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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INDEFEASIBLE (2)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 18:
As the creativeness of Cosmos is inexhaustible, so let the understanding of Infinity be indefeasible. The manifestation of ages in eternity, the work of transforming the oceans and the crust of Earth, may serve to illustrate the eternal motion.

AUM (1936) - 341:
The path of those who know how to investigate freely will be the path of the future. Actually, the battle with ignorance is as indefeasible as that with dissolution and corruption. Not easy is the battle with dark ignorance; it has many allies; it is sheltered in many countries; and is covered with different garments. One needs to be supplied with both courage and patience, for the battle with ignorance is a battle with chaos.


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