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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INHABITANTS (39)

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
You yourselves have performed the experiment with the hazel branch and have been amazed how this most ancient and primitive apparatus became tense, trembled, and went into motion, reacting to underground waters and minerals. Indeed, the source of this obvious reaction lies not in the branch but in the human apparatus. With what detail and fervor must one study, therefore, the reaction of each locality upon man and upon entire groups of people! Many regions are replete with popular rumors about the peculiarities of character of their inhabitants in some places people suffer from goitre; in some they lose their teeth; in some leprosy makes its nest; in some the spleen becomes blighted, or the heart becomes enlarged, or the character sluggish; in some places there is vigor and animation. A great number of such features catch the eye. It may be observed that these peculiarities are not a matter of racial or climatic conditions. The very structure of the ground underfoot may contain the principal causes of the differences in popular characteristics. There is a broad field for study if approached with keen eye and without prejudice.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 83:
83. The dark forces have brought the planet into such a condition that no earthly solution can restore its conventional prosperity. None can regard the earthly standards of yesterday as suitable for tomorrow. Hence, humanity must understand anew the meaning of its transitory sojourn in an earthly state. Only through a fundamental defining of one's existence in the carnate form and through an understanding of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds can one strengthen one's own existence. One should not think that the delusion of trading can even temporarily insure a secure existence. Life has been turned into trade, but who of the Teachers of Life has ever been a shopkeeper? You know the great symbol of driving the money-changers out of the Temple; but is not Earth itself a Temple? Is not Maha Meru the foot of the Summit of Spirit? Thus one can indicate the predestined Summits to the inhabitants of Earth.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 153:
153. We shall return later to the question of birth, so bound up with the Fiery World. But now I shall reply to the question about light in the Subtle World. Indeed, the transcendental nature of the condition communicates a corresponding aspect to the whole world-content. When you visited Dokyood, you saw sufficient light. But certain regions of the Subtle World are striking because of their twilight. The Light is within ourselves and we open up the way to it. So, too, the inhabitants of the Subtle World who desire light have no scarcity of it. The inhabitants to whom the need of Light is alien dwell in twilight. This refers to unlimited thought-creativeness. That sun which we on Earth perceive under one aspect, can be transformed into many conditions under the power of thought-creativeness. He who desires Light gives access to it, but he who sinks into a twilight of thought receives that to which he has limited himself. This is why we repeat so often about clarity of consciousness, about boundlessness of thought, and about containment. Such an adaptation of the organism to the future produces the most desirable results. How many inhabitants of the Subtle World look about themselves in the Fiery Mist and dimly regret something that has been lost!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 235:
235. Fiery affirmation takes place not in pleasant drowsiness but in storm and lightning. He who accustoms himself to feel tranquility amidst lightnings easily meditates about the Fiery World. It is necessary to think about the World of Light. Thoughts should be send into its heights. Thus is it possible to participate mentally not only in the earthly battle but also in the battle of the Subtle World. Indeed, earthly destructions are as nothing, compared to the destruction of the Subtle World. A great number of the best intentions are dissipated together with hideous accumulations. At the same time the inhabitants become involved, particularly those who display activity. There are many of these, both in the lower strata and in the higher. The fire breaking through is sensed by all who have not accustomed themselves to the fiery state. Therefore, when I speak about thinking of the Subtle World, I am advising something very useful, and when I speak about thinking of the fiery worlds, I am advising something indispensable. The affirmation of fiery thought is already an acquisition of invincibility. As the links of a coat of mail are gradually strung together, so, too, the fiery plumage grows invisibly.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 475:
475. Communions in spirit constitute a considerable part of earthly existence and doubtless belong to the fiery nature. Not only do they occur during sleep but during our waking state we also feel many reflexes from such communions. No one, not even the coarsest person, would dare to deny that at times he has felt certain contacts or thought-suggestions from outside. The Teacher may point out that such contacts may be received from many sources either along the thread of Hierarchy, or from the Subtle World, or from earthly inhabitants. It is very characteristic that a thought coming from the outside is forgotten quite easily. Not without reason did the ancient wisdom advise drinking a draught of cold water after such thoughts, as though a molten substance were in need of cooling to retain its form. This ancient advice is not without foundation. Thought coming from outside seemingly sets the centers aflame and should be engraved, as it were, in order that it be transformed into conventional energy. The same applies to dreams and visions. We not only receive fiery impulses from outside, but our subtle body exerts its entire fiery essence in order to condense the perceptions and intensify the conviction. It can be observed how the fiery perception collects all the most characteristic details. At times one is surprised at the degree of observation and the easy flexibility of the fiery eye, as compared to the earthly one. One can write down many dreams and sensations which will reveal the sharpness of the collected details. Often the fiery creativeness condenses details. It does not lie, but combines all the homogeneous parts. Therefore We strongly advise that close attention be paid to the fiery sensations; in them lies truth - molded by Fire, the genius. It may take decades to perceive through intellect what fiery illumination effects almost instantaneously.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 644:
644. Bliss, Nirvana, Divine Nearness and all analogous terms for the higher state are usually understood in an earthly sense. Thus, Bliss is always understood as an ecstatic oblivion and the rapture of some kind of indolent rest; but oblivion may be understood only as the erasure of all earthly means and examples. Truly, why such limited earthly ways, when one can already act through the higher energies? Is it possible to identify Divine Nearness with indolence and immersion in oblivion? Such a correlation is contrary to the very meaning of approach to the Highest Principle. This conjoining with the Highest, this transformation through the higher energies, primarily impels one to an increased tension of all forces. Even in extreme tension a man must not lose hold of himself. But amidst the contacts with fiery radiances, the seed of the spirit will be kindled the more, and its striving toward thought-creativeness, unrestrainable. One may wonder why people try to limit and disparage the significance of the Fiery World. They wish to clothe it in earthly limitations and also stipulate that the inhabitants of other worlds must exist in earthly bodies and dwell in earthly conditions. Only an undeveloped imagination can limit the Universe to such a degree. Therefore I so greatly emphasize the development of imagination as the basis of striving toward the Higher Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 87:
87. Not without reason do people recall ancient prophecies about changes in the firmament. In fact, violation of the planet's equilibrium will cause many three-fold manifestations. Not only may new heavenly bodies become visible, but the very chemism of the Luminaries may be altered, and of course this will react strongly upon the inhabitants of Earth. Thus, while people are enjoying their bazaars and fairs, ominous events are in the offing. Therefore one must undeferrably reiterate about the Living Ethics. The Sacred Ethics is transformed into a foolish etiquette and has become a printed label.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 527:
527. Everyone has met people who emphatically denied the existence of the Subtle World. Their argument was that they had never seen it. But, likewise, many people have not seen the inhabitants of some remote parts of the planet yet none the less a remarkable life has been flowing there. Therefore it is foolish to ridicule the investigators. Though they may not have made mathematical calculations, still their heart knows the right direction. At the call of the heart do the Fires of enlightenment flare up.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 528:
528. In the Subtle World only at times do the Lights of the Fiery World glow. The inhabitants of the Subtle World revere such manifestations as salutary sacred shortenings of the path. Thus, even the Subtle World understands the higher step as a very rare manifestation. But on the Earth contacts with the Subtle World are not so rare; and even the radiances of the Fiery World occur there. Why, then, are the incarnate dwellers so filled with negation

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 565:
565. The reality of the force of thought is beyond dispute. Thought creates. But in each book it is needful to review the fact that not every thought is effective. A vivid thought is equal in force to lightning. But each duplicity is destructive and will not produce the desired result. On the contrary, each duplicity produces deformities and most besetting monsters, which remains as horrible nightmares. By various thoughts there are created inhabitants of space which are like troublesome insects! Often people whisk away from the forehead an invisible fly. Often they sense a cobweb. Should one not then be reminded about the consequences of thought?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 566:
566. Often disputes take place about the length of stay in the Subtle World. Long periods have been mentioned, but also there can be noted some very brief ones. How to reconcile this difference? Yet in the great multiform Universe all is possible. The inhabitants of the Subtle World can be divided into several kinds some try to prolong their sojourn from a desire to develop the utmost usefulness - they are the hardest workers. Others try to remain longer in order not to take on the earthly trial. A third group stay on because of their love for the Subtle World. A fourth exert every effort to return more quickly to the earthly experience. It is true, children often incarnate quickly, but they can be observed to be striving toward many different tasks. It is touching to see children who wish to do better and who are afraid of former conditions; they should be particularly helped. Of course such strivings do not resemble those of a pauper who, because of the loss of his earthly treasures in a former life, wishes to become a rich man. But the chief happiness in the Subtle World is to preserve the purity and clarity of one's thinking. One must know precisely what one desires.

AUM (1936) - 137:
People cannot approach them in the earthly state, yet in the subtle body the best spirits have already approached such planets and brought back remembrances about their surface structure, coloration and inhabitants. Such experiences are rare, still they occur. They can reinforce the consciousness about infinite reality. In addition to the three invisible worlds it is necessary to recognize inhabited worlds. It is necessary to understand these oceans of thought which generate the music of the spheres. Thus let us diligently direct our thought to the distant friends and co-workers and Protectors. The thought that distant worlds are populated is not a supernatural fantasy. Man will firmly tread the earthly path when knowing about the surrounding magnitude.

AUM (1936) - 157:
157. The life of the planet may be understood as the sum total of all beginnings created with it. So much the greater is the responsibility of all thinking inhabitants of the planet. It is presumed that they are the crown of the planet, but if lumps of coal are found in the crown instead of precious stones, the resulting damage will be on a planetary scale. As a result, all the connecting currents will be destroyed.

AUM (1936) - 359:
359. People are unwilling to see the essential nature of what is taking place. But the essence is not changed by personal willingness or denial. No one can say that Armageddon does not lead to a predestined victory. It is amazing to see how long people have failed to understand what has been ordained. It is thus during a fire in a house, when the inhabitants do not wish to believe that such a thing has already happened. The evidence itself is of no help when a man has blindfolded himself.

AUM (1936) - 393:
Certain metals may correspond to the constitutional make-up of the local inhabitants; there may be magnetic currents connected with underground waters. Likewise, certain species of trees may increase or retard the action of psychic energy. Oak and pine are good, but aspen, alder, and dwarf elm are rarely of help to the energy. However, such circumstances are of secondary importance.

AUM (1936) - 418:
People pride themselves on the abolition of slavery, but has it actually be eliminated everywhere? Can the inhabitants of Earth sleep in peace while somewhere human dignity is abased to a beastlike condition? Can people boast of enlightenment when they know that full rights do not exist?

AUM (1936) - 521:
If people are to be found who have premonitions of distant earthquakes, then it is fully comprehensible that other cosmic vibrations can also be sensed. Let us not judge the reason why many perils are avoided - there are many causes for this. Certain islands are in a very dangerous state, yet the inhabitants will not abandon them. But no one derides scientists who investigate the changing shorelines.

AUM (1936) - 593:
593. Think of yourselves not as inhabitants of Earth, but of the Universe. In this way you will assume a greater responsibility. Likewise, you will apprehend how strenuous is the battle for each victory in the realm of Infinity. Do not think that by placing upon yourselves a great responsibility you fall into arrogance. The quality of arrogance befits ignorance. Responsibility is a duty to oneself and to the Highest. Thought about duty will in itself be constructive striving, but for such a path one must cultivate oneself each hour.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 17:
In addition to the inhabitants of the Stronghold of the Brotherhood, there are others living on Earth who carry out Our missions. One can trace how in different countries, throughout history, people appeared whose tasks and methods of accomplishing them had much in common. Usually these people were regarded with suspicion and hostility because something was sensed in them that could not be expressed in words.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30:
One must understand that the concept of darkness gradually vanishes, because one is surrounded by fires, rays, pillars of light, and brilliant sparks beyond counting, all visible with the eyes open or closed. Precisely, darkness vanishes. Twilight reigns only in the lower strata of the Subtle World, for its inhabitants do not know how to evoke Light. This ability depends upon thought, and thought gives birth to Light. Verily, a thinker sends the order, "Let there be Light!" Thus are the great truths taught, although people consider them to be fairy tales.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52:
The teacher must, first of all, explain the cooperation between the worlds. Mankind should not be allowed to remain under the illusion that they are isolated from the other worlds. Before it is too late one must provide all that is known about the close cooperation between the worlds. Let us not insist upon the names given to the inhabitants of the Subtle World. In different teachings, different names, some even solemn or threatening, are given to Supermundane Messengers.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54:
You are justly astonished that the inhabitants of the Subtle World do not speak about the battles in space. The Great Ones have mercy on the people of Earth, and the small do not know about the battle. Likewise, on Earth there are many wars being fought, but many people either do not know about them, or call them by different names. Similarly, in the Subtle World there is confusion and destruction, but the majority of people on Earth do not understand the reason for this. The lower strata are more numerous than the higher ones. Besides, the confusion does not reach the "Blissful Fields," about which you know. Therefore the great Spiritual Toilers do not remain there, but strive to active service in Heaven as on Earth.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 66:
It is especially important to understand that We do not expect large numbers of co-workers, and We ourselves are not many. But even a small community is valuable, for in addition to earthly assistance, the cooperation of the Subtle World can be summoned. For certain purposes these co-workers from the Subtle World are very useful. They have nothing in common with the husks that parade at spiritualistic seances and suck out the strength of those who are present. Nothing useful can be made from such husks. Of course, sometimes the harmony of those present can provide the possibility for developed spirits to manifest, but such harmony is very rare and requires lengthy association. Our cooperation with the higher spheres of the Subtle World has a different aim. Flammarion has been very useful to Us, and Marconi will also be useful, because such men can use wisely the powers of the Subtle World and understand how to labor for the Great Service on Earth. The inhabitants of the higher spheres can materialize easily, just as the inhabitants of Earth - the best ones - can easily visit the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69:
Many do not understand that the Head of the Brotherhood can depart to the far-off worlds. Nor can they comprehend why certain earthly Leaders, although devoted and enlightened, are willing to leave their Brothers behind. Only man's limited understanding causes him to deny the idea of expansion of the Community to several worlds. It is likewise difficult to imagine that, even in new bodies and in different surroundings, inhabitants can preserve the seeds of their clear, earthly consciousness. Yet the Primal Energy is everywhere one and the same. Such a link is stronger than all existing substances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 194:
194. Urusvati has observed that despite their apparent contentment, the inhabitants of Kamchatka, Lapland, and the extreme North deserve better living conditions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 261:
261. Urusvati knows how much more oppressive the lower astral strata are than even the basest earthly state. The lower layers of the Subtle World influence all of Earth, and its inhabitants should learn to protect themselves against these poisonous influences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 261:
Those few who do understand this bear a heavy burden. The Brotherhood itself suffers greatly from the light-mindedness of the inhabitants of Earth, who, instead of defending themselves against these harmful entities, attract them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 348:
348. Urusvati knows the different ways in which people react to manifestations of the Subtle World. These manifestations often evoke shock and even terror. If people are constantly surrounded by inhabitants of the Subtle World, why is it that seeing them produces such extreme reactions? One should remember that although such subtle manifestations sometimes cause shocks, people can only react to what they actually see, and unaware that they are surrounded by inhabitants of the Subtle World, they show a pronounced fear of contact with these so-called ghosts. But such contacts are unavoidable, and We have ways of protecting people from truly unbearable experiences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 377:
Among the inhabitants of these spheres may be found many political leaders who while on Earth believed power to be the crown of earthly achievement, and are still unaware that their unrestrained desires are a burden to the earthly atmosphere. In fact, these souls without harmony are ever ready to storm not only Earth, but Heaven also. They know no peace and derive their destructive power from their fury. There is nothing puzzling in the resultant battles, and many of these madmen perish while others continue to survive. Even the most difficult karma requires existence, if the Law of Karma is to be fulfilled.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 390:
390. Urusvati knows that most people enter the Subtle World with their consciousnesses burdened by earthly habits. During her flights into the Subtle World Urusvati frequently observed how even some good people build their astral existence according to their earthly patterns. It is amazing that the new conditions do not inspire them in their new task, and among these astral inhabitants there are some instructive examples. For instance, people who were unduly absorbed in their physical ailments continue with similar concerns in the Subtle World. They are accustomed to their many medicines and cannot imagine that this aspect of their earthly life is no longer necessary for their now disembodied state. Making use of atmospheric chemistry, they invent new medicines; unfortunately these astral experiments are forgotten in their new incarnations!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
It can be claimed that such groans do not exist. The inhabitants of the lower strata of the Subtle World are so attached to the familiar conditions there that they cannot perceive the higher manifestations. Let them remain in their imagined well-being. On Earth, too, some dance amid fratricidal wars, and their insensitivity extends into strata of the Subtle World, making self-perfectment impossible.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 408:
It is not surprising that man is so limited by his earthly body, for it could not possibly withstand the tension that often predominates in the Subtle World. Because of the fineness of structure of the inhabitants of the Subtle World, they enter easily into the atmosphere of the subtle energies, and the same force that can destroy an earthly body strengthens them. This should be remembered, for one can hardly imagine how different is the nature of these two worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 413:
Healing and cleansing measures are needed for Earth. The infected layers must be purified, and only man can do it. If inhabitants of Earth consider the state of their psychic energy and are careful not to worsen it, the process of improvement will begin. The most dangerous epidemics can be stopped by invisible forces, and one can begin such defense in one's daily life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 430:
One might ask if an outflow of ectoplasm affects the health. Indeed it can, depending particularly upon the nature of the thieving, voracious inhabitants of the lower strata who do not care about the harm they commit. But thoughtful beings can also approach, and they hasten to replenish the stolen ectoplasm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432:
Only in extraordinary cases are We permitted to intrude upon karma and act by earthly means. Let friends remember that even in the higher spheres there exist limitations governed by the Law of Karma. The inhabitants of Earth cannot imagine how difficult it is to approach them with material help. Usually spiritual help precedes, but it is thought to be a mere coincidence and is rarely accepted.


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