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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INCREASES (59)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 127:
127. Displaying fearlessness, you show a noble example to those around you. I teach you to face life's experiences with hearts alight. I shall explain - I am hastening your karma, and on the way I strip away all masks, that you may see. Your power increases at the understanding of another soul. You will reach the goal predestined for you by Christ.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.4:
2.1.4. It is good to be in the sunshine, but the starlit sky also brings harmony to the nerves. The moon, on the contrary, is not for us. The moon's pure light affects the prana. The magnetism of the moon is great, but for repose it is not good. Often the moon evokes fatigue, like people who devour one's vital energy. The manifestation of miraculous power increases during moonlight.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.6:
2.5.6. The touch of the ray of the Brotherhood increases the sagacity of perceptions. Therefore, one must take into consideration every sensation.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11:
When it is not the season for flowers, it is useful to have small pine trees. Like a dynamo they accumulate vitality, and they are more effectual than right breathing. Instead of by ritual breathings one can thus receive a most condensed supply of prana. Of course, a state of rest also increases the action.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.3:
3.4.3. Keep now in mind that in time of danger you must encircle yourselves with a realization of personal invulnerability, and then send your consciousness to meet My Ray. Imagine mentally how your spark rushes to My current. Such reciprocity increases the current, and is excellent in time of fatigue. There may be various incidents on the path in which a reciprocal current will be especially useful. It is best to reinforce each possibility.

New Era Community (1926) - 239:
We love arrow-shooting. The unwavering tension of the bowstring precedes the flight of the arrow. Space sings, and the spiral drawn into action increases the usefulness of the particles of matter. Thus new armor is being forged.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 47:
The Teaching of evolution shows that human timidity increases before the change of race. But the date approaches, and those who have not learned to swim must swallow their fill of the brine.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 157:
157. The moral darkness of the nations increases. The fiery flower is obscured throughout the entire expanse of the planet.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 231:
Often a ridiculed book is thrown away but later finds its merited attention. Also, the burning of books increases their influence. It is not persecution that one should fear, but popularity. This must be repeated again and again, for people attend too much to the voice of the crowd, and do not understand the pointlessness of groups gathering without purpose.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 236:
236. It should be understood how, in every sense, trust increases one's possibilities. But what kind of trust is the best? And what doubt is the worst? The inner trust that needs no words of affirmation is the best. The fleeting doubt is the worst. It is not the gnawing serpent of doubt that is most to be feared, because with just one achievement the serpent can be destroyed. But the swarm of small worms of doubt requires a lengthy cure. The strongest trust can be upset neither by thought nor word. It would be better to swallow a deadly poison than to remain in the illness of doubt. He who is shielded with trust needs no other armor.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 257:
257. How should one understand the benefits of obstacles when one is told that psychic energy, acting as a magnet, attracts all possible advantages? Truly, when a large ship increases its speed the resistance of the waves increases too. Similarly, many obstacles are brought about by our own striving. It is this process that attracts to us unexpected actions by an opposing will. If they are very strong, our own counterstroke will develop accordingly. Most important, the currents opposing us should be strong, because then our flame is ignited.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 293:
293. Especially harmful are crossed currents. Even in the physical life, people prefer arrows coming from one direction to those coming from many directions. One can easily understand the depression of mood caused by arrows flying above one's head from unknown directions. When such a saturation of space cannot be avoided, it is especially important to guard one's health. The blood pressure increases, and the tension of the centers causes depression. A single known enemy, however strong, is better than these unrecognizable taps. The Teacher is especially attentive at such times, especially if the fires of the centers are already strained. But these life explosions are unavoidable. Every affirming conscious activity will evoke a vortex of thought, and if one's spiritual development is already great, then the counteraction of unbridled spatial waves is also great, and burdensome. Naturally, people with undeveloped centers do not even notice the shower of arrows, but this does not mean that they should be envied. We speak of constant joy, but this joy is a special wisdom.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 512:
It is easier to discern the inner qualities that people reveal by their speech and actions than to see the geological stratifications of the soil. Therefore, in selecting the fiery ones, observe the way in which they respond to the tests presented to them. With psychic development the revealing process increases, and one deepens the way already begun. Few are those in whom the true essence does not become evident. With the process of fiery development, one's ability to unerringly judge manifested events will grow. Out of the straight-knowledge, foretold so long ago, will burst forth the fire of intensified psychic energy. What can be concealed from it?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 650:
650. Even your physicians admit that during nervous exaltation one's strength increases tenfold. Thus they acknowledge psychic energy. But they see that such states are brief and are followed by a loss of energy. Precisely for this reason is the Yoga needed, so that while increasing the ascent, one is kept from falling. Collapses are brought on by a lack of realization and by failure to apply one's psychic energy. The ignoramus limps as if lame, but the one who knows can conquer the most unattainable heights.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) :
Therefore, we shall offer the radiance of the rays of Infinity, into which there is carried not only the spirit but even stones, in a blending, as it were, of loftiest creation with grossest matter. But in the whirlwind of Eternity the stone and the spirit are imponderable, for they are drawn into the same magnet. The very realization of the magnet increases the attraction, focusing it upon intensification of currents. These same vortices conquer space, and you do not know from what spheres the indivisible electron - nucleus of Tamas and Teros - reaches you.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 77a:
77a. The life of the atom is many-sided, and the aspects of its paths are quite varied. The courses sometimes describe a circle, manifesting conscious combinations; but at times, becoming disunited, they evince spatial striving, and the obtuse angle increases with each manifestation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 91:
91. I affirm that humanity's irrationality is inducing it to amass antagonism which will overtake it like an explosion. You correctly discerned the approaching ominous page. A great reorganization is coming! The scales are now being tipped. In Cosmos there is a most gigantic equilibrium. The power of the equilibrium is maintained through a harmonized psycho-life. The more errors on the one hand, the more enlightenment on the other. And the striving of the awakened spirits increases in proportion with the decline of the general trend of thought. Great is the law of Equilibrium!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 113:
113. The human spirit is raised by Us to the level of the highest understanding of the manifestations of Cosmos. When We call toward Infinity, it is in accord with the highest principle. Did the first man think about such attainment? The Cosmic Magnet of evolution is predestined as an eternal attraction, indicating the way toward perfection. The abolishment of the understanding of a boundless manifestation is unjustified. Each new day offers new possibilities for approaching the limitless growth. The absence of finiteness assures a direct consequence designating the beginning of each completion. The succession of gates which lead to new spheres We shall call Infinity. Creativeness of spirit increases with each new current of evolution. Verily the human spirit is unaware of its treasury, the expression of which spirals upward during an affirmed striving. Find application for each of the fires of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 132:
When, through a span of millennia, the spirit seeks the path predestined for it by the luminaries, and when its essence aspires toward harmony, then the Cosmic Magnet responds and Cosmos gains the highest concordance. Out of these consonances is composed a cosmic chord! The higher the sphere, the greater the power of attraction. Thus one can realize the power of Cosmic Reason. The power increases according to the spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 344:
344. The creative principle impels all energies toward fusion. The heterogeneity of the striving energies manifests the power of attraction. Thus, each propelled energy is not lost in space; and the power of each energy increases through fusion. Each energy attracted by the creative principle multiplies its power through this impulse; and each coalescing and striving atom generates energy. Hence, all cosmic energies manifest the potency of creativeness. Infinity affirms the generation of energies and multiplies all cosmic manifestations of the creative principle.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 182:
182. The nations are seeking the manifestation of the cosmic fires. Only cosmic striving provides the necessary formula. Only cosmic tension provides the necessary formula. Therefore, when these forces in the nations are seeking manifestation, the consciousness is impelled toward the Cosmic Magnet. Thus does evolution mold its steps. The steps of ascent are tautened by the Cosmic Magnet. Whoever opposes the Cosmic Magnet makes a contrary wave. Thus, when striving to the Cosmic Magnet increases, the step toward evolution is approaching.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 495:
495. When the tension of the Carriers of Fires is revealed as a shifting power, the tension of the opposing forces increases. Therefore, all the measures taken by the enemies are in proportion to the growth of tension. Every wall erected by the enemy must crumble under the cyclone of his own errors. Thus, the enemies are saturated with their own poisons. Our Carriers of Fires are tensed cosmically, and victory is inevitable. Thus, the world will know all the obstacles encountered by the Carriers of Fires. The fire of spirit imbues the space.

Hierarchy (1931) - 15:
15. Man-God advances as an evident aspiring Redeemer of Humanity. We guard this sacred truth about Man-God. I affirm that the Tara, carrying the flaming Chalice of aspirations for the redemption of humanity, can proclaim Our manifestation among men. The origin of the power of the Cosmic Magnet bestows striving toward the consummation. We Brothers of Humanity point out that the change will take place through the fiery principle. Verily, Our new step is so beautiful! The currents of the higher spheres impel the currents toward the construction of Our Cosmic force. Great is the attraction! When striving hearts aspire toward consummation, the impetuosity increases, and the current of oneness is affirmed by the tension of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus the union resounds.

Hierarchy (1931) - 28:
28. Wondrous is the thought of a Brotherhood on Earth. Each discipline of the spirit produces striving. Only the will can give discipline to the spirit, but when thought roams about in obvious egoism, then, verily, there is no channel for a correct and vital action. Thus, each applied thought will afford growth to the spirit. Thus, each applied thought of the Tara and the Guru will afford an expansion of consciousness. Thus, only the Chain of Hierarchy will afford the possibility of ascent. Complete obedience leads to true creativeness, for when obedience guides the action, power increases, and the pledge strains all forces.

Hierarchy (1931) - 236:
236. It is correct to investigate the importance of vitamins, but one should also experiment with the reaction of psychic energy. One can see that a conscious consumption of vitamins manifoldly increases their usefulness. Likewise, it can be observed that the absorption of vitamins while one is irritated may increase imperil, since an unconscious energy is strengthened at a point where consciousness is gathered. One can understand why the partaking of food was considered sacred by the ancients. It is easy to understand to what an extent realization multiplies all energies. So many simple experiments can be performed with a minimum of observation. In order to increase respect for consciousness one may call energy Atma, or psyche, or life, or consider it sacred, but it is necessary to study its significance. By this channel we approach Fohat, or atomic energy. It is essential to observe the microcosm and transfer the formula to the Infinite.

Hierarchy (1931) - 261:
261. Let us not understand the cosmic whirl as do the animals, who sense something incomprehensible and try to hide in the darkness of their burrows. An enlightened consciousness does not conceal the battle from itself, and, being prepared by the Teaching, is able to break any hostile arrow against the shield of illumination. Even the crashing of the destroyed hostile blow is heard. We pity the one who receives a rebounding blow, which, according to the law, increases tenfold. Is it not wondrous to feel in life the application of the great laws of justice? One may speak of them at length, but their application in life is convincing.

Hierarchy (1931) - 264:
The given emulsion has the same insulative quality, and it not only protects, but increases the circulation of the psychic energy. One may observe how harmlessly the emulsion alkalizes the skin, protecting it from accumulations. Thus, the emulsion externally and a powder internally will be the best armor. The lymph acquires a form of covering and even becomes beneficial. Thus, by simple means one can considerably protect oneself from undesirable surroundings.

Hierarchy (1931) - 278:
278. It can be understood how much more complex are group, state, and national karmas. Their intermingling is not lessened but increased by the conventional boundaries of humanity. One can feel how aggravated is the interrelation between the powers of Light and darkness, which increases the non-conformity of the reaction of nature. You can see how greatly perturbed are the weak spirits, how greatly obsessions increase, and to what an extent these obsessions complicate karma. So, also, the earthly battle should not upset anyone, because one can understand how it is magnified in Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 426:
426. Faith is the presentiment of knowledge. In the multiformity of the All-Existent, faith has an actual foundation. Like a motive force, faith intensifies the energy and through this increases the working capability of space. One can welcome the tensity of energy when it is connected with the manifestation of the substance of Bliss. Thus We can point out the most evident path of faith together with an uplifted and refined consciousness. Certainly, Hierarchy is that megaphone which will stir the heavens to thunder.

Heart (1932) - 139:
139. The coming era must free humanity from all slavery. This can be attained by Hierarchic cooperation. We shall not tire of reiterating about cooperation. The significance of the all-embracing heart cannot be realized if, instead of cooperation, one dreams of various kinds of slavery. Thus, during the study of magnetic currents, let us determine that the realization of cooperation increases tenfold the might of all binding currents. It may seem strange that an ethical concept of cooperation should react on a physical concept of currents. Someone who is unaware of true science may think thus. But you are sufficiently aware of how inseparable is the domain of spirit from physical laws.

Heart (1932) - 222:
222. We constantly insist upon the conquest of every aspect of fear. This demand is not an abstract one, but is connected with one's immediate ascent. Fear, like many negative qualities, creates a negative magnet as soon as it increases. This magnet during successive existences will impel the personality along the implanted object of its fear. If a man fears anything he will inevitably be compelled to cross precisely the path of this horror, until he exhausts his fear. Therefore it is useful that a man, having realized the invulnerability of his spiritual essence, should liberate himself from all fears, for all threats are insignificant. Even the encounter with powerful dark entities is not dangerous if the firm link with the Hierarchy is safeguarded. Other negative qualities can also be neutralized by being conscious that it is unworthy to recur to them, since one must experience their rebounding blow.

Heart (1932) - 423:
423. In discussions of the education of the heart seeming differences of opinion may arise. Some will insist on a cautious attitude toward the heart, but others will recall My words, "Burden Me still more!" A shield is needed against each evil attempt, but one ought to add a still greater burden in the name of the Great Service. Thus, the energy for Service must be intensified; it increases with intensification. Many are envious of everything that emerges from oppression, for it is especially disheartening not to be noticed even by the dark forces. But few are those who appreciate intensification as a source of development of creative energy. Of course, with the thought of murder no intensification occurs. During an attack aiming at annihilation a fiery armor is necessary. Each warrior must think of such armor. This will not be the signal of retreat from battle, but wise caution. There is no contradiction between the burdening of the heart and caution. One must be prepared for all kinds of attacks, and flexibility of thought is necessary for this.

Heart (1932) - 503:
503. Illumination, in essence is the bliss of striving; hence it cannot be death-bringing. Life, however, evidences quite the opposite. From where does this perverse result issue? Naturally, not from the light-bearers themselves, but from the vicious contagion of the surrounding atmosphere. Thus, once again life indicates to what an extent humanly created conditions fail to coordinate with the beautiful possibilities. Hence, let us assiduously propel spatial calls, in order to regenerate the consciousnesses! Not few are the strivings sent by Us in order to attract the attention of people to the vicious madness which increases incalculably. They wish to scoff at the Law of the Universe, but first of all it is necessary to realize the possibilities missed, knowing that all is repairable. We dream of new races, but first let us consider why the new race is needed and how each one may help its realization - first of all, in mobility. It is necessary to teach children this winged mobility.

Heart (1932) - 533:
533. People think in vain that a High Spirit becomes insensitive to minor treasons. One the contrary, sensitiveness grows with purification of the heart. Of course, parallel with this, the power of the heart also increases, but sensitiveness still cannot avoid being poisoned by the surrounding malice. Thus, the path of purification cannot be called obtuse. One must realize how much easier of access is the purified heart. Therefore, among the questions of the Mysteries there was one - "Canst thou cast out the fear of pain?" The heart knows the pain of the world, but it also knows the superterranean rays. It is not easy to make these rays evident, but on the other hand, the scientists can cognize special cosmic rays that gather around a purified heart. Not without reason is the purified heart called a summit. Thus, the purified heart can be utilized for many experiments, but of course such a precious vessel should not be broken. It can be said that the karma of the destroyers of hearts is a very heavy one.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 144:
144. Much is going on roundabout and especially where there is a Magnet. The Teacher forewarns that nowadays the most unusual conflicts may be expected, so crowded have the lower strata of the Subtle World become. People have decided to fill the Subtle World with great numbers that are arriving before their normal time. No one has thought what the consequences will be for the people themselves. It is impossible to slaughter millions of people with impunity, without setting up a most grave Karma. Even if the karma is not a personal one, so much the worse, because it increases the Karma of nations and of the whole planet. What has been said about peace-makers is the more correct, since because of them there arises a proper attitude toward the future. The lower strata of the Subtle World must not be filled with the horrors of uncompleted karma. One should not think that this will have no reaction upon the condition of the planet. But the principal cause is that no one thinks about the Subtle World at all. The isolation is most frightful; precisely the dark force exults at each alienation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 263:
263. Each day the tension in nature and in men increases. Thus, one can imagine what occurs in the valleys, when even on the mountains special measures are needed. Verily, it is a time of disturbance; but you know the panacea.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 370:
370. The state of sickness increases the work of the spirit. The physician can successfully advise many things that will provide a beneficial course for the ailment and strengthen the consciousness of spirit. It is very important to strengthen a certain state of spirit. To this end, during rituals and incantations certain vociferations were used to accentuate, as it were, the moment of the descent of power.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 482:
482. In Tibet horses are fed on leopard flesh in order to make them fierce. The Kshatniyas of Rajputana depend upon a meat diet to maintain their warlike spirit. These two examples alone show the significance of meat-eating. People do not slaughter a vast number of cattle from a sense of refinement. Like troglodytes, they are ready to devour bears. One must realize that the mass slaughter of animals is carried on in full consciousness. People know that vegetables or fruit give more vital energy than a cup of blood, yet they prefer being served with bloody meat, greatly relishing this coarseness. There is no other name for the frenzy of blood consumption. People are perfectly aware that a handful of wheat or barley is sufficient to sustain life, but their animal instinct tries to drag their minds back to a bestial state. Do not beasts try to tear each other's throats? Does not darkness impel people to the lowest actions? Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm. One must avoid disturbing the Subtle World in any way. We can allow a diet of vegetables, farinaceous food, and milk, also eggs, the very freshest and in a liquid state. You know how repulsive the very sight of meat becomes to the organism accustomed to a vegetable diet. Thus, in practice one must accustom oneself to refinement and remember that even an elephant increases his strength through plants alone. One should not think that people eat meat because of poverty. With the least effort one can obtain a vegetable diet; besides, many nourishing herbs and roots are not utilized. One could learn much from certain animals, they know far more about natural foods than man, the meat-eater. Do not be concerned if the lover of blood scoffs at vegetable food; only remember him, because he is from darkness. Many are indifferent to meat and are compelled to it only by ugly home conditions. We do not mean them. We deplore the conscious vampires and necrophagi. Hence, be simpler and more refined in your diet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 605:
605. There is no salvation surer than that through devotion. One can forgive much where there is unswerving devotion. The man who is devoted in heart can be relied upon. It is cause for rejoicing when Hierarchy is upheld by devotion. At present it is especially needed. If yesterday's confusion seemed enormous, what can one say of tomorrow's? I have already prepared you for the growth of Armageddon, and you know that the black wings of darkness will not withstand the Fiery Sword. Be not astonished - the Battle increases!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 222:
222. The magnetic attraction of the aura greatly varies depending upon the combination of manifestations of different tensions. The consciousness sets aflame the power of the aura. When the consciousness is saturated with higher strivings, when it is directed to higher creativeness, the magnet of the aura increases a thousandfold. When the spirit aspires to the Higher Source the magnet of the aura is affirmed in its might. Each lofty striving produces a sediment, manifesting its saturation for each action. Each fiery transport gives to the aura a strong particular attraction which is irrevocably affirmed as the basis of higher action. The attraction of magnetic waves exerts its influence at great distances, and sendings of the spirit can especially be attracted to the closest auras. The creativeness of the spirit acts by means of these fiery magnets. On the path to the Fiery World one must affirm one's own magnetic attractions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 275:
275. Indeed, if the consciousness be affirmed in the fact that only through equilibrium is it possible to develop any swiftness whatsoever, then humanity will become accustomed to thought about the transference of all magnitudes, for each construction is developed through equilibrium. Every consciousness can attain this systematic constructiveness through intensified search for that with which to adorn the treasure of life. Through equilibrium speed increases creatively, and the focus can affirm its own radiation for a corresponding constructiveness. Thus is it important in cosmic reorganization to accept equilibrium as a basic principle. The power of growth of the structure is affirmed in the proportions upon which equilibrium is established. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for equilibrium.

AUM (1936) - 513:
513. Criminality is increasing. Cruelty and violence are increasing. It is necessary to look into the root of such infamous manifestations. Humanity cannot become worse without reasons. But besides cosmic causes, in humanity itself there is cause to feel shaken. It is impossible to deny psychic energy endlessly. Because of cosmic stress, the psychic energy of humanity also increases its pressure. It not only is not recognized but it is even scorned, which causes physical and psychic sicknesses.

Brotherhood (1937) - 188:
Even knowledge of languages increases the flow of new discoveries. How much more, then, will unfettered thought bring! Each decade reveals a new approach to the Sacred Teaching. The readers of a half-century ago read it completely differently. In comparison with those who are reading it at present, they emphasized entirely different thoughts. One should not speak about new Teachings, since Truth is one! New data, and new perception of them, will be only the continuance of cognition. Each one who impedes this cognition performs a transgression against humanity. The followers of the Sacred Teaching will not impede the path of learning. Sectarianism and fanaticism are out of place on the paths of knowledge. Whoever can impede cognition is no follower of Truth. The age of shiftings of peoples must especially safeguard each path of science. The age of the approach of great energies must openly encounter these luminous paths. The age of striving into the higher worlds must be worthy of such a task. Quarrel and strife is the lot of litterers.

Brotherhood (1937) - 260:
260. Let us not be astonished that after an indicated date the tension, as it were, increases. Let us not forget that this is an effect of what has gone before. But the sowing of causes may already be diminished.

Brotherhood (1937) - 367:
367. Thought is lightning. A received thought frequently strikes luminous manifestations in us; it then increases the radiance of the chakras. Likewise, it may be understood that spinal vibrations are closely connected with the reception of thought. I am reminding about such a manifestation, because on the paths to Brotherhood the realization of the manifestation of thought is inevitably needed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 436:
436. Joint brotherly service can begin when mutual recrimination has been abandoned. Discussion is not condemnation. There may be brotherly actions which are not immediately understood. It is possible to make inquiries about reasons, but it is inadmissible, through ignorance, to utter condemnation which is like a sharp knife. Brothers so respect each other that they do not suspect unworthy action on the part of a brother; they comprehend any situation and ponder how to render assistance. In such cooperation there will be not the slightest compulsion. But mutual understanding is not born in an instant - a certain period is required to harmonize the centers. Therefore, in antiquity a certain time was set as a testing for newcomers. In the course of this period they could quit the Brotherhood without grave consequences. This period could be from three to seven years, but after that a betrayal would entail the most serious consequences. One must not look at this as cruelty, for he who runs away during a thunderstorm may be struck by lightning. The very speed of his flight only increases the danger.

Brotherhood (1937) - 580:
580. "The stronger the light, the denser the darkness" - and this saying is also not understood, whereas one must accept it simply. It should not be thought that darkness increases from the light. Light reveals the darkness and then disperses it. The bearer of light also sees the dark shadows, which vanish at the approach of light. The timid assume that darkness will fall upon them; thus thinks timorousness, and the light trembles in its hands, and because of this tremor of fear the shadows come to life and play antics. In everything fear is a poor counselor.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6:
6. Urusvati has witnessed the healing vibrations sent by Us. Their rhythms are varied and not everyone can recognize them. Some may suppose them to be the effect of an earthquake, others may assume that they are an attack of fever, and still others may attribute them to their own nervousness. But the majority will think them to be merely imagined. However, on all continents Our healing solicitude is often felt. People receive help and sense a sudden recovery but do not understand whence came the help. We are not speaking about gratitude, for We do not need it, but a conscious acceptance of Our help increases the beneficial effect. Each negative reaction or mockery paralyzes even the strongest vibrations. We hasten to help, We hasten to bring good, yet how often are We accepted?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30:
Only in the spirit and in personal experience can the most natural laws be assimilated. It is not easy to overcome all the surrounding counteractions. Our Abode is so strong because there is no corruption in it. The will of all of Us is merged into one powerful current. The dynamo of unity increases all energies. Not magic, but purified will sends into the world the command, "Let there be Light!"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71:
Our Abode strives to deepen the consciousness in order to eliminate the influence of Maya. This is not easily achieved, but it liberates one from being susceptible to false sensations. Efficiency in work increases when one is freed from the burden of doubt engendered by mixed currents. Every refraction of currents produces a kind of electric discharge. Only a refined consciousness distinguishes these discharges from painful sensations. So many times one may observe a sudden rise of temperature, a chill, prickly pains, or a contraction of muscles. The discharges of refracted currents can act in this way, but those who know what these phenomena are will not mistake them for the beginning of some disease.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 83:
83. Urusvati understands the uniformity of law in all worlds. People usually think that the laws of the physical world do not apply to the spiritual world, but every event in life reminds one that the essence of a law is immutable. For instance, when climbing a mountain one leaves all unnecessary loads behind. Is it not the same in the spiritual world? A man falling from a height increases speed as he falls and not even the softest mattress will save the falling one. Is it not the same in the spiritual world? One can compare the foundations of all worlds and come to see the uniformity of laws. One should approach the Subtle World with this measuring rod. Some qualities may be less perceptible than in the physical world, whereas others will be exaggerated. In the lower strata lust is increased, and in the higher spheres the best qualities are enhanced. There, one's sense of duty grows, and is especially evident at the time of reincarnation. A high spirit does not resist moving naturally into a new life. It rejoices at the possibility of self-improvement, and actively seeks more difficult tasks in order to test its renewed consciousness. The high spirit strives to a difficult path, while the weak one clings to laziness and cowardice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 139:
Often people feel the need to go into silence before undertaking a dynamic action. Thus, an experienced speaker will be momentarily silent and take a deep breath before uttering a decisive word. Some know the importance of such an intake of prana, but others do it quite unconsciously. The potency of one's psychic energy increases with the expansion of consciousness. There is joy in Our Abode when We learn that some great task was performed consciously. Thus, a current of striving can benefit human endeavors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143:
143. Urusvati knows that psychic energy is subject to many physical influences. We have already mentioned that the currents of space affect the entire human organism, but in fact any physical manifestation of energy can heighten the tension of the centers. For instance, strong electrical energy can be most helpful in the transmission of thought at a distance. This is most evident in America, where electrification is presently more widespread, but people there are not usually aware of how this energy assists their experiments. In advanced stages of development psychic energy is not affected by outer influences, but beginners are greatly affected by them. Every intensification of energy further increases one's powers. One scientist declared that he could think with the greatest concentration in front of a blazing fireplace, and another discovered that he was influenced by the sound of boiling water. A third found that thunderstorms increased his mental faculties. Many examples illustrate that even the most ordinary concentration of such natural energies aids the power of thought. One must learn to observe what it is that particularly increases or decreases the thought energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 218:
People generally do not know the difference between magnetism and hypnotism. Hypnotism deals with personal forces, whereas magnetism is a cosmic phenomenon. The Thinker often spoke about the significance of these energies, and used to say, "The moment a man exclaims, 'Oh, how unhappy I am!' he immediately increases his trouble. But he who declares, 'I am happy!' opens the gates to happiness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363:
Amid earthly chores you too can create festive labor. Self-examination however is needed in order to decide which particular work one might consider a festival, and to learn what kind of work increases one's strength.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 385:
385. Urusvati knows how much We insist upon unification. People often think that this rule has only ethical significance, and do not understand that unification increases energy and provides strength. You can imagine how much easier it is for Us to send help to those who are harmoniously unified. Indeed, much energy is saved, for the united energy is focused upon one idea, and such concentration results in an intensification of power.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 405:
People are straining the energies, ignoring the fact that every beginning has its end. A cannon's fire can cause rain, but this is just a primitive example. Radio waves thicken the atmosphere, yet the number of radios increases without limit. Factory owners do not care what diseases they cause, and one can observe many resultant cases of irritation of the mucous membranes and malignant tumors. People do not regard their own wilfulness as a likely cause, nor do they realize that new victims will appear who will pay with their lives.


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