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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INITIATES (12)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 220:
220. My Hand initiates the worthy ones. Learn to judge in accordance with My Teachings.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.20:
The symbol of the anointing of kings has the same basis. Absolutely all initiates into the power of the Mysteries agree in the assertion that the highest harmony is in the manifestations of the power of Illumination. Therefore, the king is symbolically the anointed one, because without estranging himself from the earthly he expresses the will of Heaven. Above the conventional formulae that are congealed in the crust of prejudices there is knowledge, diffused, as it were, in the air.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.13:
The despair of spiritual emptiness before the anointing was well known to the initiates into the mysteries of Isis. On the night of the anointment the neophyte was locked in a special chamber where he emptied the full chalice of despair and rent his garments, enduring a mortal anguish in spirit.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 549:
Whoever understands the relation of the Chalice to the Kundalini will understand how the father transmits the earthly kingdom to the son. The Kundalini is the father, the impeller of the ascent. The Chalice is the son, awakened by the father. Whoever knows the principle of the father will, at the change of races, embrace the son. The Chalice of attainment initiates action. Thus nothing is rejected, but only strengthened. The Eye of Brahma is the natural complement to this order.

Heart (1932) - 547:
547. Healing against the will of a patient exacts an unlimited amount of strength. Even without opposition, simply through lack of understanding, much strength is dissipated. Nevertheless, even this exhausting method of healing may be successful despite the non-understanding of the patient. Many cases can be cited when Initiates suffered greatly after having healed forcibly. Naturally in these days, the tension and dissipation of strength are unusual. Hence, if you feel tension or fatigue do not be ashamed to lie down. During the unprecedented battle the heart must be guarded. This advice is given to all. One should visualize the entire smoky surface of Earth, in order to understand the need of a protective armor.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 148:
148. Spiritual foresight is given only when the heart has been opened. Spiritual perspicuity can reveal the mysteries of spirit and matter. Foresight can harken to the Cosmic Forces which affirm life. Indeed, foresight can reveal that which is hidden to the eye. One need not be surprised that the key of knowledge is found in the hands of the Initiates, for spiritual foresight is saturated with Fiery Forces. And use of energies which are elusive to the human reason, discloses a foresight of the spirit, for only a highly integrated consciousness can awaken spiritual foresight. And the Sages of old knew this, for in antiquity subtle receptivity was regarded as a Sign of the Higher Forces. To him who has attained spiritual foresight comes the feeling of the unity of the two Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 198:
198. Certainly, the Initiates of ancient Egypt knew the great law which rules the whole Universe. The Pyramid itself presents a symbol of the mountain with a broad foundation and narrow summit. Indeed, the significance of the Chamber of the manifested King and Queen is that a crowning perfection is to be expected at the approach of all Cosmic Fiery dates. It is well to remember these manifested dates. It is well to remember these ancient indications and calculations. Thus is it possible to trace how from the most ancient times cosmic dates have been affirmed. One must also pay attention to the fact that those calculations lead up to our date and time. Thus immutable is Fiery Right, which has been inscribed on all the tablets, and which has been written by the great life of the eternal Magnet.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 67:
Our co-workers will never call themselves initiates, nor will they boast of being superior. Our measures are above all earthly degrees. Even if Our friends are sometimes required to accept earthly distinctions, they at least know their true value. Once upon a time, when one of Our Brothers appeared at a state gathering wearing decorations, His friend smiled and remarked on how heavy his medals and awards must be. Our Brother answered, "The doorkeeper's keys are not so light either!" Thus must earthly distinctions be understood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
One may hear that Brother R. lives in the Carpathians, but it would be just as true to say that I live in London. Undoubtedly, Brother R. has been in the Carpathian Mountains just as I have been in London, but one should not mislead people by referring to dwelling places as permanent. Likewise, one should not think that Brother H. lives in Germany, although some people would like to limit his whereabouts even more, to the vicinity of Nuremburg. There are many examples of how people arbitrarily dispose of Us, while proclaiming themselves to be high initiates, or even Maha Chohans.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 353:
When the ancients urged, "Know thyself," they were primarily concerned with the development of the power of observation. This process is no mystery. People should simply become more attentive to their own nature and to their surroundings, and should realize that they are responsible for the quality of their projections. It is strange that the interval between sleep and awakening remains unnoticed. People read about the particular qualities of drowsiness. The ancient initiates knew how acutely perceptive one becomes during this state, but this knowledge remained only with the initiates, who alone could remember their experiences. The average person, absorbed in his work, had no time for such observation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 353:
You should not assume that the initiates were withdrawn from daily life. From the biographies of the great, it is clear that they did not avoid the most diverse manifestations of life. And now too, labor should not keep one from self-examination. The new life requires collaboration with the two realms.


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