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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INDEX (2)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 75:
75. The strongest index of achievement is self-renunciation. Indeed, it is necessary to understand this cosmic concept in all its beauty. Not only on the field of battle is the spirit adorned with the power of selflessness. To traverse the path of life impetuously, to cross all lives as upon a wire, to pass over all abysses in song, is possible only for the selfless spirit. All structures which follow the cosmic designation are erected in fiery striving.

AUM (1936) - 375:
375. Energy can be applied decisively in all cases. It can indicate the degree of magnetization of objects or water. Like a most sensitive apparatus it can instantaneously record the fluctuations of currents at far distances. It can follow the thoughts of each line of a manuscript. It is an index of the quality of radiation. In good hands it is an instrument of good.


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