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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INDIVIDUALITIES (2)

Hierarchy (1931) - 342:
342. Individuality and egoism are like birth and death. The building of individuality manifests the conception of a New World, whereas egoism can mirror itself in the dead volcanoes of the moon. Not only does egoism deaden itself, it strikes the surroundings with sterility, whereas individuality kindles fires in all adjacent camps. Cooperation is the crown of individuality, but the scourge of egoism is like the sting of a scorpion. Can one rely upon egoism? No more than upon a viper! But true individuality contains in itself the foundation of universal justice. We must gather individualities; for a new diamond is in need of cutting, but egoism must pass through many incarnations. Indeed, this law may also be changed by the fire of the heart. Therefore, we can advise those adhering to egoism to be kindled by the proximity of a fiery heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 240:
People often feel desperate because they have been severely wronged, but they should understand that it may have been their very presence that provoked chaos. A strong individual will recognize that it is preferable to arouse chaos than to allow himself to become part of the unmanifested substance. There are many examples from centuries past when chaos clashed with great individualities, and it can be observed that those great workers influenced the masses in the loftiest ways.


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