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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INITIATE (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 261:
261. He who fears for his life cannot be a hero. And he who pointlessly wastes his life will not be a hero. The hero carries the vessel with care, ever ready to offer it for building the future world - as in everything, the weighing of opposites. A yogi will understand this. He will understand the value of restraint, yet will never be satisfied. The hero is truly insatiable for achievement and hungers for action, yet is ready at any time to restrain himself. He acts for spirit, but does not detach himself from Earth. Unstoppable, never retreating, he will not abandon what he has begun, and will not initiate any action that is less than selfless.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 360:
Furthermore, how beautiful and concise - "We shall not die, but change" and "As in heaven, so on earth." Such covenants could only be pronounced by an Initiate. These Sacred Books can provide a wealth of information about the manifestations of Fire. Hence, one should urge the assiduous reading of these Covenants. So, too, the chronicles of the lives of the saints can bring an understanding of the Fiery World. The affirmation of these manifestations after many centuries must inspire the questing scientists. I repeat, it is sad to observe the separation of science from the highest foundations of Existence. In connection with history, at least, scientists are duty-bound to pay attention and respect to the Tablets of the past. Yet, not only scientists but even artists nurtured upon imagination avoid concentrating on the treasures of the Scriptures. As if such knowledge were inferior to other knowledge! But one thing is amazing - that those who question Us about the Sacred Books find no time to read them despite Our advice. He who is aflame in heart will not tarry because of an unsolved question.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232:
It is impermissible to speak in the marketplace about the awareness of Light. An initiate will not disclose his precious experience. No one can compel him to utter the unutterable. This is the difference between an initiate, and a deceiver, who knows how to roll his eyes and sing sweetly about visions that only he can perceive. True messengers are not talkative.


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