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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INSTANTLY (13)

New Era Community (1926) - 124:
124. It is asked how to approach the Teaching. Indeed, for this it is necessary to regenerate the consciousness, and the consciousness is reborn after having the Teaching. At the start it is necessary to discover and cleanse the consciousness. Opening of the consciousness is accomplished instantly - by one stroke of the will. Have the desire to open up your consciousness!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 156:
156. The rhythm of truth is an invincible stronghold. It is not a pile of words, but a rhythmic sound, that carries decisive significance. Why try to conquer with words when the lightning bolts of rhythm can drive away the most harmful beings? Of what use is it to compose lengthy letters when thought pierces the consciousness instantly? Indeed, the Teaching about thought and the action of will has already been distorted by people. They have endeavored to compensate for their own weakness of will and thought by mechanical means. All the artificial hypnotic devices for lulling one into a trance, including glittering playthings, are ridiculous. And the crossing of the eyes is unnecessary! The one who realizes the true Yoga of Life knows that the lightning of truth can strike down, but can also resurrect.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 487:
487. Some will say, "Why preoccupy oneself with Agni Yoga and psychic energy, when we already have wireless communication and all kinds of other inventions?" But wireless communication can carry only words, whereas psychic energy instantly transmits thoughts, and also impels the recipient to immediately respond in action. We do not err in saying that half the world responds to the transmitted suggestions, and that psychic energy knows no distance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 57:
57. Not only about Fire must we ponder. Events are driving onward like an ocean wave. You understand correctly that the dark force surrounds each benevolent inception. We observe how every ordinary action is instantly turned into evil. Thus, one should get rid of all yesterday's gnats, and replace everything usual with the most unusual. Even an award, as it were, should be granted for unusualness. One should not expect unusualness from the old world. Over and above the usual conditions, one should touch the most unexpected angles. Therefore I rejoice when new elements are dealt with.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 660:
660. Discrimination is one of the most pronounced fiery qualities. It is not straight-knowledge, but a glimmer, as it were, of the language of the Fiery World.. Truly, the man with open centers does not judge by words; he understands all the inner meaning of speech. If all judges were at such a level of fiery discrimination, many offenses would appear in a different light. But such discrimination needs cultivation. It exists in the seed of the spirit, but one must evoke it from the storehouse of the Unmanifest. Therefore a sharpening of the consciousness must be urged. Let each approaching one manifest himself as an exemplary judge. Let one begin to judge according to the eyes; another by the intonation of voice; a third according to the bodily movements. It is immaterial where one begins, because the inner fire is reflected on all the nerve centers. And it is instructive to observe how words often fail to reflect the inner condition. With patience one can attain great results and disclose signs of fiery understanding. Certainly, this will be only a glimpse of the Fiery World, but each spark of such cognizance is already an achievement. Upon entering the Subtle World one should firmly bear in mind the resolution to go toward Light, to hasten to self-perfection, and for this each advice is extremely important. If here upon Earth we already approach discrimination, then upon crossing into the Subtle World this achievement will be a benefaction. The principal difficulty is that despair and perplexity hinder the assimilation of the new conditions. But if we remember firmly whither and wherefore we go, we will instantly find many helpers. Yet people are especially disconcerted by the absence of secrecy when the Ineffable Light penetrates all that exists. Blessed are those who do not have to be ashamed of their heart's accumulations. Love everything that can uplift the heart.

AUM (1936) - 341:
It should not be thought that somewhere enough has been done for education. Knowledge is so much an expanding process that continual renovation of methods is required. It is frightful to see petrified brains which do not admit new attainments! No one inclined to negation can be called a scientist. Science is free, honest, and fearless. Science can instantly alter and elucidate the problems of the Universe. Science is beautiful and therefore infinite. Science cannot stand prohibitions, prejudices, and superstitions. Science can find the great even in quests of the small. Inquire of great scientists how many times the most stupendous discoveries have been made in the process of routine observations. The eye was open, and the brain not dust laden.

AUM (1936) - 360:
360. Observe what kind of manifestations are most difficult for people to accept. Among such lawful manifestations, which are especially difficult to perceive, is the timeless speed of thought transmission. Even observations upon the speed of transmission of radio waves do not convince people. They cannot accept the fact that thought does not require time. No one is willing to understand that a mental question can instantly receive a response.

Brotherhood (1937) - 376:
376. People will probably ask how speedily can thought act. Instantly, but it must be received with expectancy. One must know how to preserve this expectancy even amidst increased labor. It is inadmissible to forget such a possibility, even when one's whole being is striving into a beloved sphere. Readiness is true courage.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34:
Those who judge by ordinary relative measures cannot discern causes and effects. I speak not only about the tension of labor but also about the vigilance that enables one instantly to weigh and decide what moment and which action are the most necessary. Each plea for help brings with it the emanations of the past and the aroma of the future. One should blend these harmonies in the consciousness and understand the meaning of disharmony. We should not help a man who is ready for evil, and must help one who is suffering. Contradictions often conflict, and only knowledge of the past will provide the balance. Nevertheless, no plea to Us is rejected, for by making such a request a person expresses his recognition of the Higher World, and the fact that such a Reality lives in space. We will not ignore a pleading voice. We will not reject any prayer, but will gather all salutary substances in order to offer goal-fitting help. In this is contained a special vigilance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
48. Urusvati is in constant communication with Us. It is not easy to receive the currents of intensified energy while remaining in a physical body amidst daily life. We consider such simultaneity a special achievement. One must be able to adapt oneself to the peculiarities of subtle energies. It can easily be shown that little time is needed for even the most detailed dreams. Complicated actions and lengthy discourses are assimilated instantly. Such features of subtle perception are characteristic of communication with Us. One may understand complicated sendings without knowing in which language they are given. The thought reaches the corresponding centers and reveals the essence of the communication. The communication is through the subtle body. One should become accustomed to this subtle perception. This cannot be understood without the broadening of consciousness. Many problems must be understood without earthly limitations. People often notice only one detail, then elevate it to an immutable law.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 244:
The Thinker opposed instantly the slightest trace of hypocrisy in his disciples. He would say, "In this case, go to the priests and pay them with gold for their prayers. They assume that the gods will accept hired prayers."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312:
The currents of space are of many kinds and influence human thinking much more than one imagines. Spatial messages could be assimilated in their original form, but because they often intrude forcefully into the consciousness as if in some unknown language, they cannot be understood. Such interruptions do not necessarily mean that a person's thoughts are poor or weak, for spatial currents can pierce even the most powerful thought. Man should understand this and not struggle against it. On the contrary, man can train himself to control the thread of his thought by being aware of the interrupting currents. If he is aware he can instantly make use of his ability to remember and deposit the uncompleted thought into the treasury of memory. Even if he is unable to withstand the power of spatial thought, he can nevertheless protect the current of his own thoughts. He can be like a pilgrim who temporarily uses a shelter during a rainstorm and later continues his journey.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 384:
The ancient people acted far more sensibly. In times of danger they turned instantly to Heaven, and in silence and without thoughts opened their hearts in receptivity to the Higher Forces. They understood that earthly words are useless in such circumstances and could not express their need, and they allowed the Higher Force to flow unimpeded into their consciousness. They were certain that in time of need benevolent help would come. They knew that space is fully inhabited, and that the Good Ones are always ready to provide help.


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