for discoveries, supported by cooperative societies.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.15:
One wishes to say: "Dear travelers, look upward. And if instead of clinging to the illusions of Earth you wish to fly farther, then your wings will grow. Instead, you have encumbered by the same miserable hovels the whole astral plane. The same slander, the same illusory smoke, but you forget that your phantoms fume malodorously. The rays of the sun are dimmed by your feasts of dullness. Empty shells create empty shells."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.15:
But imagine if the ghosts were to strive toward the creation of a beautiful movement. Then the rays, instead of only being disinfectant, could be transformed into rays of enlightenment.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.4:
I dislike all bigotry. Let the Ray illumine achievement. Whither shall I send the Ray, if there is wet muslin instead of a shield? Foremost are promptness and firmness of the hand in striking.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.12:
3.4.12. Determination conditions the law of occult facets. Even a stone is cut in facets for the manifestation of the inner fire. Likewise, the path to the Light is divided by clearly discernible lines. Of course, instead of facets one can always make heaps of broken stones, but this is deplorable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.13:
Because of its significance, the circle must be guarded, like any tuned instrument. One should not forget that every action between members of the circle must be circumspect. Everything useful can be turned into an injury, if there be tolerated the throwing of stones into the brother's orchard. And can one know where a foolishly thrown stone will strike? Often the condition of auras deflects the stone and, instead of a foot, it strikes the temple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12:
Can we actually cast the treasure away into space? Indeed, this energy will adhere to the elements from which it has been extracted with such difficulty; and instead of cooperation with evolution there results rubbish, which is subject to a reworking.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
You may ask: "How should one conduct oneself so as not to besmirch the chosen portion?" I can give this advice: Instead of a particle, accept the entire chalice of the Common Good. This will shield you against all impurities. Instead of timorous hesitation, resolve as an experiment to adopt for seven years the plan of the General Welfare. If My advice is poor, you can return later to breeding your cockroaches.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.19:
We have spoken against present-day churches, yet it is inadmissible to speak against the clergy in toto. We knew an excellent Roman Catholic priest, but instead of being given a cardinalship he was transferred to a most wretched parish. We knew an exalted rabbi, but people considered him insane. We knew an enlightened Orthodox priest, but his lot was banishment to a distant monastery. I know of a cultured bishop in America but his life is not an easy one.

New Era Community (1926) - 19:
19. Master the problem of remaining cool throughout the entire Battle. The Battle of Light is just beginning - millions are in it without knowing the final result. But you know, and this knowledge should make you wise and prompt a worthy decision. Your spirit must take wing in the name of Truth. How is it possible to be uplifted by the achievement of the evolution of the World? My Ray carries My request that nothing be done to hinder its light. Instead of wings of achievement it is easy to grow black horns - wings of false reasoning. The dark spirits have black emanations resembling horns.

New Era Community (1926) - 84:
You were told that I would give a third book when the community is accepted. Yet multitudes are not needed by Us; only the consciousness of those who accept are needed by Us. That is why We give the third book Therefore We reiterate about the facets of Truth, and hence We prefer to bless upon birth instead of taking upon Ourselves funeral processions.

New Era Community (1926) - 102:
102. It is necessary to guide the education of a people from the initial instruction of children, from as early an age as possible. The earlier, the better. You may be sure that overfatigue of the brain occurs only from awkwardness. The mother approaching the cradle of her child utters the first formula of instruction "You can do everything." Prohibitions are not needed; even the harmful should not be prohibited. It is better instead to turn the attention simply to the more useful and the more attractive. That tutorage will be best which can enhance the attractiveness of the good. Besides, it is not necessary to mutilate beautiful Images for the sake of an imagined childish non-understanding; do not humiliate the children. Firmly remember that true science is always appealing, brief, precise and beautiful. It is necessary that families possess at least an embryo of understanding of education. After the age of seven years much has been already lost. Usually after the age of three years the organism is full of receptivity. During the first step the hand of the guide must already turn the attention to, and indicate, the far-off worlds. Infinity must be sensed by the young eye. Precisely, the eye must become accustomed to admitting Infinity.

New Era Community (1926) - 149:
149. Maintain a correlation between expansion and strengthening. Remember, not only the leap but also the retention of the new ground. Many examples may be cited wherein expansion resulted in no possibilities. Naturally, we must understand expansion in regard to the consciousness. If a victory of the consciousness be not consolidated technically, then instead of an even light the consciousness will become filled with sharp, painful sparks. As in all life, it is necessary to understand the moment of assimilation. Man, living fully, begins to notice, as it were, a pulsation of his experiences. This pulsation proceeds apart from the quantity of labors and apart from external impulses. It is necessary to safeguard this pulsation inwardly and not attribute it to overfatigue or to an accidental effect. In these moments the consciousness becomes accustomed to some new acquisition. Through inexperience people often begin to be alarmed by a temporary silence of the consciousness, but such a consolidation leads to the next leap. During such a period of assimilation of the consciousness do not disturb it with problems. The butterfly is making ready new multicolored wings - do not harm the cocoon.

New Era Community (1926) - 185:
185. What to consider a manifestation of work is a difficult question. We know that the answer is in the quality, and not in volume and quantity. But new people often do not see the quality, and for them the sign of external volume overshadows the substance. Because of light-mindedness they are occupied with blowing bubbles, and then take the rainbow of decomposition for the light of illumination. Even sufficiently experienced minds are busying themselves with mechanical calculations instead of confronting the substance. How to tell them that only quality will illumine and affirm them? Distinguish great works from corpses.

New Era Community (1926) - 196:
196. Manifestations must be accepted in full reality. For materialists this condition is especially obligatory. But indeed, materialists more than others tint various manifestations with their own color, thus impeding the evolutionary process. Us, as experienced Builders - realists, can see the harm of intolerance, based on the coarsest ignorance. Where then is reality when thinking is constrained? Instead of a thousand formulas only five are known! Affirmation becomes distortion if beforehand a stereotype of conventionalities has been forged. The smile of knowledge breaks open the flood-gate of deliberate obstruction. The builder cannot have fantasies about the ground under the building. Such an attitude is criminal, since the material point of view gives unlimited lawful possibilities.

New Era Community (1926) - 234:
One may speak today about the hero instead of about mechanics. Let children call themselves heroes and apply to themselves the qualities of remarkable people. Let them be given books of clear account, wherein the faces of toil and of will have been depicted without any soft coatings. Even for medicinal purposes this valiant call of life is irreplaceable.

New Era Community (1926) - 243:
I advise him who wishes to reach Our Community to add to his knowledge. After the general school education, the people of the West usually forsake knowledge, or else they draw out from knowledge a tenuous thread of specialization instead of weaving the whole network of the catch.

New Era Community (1926) - 253:
Thus, a case known to you could have taught you how necessary is the study and application of psychic energy. A wave of psychic energy would have restored vitality and bestowed a new joy of being. But for this it is needful to be conscious of psychic energy, that is, to enter into the rhythm of evolution. Instead of that, the sick are stuffed with mixtures and potions. There where help would be easy they begin to prepare submissively for death.

New Era Community (1926) - 261:
261. In the life of every association there may occur a situation wherein a development in one certain direction may bring harmful results. Then the guiding leader must find a path of new tasks, broad enough to absorb the friction. Let us not call the friction rivalry or worse names. In dangerous straits ships go in single file; likewise, in the development of the community there may be need to disconnect the movement of the participants. Instead of possible harm, there may result an acquirement of new domains. When the muscles swell out, know how to provide an outlet for the energy. If crowding of movement is not forestalled, then dissention is assured.

New Era Community (1926) - 261:
Manifestation of diversity of tasks is indispensable, otherwise the forces of the growing consciousnesses will collide. It depends upon the leader to avoid turning useful forces into a jar of scorpions. Fortunately, there are so many current tasks that it is not difficult to direct the forces to an urgent problem. Often the growth of forces is confused with antagonism. Often instead of calm application of a possibility, the coals of hatred are fanned.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 126:
The very rare threads of light from the far-off worlds are generally applied to routine, instead of being used for the solution of world problems. Therefore, with trembling heart, embracing all, approach world tasks. Through the crevices of catastrophe sense the tremors of Earth, and by the rocks of upheaval ascend the sphere of world understanding.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 152:
152. The more perfect the spirit, the more infallibly it understands the deep suffering of earthly life. And yet I myself speak again and again about joy, the joy that lies in the realization of the far-off worlds. Let us take a simple example. Through the darkness of night your carriage rushes homeward. The pouring rain should depress you, but instead your spirit is jubilant. Why? You know that your home is near and that the darkness and rain do not keep you from discerning those close to your heart.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
Those who seek Yoga only for their health should instead partake of a glass of wine and discuss lofty ideas without applying them to life. For the health of a yogi rises and falls like the wings of a soaring eagle. The eye of the yogi sees like the eagle's eye, which you already know. The calm of the yogi is like the tensed power of the ocean.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 233:
233. One should not seek afar that which is near. What irreparable harm to humanity results from the extensive searches into magic! Instead of working to improve their consciousness, seekers limit themselves to repeating formulas of others, without any knowledge of their meaning and rhythm.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 259:
It is precisely the inert, stillborn desires that become the chains of bondage for humanity. It is people who chain themselves with such bonds. Either incaution or the karma of others brings on the infection of desire, and a person, instead of progressing, loses all ability to change.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 311:
This sowing is needed by Us and We know that these seeds cannot be lost, for whatever exists cannot be destroyed. We are not greatly interested in the changeability of form, for the seed is unchangeable. Such an unchangeable seed lies in each being. Even negative actions do not prevent Us from remembering that the seed is the same everywhere. And this awareness makes Us tolerant. It is evident to Us that discordance is usually simply the result of conflict of rhythm. Of course, this lack of correlation prevents the unification of psychic energy within groups. It is precisely the group energy that makes possible the utilization of the rays without the annihilation or burning of forces. Vampirism, to a considerable degree, can be attributed to a conflict of rhythm, which results in devouring instead of cooperation. Therefore, learn to recognize those whose waves are not harmful to you, even if superficially they appear to be from the soul of an alien race.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 321:
321. Invocations and incantations can of course help in attuning oneself to the spatial rhythm, but the law of evolution presumes a more direct contact of the human consciousness with the cosmic one. Instead of the rhythm of magic formulas one should comprehend the fiery seed of the spirit and silently build the bond linking the fire of one's spirit with the Fire of Space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 363:
Why do we measure the pressure of the atmosphere, but never pay attention to other factors that affect the moods of people? Life is built by such moods. Enough people exist who are sufficiently sensitive, but instead of benefitting from them, the world too readily treats them with disdain and superstition. Sad ignorance impedes the application in life of these other energies, which are knocking at the window. It is time to understand the true source of collective striving, by which people find upliftment or downfall.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 540:
540. True, people make contact with many kinds of energy, but in most cases in a very limited way, and they experience only one aspect of the energy. Out of this limitation can arise many dangers. For example, universal electrification is of benefit to civilization, but since people approach it too one-sidedly, the artificial saturation of space by electricity may cause dangers. One can receive discharges of considerable strength in places highly charged with electricity. But if the cause is intensified so also will be the effects. Thus, instead of just a powerful discharge, mass destruction can occur. Likewise, one can envision the overfilling of space with currents of many kinds of energy, causing most unexpected disturbances in life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 585:
585. It is right to desire to explore the foundations of Vedic medicine. In spite of the later changes, the essence of the Vedic medicine remains useful. To each searching investigator the very logic of this medicine provides new perceptions of the properties of plant extracts. Instead of a crude listing of plants and other products of nature, precise information about the properties of the various parts of plants and the conditions of their use leads to more exact conclusions. Attention must also be paid to the conditions of cosmic chemistry. Coming from the most ancient times, these conclusions can bring joy to the present-day observer.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 607:
607. If, instead of having recourse to courts and prosecutions, people would apply psychic energy, the incurable disease of crime would become a mere matter of ordinary investigation. Physicians should look into this as a stage of obsession. Applying psychic energy without changing one's customary understanding of crime would be harmful.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 9:
One must study not the customs of peoples but the substance of consciousness. When we will train ourselves to sense the current of Infinity, then people, instead of praying, will command the elements. Instead of "God working for us," we, through our own labor and psychic energy, will help ourselves.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 11:
Builders for today, realize that you build for the whirlwind of destruction! How huge are your undertakings! How useless your castles! How vast your expenditures! How revealing is your inability to advance into the chain of actions! But let us look upon those who walk straight, who affirm the beauty of Infinity. Instead of faint-heartedness, which denies the reactions of Space, we shall see the keenness of attainment, the beauty of striving, and the grandeur of achievement. Therefore, let us say, "Limitless are the cosmic manifestations!"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 13:
You accept simply the rotation of the seasons of the year and await the fruit of the rhythm of nature. You prospect ore-beds; you build dams for electricity. Turn instead to the buried treasure of the invisible spheres, and direct yourselves toward a creation manifested beyond the limits of your comprehension. Vast is the field of labor! Therefore, perceive and enter into the rhythm of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 99:
99. The creativeness of Infinity on the far-off worlds manifests the most varied combinations. Each element, when combining with a kindred element has at hand all factors required for the best combination. Instead of proceeding by way of laboratory explosions, rays will transform everything.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 118:
Centuries have been required for the filling of the clefts which have rent the Earth; instead of new stratifications, it has been necessary to fill in the earthly stronghold. Much did the Lords refill and much did the people destroy. By this principle of alternating construction and destruction, humanity advances in evolution. Realization of Infinity will lend progress to the consciousness, and humanity will advance!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 211:
If people would reflect upon the law of psycho-life, which has the fire of the seed of the spirit as its premise, it would be possible to affirm the evidence of the priceless pearl which each one carries within. And, instead of striving toward external aspects, people would then strive for the treasure of psycho-life.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 60:
60. One should seek Truth beyond the boundaries of human understanding. The destruction of the broad fields of vision, the cosmic, has not led to progress. When thought dwelt in the lower sphere, the striving manifested was in conformity with the scope of this sphere. When instead of a striving for expansion there was substituted the striving toward a limited sphere, that of the visible, the horizon indeed was narrowed. Cosmic creativeness aggregates its manifested forms according to expressed affinity. The attraction of correlated particles by the Magnet corresponds to the sphere of the spirit. You spoke correctly about the spheres saturated by the spirit. Only when spiritual striving leads to the realization of the nature of the dimensions of various spheres is the realization of the higher worlds affirmed. One may join in evolution limitlessly.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 119:
119. Each action is strained by the lever of spirit and the lever of heart. Cosmic creativeness expresses forms by these levers. In Cosmos, the lever of the spirit is the consciousness of Materia Lucida, and the lever of the heart is the same manifested symbol of attraction. How greatly humanity has deviated from the great principle of the creative Magnet! Man has accepted the center of the creative impulse as his Ego, and the action of the Ego absorbs all tensions. Thus, instead of a cosmic action there results a focus of egotism. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes cooperation. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes striving to the far-off worlds. The focal point of the Ego, rejecting all ordinances of Cosmos, generates causes which affirm the manifestation of isolation. Cosmos attracts dates which are identical with the direction of the Cosmic Magnet. The core of the Ego proceeds in isolation. The creativeness of Cosmos manifests boundless cooperation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 149:
149. It is most difficult for humanity to accept the law of the Cosmic Magnet because it is difficult for the spirit to get accustomed to the path of universal energy. The fluctuations of the spirit create a peculiar track, and instead of universal striving the spirit writes the page of the visible only.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 221:
221. When striving leads toward the Cosmic Magnet, the course of the spirit is imbued with Fire. The so-called errant strivings create so much destructive karma! When the spirit breaks its karma into parts directed to different spheres instead of utilizing the channel directed by the Magnet, this spirit must pass through many steps. When the direction is in line with the Cosmic Magnet, the striving proceeds by the steps of evolution. Thus, the nations which are in step with the Cosmic Magnet approach the higher striving.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 263:
263. In the World Community all spiritual impulses are acutely expressed. Thus, Our affirmed Source expresses the equilibrium of the Cosmic Magnet. The World Community is perverted by humanity, and instead of cooperation humanity establishes power by domination. The creativity of humanity produces only encumbrances. Therefore, an indestructible path is laid. The Brothers of Humanity, who bring help to mankind, verily imbue the space with the creativeness of Fire.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 391:
391. The Cosmic Consciousness is reflected in all world structures. Only humanity is limited by inability to admit the integrity of existence. All points touch each other in Cosmos, A cycle of life lives in the limitless Cycle of Cosmos. The cosmic ray is diffused throughout Space. Only the human ray limits its spheres. Instead of reflecting in its spirit the entire manifested Be-ness, humanity steeps itself in the conception of a limited world. There is not division in Cosmos and the chain of events is closely linked throughout all planes. Hence, the cosmic perturbations and spiritual shiftings proceed in parallel. Thus, there is cycle within cycle; and in these limitless shifting planes the human karma flows toward the affirmation of Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 10:
Let us find the reflection of the Cosmos in the great principle of construction and fusion. When the Brothers of Humanity feel sorrow over the Image in which they are held by the human consciousness, they can only say, "You are building your hypotheses upon apparent phantoms. We are only phantoms for humanity! When the spirit affirms Our Flaming Existence, then, instead of phantoms, We shall become the Fiery Warriors."

Hierarchy (1931) - 168:
168. There exists a misconception that the dark ones, being the antithesis of Light, are therefore unavoidable - this is erroneous. Darkness, the antithesis of Light, is nothing but unmanifested Chaos. The dark ones denigrate the manifestation of the combat of the creative Light against Chaos. It would be a sufficient task for humanity to make Chaos manifest and in that great battle to cooperate with the Great Spirits. But the dark ones have reduced the mastery of unbridled elements to the egoism of rebels and have begun to call forth Chaos instead of transmuting it into a working force. This crime is great, and the desire to extinguish Light cannot be considered an antithesis. The creative vanquishing of Chaos, or the "Dragon," is a constant achievement. But the battle with the dark ones is only a convulsion, impeding motion. The darkness of Chaos may be considered as a means for mental creativeness. However, the combat with the hierarchy of the dark ones is only a lost date, so needed for construction. Moreover, the dark ones constantly arouse mighty elements, not knowing, of course, how to master them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 349:
349. Life-activity is sustained by the subtle energies of the organism. People get accustomed with difficulty to the realization of the subtle energies and to the activity of all the imperceptible forces. Hence a great disunion with Cosmos occurs, and the physical body is greatly limited by the basic properties of matter instead of developing the subtlety of receptivity. People sense so little the vibrations of cosmic forces, and they display little discrimination as to where is contained subtle cognizance! A spirit striving to the highest spheres knows that a magnetic bond exists between the subtle energies and manifests concordance with all spatial pressures. Thus, the new generation must be brought up on the understanding of the subtle energies, for the vibrations of space are nearing Earth, and the affirmation of the New Epoch will bring the shifting of many manifestations. Thus the subtle bodies will assimilate all the energies that are sent.

Hierarchy (1931) - 419:
419. You have witnessed many magic methods, and finally you have come to the understanding of the magnet of the heart and to the realization of psychic energy. Indeed, why is a substitute needed if one can receive the might of the Source itself? Many accumulations are accepted by humanity instead of striving to the Higher World. People presume that it is easier to reiterate the unrealized formulas than to cognize that which is the closest to the human essence. Striving upward is not natural to men when the spirit suffers. But is it not better to substitute higher striving for suffering?

Heart (1932) - 22:
22. Advise to develop thinking and observation. The heart cannot fulfill its destination if instead of a thought there are fleas and instead of observation, a mole. With such fellow travelers one will not go far! Now is the very time to deepen the trend of thought, else the masses will not find an application for the treasures received. Overproduction is the sign of a trivial trend of thought and a lack of observation. It is said that schools should introduce hours for training in observation and thinking. The heart cannot be nurtured externally only, it must be supported also by earthly strivings. Firmness of striving will be attained also by sharpness of cognizance.

Heart (1932) - 30:
30. Why do so many experiments remain without result? First of all, on account of impatience and the lack of desire to assume responsibility. Sometimes We are reproached that help did not come in time. But instead of a reproach, the one who asked should remember how prematurely he deviated or considered the load excessive. We deplore it greatly when we see faint-hearted deviations or an unwillingness to place oneself on the edge of a precipice. But how to strain the energy if not by an extreme situation? Such situations ought only to be considered not as the end, but as the beginning. Likewise, exercising patience, it is useful to acquire a conception of beginning. For some, everything is definitely an end, but for Our pupils everything is a beginning.

Heart (1932) - 61:
61. One must live through the hour that is called "The Dragon of the Threshold." We call that hour "the tearing of the veil." Thus We define when darkness plans to tear the veil but instead only discloses the distances. But courage is needed, because how otherwise shall be disclosed the accumulation of courage?

Heart (1932) - 85:
85. Freedom is valuable for the guarding of personality, for the individualization of the attracted energies. But it is freedom, exactly, that becomes the most perverted conception. Life becomes filled with tyranny and slavery instead of freedom, precisely the qualities that exclude cooperation and respect for personality; thus, some people succeed in planning their existence exclusively out of a special combination of tyranny and slavery. Of course, people repeat about freedom without even knowing its specific qualities. Freedom should affirm itself in them by the upliftment of consciousness. Intense searches for freedom show that the spirit potentially strives toward new ascents, yet no one has taught it how to apply this treasure.

Heart (1932) - 106:
Also, why are women often awakened to the Subtle World? Because the work of the heart is most subtle, and thus transcendentalism appears easier for them. Verily, the Era of the Mother of the World is based upon realization of the heart. It is precisely woman alone who can solve the problem of the two worlds. Thus, one can summon woman to understanding through the heart. That will also be useful, primarily because the quality of the heart is eternal. Already there are many heroic deeds among women, but now instead of the stake woman has been accorded the flame of the heart. Let us not forget that for each important achievement the Feminine Principle is essential as a foundation and essence. The heart cannot open to the Subtle World if it is not understood through a special achievement.

Heart (1932) - 130:
130. The most majestic experiments are reduced to the jests of fakirs who instead of inducing the growth of a mango by the power of thought deftly attach the fruit to the branch. Similarly degraded are the better human achievements, but We shall continue on the basic path in order not to infringe upon the law of Existence.

Heart (1932) - 139:
139. The coming era must free humanity from all slavery. This can be attained by Hierarchic cooperation. We shall not tire of reiterating about cooperation. The significance of the all-embracing heart cannot be realized if, instead of cooperation, one dreams of various kinds of slavery. Thus, during the study of magnetic currents, let us determine that the realization of cooperation increases tenfold the might of all binding currents. It may seem strange that an ethical concept of cooperation should react on a physical concept of currents. Someone who is unaware of true science may think thus. But you are sufficiently aware of how inseparable is the domain of spirit from physical laws.

Heart (1932) - 170:
170. When one wishes to make a speech in an unknown language, it is unwise to prepare oneself only on the preceding eve. If one desires to come out with a new instrument, it is unwise to prepare oneself on the eve of one's appearance. If one wants to cross into the Subtle World, it is unwise to begin preparations on the preceding eve. It is terrible when a man who during his entire life has turned away from thought about the Subtle World begins like a negligent pupil dimly to repeat the unrealized words only on the eve of crossing. The fact of the inevitable crossing is announced by all Teachings. It is said, "We shall not die, but change." It is impossible to speak more briefly, it is impossible to speak more affirmatively. It means that one must know the language of the Subtle World; it means that one has to acquire the right of entrance in complete consciousness, but this is impossible to attain on the eve before. One may begin to instill horror instead of joy, and thus violate the law of life. But, as you know, the best conductor is the flaming heart. With such an inextinguishable lamp it is not terrifying to cross the skies and meet the Guiding Ones.

Heart (1932) - 196:
196. Imagination is the result of the accumulation of experiences. This is sufficiently known. But there may be vast accumulation, and instead of imagination there will nevertheless be evidenced only lustful desires and irritation. Affirm that imagination cannot form itself without the participation of the heart. Hence, inner or outer creators will be those who have wisely correlated the accumulations with a manifestation of the fires of the heart. Thus one should tell all children in all schools, in order that not even one tenet of the Teaching might become abstract. You yourself also see how logically the manifestation of spirit is developed. You know how first, the fiery sword glows completing the aura, but afterwards it penetrates the entire being. The symbol of a sword corresponds especially to the Great Battle, when all spiritual forces gather under the Banners of the Lords of Light. Similarly strengthened with this hour is the red-golden light, which thus is closer to the golden sediments of prana. All the forces are signified in the flaming heart.

Heart (1932) - 255:
255. You know that the living fire is the most disinfectant remedy, but the nature of fire is the same in all manifestations. The fire of the heart will be a high manifestation of fire; this means that this fire will be the best purifier and protector. Therefore, instead of various dubious and often poisonous antiseptic prescriptions, it is much better not only to have the fire of the hearth, but also to kindle the fires of the heart. It can be proved to what an extent the fires of the heart fight serious illness. Thus, our contemporary physicians will sooner or later have to pay attention to all states of the fires. By barking at the truths, long since known, physicians will not reach the panacea.

Heart (1932) - 269:
269. But instead of the Subtle World let us vigilantly watch the crude manifestations. Let us not imagine that we are immune against all attempts. We ourselves are the constant objects of attacks. The difference is only that each one meets an opponent commensurate with his forces. But the dark ones utilize every case to attack and strike through their devices.

Heart (1932) - 315:
315. Calmness is the equilibrium of tension. The unification of consciousness is, first of all, the preservation of energy. This important rule is usually forgotten. When, instead of limited physiology, psycho-physiology shall be introduced, everyone will be able to understand what significance the economy of energy has.

Heart (1932) - 332:
332. The Subtle World has many varied confirmations of the earthly world. Even a prototype of the seasons of the year passes in accordance with the consciousness of the Subtle World. Therefore, the images of plants or mountains, or the surface of waters are not foreign to the Subtle World, of course in a transformed condition. The heart that knows the Subtle World knows flowers and mountains, and snows, and the seas. Flowers thrive in a richness of forms, and their colors are indescribably more complex than the colors of Earth; the snows are whiter and more crystalline and richer than those of Earth. One can begin to discern a complete structure of the Higher World, thus, the man who has stored up a clear and benevolent consciousness on Earth will also be a good builder in the Subtle World. Instead of monstrosities, he will bring with him beautiful proportions and the rhythm which correspond to the magnificence of the Infinite. Is the duty of the spirit so excessive if the spirit has perfected the heart? Only the light-bearing consciousness of the heart will carry the subtle body into the higher realms. Thus, everyone who prepares his heart and uplifts the hearts of his near ones already creates the will of Him who sent him! When it is asked if the heart is not a balloon since it can rise aloft, say that the jest is not far from the truth. Verily, the energy of the heart is so remarkably like helium and other of the finest gasses, that it is not far from the spiritual truth to imagine the ascension of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 343:
343. The fiery body may sometimes evidence itself even through a physical shell. Thus, under a certain tension of the manifestations of the Fire of Space, the fiery body seemingly begins to radiate in small fires over the surface of the physical body. This subtle fiery condition can rarely be seen. Not only is the eye unable to assimilate these tiny lights but the very power of the glance seemingly quenches these subtle flashes. Cosmic manifestations, such as volcanic eruptions and other fiery manifestations, contribute to the phenomena of the fiery body. This manifestation has nothing in common with the fires of the aura or with external fires, such as the fires of St. Elm. Today Urusvati became aware of the flames of the fiery body. Cosmic destructions, instead of pains, gave indications to the fiery body. Thus the symptoms of intercourse with the cosmic manifestations were multiplied. Eruptions in the microcosm can evoke eruption of the glands, but may also call forth the fires of the fiery body.

Heart (1932) - 369:
369. I already spoke of the significance of harmonized work, through which even machines do not wear away. One can imagine the beneficent energy emitted by a united work. Astonishing observations can be made by gathering harmonized consciousness into groups. States should have considered such classifications of labor according to consciousness. Such subdividing could create the best page of political economy. Thus, instead of imitations of antiquated dogmas, the essence of action should be approached.

Heart (1932) - 374:
374. Mercy, compassion, pity, love, and all benevolent strivings so indicated by Us - are they not wondrous ways of intercourse with the highest energies? One should become accustomed to regard these resplendent qualities as actual methods connecting one with the highest worlds. Lacking these qualities, all astrochemistry will be astrovenom. From time immemorial alchemists understood the significance of the light-bearing unifying substance that emanates from the heart. Because the heart emanations continuously create the luminous substance which we term the very essence of psychic energy. Of course, the opposite side also tries to solve this problem in its own way. But, instead of the luminous creation by the heart, they seek for creation by sperm and this means they also try to find the unifying substance. I will not repeat its name; the sorcerers of the first three degrees utilize the sperm substance for unifying with the spatial energies. It is not worth explaining that their violent measures are not sufficiently strong and are of long process. They are not to be compared with the fire of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 443:
443. Very often these counterblows were witnessed. They can be compared very clearly with the physical condition of the enemy. By these counterblows the most susceptible spots of the attacker are affected. Herein is also explained the difference in periods of effects. Truly, instead of swallowing medicines one should often annihilate the traces of malice. Thus, the decree, "Do not wish evil upon the Blessed One," has a practical, almost curative significance.

Heart (1932) - 486:
486. There is also danger when the Indication is not executed immediately. Even in daily life if we ask someone to step aside, instead of doing so, he will invariably ask the reason, or at best he will look back and allow the stone to fall on his head. It is the same with unsuccessful disciples. Their hearts will be silent where one should act immediately. This is also harmful for the heart itself, for what could be more destructive than unexecuted commands of the heart? Though the heart be silent, it does not mean that in its depth the telegraphic code is not accepted. This is as dangerous as obscuring the heart by reason! How many hearts have stopped owing to the tension of unexecuted commands! The conflict between heart and reason is the saddest page of humanity.

Heart (1932) - 494:
494. You want salvation and success, but for this there must be unity in action. It is necessary to understand how destructive is each interception of the rhythm. For a decade I have prepared for this hour of battle. Tell the disobedient that a violation of the thread is analogous to falling away from the Lord. Now especially, let us remember it with finality. It is now necessary speedily to cross many bridges, and the treasure must not be squandered! We demand, at least at this time, that the present should be realized as unprecedented, otherwise, instead of the brilliant victory, one may be hurled to ruin. We guide you to victory and no one has the right to impede Us! The dark ones will now act through unworthy pettiness, but solemnity can easily be tempered precisely upon them.

Heart (1932) - 524:
524. People do not want to imagine how many dangers take place around them. How many times the Highest Forces and participants in the Subtle World have saved them! But mankind assumes that if the day has passed nothing has threatened. Such a trend of thought deadens the embryo of the sense of gratitude, yet without this feeling humanity cannot succeed. Instead of gratitude a demand appears and then a threat. But one cannot cross by a threat, just as one cannot do so on nettles. Pitiful are the threats against the Highest Powers! There is nothing more disintegrating than threats. The heart withers from the dust of threats.

Heart (1932) - 535:
535. Observation of the heart must begin from childhood. In this way one can become aware of certain periods when the spirit gradually takes possession of the body. Likewise, through constant observation one can perceive how the proximity of beings from the Subtle World influences the heart. Many unexplainable heartbeats are of course due to the influence of the Subtle World. Many cessations of the pulse can recall the danger of obsession. Many tremors of the pulse are characteristic even from the age of seven, they reveal the completion of the entry of the spirit. Such evidence should have been known to physicians long ago, but instead of observation they begin to apply all sorts of narcotics, laying the foundation for an early destruction of the intellect. Thus, one should not inflict coarse ignorant measures upon the heart. It should be remembered that if the heart is the mediator of the highest worlds, then the methods for sustaining the heart must be refined. It is unwise to pity the coarsening of humanity and neglect the care of its chief organ. The heart of humanity is sick. First of all, one must render healthy the sphere of the heart, certainly, if the people with to avoid a catastrophe.

Heart (1932) - 539:
539. You already know why the magnet was placed above the crown of the head. But one should not forget the ancient treatment of the heart by a magnet, also the strengthening of the nerves and the knowledge of magnetizing them according to the flow of nerve substance. These old remedies should be closely examined; above all, they correspond to the gradual realization of rays and currents. Of course, not only do the magnetic properties of metals effect powerful reactions but many other properties as well respond to the mineral basis of our organism. The laying of metals themselves upon the body produces a strong reaction. Naturally, the special properties of different skins should be taken into consideration. Fatty skin precipitations can greatly prevent subtle reactions; therefore, in antiquity efforts were made to destroy the fatty precipitations. Actually, the vegetable oils for massaging have nothing in common with the fatty precipitations of the body. On the contrary, the vegetable oil dissolves the fat together with its poisons. Thus it can be observed that in antiquity the hygiene of the body at times was at a higher level than in contemporary days. The ancients distinguished the mineral properties of water for their ablutions, but at present one scarcely pays attention to them. One would probably laugh now if it were recalled that entirely different fragrances were applied to the crown of the head, the region of the heart, and even to the extremities. A refined understanding of the needs of the body safeguarded many generations. For instance, it can be recalled how solicitously the Egyptians treated the condition of pregnancy. Now people rarely study the tastes or the strange demands of pregnant women. But formerly, at the inception of pregnancy the temple physicians defined the necessary mineral and vegetable reactions according to astrological data. Thus the labor itself was eased considerably. But now, instead of wise preliminary measures people apply coarse narcotics, not desiring to understand that the bond has not yet been severed with the child. The heart of the mother is at times very strained, and each narcotic reacts upon the milk - thus, nature is in need of corresponding reactions.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 21:
21. The human eye does not see the most powerful electric vibrations. The same is true with regard to fiery gradations. Incidentally, this circumstance always hinders the Teaching of Fire. The smaller manifestations of fiery energies will be sensed, and thus admitted, but higher and more refined manifestations will become imperceptible to the modern apparatus, and to the consciousness which has not karmically approached the element of fire. But contemporaries do not readily admit the imperfection of the apparatus and especially their own inexperience. The lack of such acknowledgement becomes a great obstacle, and instead of moving forward valuable time must be spent in instilling an understanding of the nature of Fire. However, during these reiterations about the concept of Fire, a useful accumulation takes place, which will be indelibly inscribed upon the brain. Whatever is done, at least let those who cannot assimilate through the heart perceive through the brain. Our duty is to proffer the shortest paths, but patience will be found to follow the longest roads also. The chief requisite is steadfastness, when in your heart you yourself know that there is no other way; therefore The Subtle World is achieved only by means of Fire. Thus, knowledge of our essential nature is not only in knowing but also in sensing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 120:
120. The use of alcohol and opium are ugly attempts to approach the Fiery World. If Samadhi is a natural manifestation of Higher Fire, then the flame of alcohol is a destroyer of Fire. True, narcotics evoke illusions of a fiery approach, but actually they will remain for a long time as obstacles to the mastery of the true energy of Agni. Nothing brings such misery later, in the Subtle World, as do these unnatural attempts to evoke Fire without a fitting purification. One may imagine that in the Subtle World a drunkard not only is tormented by craving for alcohol but suffers still more from unnaturally manifested Fire, which, instead of strengthening him, consumes the tissues prematurely. The combustion of the subtle body is accomplished quite differently during its transition into the Fiery World; it bursts into flame like an outworn envelope, accompanied by a feeling of liberation. But, like everything in nature, this must be accomplished only in accordance with the basic law, and it does not tolerate violation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 157:
157. Toward what shall we strive, to the finite or the infinite? The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date, but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. In the worlds of limited sojourn the fiery armor is acquired. The earthly world is like an impasse - either ascent or destruction. Even the Subtle World will not satisfy a striving spirit; all the other lives are only preparations for the all-encompassing Fiery World. A weak spirit is terrified by the distance to the Fiery World, but the spirits in which ascent is innate can only rejoice. The physical forms are beautiful, but the music of the spheres is incomparable. Yet beyond this subtle illumination is displayed the Fiery Grandeur. Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above, yet it is the grossest manifestation of the atmosphere. The earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the fiery radiance. Those who have entered the Fiery World cannot breathe the air of Earth. Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find a symbol of this fiery ascent. St. Sergius received the fiery sacrament. Thus, graphically is the sign of the higher possibility given. The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union. Many dangerous chemical combinations will cause consternation. Precisely the encumbrances in the Subtle World can indicate how sick the planet is. Since this danger has become obvious, it is Our duty to forewarn.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 228:
228. During the investigation of loss of weight, the laying on of hands is used, just as during increase of weight; this means that the hands transmit certain fiery energy. But this will be only a certain fiery step, the next one will be transmission of the same energy by means of the glance, in which the question of distance will be secondary. Thus it is possible to increase or diminish the weight of an object at a distance. In truth, would it not be a pleasing occupation for a merchant! Therefore it is well that the manifestation of such energies is not common in the present state of humanity. It is possible to point out many experiments that can alleviate everyday earthly life; but, actually, people would make use of them for increasing the number of killings. Meanwhile the fiery energies are knocking at their prison doors. The date is coming when they will either be applied intelligently or they will pour forth as fiery sicknesses or cosmic cataclysms. Three alternatives lie before humanity. It remains for it to choose one according to the state of its consciousness. Freedom of choice is always given. No one can deny that before the disaster of a world war a great number of warnings were given. Even not very far-sighted people observed them, but madness blinded the majority. This manifestation was before the eyes of the living generations, yet their circumspection was not increased. Ten million victims crowded the strata of the Subtle World. People prayed for killing but did not think about atonement for the violation of the law of Existence! Instead of intelligent understanding, people are ready for new killings; they do not reflect that fiery energies will flood the planet as a natural effect of the law of nature. Thus, in the "Fiery Book" it is necessary to write for those few who are willing to think about the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 323:
323. Your judgment is correct in regard to the need for an exodus from the festering cities and for a proportionate distribution of the population of the planet. If humanity is fundamentally a fire-bearer, is it possible not to understand how very necessary is the wise distribution of this element? It must be understood that the illness of the planet depends to a great extent upon human balance. One should not abandon vast spaces and gather in fratricidal congestion on infected and blood-soaked sites. Not by accident did the ancient chieftains found their camps on virgin sites. Today, science itself favors the normal peopling of free spaces. None will be forgotten or excluded, and the very forces of nature, called into cooperation, will render healthful Earth's diseased condition. Then only may one hope that labor will be valued, and that, instead of hired laborers, co-workers will be born. People's thinking will also undergo a reformation when the focus of thought is directed to an even distribution of labor over the entire face of Earth. One should regard this as a guarantee of the only solution. Otherwise people will only shake off the yoke, not finding the Truth that dwells in their hearts. Fiery is this Truth!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 362:
362. You have read about the epidemic of hearing voices. The organism acts like a radio receiver. Such acute sensitivity could have been of use, but the trouble is that while certain precise cosmic dates draw near, human consciousness lags far behind. Therefore, instead of a beneficial result, there is a harmful one, contributing to obsession. Many such abnormalities occur also in other domains when the consciousness, strangled by mechanization, drowns in madness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 390:
390. Blindness in the Subtle World is dreadful. Imagine yourself entering a half-darkened house, in the corners of which lurk indistinguishable images, all intermingled, and surrounded by indistinct spots. Even where no particular monsters exist, he who is blind and malicious will see horrible shapes. Actually, instead of Fiery Beings, he will vaguely discern two or three sparks which will have no meaning for him. Thus, one should lift oneself away from earthly concepts up to the far-off worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 431:
431. It can be observed that the manifestations of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds are unexpected. What, then, does it mean that by expectation we often, as it were, impede a manifestation? By this is proved the difference between physical and fiery energies. Physical energies often underlie so-called expectations. They begin to fall into forced ideas, and thus, instead of helping, obstruct the subtle approach. Through their effort of expectation people unconsciously begin to prescribe even the form and place of the vision, and thus harmful cross-currents are bound to result.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 515:
515. Nations hope to make up for the lack of Agni by crude violence; but no force, crude and low, can kindle the Fire of Light. One can observe an unprecedented obduracy coincident with the decline of Agni in the hearts of men. Is it not apparent that no forces will assist one in finding psychic energy? Moreover, all violence personal as well as national, retards men's discovery of psychic energy. This means that instead of urgent cooperation for discovering Agni, people employ force for the destruction of the planet. This is deplorable and unworthy!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 519:
519. It is truly amazing when a mechanical giant attempts to strike the fiery heart, but instead carries the stones for his own tomb. This example is often repeated, but on each occasion one should rejoice over the victory of Agni. People plead for a miracle, but numberless miracles are all around them. They have merely to cleanse their eyes of irritation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 549:
549. Spatial thought engenders a certain substance which in a vortiginous movement becomes a generating center for various inceptions. It would be beautiful to realize that human thought contains such a powerful substance; still only the most lofty and intensified thought produces an energy that is sufficiently powerful. But a small thought - unrealized, erratic, and unstable - will not give a creative impulse, and can even inflict harm. Lacking the correct coordination of attraction and repulsion, insignificant thoughts form as it were, ugly conglomerates and pollute space. We call them spatial slime. Much energy is wasted in transmuting these stillborn monsters. One can imagine how greatly spatial production could be increased were it not for these progenies of men. In this matter let us not accuse only the primitive peoples. Their thinking is potentially not weak, but the average result of civilization is complete degeneration in quality of thought. Such degeneration produces the whole store of slimy products which threaten to turn the bliss of Agni into odium. Not rare are the instances of the harm of petty thoughts. So many of the best channels are clogged by chips only because humanity does not respect thought. Brainless superstition will undoubtedly rail against each reminder about the reality of thought; people well cite the contrast between nature and bliss, whereas the lower carnate strata are entirely incommensurable with the highest. Discipline of thought will inevitably lead up to the highest fiery spheres. Instead of becoming a source of infection man can become a purifier of space.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 570:
570. Mental sendings ordinarily contain some unusual expressions, which you have frequently noticed with surprise. An unusual expression is sometimes used for the purpose of ensuring better remembrance. This is a very ancient method. It is difficult to retain the usual words, which may slip by instead of penetrating the consciousness. The more unusual, the better assembled, the more definitive such a sending is, the better it is remembered. It is necessary to remind more than once of the far-off thought, which passes over the surface of the consciousness. One ought not reproach oneself for forgetfulness; on the contrary, these sliding thoughts projected from remote distances only prove that they come from outside and not from the inner consciousness. Also, in schools the receptivity to alien thoughts should be cultivated. People know so little how to listen or how to understand what they read that special hours should be assigned to the verification of what has been heard. How can one expect the fiery energy to be noticed if no attention is paid to even a loudly spoken word? More than once we have spoken of the development of the faculty of conscious non-hearing and non-seeing, this is quite different. In our normal state we must be highly receptive.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 597:
597. And so, the greatest misconception lies in the fact that people prepare themselves for death instead of educating themselves for life. They have heard often enough that the very concept of death is vanquished. They have heard often enough of the need for changing the seven sheaths. It has been sufficiently emphasized that these changes take place with the closest cooperation of Fire. This means that one should assist the fiery transmutations, since they are inevitable. Why spend ages and millenniums on that which can be accomplished far more quickly! We should prepare our consciousness for the fiery receptivity of our concentrated bodies. If something is subject to a fiery action, let this good be accomplished in the shortest possible time. Thinking about such transmutation in itself greatly helps our organism to assimilate this process into the consciousness. You already know that accepting something into the consciousness means a bodily assimilation also. In our general conceptions it is high time to become accustomed to the scope of the Fiery World. We are amazed at the difference between an idiot and a genius, but our imagination falls short in extending this divergence into infinity. Our imagination is equally uneducated in visualizing the closeness of the Fiery World, obscured solely by our body. Rarely do people see the highest spheres of the Subtle World, but those who are worthy to behold the splendor of the mountains and seas of the Subtle World, and the radiance of its flowers, can visualize the purity of the Fiery Kingdom! One can also imagine the omnipresence of the Fiery World, when even during physical existence one can project the subtle body to different places simultaneously. Thus let us become accustomed to the Fiery World as the only destiny of men.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 11:
11. Some blind people can sense the presence of fire by sound instead of light. Some even prefer to cognize by sound rather than by heat. One may conduct instructive experiments not only upon blind people but also upon heavily blindfolded people. But of course the blindfold may interfere with the general sensitiveness, therefore the testimonies of blind people will be more convincing. The more so since their hearing is usually more acute. They may even testify that the flame of the candle resounds. We have refined our senses in many respects, but the physical deprivation of one sense sharpens the other. The sighted people perceive the song of the fire in a stove, in a bonfire, and in a conflagration, in other words in the crudest manifestation. And besides, people but seldom distinguish the sounding of the fire from the noise of the burning material. Nevertheless it is possible to know the resounding of fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 51:
51. It is already known that a tremor of horror causes a contraction of the nerves of the skin at the nape of the neck. But people forget that the nerve substance of the spine sends a sort of arrow for restoration of the confused consciousness. One may think that the tremor at the back of the head is an expression of terror, but instead of that it is only a protective arrow.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 55:
55. An example of the opposite is when the mind has been withered through non-understanding of the Teaching - then one may reply, "It is enough to whine over your offences, you have had ample time to broaden your consciousness, you could have observed the heavenly worlds and understood the Source of the Teachings; but instead of this you wish to carry away with you earthly offences. What is the Teaching and Wisdom of the ages to you, when your thoughts instead of expanding have been shrunk in offence? No one has insulted you, but you have offended yourself." Thus in the Subtle World small thoughts are crowded. One may regret that so much energy is wasted in quarrels and mutual belittling. But if it be asked to what extent such thoughts of the Subtle World are chemically harmful, one can only say that small unkind thoughts generate poisonous gases. One must think not of oneself, but to what an extent people may harm each other even in the Subtle World. But every kind of thought and striving towards the Beautiful helps one to advance rapidly.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 100:
100. When you observe nagging thoughts, you may notice that usually they are of the most everyday nature. They may be called a product of the Earth, but in spite of their small significance, they attempt to contend with the greatest ideas. One should carefully cleanse the brain of these unbidden guests. Indeed, there is a time for everything. One may be making all progress, but it should be remembered that small worms may succeed in boring through a very strong tree. Particularly do they love to undermine the anchor of confidence. Beside mistrust, one may also admit obscuring thoughts. It is terrible to lose confidence - it is almost like the loss of communion. When suddenly, instead of communion, a mute emptiness breaks in, this is surely an abyss!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 125:
125. Many precious concepts have been perverted. When I say, "Be not too much concerned about tomorrow," this does not mean that I am advising you to be a sluggard. All thinking must be directed into the future; one should labor for the future, but one's care about the sacred future ought to be directed through Hierarchy. Then one's thought about tomorrow will assume proper consideration. Fear of the morrow is like amputation of hands and feet. Instead of flight into the future, people bind themselves with fear and stop their own movement. But without Hierarchy one can actually plunge into terror, as if sinking into a stormy ocean. Thus, the care, purified by Hierarchy, will not be an earthly one, though it will preserve action and usefulness. Besides, such consecrated usefulness is freed from any egoism. The care for the Common Welfare leads to communion with Hierarchy. Again, this judgment is not abstract ethics, but the path to the Fiery World. People in the earthly state also should select each seed which will grow into a plant for the thread of communion. It is not easy for Fiery Beings to penetrate into the earthly strata. Ought we not, while here, pierce through the carnate garments with our consciousness? There are many striving ones, but few are strengthened by the straight-knowledge drawn from Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 156:
156. What is hypochondria? Many confuse it with autosuggestion, but the latter is only an effect of the former. Hypochondria in its essence is very infectious and destructive. It can be defined physiologically as the dissolution of heart energy. Such a process interrupts the protective work of the nerve centers. The enemy's entrance into the stronghold is not a matter of autosuggestion, but far worse; the defenders of the stronghold, instead of resisting, open the gates to the enemy. It is difficult to cure, for hypochondria is not always subject to suggestion. The process of dissolution cannot be replaced by suggestion. It is necessary to heal the wounded nerve tissue. Here strength can be built up only by nerve exercise. Consequently, hypochondriac people must be confronted with the most unexpected, in order to produce the most acute reactions and to create an indirect tension of the nerve tissue. Such tension is like gymnastics for the nerve centers. Rest and disuse of the nerve centers is not always beneficial, notwithstanding the usual counsel of ordinary physicians. On the contrary, the ancient wisdom says, "You are afraid, therefore you will be doubly frightened." "You have ceased being afraid, consequently you can behold the Fiery Gates." Hypochondria must not be confused with doubt. True, these two are sisters, whose mother is ignorance. Hypochondria is a certain established mode of thinking, whereas doubt is a dark obstacle. It is difficult to say which of the vipers is the more harmful. One should free oneself from hypochondria as from an obstruction before the Fiery World. Many things are erroneously thought to be synonymous. Ponder over them, over different facets of definition. Who knows which of these will open the broadest vista in realization of cause and effect?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 176:
176. Amid observations upon the deplorable consequences of negation, one should not blame certain well-intentioned people for applying their own force first rather than trouble Hierarchy. It may seem at times that people act from self-confidence, when, as a matter of fact, they are filled with reverence for Hierarchy, and above all they strive to apply their own forces in order to conserve every ounce of Higher energy. They do not even pronounce the name of the Teacher, and they guard their mantram in secret. One should regard very carefully the various modes of reverence. One should affirm all that aspires to the Light. With Us only negation is rejected. Indeed, the very existence of man, who thinks and who contains the subtlest apparatuses, is a real miracle, which could not be without a past, and hence not without a future. The Fiery World is the predestined future. Who, then, will hesitate on the path, knowing the great destination? Who, then, will not respect the present incarnation, knowing that it will aid the ascent? Who, then, will disdain the Subtle World, knowing that there is the testing of thoughts? Thus, our brief sojourn here has been bestowed as the best aid toward a speedy advance to the Fiery World. In some way one should combine the urgent problems of life with the highest resolutions. Actually the earthly life hinders speedy realizations. People dream about the mechanical prolonging of life here, instead of cultivating a joyful readiness to approach the goal. The Teacher brings the consciousness of the disciple, by the shortest path, toward the attainment of the Fiery World. The Teacher affirms all that which may, even indirectly, bring closer or unify useful consciousnesses, in order that each action contain within itself the necessary amount of conditions of approach.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 182:
182. Can the body be wounded? As on Earth, so also in Heaven. Consequently, the fiery body can be wounded, just as the earthly one. Observe the process of wounding of the earthly body, and you will have a complete analogy with the subtle and fiery bodies. Let us see how a knife pierces the physical body, how it damages tissue and blood-circulation; then follow local necrosis and decomposition.; but vital energy gets the upper hand, and slow healing begins. But often there remains a local atrophy and a permanent scar. Precisely the same process takes place in the case of the fiery body, but instead of a knife will be a thought, and in place of a scar will be a condensation of fiery energy. But the healing is very slow, and requires the drawing of energy from the other centers. Each organism has a fiery body, and until it attains the Fiery World, is subject to being wounded. Only when the fiery body has been purified and poured into the furnace of spatial fire, will it no longer be susceptible to being wounded. But I assure you, scars remain for a long time. I affirm that the fiery body can be smitten both externally and internally. Suicide of the earthly body is the prototype of self-wounding of the fiery body. Thus is it possible to find of the most earthly actions a correlation in all states.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 190:
190. Danger is a concentration of the vibrations of tension. A great number of perils surround people, but only a few of them are noticed. When the Leader says, "live in danger," he might well say instead, "observe the dangers and thus succeed." One cannot live outside of dangers, but it is beautiful to make out of dangers a carpet of achievement. The Leader knows that he bears a mission, and dangers are only propelling forces; therefore the Leader does not even think about dangers. The very thought of peril is harmful. Thinking about dangers, we strengthen their vibrations, and thus disturb our equilibrium. Conservation of forces must not be disrupted by fear and confusion. We are watchful and careful for the best execution of the commission. But dangers cannot overburden our attention. The Teacher should, first of all, insist upon the disciple's liberation from the phantom of perils. The disciple should always remember not to expend a drop of the higher energy uselessly. Thought of danger agitates many of our centers and in disorderly fashion consumes the precious energy. Thought of danger reflects even upon the pulse; but the heart is strengthened by the desire to carry out well the mission. Thus, let us act in the most efficient manner.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 247:
247. Those uninformed in Great Service may even complain of the difficulty of such an achievement. But those in contact with it already cannot conceive of existence without it. A frightful emptiness appears, it seems, when there is no application of one's forces for Common Good. Without communion with Hierarchy a terrible darkness closes in from all sides. Without Great Service, life itself, like a wilting blossom, loses its meaning. The Fiery World is intangible, and the very concept of it, instead of being attractive, appears menacing. Equilibrium is established by great measures, but affirmation of the Shield of Hierarchy comes after the dedication of oneself to Great Service. The spirit decides its own fate. Without any stipulations the spirit itself determines its sacrifice. The dimension of the sacrifice is decided in the heart. No one can force an enlargement of the offering, but much joy is felt from a sacrifice which is not diminished. The Teacher advises to recognize one's potentialities according to the sacrifice voluntarily accepted by the heart. How great is the law of such good-will! It determines the future, from small to big, and up to great events!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 274:
274. Excessive emaciation and corpulence are equally harmful for ascent. They equally nullify psychic energy. The middle path foresees the best conditions. Also, instead of a natural striving people prefer unsuitable extremes. The creativeness of the cosmos does not tolerate lack of balance. It is known that chaos yields before the assault of the forces of equilibrium, but the same law must be introduced into all life. We are microcosms and must be subject to all the conditions of the Macrocosm. But few people will even speak about such a condition of existence. Therefore such non-correlation agitates the Earth.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 324:
324. A messenger being overtaken by pursuers throws himself with his horse into the broadest part of the river. The pursuers stop in the hope that the messenger is drowning, but he instead rides out to the opposite shore. The pursuers, in their haste, rush to a narrow place, and drown in the current. Verily, where it is narrow, there it is dangerous. This consideration should be applied everywhere. Seeking the mirage of alleviation does not lead to achievement. The most difficult is the most accessible. People do not wish to understand that persistent quests awaken powerful energies. Therefore let us not strive for the narrow, let us prefer the broad principle.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 345:
345. No one knows exactly who has died and who has departed. There are many empty tombs and many ashes of wood instead of body. Hence, one should understand the bond with Hierarchy as a manifestation of the Pilot. Even if something is unutterable today, one may understand that the rudder is in Powerful Hands.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351:
351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 65:
65. All statecraft and social order can be affirmed upon cosmic law. Science gives all the directions, and only sensitivity of application is needed to reveal the many aspects which are for construction. If instead of so-called innovations and new statutes humanity would turn its attention to the cosmic laws, it would be possible to establish equilibrium, which now is being violated more and more, beginning with the law of conception and extending up to cosmic consummation. The affirmed laws are one. Upon all planes it is possible to affirm unity. The path of evolution crosses threadlike through all the physical and spiritual degrees. Therefore, in the state and in the social order all the cosmic laws could apply toward perfecting of form. On the path to the Fiery World one should be imbued with the power of the unity in the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 98:
98. Merit, as it is understood, must be replaced by a more subtle concept. If, instead of external signs, one becomes accustomed to look upon the reality of merit, according to the inner quality of action, then how many subtle signs can be observed! When the spirit learns to coordinate the earthly life with the Higher, then all measurements take on another dimension. Life filled merely with the monotony of the material world correspondingly marks off the merit according to its aspirations. But the consciousness of the two Worlds affirms new measures. The transitory will not be the real impelling factor. Only a striving for fiery manifestation unites the Worlds, and action will be correspondingly saturated. The consciousness of him who heads into the Fiery World is imbued with the Force emanating from the Hierarchy of Good; but earthly bliss is as quickly dissolved as is the entire transitory World. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the eternally living energy of the World of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 216:
216. Realization of responsibility for the spirit and for religion has been put by humanity in the last place. The tribunal of regulated society is concerned with preserving the physical body, making mangling of the body liable to prosecution. But existing laws and temples do not concern themselves with the millions who have been mangled in spirit. With justice has Ur. pointed out the stern responsibility which religions must bear. The uniting function of religion truly has not been awakened on the planet. That sacred power of the Earth, instead of uplifting, has been turned by mankind into production of that obvious disunity which is as a cleaving sword. And priests, and brahmins, and temple servitors all have distorted the cosmic ordainment. Verily, only affirmation of the true designation will impel the spirit to the higher understanding of the great Cosmic Right. Thus let us strive for the great responsibility for the spirit and for religion. So much must be purified in the Teachings of the World! The labor of strivingly purifying religions will result in a new consciousness. On the path to the Fiery World let us affirm the Bearers of Fiery Purification.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 260:
260. One should study the network of circumstances. There is a sort of surrounding network of subtle currents which, according to the necessity, leads to that current which furnishes the best magnetic force. One should know how to assure each undertaking. According to the given seed it is possible to determine the effects in everything. If man would take the great seed of the task in its potential, then indeed the World would be a great reflection of the Higher Will. Therefore it can be affirmed that the Higher Will purposes but man disposes, and thus perish the best sprouts. There is only one path of success - when the spirit realizes in all its might the affirmed seed of the task. But instead, people re-cut everything to their own pattern, and only pitiful remnants remain. Thus, it is necessary to strive in all fiery beginnings and to understand how to accept the seed bestowed by the Sovereign. Once uplifted to the Highest, we may also dwell in the Highest. On the path to the Fiery World let us cognize the Higher Forces.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 336:
336. The equilibrium of the World has been violated to the very limit. Spiritual striving proceeds apart from matter, and instead of unity there is derived a frightful disunity and dissolution. All unapplied energies remain in the earthly strata, and instead of finding employment they are borne into a chaotic vortex. The spiritual quest is also carried into a chaotic vortex because the isolation of mankind severs the currents from the Higher Spheres. Equilibrium does not come about without the participation of all spatial and human radiations. On the path to the Fiery World, the basis of equilibrium is affirmation of the beginning of the Enlightened Epoch of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 360:
360. Human construction is in need of true foundations. The way construction is proceeding at present, the World is threatened with destruction. All Cosmic Reconstructions require higher foundations, for the creating spiral is affirmed in ascent. But, the foundations of humanity are found to be in a state of intense dissolution. All cosmic processes manifest transmutation upward, but the will of mankind has steered into a blind alley, for the circle of selfhood is reaping its harvests. Therefore, cosmic fire is not being utilized in transmutation by humanity, and instead of evolution involution is the result.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 391:
391. Receptivity to subtle energies is always accompanied by refinement of the organism. Besides, it must be remembered that the consciousness assists first of all, for the subtle energies can be perceived only through refinement of the organism. This principle must be thoroughly understood, because usually there results a mixture of concepts. And this misunderstanding and jumbling leads to very dangerous errors. During purification of the consciousness it is very necessary to discern these processes, for people are always disposed toward affirmation of psychism instead of the higher fiery concepts. The spirit who falls into this extremity may find himself so surrounded by psychic fluids that he cannot succeed, even though he may so desire, to be enwrapped by other, higher energies. And in this also let us point to the consciousness as to the salutary agent. Thus on the path to the Fiery World it can be affirmed that the fiery consciousness will bestow the key to discrimination.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 562:
562. Accounts of leopard reversions are correct. The Teaching has already given attention to the indisputable fact of the bond between man and animals. One may see that the fate of such animals is reflected on certain people. Instead of listening to tales about witches one should investigate reports of such reversions, of which there are not a few. Verily, the World is full of marvels! Today a man is burned and lives, tomorrow he is buried and lives; then comes a little girl who relates about her former incarnation - thus is life broadened.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 592:
592. Too often are words used in an incorrect meaning. People speak about the supernatural instead of saying the unusual. The supernatural does not exist in any of the Worlds. Perhaps a certain thing is unusual for the ignorant, but even this definition is conditional, as that something is unusual only under certain conditions. Thus it would be possible to revise dictionaries considerably. We have often spoken about this, and in translations into other languages you see how needful are various shades of meaning. People do not like to search for better definitions, yet diverse old dialects demonstrate that it is not easy to rejuvenate a dictionary with befitting expressions. It is especially difficult in the case of concepts of earthly and heavenly Fire. There are so many visible and invisible Fires that far more subtle definitions are needed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 618:
618. A therapeutic-psychic treatment must be applied not only after much consideration but resolutely to the very end. Half-way measures, as in everything are dangerous. It is possible to open up the centers, but to impose upon them any influence so that, instead of a cure, irritation and new infection set in, is impermissible. The employment of increased suggestion requires also the consent of the patient himself. Every counteraction is dangerous for it could in the end overstrain his forces. It can also be seen that the unconscious condition is also undesirable, as the patient's strong desire and cooperation through will is required. Not only during medical treatments, but in all the manifestations of life, the same conditions are needed. Without them how can one think about the Fiery World? The Subtle World can be reached even in semi-conscious state, but the Fiery World can be approached only in clear and full consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 9:
9. Very few people remain unterrified if told what actually surrounds them. Let us enumerate the rays and all the chemical influences, both from the far-off worlds and from Earth itself. Indeed, reflected and refracted rays differ greatly from the basic ones. When, however, man hears that instead of his being surrounded merely by air in the earthly sense he is surrounded by crystals of granulations and even by continuous explosions, then many hearts become terrified. Of course the air is blue and empty, Earth firm and immovable, and the sun plays the part of a lantern! Ask the shopkeeper on the corner - his conception will be not very far from these beliefs. Only a minority of people attempt to think about their surroundings.

AUM (1936) - 53:
53. Various rituals which accompany prayers represent futile efforts to intensify the significance of the prayer. For many ages people trained themselves in affirming the importance of the Higher World. But now again humanity has turned away from acceptance of the basic laws. Instead of rituals, science approaches the right path, but in the vanity of worldly life the calls of science remain solitary manifestations.

AUM (1936) - 54:
54. The new is regarded as old, therefore the new is forgotten. It should be cleansed, otherwise instead of beautiful Images there will remain only dust-covered masks.

AUM (1936) - 93:
93. Any feeling can be cultivated. Fearlessness too can be developed. One can set oneself tasks of fearlessness instead of imbuing oneself with a feeling of terror.

AUM (1936) - 94:
94. There is much fire, and consequently one can understand the waves which burn and fatigue. Subterranean and superterrestrial fires are related, yet they are far apart in their reaction. Man are unwilling to understand their own influence upon subterranean fire. Astrological signs suggest thoughts of special caution, but instead men only increase the danger. Of what concern is it to the bipeds, if because of them on another continent a destructive flame bursts out!

AUM (1936) - 135:
Question people of different beliefs as to the firmness of their conception of the Higher World. You will receive a multitude of the most evasive replies. Many will refuse to answer at all, screening themselves by a hypocritical reluctance to talk about such a subject. Others will repeat memorized formulae which do not live in their hearts. A third group will affirm that the world was created two thousand years BC. Thus, instead of spiritualized responses full of love and solemnity, you may receive heaps of dry leaves.

AUM (1936) - 157:
157. The life of the planet may be understood as the sum total of all beginnings created with it. So much the greater is the responsibility of all thinking inhabitants of the planet. It is presumed that they are the crown of the planet, but if lumps of coal are found in the crown instead of precious stones, the resulting damage will be on a planetary scale. As a result, all the connecting currents will be destroyed.

AUM (1936) - 173:
173. People wish to render everything commonplace and insignificant, but when they see something that does not fit into their framework, confusion results instead of attention. The manifestation of such an unusual scale of events will actually be considered as mere chance. Thus are precious weavings senselessly torn asunder. The obviousness of events is often striking, yet words are found to violate even evidence. People know how to break up stone blocks and remain with a rubbish heap.

AUM (1936) - 202:
Those who take upon themselves the burden of Earth are like the symbol of the giant, Atlas. Such pillars of the world are very few in number; people should cherish them as lightning rods, but instead, at best, people chuckle over what seems to them hysteria and do not wish to know more about the basis of the manifestation.

AUM (1936) - 215:
Let us say, "Nothing has been forgotten, nothing has been belittled, nothing has been destroyed. We are not disparagers, nor are We afflicted with arrogance. But no one can rob the concept. Aum, of its antiquity, with all its significant threefoldness. The primary signs should not be thrown aside. Instead of hostile ignorance, you had better manifest humaneness and show love for attainment of knowledge. Succeed through love!"

AUM (1936) - 236:
236. The Higher World is incorruptible, but instead of self-purification through thought and labor, people still try to bribe the Higher Grace. In such ignorance is expressed a complete unwillingness to reflect upon the essential nature of the worlds. The history of prayer shows that at first hymns were chanted, then prayers were spoken for all beings, and only later did man dare to importune with demands for himself. Sufficient evidences have been given as to how worthless for evolution is everything engendered by selfishness. One cannot purchase favor and justice. Is it not shameful that such words must be repeated?

AUM (1936) - 255:
Thus, instead of disunity, knowledge teaches only unification. Only those evil by nature strive toward disparagement and disunity. Each follower of knowledge finds everywhere the golden path to the unity of Grandeur and Light.

AUM (1936) - 288:
288. Completely inadmissible are malevolent prayers and self-pity. When a man cries out - Why? - he is thinking neither of the past nor the future. He isolates himself from the Higher Forces, as if accusing Them. Likewise, woe to the man who importunes the Higher Forces to harm others. Both conceit and ignorance resound when a man, instead of merging with the Higher Forces, tries to set Them on a path of hatred and cruelty.

AUM (1936) - 345:
Each work in itself implies a definite mood. But if a designation is not precise, there may result a feeling of grief instead of joy, and vice-versa. Precision is needed throughout the world. Each experiment with psychic energy confirms what the principal considerations are - precision and brevity of thought. They will produce the best results.

AUM (1936) - 357:
357. There exist self-styled invalids who suggest to themselves all the symptoms of disease. But there is a still more dangerous case, when a man has in himself the germs of a disease, and instead of opposing it he gives in to it and deprives himself of the possibility of recovery. In the first case it is possible to act by means of suggestion, for there is no real disease. But in the second it is far more difficult; the man himself hastens the process of disease. He becomes the slave of his sickness and tries with all his strength to aggravate the symptoms of the disease. He constantly observes himself, but not in a desire to recover. He falls into the deepest self-pity and thus drives away every possibility of suggestion. The man is even offended and angry when spoken to about the possibility of recovery. Thus he can reach a dangerous degree of depression which cannot be transformed into a rising strength. This acts as a counterenergy; and the man deprives himself of his basic value - striving toward self-perfection.

AUM (1936) - 358:
358. It is not astonishing that at last suggestion is being applied in hospitals. Several centuries have been required to recognize the reality of this energy. Yet the recognition of it is far too limited. Instead of a broad application throughout life, it is being used only in certain surgical operations. But we possess the possibility of also applying the same energy for abnormalities of pulse in nervous inflammations, and in paralysis and skin ailments.

AUM (1936) - 363:
363. The manifestation of trust is indispensable for higher communion. Without trust it is better not even to touch upon such subjects, because obscenity will then result instead of inspiration. Lack of trust in actions themselves is like a pestilent ulcer, which is not manifested at once upon the body. Thus, let us be careful with great concepts.

AUM (1936) - 395:
395. One should study mental transmission upon the current of psychic energy. One may not perceive the sending in a verbal expression, but it may be reflected in the rhythm of psychic energy. This is not an interruption, as with a change of currents; nevertheless, the glyph of psychic energy is altered by it; perhaps an ellipse is evident instead of a circle, or the circle itself changes diameter, or oscillations may be evinced - thus one may observe the impacts of thought, if the thought be strong enough. The ancient observers had a name for this, such as "the touch of wings," because thought has always been represented as winged.

Brotherhood (1937) - 10:
10. When rocks begin to crumble people break them up and remove them for the security of the road; and so it is with certain human definitions. In the course of centuries a term may lose its original meaning and should be replaced by a word closer to the current period. This has happened with the word initiated. Together with anointment , its original meaning has been relegated to the past. Instead of initiated and uninitiated , let us say knowing and unknowing , or cognizant and ignorant . But it is better to express initiation itself by the word education . Thus it can be expressed without belittlement, in a word closer to contemporary times.

Brotherhood (1937) - 18:
One can deprive oneself of courage and steadfastness when one begins to repeat to oneself about difficulties of fulfillment. It makes no difference how courage is applied, it must grow untiringly. Instead of speaking about broken courage, it would be better for people to call this condition simply faint-heartedness. Bones and muscles can be broken, but the spirit is unbreakable! The faint-hearted and wavering man cannot serve the Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 59:
59. Many listeners, no doubt, would prefer to hear sooner about Brotherhood itself; but let them first abandon curiosity and the obstructing habits. With dignity it is possible to enter. Therefore, it is first necessary to ascertain how different feelings are understood. One should not give precious things into someone's safekeeping if it is assumed that they will be resold instead of being carefully guarded.

Brotherhood (1937) - 108:
108. Is it possible to name a man who would be satisfied at receiving only half a garment instead of the whole one expected by him? And so it is in cooperation. If instead of a full brotherly collaboration half of what is offered is suspicion and doubt, then what kind of success can be achieved? It is needful to cultivate one's capacity for cooperation, beginning with the most routine tasks. It is a mistake to assume that cooperation is manifest in great deeds if it has not been present even in everyday ones. One should look deeply into the depths of one's consciousness and ask oneself whether the spirit is prepared for cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 186:
It is more difficult to understand why a sent thought which, by agreement, is to be received at a designated time is so rarely caught. First of all, people do not know how to put themselves into a definite frame of mind. Frequently, instead of receiving a thought, they thrust it away. Because of this, it is more often that thoughts arrive, which are not those agreed upon, but are ones which succeed in falling in with the rhythm of a mood. Still oftener can thoughts from the Subtle World be caught, because they may more easily harmonize with the energy of people. But people pay too little attention to thoughts from the Subtle World. One of the reasons is that the transmutation of language can be achieved only by strong, lofty spirits. On Earth, people often cannot understand the meaning of something that has been spoken, and it is even more difficult for them to adapt themselves to spatial sendings. Yet one need not be disappointed, for each attention to thought refines the consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 271:
271. Sometimes there result converse effects when people approach the higher energies with crude methods. For example, let us take eye-glasses devised for observation of auras. The principle is not bad, but the means are crude and affect the eyesight adversely. Whereas the refinement of senses must not impair the natural state of the organism. Thus, the use of radium has proved destructive, whereas radioactivity as a principle is curative. Likewise, alcohol becomes a destructive narcotic instead of a medicinal remedy. The examples are many. The principal cause lies in unwillingness to realize the bond of the organism with subtle energies.

Brotherhood (1937) - 276:
276. The Teaching can be assimilated by children extraordinarily quickly, provided the child's peculiarities be observed. In a great degree he remembers what has been absorbed earlier, and it is especially useful if instead of new knowledge the child be helped to recall what has already been implanted in him. In this way it is easier to absorb new subjects later, but one must be observant.

Brotherhood (1937) - 277:
277. Each true worker sometimes experiences, as it were, the fall of all his work into an abyss, moreover an abyss which is unfathomable. Thus the spirit of the worker suffers a most dangerous predetermination. A weak one senses the abyss and falls into despondency, but a strong one recognizes the touch of Infinity. Many observations and experiments confront a man before he can encounter joyfully the face of Infinity. Gone will be regret for human creations which have been dissolved. They, even the most sublime ones, will be dispersed in Infinity. The earthly mind does not realize where its accumulated treasures can be made manifest. A man wishes to bring good to humanity, but instead of the fruits of his labor there lies before him an unfathomable abyss. A formidable mind may shudder at that, but the tempered, manifested warrior of labor sees before him, not a chasm but the radiance of Infinity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 342:
342. Prejudice is the entryway for injustice and ignorance. But people should recognize the boundary line of prejudice. This worm lives in the same house with doubt like a younger kinsman. A very keen eye is needed in order to discern such a dangerous mite. Each manifestation, each object, is usually encountered by people with varying degrees of prejudice. People try to justify themselves by saying that since they perceive objects they must as a preliminary measure preserve their unprejudiced judgment. But as a matter of fact, instead of impartiality they disclose the cruelest prejudice. One should keep this popular weakness in mind in order to know from what to liberate oneself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 408:
408. Brotherhood teaches discernment of the boundary lines where it is possible to attain useful results. Many are already in such a state of corruption that instead of an agitation of matter only infection of space results. Each disciple of the Brotherhood understands where a contact is already impossible.

Brotherhood (1937) - 416:
416. Yes, yes, yes, the usual mistake is that even people who accept the subtlest energies picture their action incorrectly. The manifestation of the subtlest energies is imagined as something thunder-like and physically striking. It is impossible to explain to people that their earthly nature makes the subtlest energies almost mute and imperceptible. Of course, the inner reaction will be enormous, but few are the consciousnesses sufficiently prepared to perceive these higher Contacts. It must not be thought that it is possible to receive sendings from the distant worlds without preparation. One should not be distressed that the dual nature, the earthly and the subtle, is not easily manifested as one. One is again obliged to remember about earthly cooperation, an idea which is assimilated with difficulty. It often excites the lowest passions instead of rational labor. If cooperation is rarely found, even in small circles, then with how much more difficulty is the synthesis of subtlest energies assimilated! We speak, not to distress you, but to implant patience and striving.

Brotherhood (1937) - 425:
The evidence reminds about the depths of reality. Thus, instead of dissecting a living organism, let us assemble the unification of consciousness. Let people not call Us dreamers, for We are lovers of precise knowledge, as far as it can be precise.

Brotherhood (1937) - 478:
478. Spatial calls reach Earth through the most unexpected receptions. An imperative call about altruism and mutual understanding reaches certain people. But pay attention to the unexpectedness of such arrivals. If, on a map of the world, the places be marked where Our call is perceived, a very unexpected pattern will result. But there are people to be found who repeat this very same thing without any understanding. Sometimes the sowers of dissension are not averse to speaking about altruism. The very meaning of the word is annulled, and instead of mutual understanding violent hatred emerges. But over and above all obstacles remains the call for altruism and mutual understanding. What is not understood today will come tomorrow.

Brotherhood (1937) - 514:
514. There existed a method of cure by means of natural emanations. Instead of internal dosage, the sick were surrounded with appropriate minerals or plants. Of course, such a method presupposed a subtlety of receptivity. But if people wear magnetic rings and use local applications of the leaves of plants, the surrounding substance will also be useful. One must not assume that the contact of metals and the proximity of certain plants do not act upon man. People consider such reactions idiosyncrasies, nevertheless the properties of minerals and plants are indisputable. People may become intoxicated from a single sniff of alcohol; they become feverish when approaching certain plants - one may notice everywhere the reaction to emanations. This field of man's interrelationships should be investigated.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 24:
It is worse when one goes to sleep, overcome by earthly desires, never thinking about the Higher World. Then, instead of being immersed in illumined labor and knowledge, one wanders in the dark strata, where one's exhausting encounters can be well imagined. Falling asleep should be a conscious transition into the Higher World. The free will, like wings, will carry you up. I speak about sleep in order to show you that in Our Abode We are not strangers to that particular kind of sleep that is a transference of consciousness into the Higher Worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74:
People say that We are opposed to all rituals. This is not quite true, for certain rituals can call forth high vibrations and purify feelings. We have spoken many times about rhythm, and none of Us will condemn the rhythms that bring harmony. Beautiful singing can open beautiful gates. Therefore, discriminate carefully between absurd survivals and steps of beauty. The Teacher warns that rhythm can influence the entire nervous system. Some parts of ancient rituals that have been preserved to this day, and now confuse the consciousness, can be very dangerous. Words used today during various services were once parts of incantations to exorcise dark forces, but now they are pronounced without sense and even with incorrect rhythm. Such distortions of sound can have a different effect, therefore one should study the ancient sources in order to wipe away the dust of ages. We are not speaking of crude changes, but of the purification of thought. We grieve when vibrations become distorted and, instead of construction, cause destruction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94:
94. Urusvati knows well that the most difficult task is to harmonize the currents of human free will. There are no cataclysms destructive enough to turn the attention of humanity to the true nature of its deeds. Let us recall how those who survived the great cataclysms of the past did not care to think about the causes of the disasters, preferring to consider themselves innocent victims of some cruel fate. They did not want to purify their consciousness and instead began once more to indulge their free will gone mad.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 110:
110. Urusvati knows that he who strives to discriminate between the laws of the three worlds during his earthly life approaches the fullness of self-realization. Where then should one look for the sparks of the Fiery World? Can they be found amidst the earthly dust? Of course, it is precisely in every earthly manifestation that one can find the sparks of the Fiery World. Therefore, each one should be more observant in his daily life. One must learn to refrain from hasty conclusions, which may result in harmful reactions. One must understand the harm of baseless accusations and thoughtless complaints; otherwise one will act like the man who, instead of expressing gratitude when he was saved from drowning, immediately began to complain that his clothes were spoiled! Frequently lives have been saved by the loss of a mere finger, but We hear more complaints about lost fingers than gratitude for lives that were saved. However, We will not forget those things that are far removed from the Fiery World, but will continue Our help, and will speak firmly about reverence for all the treasures of the three worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 124:
Urusvati can notice even the briefest changes in the protective tissue, but most people are not able to pay heed to even prolonged signs. How, then, can We trust them with the details of Our inner life? Instead of benefiting from the knowledge, they will only concoct new reasons for doubting. Thus, We and Our true co-workers will always discriminate in what can be said that will be beneficial. One should not force the Teaching on anyone, for unless the heart has been opened, it cannot recognize either benefit or beauty. A deep understanding of the Teaching requires an open heart. Let people turn their hearts to Us more often, and let them learn to love to think about Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 173:
We have said that one should give according to people's consciousnesses. But what can one do if, instead of consciousness, there is only a wavering, ignorant mind? The Teacher is then obliged to constantly repeat simple ideas, and therein lies the tragedy for Teachers in all ages. Only a consciousness tempered through many lives can safely tread the thorny human paths.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 178:
The Teacher pointed out many times that the conversion of adversaries can be beneficial. However, His attitude toward betrayers was different. He said, "If a man has been entrusted with guarding a treasure, and instead of guarding, steals it, he certainly cannot be trusted, and has prepared a hard destiny for himself. Sometimes it overtakes him quickly, but at other times the predestined is delayed, causing an especially difficult karma."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 180:
180. Urusvati knows that people try to belittle and limit the highest manifestations. The Thinker said, "A salutary shield is spread from Heaven to Earth, but instead of raising themselves to it, people use every device to bring it down to their level. They do not realize that even the most beneficial remedies can lose their power in the earthly mire."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 198:
The Thinker said, "We must be careful with characterless people, who sometimes should simply be left to their errors. Most people do not understand how fleeting earthly possessions are, and it is impossible to convey to them the true meaning of life. But after experiencing many incarnations they will gradually be liberated from the enchantment of objects. They will learn to admire creativity without attachment to the created things. But we should not force upon people what is beyond their capacity. They should be told about Truth, but one cannot force it upon them. Compulsion will provoke rebellion so strong that there will be retreat instead of progress.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202:
202. Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to discriminate between the essential and the trivial. Moreover, when people sense the approach of an essential event, they avoid it with petty excuses instead of facing it directly. It is interesting to observe how people cling to trivialities as a way of avoiding facing the essential. They do not realize that the essential contains the beautiful. One should learn to distinguish clearly what insignificant details are particularly appealing to the human mind, for only by understanding such insects will one be able to exterminate them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 253:
The dangers that We repeatedly point out, caused by unbalanced, purposeless ways of living, are part of the supermundane existence - hence, the title of these particular notes of the Brotherhood. But instead of being actively concerned about their negative effect on the macrocosm, people ask how beings of other planets clothe themselves! If a house is on fire, however, and someone were to ask the owner about his clothes, the question would be considered inappropriate, or insane. How then can We impress upon the human mind that right now we are experiencing a fiery Armageddon in which much can be destroyed? We want to draw special attention to this so that people will understand how much depends upon them. Let us not be afraid to repeat "how much." Let these words make it clear that each microcosm is responsible for the macrocosm. Do not assume that such a comparison is out of order. The bond between the microcosm and the macrocosm is the foundation of the world.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 255:
Mankind must realize that life now takes on supermundane meaning. People may still ridicule astrology, but they have accepted the idea of the influence of cosmic chemistry. Instead of the limited formulas of the past, humanity will now see unlimited supermundane achievements. In these new achievements there will be place for both the intellect and the heart. One can affirm that the gates to the New World are wide open, and in this realization there will be no place for remorse or depression.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 261:
Those few who do understand this bear a heavy burden. The Brotherhood itself suffers greatly from the light-mindedness of the inhabitants of Earth, who, instead of defending themselves against these harmful entities, attract them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 263:
263. Urusvati knows that most people avoid looking into the essence of events and are satisfied with superficial observations. How differently history would be written if real causes and motives, and the true Leaders, whose existence humanity does not even suspect, were revealed! Instead of kings and rulers, there would emerge individuals who had remained in the background, unknown because of prevailing ignorance, or required to go unnoticed because of the law of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266:
We deplore the fact that there are so many disagreements within families. Even the best warriors lose their strength due to such disharmony. Instead of goodness, blasphemy and evil talk defeat aspiration and cause waste of the precious panacea of psychic energy! People do not appreciate this gift, and it can be spilled as from a broken vessel. Wherever possible one must help families to maintain their balance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 270:
If a black-haired man insists that his hair is blond, he will be thought mad. Likewise, one who distorts his innate qualities is, in a sense, also mad. People are careful about their physical heart, for they have learned that the heart is the center of the physical life. But they have not yet sufficient information about the correlation of the free will with the Primal Energy, and regrettable disharmony is the result. Instead of the harmonious coexistence of the two forces, conflict and competition exist between them. One of the causes of the planet's sickness lies in the uncoordinated forces of man. People should think about this.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 274:
Only science can help by proving that caste systems are unscientific. But science can help only if it is combined with a right understanding of the Subtle World. It can be proved that the spheres of the Subtle World are governed by principles for which earthly systems are inadequate. Contact with the Subtle World is more intense than it appears. The supermundane consciousness prompts man to observe the Subtle World, though he may call it by various names. The work of all scientific fields should be directed to an understanding of it, but instead of seeking knowledge, people attempt to obstruct every new possibility.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 298:
There is innate talent in every child. Children can recollect experiences in the Subtle World. Adults often do not understand their children, and impose games upon them according to their own tastes instead of observing the children's natural inclinations. Children are fond of toys, not so much for the toys themselves as for the possibilities for creativity that are inherent in them. A child loves to take a toy apart so that he can put it together and use it in his own way. In this activity children are not influenced by outside impressions, and often produce things that they could not have seen at all in their present life. These creative impulses are brought from the Subtle World, and have great significance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 310:
The teacher should speak so that each word sounds like a familiar truth, but the results will be a new and deeper consciousness. We could use the word "higher" instead of "deeper," because, in truth, space knows neither height nor depth.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312:
312. Urusvati understands the reasons for the disruption of thought. This occurs constantly but attracts little attention. It is usually believed that man himself interrupts the thread of his thought, but why then is the interrupted thought not replaced by another? Instead there is a complete cessation of the train of thought. Sometimes the interrupted thought does not return, leading one to conclude that an external influence has driven it away. This is precisely what happens.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321:
The worldly-wise advise us to ignore the cruelties that surround us, but these "wise" ones are without life. You will be told many stories about the brilliant achievements of culture, yet the fact remains that slavery still exists. Moreover, it exists under a clever mask of sanctimonious hypocrisy; such a masquerade is particularly shameful. Yet instead of general indignation, one hears excuses for this shame.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
We are always saddened when We see that even science, which should serve to broaden the consciousness, limits it instead.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 403:
403. Urusvati knows that the majority of people, instead of choosing responsible cooperation, prefer to remain in a state of passive learning. They prefer to be listeners and readers, and when the hour comes for them to demonstrate the power of Spirit they disperse.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 409:
A broadened consciousness can provide the signs that will enable people to sense what is possible and what is not. By listening to the voice of one's consciousness, one can discern these limits, but it is not easy to find the key to the portals of consciousness. People obscure their consciousness with their passions; instead of a wise warning, they hear the voice of their own selfishness, and cannot see where active help lies and where their own delusions are. It is still more difficult for people to find their way in this labyrinth when they do not understand which of their passions predominates.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 422:
Mixing supplies of whole blood is proof of ignorance. From both the physical and the psychic point of view one should consider what incompatible elements have been indiscriminately combined to produce a false cure instead of a real one. People fail to understand what they are preparing for future generations. On the one hand they seem to care about the purity of future generations, but on the other thoughtlessly transfuse mixed blood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445:
445. Urusvati knows about the limitlessness of all mental processes, of which the free will is one. By means of the free will people can oppose even cosmic forces. Be not surprised if I tell you that even cosmic laws can be shaken by the efforts of free will, which is why there are so many karmic misfortunes. Instead of following the cosmic way, people provoke great upheavals, and by the insistency of their free will affect the harmony of Cosmos. It not only affects Cosmos, but reverberates increasingly, gaining strength throughout the spheres.


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