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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INHALES (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.1:
How then should one pray? One can spend hours in aspiration, but there may be a prayer of lightning speed. Then instantaneously, without words, man places himself in continuity with the whole chain into the Infinite. Resolving to unite with the Infinite, man inhales emanations of the ether, as it were, and without mechanical repetitions establishes the best circuit for the current. Thus, in silence, without wasting time, one can receive a stream of refreshment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 233:
The magic formulas that have been given out to the public are intentional distortions. In them some things are missing that were reserved for oral transmission. Certainly a yogi is the very opposite of a magician. A magician stands on petrified formulas. A yogi constantly inhales the fresh new breath of Cosmos. The one is old at birth; the other is always young, throughout all changes in his life. The one attempts to strike with words not of his own making; the other smites with his free thought. The one defends himself with pitiful pinpricks; the other is shielded just by the armor of his glance. Yoga has nothing in common with magic.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 228:
228. The Divine Fire manifests its sparks in all Existence. Concealed are the potentials of these sparks, and, even though they are invisible, yet they must be accepted as the basis of all manifestations. One must accept this spark as a link in each center of the organism. Taking this Truth as a basis, one can imagine how the centers are unified by functions. Each divine spark inhales and exhales fire, which serves as a unifying agent. All forces of the spirit's potential are intensified in this continuous exchange. The potential of each center is a link to immortality, therefore great is the error which stresses physical exercises. Certainly not from without but from within is the spark of Divine Fire set aflame. Under the guidance of the Teacher's Ray the spark can surely take Fire, but also the spirit must be prepared by independent search. The Teaching of Zoroaster about Divine Fire, Love and Beauty, brought to the World the affirmation of Higher Law.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 293:
293. Urusvati knows that people more readily understand any advice when it is explained by analogies from the practice of medicine. For example, one can cite the case of a patient who is instructed to fully inhale a certain medicinal vapor, but because he distrusts the physician he only inhales half a dose, and the desired result is not obtained. Similarly, when people do not strive fully toward the Source of Ultimate Good, the results are lamentable. Disbelief, laziness, or ignorance will lead to the same sad end.


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