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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INDIVIDUALLY (13)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.16:
What teaching leads more swiftly to the broadening of consciousness? It is necessary to admit people completely individually to this meadow. To each one his own herbage, provided the inner fire conforms to human merit and dignity. The sluggish, the conceited, and those raging with suspicion and doubt will not find any nourishment.

New Era Community (1926) - 184:
When you are writing books, see that each one is complementary and independent of the others. So too in action, see that each member individually can express the whole group.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 152a:
About the act of creation, I say that every spirit creates individually. The spirit-creativeness, when memory does not restrain its actions, is so powerful that it can assure accomplishment of the most difficult task.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 402:
402. The consciousness embracing the measure of life can approach cosmic cooperation by affirmation of the existing. But when the application of vital principles impels the spirit to the law of higher dimensions the meaning of Be-ness is colored by the striving spirit. Thus, the Universe is cognized by each spirit individually, but the essence is cognized by him who has adopted a higher measurement. Every striving thought leads toward higher dimensions.

Hierarchy (1931) - 20:
20. One may understand that page of Our constructions as the intensified Magnet. Humanity, in accepting the Magnet and its intensified action, must also accept the ever increasing power of the Magnet as the evidence of the Lord's Hand. Of the act of creativeness, I may say that each spirit creates individually. Spirit-creativeness is so powerful that, even when the memory does not recall its actions, it can create an affirmation of the most difficult task.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 123:
123. The state of illumination is called "fiery aid." This state of consciousness should be approached with all the senses refined. Indeed, it may be noticed that sometimes I speak about things that are almost the same, but in this "almost" is contained one complete turn of the spiral. If you compare all these "almosts," you can discern the stratifications of the consciousness. It is not very easy to assimilate the rhythm of these strata, which differ individually. Yet through many observations it is possible to understand what a most subtle substance our consciousness is. Precisely, I emphasize refinement of the stratifications of consciousness. People often imagine that Fire is something turbulent, unencompassable, almost terrifying, thus they themselves plant fiery thickets. "As you call, so shall the call be answered."

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 195:
195. A new tradition about the significance of the heart must be moulded when people are caring least of all about it. Institutions for the study of the heart must be founded, with a knowledge of all that has been written about this center of being. All the ancient cults in which a place was allotted to the knowledge of the heart, must be studied; and here external remedies alone are of no assistance. Let us not forget that in antiquity suggestion was applied for reanimation of the stopped heart. There are many traditions about the bringing back to life which are based on this action. True, a great and disciplined will is required, and time is needed for the establishing of the new heart action. It must be determined how many minutes must elapse before the heart activity can be again established. But this will be extremely variable, for the actual departure of the subtle body occurs quite individually. There are many reasons for this, including the physical state and the quality of the subtle body. The physician should understand this diversity of conditions.

AUM (1936) - 221:
221. Any nervous attack can be cured under conditions of quietude of surroundings and an even temperature, and through the reactions to sound, color and aroma. But it is difficult to find such a combination of conditions. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary to apply that precise combination of sounds, color and aroma which is individually needed in such a state.

AUM (1936) - 372:
372. The true significance of so-called mediums should be revealed. According to the meaning of the word itself, they are intermediaries between the worlds. But let us not forget that to all people this communion has been given; all men are mediators. Indeed, the unrepeatable multiformity of the Universe gives to each incarnate being his share of communion. But the fact is that the majority of people do not realize their own abilities. On the contrary, under the pressure of ignorance they try to extinguish each manifestation of their own individuality. Therefore, let us apprehend that mediation between the worlds has been given to each man individually in his own measure. How beautiful it is to study such incomparable multiformity!

Brotherhood (1937) - 11:
It is impossible to divide physicians into allopaths and homeopaths, as each of them individually applies his best method. But the physician should be acquainted with the basic energy, which will be the operative factor for the speediest recovery.

Brotherhood (1937) - 141:
141. It may be asked, "Will the number of physicians decrease because of the increase of patent medicines?" This would be a calamity. Physicians are widely needed, if by the word physician one means a highly educated friend of humanity. Verily, the conventionally prepared remedies may bring on illnesses which will have to be treated individually in each case by the physician. There will be required a very subtle combination of suggestion together with the medicaments. We are not speaking about surgery, for this field calls for no discussion if it is kept within its proper limits. A surgeon who performs a needless operation is frequently likened to a murderer. Therefore, in this field also the true straight-knowledge is required.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
It would seem that the muscles have been sufficiently studied, but their functions depend upon one's character. Each part of the body acts individually. The gait depends on the psychic condition, which causes the muscles to work in a particular correlation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163:
The Teacher preferred to discuss those subjects that caused arguments with each person individually, for only in this way could he transmit the Truth according to the listener's level of consciousness. There were many such talks with individuals, which at times dealt with elementary subjects. At other times highly educated philosophers came to Him. Some came timidly and only by night, while others were bold enough to come during the day. He practiced great patience with all of them.


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