Agni Yoga (1929) - 417: Karma is a most complex process. From the most casual, superficial action to the deepest level of motives, everything is varied in form and color. One should firmly ponder when it is possible and deserving to interfere in the karma of others. One can imagine cases of self-sacrificing and beneficial interference in the destiny of others. By the fires can the goal-fitness of interference be determined. The fires are the best indicators for this decision, since in them the inner consciousness is combined with the spatial consciousness. And nothing is equal to them in vitality; they are many-colored milestones, the product of a full understanding of surrounding conditions. You see how two abstract concepts, the Redeemers and the Fire of Space, become real for you! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 17: 17. The sensation of quivering is of course called into being by the currents of subterranean and superterranean fires. The entire condition of tension is attributable to cosmic and planetary currents. Each manifestation of the elements establishes its accord. I ask that all sensations be recorded; these are important indicators. Following explosions there is heaviness. The subterranean fire surges toward the cooled places; hence the manifestation of explosions. If one would observe the direction of motion of the fire of the centers, the direction of the cosmic fires could be discerned. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 42: 42. The fusion of energies are manifested in different spheres. When a lower sphere is taut for fusion, an identical energy approaches it. The higher sphere summons the higher energy. Similarly are the human fields of action divided. Those who cling to the lower sphere preordain their own destinies. Each assimilation and each response thus affirms the tension of the spirit. These indicators subtly define the striving of the spirit. Hierarchy (1931) - 165: 165. The physician who has an opportunity to study the sacred pains and does not do it is guilty. In studying those pains and comparing them with the actions that cause them, he could prepare the steps for the coming evolution. In reality, during the spiritual development of the world, sacred pains should not exist, but the surrounding imperfections create these pains. Thus, in comparing the conditions and causes, one can foresee the direction of evolution. Certainly, much can be improved in the human consciousness if we know that even earthquakes are called forth by the spirit of humanity. One can gradually gather many manifestations of which man is the creator. Thus, the sacred pains are the indicators of the next race in the clutches of the underdeveloped; hence, I say, Guard your health. I say, Do not burden others by unnecessary sallies and irritation. The echo of errors resounds not only around you, but is carried along the entire Chain of Hierarchy. However, each caution is beneficial not only to you but it also strengthens space unto far-off spheres. Heart (1932) - 422: 422. People have apprehended with difficulty the idea that radio flashes simultaneously throughout the world; yet the velocity and infiniteness of thought are virtually beyond the reach of the consciousness. The simplest and most beneficial truths are accepted with especial diffidence. The very methods of investigation of such laws often merit pity. Indicators and operators, that are completely incapable of any receptivity, may be posted for observation in the experiments and transmission of thought. On the other hand, people with sensitive hearts will not be questioned. The present difficulty is that people who are not entitled to any confidence gather seemingly in the name of science. One should not be afraid of making mistakes, and the masses should be widely questioned. Naturally there will be contradictions, but the honest inquirer will nevertheless receive truly vast material. The social sciences must occupy themselves greatly with the dissemination of thought as the basis of human welfare. Thus, in the era of the discovery of energies investigations in the domain of thought are necessary. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 618: 618. Everywhere it is indicated that suffering is the best purifier and means of shortening the Path. This is undoubtedly true under the existing conditions on Earth. But could there have been Creation with an unalterable condition of suffering? No. Indeed, the Great Creativeness does not foresee a need for suffering. With terrific zeal people drive themselves into the circle of suffering. For millenniums people have tried to become mere bipeds. They try to weigh down the atmosphere of Earth with malice. Verily, every physician will bear witness that without evil there would be no suffering. Let us designate the ability to avoid suffering as a step toward Good. Truly, the passage of the Good through the furnace of fire eliminates the sense of suffering. Thus, fiery transfiguration even on Earth lifts one beyond suffering. One should not evade suffering, for without suffering earthly achievement does not exist. But let each one ready for achievement kindle the fires of his heart. They will be the indicators of the Path, and a shield not fashioned by human hands. Someone has asked, "How does the Lord discern those who approach him?" The answer is, "By the fires of their hearts." If we are astonished by the power of Fire that even here envelops us and saturates our garments, then we can understand how supernal is the glow of the fires of the heart along the Chain of Hierarchy!