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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INCREASE (149)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 79:
79. We can change Our appearance. Through faith increase your strength.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 112:
112. The Hand of the Teacher reveals the power of the rays. Comprehend their salutary light. M. fills your being with the power of calmness. And when the stillness of harmony embraces you the force of your arrows will increase.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 397:
397. By your actions should you show reverence for the Guiding Hand. You can increase your strength by embracing Our Shield. Arriving at the crossroads, take only the new path.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 433:
Tire Me today; burden Me more, laying on the weight of the world. Yet will I increase My strength. Yet will I increase the strength of My daughter, for she goes into My garden. Urusvati, dost thou hear? The burden will blossom with roses, And the dewy grass will be arrayed with the morning rainbow. Therefore, tire Me. When I go into the garden of beauty, I fear no burden. I ponder, I ponder, I ponder.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.12:
The egg-shaped aura is natural to the astral body. The most usual, the narrow aura, which emanates from the entire body, extends outward about two inches. In accordance with the degree of spirituality, it begins to expand from the upper nerve centers. Starting from the solar plexus, it afterwards rises toward the brain centers, forming the so-called solar aura. Influxes of blood are characteristic of the transposition of the aura, when the current of tension shifts its pressure. Even fainting spells are possible. Finally, the radiation leaves the lower extremities and forms a surrounding ring. The organism while yet in the midst of life becomes acutely sensitive, especially to sounds and colors. The utmost tranquility is needed during this transitory period. The solar aura may be of ten or fifteen inches, and of course its dimensions may increase.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.18:
2.4.18. Regarding the application of My medicines, all the powers of the vegetable kingdom must be directed toward the one aim for which they exist - the increase of vitality. It is possible to cure all ailments by the counterpoising of vitality.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.7:
2.5.7. When in perplexity, sit together in silence and think one thought. Soon you will understand to what an extent such silent counsel is practical. We precipitate the force of the spirit along one channel. An unusual discharge results, reinforced by magnetism and harmonized by rhythm. The law is that two concordant thoughts increase the power seven times. This is not magic but a practical consideration.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.13:
2.7.13. Learning about sacrifice, you receive power. Success follows sacrifice. His Teaching is firmly grounded because it is based on sacrifice. Success is nothing else but the counterstroke of sacrifice. The success can be in advance of the sacrifice, as a loan, but inexorable is the fate of the debtor. If today one can pay with little, within a year the payment due will increase. Before the year elapses the debtor becomes stooped with his burden.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.10:
One must understand that into the category of the call the fact does not enter, because in this category a precise action can be misunderstood and will only increase the danger.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.12:
Let us increase our strength by the fire of readiness; and we shall walk upon golden sands, because we are going to the Lords.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Whoever has had the advantage of listening to Our discourses can testify as to how efficiently and amidst what diverse activities Our time passes. For the increase of possibilities, We have been obliged to curtail lengthy forms of speech, seeking in different ages the better and briefer definitives. It is necessary to be able to give in three minutes' time the salient contents of a three-hour speech. In saying this, I am ignoring the indignation of lawyers and preachers.

New Era Community (1926) - 29:
Hearing any fragments of sound, do not reject them, for each fragment may increase the possibilities of humanity. Gradually unknown words may come through; one should not be surprised at this, remembering that when dates approached in times past the consciousness likewise became expanded.

New Era Community (1926) - 131:
Indeed, as you well remember, the correlation of auras with the spatial substance gives quality to the result. Precisely, not the size but the color gives a particular approach to the action. The size of the aura will give tension to the action, but the path will be determined by the color. Thus, it is impossible to set any specific way of action under an alien color combination. A causal predetermination causes a mixture of rays and paralyzes the will. The infirmity of many workers is explained by the mixture of heterogeneous color groups. Here would be very useful a simple physical apparatus for the determination of basic radiations. Think, what an alleviation for the workers and what a deepening of intensity - true economy! Besides the increase in productivity, it is necessary to perceive how the correlation of colors will affect the well-being of the workers. A great deal of malice and misunderstanding will disappear, without threats and prohibitions.

New Era Community (1926) - 169:
169. During treatment of illnesses through a command of the will, remember that one must not try to overcome infectious diseases by suggestion. A common error is the lack of knowledge of how to discern the circle of possible effect. Furthermore, the treatment of infectious diseases by suggestion may work irreparable harm. It is better not to touch a dog guarding the gateway; if one begins to whip it, its rage will increase tenfold. Likewise with microbes, they can be vanquished by rays or by the counteraction of the forces of the organism, but the whip of the will forces many centers to droop, and the fire will engulf new domains. Rays undercut the roots of the infection, but the will leads it to new activity.

New Era Community (1926) - 220:
It may be known that at present many are ready to accept the community, and many can cultivate their psychic energy. Be able to point out to them that first of all they should learn to recognize the presence of this energy. One can cultivate and increase only that which is realized.

New Era Community (1926) - 243:
The dream to return to the mountain valley, where it is possible to increase knowledge, will constantly lead to the attainment. It is necessary to remember that the influx of knowledge should be incessant. Chiefly, preserve the striving which propels all the systems of cognition.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 11:
11. The chirping of birds has disturbed the moment of rest. Why in the early hours are the birds so tense in their striving? They dare - overhearing the praise to daring. But no one informed them that their usual song would not increase their daring. The darkness shrieks, deafening in its banality. Darkness cannot withstand the daring of light.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 44:
Do not say, "I have decided." Say, "I believe this is fit for the goal." It is easy to increase the goal-fitness, but to change one's decision is unworthy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 131:
131. The addition of other subtle energies to the physical and chemical manifestations of life will increase their influence upon humanity. If the chemical properties of rays from the more distant planets can affect the human organism, then certainly the very close emanations of Earth, influenced by those innumerable cosmic formations, provide a lever for the strivings of humanity. Patterns of change in human activity cannot be perceived by subjecting apparent fragments of evidence to human logic.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 279:
279. You have heard the legend about the increasing heat of the throne of Indra. At its source lies a psycho-physical process. The special tension of the surrounding psychic atmosphere causes purely physical reactions. These in turn increase vividly the tension of the fiery energy, and it becomes necessary to reestablish balance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 347:
347. People often talk about untiring labor, but in their spirit, they fear it. One cannot name anyone who, without broadening of consciousness, can find joy in endless labor. Only Our people will understand how life is fused with labor, drawing from it strength of achievement. It can be understood that, just as fire is inexhaustible, so also is the energy that is derived from labor. The fulfillment of Agni Yoga begins from the moment of realization of labor. But if the energy to sustain the fire is insufficient, cloudbursts will begin to extinguish it. The tension of energy does not come from a command of the mind, nor does it increase by a command from without. It grows only from within. However, only a free consciousness can transform labor into a festival of spirit.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 419:
419. We know about teraphs. We know that a teraph can be astral or material. The astral teraph is higher than the material one, just as the astral world is higher than the material world. Only very developed beings can have an astral teraph, whereas material teraphs can serve any conscious spirit. The teraph is a model of an actual event or thing. A navigator can more easily understand the behavior of his ship by studying a model of the vessel. Looking at the image, people, in a way, come into contact with what is absent. Even humble fortunetellers request first of all an image or an item closely connected with the subject. These objects direct their psychic energy, in order to increase its effect, like a beacon or a milestone.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 436:
From intensification of one's forces comes their growth. From alertness comes the light of experience. From pursuit of one's goal comes increase of energy. Observe how conditions are molded so that at moments of extreme need unusual new circumstances appear. The inexperienced will call them accidental, but those who know will recognize the spiral of creation.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 448:
Why do people say "seemingly" and "perhaps," when they see and feel? Only by decisive affirmation does psychic energy grow. Thus one can increase one's receptivity, because above us there are always magnetic currents and the radiance indicating the flowers of space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 504:
504. The full moon usually is favorable for telepathy. But there are other factors that affect it too. Most important, it is influenced by certain phases of the sunspots. You may yourself have noticed that telepathic manifestations grow stronger with the increased chemical activity of the lunar and planetary rays, but sunspots also affect many other aspects of existence. Cold, which can reach disastrous extremes, the heat of volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes follow changes in the solar aura. One must keep this in mind, because the cold may increase and the earthquakes become more powerful. Thus, a transitory solar manifestation can be terminal on Earth.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 611:
611. The Teaching is like prophecy in the world of science. Even skeptics will admit that the fate of humanity cannot depend upon the dissecting of frogs. The revealing of Our Indications at least will not increase the number of the bearers of ignorance! Accept enlightenment, the helper of humanity. Those possessing diplomas have overlooked the law of the Common Good. You, attracted by Maya, manifest understanding!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 14:
14. Coordination of the planetary life with the higher spheres will provide a better possibility for man. Then the rhythm of our forces will increase threefold and the reason will accept this power. Thus will the covenant of the Wise Ones be fulfilled.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 92:
92. Transmutation of the elements may reach an unimagined scope. When our reason will accept Infinity it will be possible to encompass the manifestations of all the impelled processes. Acceptance of the thought of Infinity will induce the development of new forms. New ways are indicated to him who strives toward new spheres. When the spirit seeks only repetitious ways, stagnation results. Repetitiousness in Cosmos is manifested as destruction. The repetitiousness in human reasoning is expressed in the reluctance to apply new ways. The growth of the power of the spatial fires provides for man a creative issue. The correlation of thought with the increase of spatial fires provides a great cosmic formula. This formula will reveal the ordained realm of the higher spheres. When humanity will learn to understand Infinity, then the hearing in the direction of the higher worlds will develop. Then, verily, will approach the time of the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 124:
124. The principle of attraction is based upon the Cosmic Magnet. The cohesion of parts and their separation are subject to the very same law of attraction and to the principle of cosmic magnetism. When the process of separation begins to predominate, the power of the Magnet then predetermines a new combination. All prophecies regarding the falling apart or the uniting of states are based upon a decrease or increase of the Cosmic magnetism. The luminaries, while passing through spheres of varying spatial vistas, attract or repel kindred elements. Unlimited power lies at the root of every combination effected by the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 152a:
152a. This page of Our constructions can be understood as that of an increase in the force of the Magnet. Humanity, in acknowledging the Magnet and its heightened action, must also admit the ever-growing strength of the Magnet revealed by the Hand of the Lord.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 198:
198. Why is humanity in such a frenzy? The Universe shudders from the manifestations produced by man. And can one expect that man will advance without allegiance to the Cosmic Magnet? For harmony, form must correspond to form. The affirmation of evolution will increase only when man shows affinity with the development of the Universe. Either man will grow and very clearly indicate an advancement by entering the stream of evolution and adopting the process of self-perfecting, in order to win a place of higher tension in the Cosmos, or the realm governed by man will be destroyed. All the strivings of man promote evolution but little. If his striving is not in attunement with the Universe, for betterment, for unity, for the affirmation of the General Good, then the chain of his actions is unworthy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 224:
224. When nations turned toward policies of unbalance, the principle of self-destruction was set forth. Resistance to self-destruction can be established only by balance. Humanity applies incommensurately the principle of creation and thus disturbs the foundations of Be-ness. While there is, in accordance with the law of the Cosmic Magnet, subordination of the lowest to the highest, it concerns only those energies whose essence demands transmutation. But since the Origins are ordained for the creation of life, people cannot do away with one of the Origins without self-destruction. Therefore, humanity will aspire toward conscious development when it will cognize and acknowledge the two Origins. All rules of action lacking the two Origins can increase the unbalance. Humanity must show understanding of the law of the Cosmic Magnet. Great advancement can be shown in the chain of evolution through the realization of the grandeur of the two Origins as the basis of Existence.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 343:
When the flaming rings of the third eye increase in number it is a sign of the power of the spirit. And the Chalice, which comprises the entire synthesis of fires, corresponds with certainty to all receptivities. The increase in the number of the rings is proportionate to the striving of the fire of the spirit. When the tensity of the fire is so great, all interweavings of the luminaries are strongly reflected upon the solar plexus. When the centers are keenly sensitive, all cosmic spatial fires are reflected. A mirror of cosmic fires is contained within an Agni Yogi; therefore, the rays thus create and intensify.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 374:
374. In cosmic creativeness energies are fused at highest tensity. The combinations of fusing energies multiply with the increase of tension. The synthesis of tensity is confirmed by the power of the higher fires. Throughout the entire cosmic creativeness the law of tension is immutable. Only the power of a rising tension can create a new combination. With the increase of tension different energies are involved. When the energies which join in the magnetic fusion attract to themselves identical currents, the harmonization of the energies may be established. But when the energies project themselves in different directions, then occurs an evident dissipation of the energy of the Magnet. It is similar with human actions. Why is the human spirit attracted to inharmonious currents? True, the currents which strive to the Fire of Space can afford the better formula, but this formula must be established through self-action.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 391:
391. When a new mission is confirmed, bristling needles are always apparent. However, these needles of antagonism become but blunted intentions. Those who battle under Our Shield walk courageously and, having accepted the rhythm of the course of the Cosmic Magnet, can verily know victory. True, voices will rise against the great Truth of Agni Yoga. The zealots of the church and the servants of darkness will not prevail against the sparks of Fohat. Certainly, the affirmation of Agni Yoga smites the encumbrances under which people nest. Therefore, Agni Yoga challenges all servants of darkness. Thus true evolution is created. Verily, it is difficult for the quivering Mother of Agni Yoga. Verily, it is difficult for the warrior, the Agni Yogi, but the ascent affords an increase of all forces. Thus, those who turn the rudder of the Cosmic Magnet affirm the point of attraction. Those who walk united in heart assuredly conquer.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 81:
Parallel with the new conditions, the tension of the currents is also increasing. The increase of tensity effects at the same time many manifestations of a burning out of weak organisms. Therefore the strengthening of the human centers is so important.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 91:
91. When the effect of the forces will multiply, humanity will become panic-stricken and chaotic in actions. Serious ailments will be on the increase.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 117:
117. Cosmic shiftings are always followed by an increase of new tensions. Each shifting brings in its wake a strained spiral. Hence, each shifting predicates a multifaceted manifestation. States which yield to the law of cosmic forces and shiftings intensify the affirmation of their strivings. Thus, the law of shifting brings into strain diverse sectors. Nothing remains unaffected in Cosmos, and everything is mutually intensified. The creativeness of spirit is similarly strained by varied strivings. The shifting of consciousness carries one onto the path of evolution. The improvement of life upon the planet depends so greatly upon the shifting of consciousness that progress will be expressed chiefly in the direction of thought. Hence, humanity's greatest care lies in the progress of thought. When the guiding rudder will be understood it will be possible to join in the creation of cosmic matter.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 217:
217. The centers of an Agni Yogi increase the assimilation of fires which will bring knowledge to mankind. Hence, the centers create with the current of evolution. Therefore, the centers of a striving Agni Yogi serve the Common Good. When the Chalice is filled with fire, the aura attracts the force of the Magnet. The power of the centers must be acknowledged. Thus, the centers spiritually create, and the fiery creativeness shifts the consciousness of humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 247:
247. The cosmic foundation is known to be the magnet of striving. The entire cosmic structure is based on the force of striving; and each step is tensed by a magnet of Fire. The Spatial Fire creates all worlds. The spark expands into a fiery sphere, and all cosmic origins increase in fiery scope, encompassing all aspirations. Thus, the spirit conceived in fire is suffused with the Cosmic Fire. Therefore, the seed of the spirit is saturated with fiery striving.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 306:
306. The measure of service to humanity impels the spirit to means of striving. When the spirit knows the measure of tension in the name of Good, then he consciously directs his possibilities. The circle of the spirit surrounds the aura of man with powerful striving. But the sick aura and the aura surrounded by a tortuous line create corresponding saturations in space. Such auras react in a dual manner upon those around them. In identical auras they evoke an increase of negative potentiality. In contrasting auras they evoke a double striving; to smite darkness and to serve the Good. But these sick auras are nurtured by the emanations of the healthy auras. How important it is for a sick aura to be conscious of its armor! It is most important to realize this law. Evolution progresses through Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 236:
236. It is correct to investigate the importance of vitamins, but one should also experiment with the reaction of psychic energy. One can see that a conscious consumption of vitamins manifoldly increases their usefulness. Likewise, it can be observed that the absorption of vitamins while one is irritated may increase imperil, since an unconscious energy is strengthened at a point where consciousness is gathered. One can understand why the partaking of food was considered sacred by the ancients. It is easy to understand to what an extent realization multiplies all energies. So many simple experiments can be performed with a minimum of observation. In order to increase respect for consciousness one may call energy Atma, or psyche, or life, or consider it sacred, but it is necessary to study its significance. By this channel we approach Fohat, or atomic energy. It is essential to observe the microcosm and transfer the formula to the Infinite.

Hierarchy (1931) - 240:
240. When people shall investigate not only fires and rays but also human secretions, then one may think of a change of the body. It is strange that people understand the powerful chemical processes that take place in their organisms and at the same time consider the products of these processes only as refuse. One can see how powerful is the blood or saliva. One can see what unusual strength the blood of the vegetable kingdom, valerian, transmits to a plant. Equally powerful are saliva and the other secretions of the glands. But one must observe the causes of increase and decrease of the reaction of the energy of these products. The saliva of wrath is poisonous, and the saliva of benevolence is beneficial. Is it not important to investigate such generally known manifestations, for which mechanical equipment cannot be substituted? Thus we shall again approach the lost knowledge regarding the substance of psychic energy, that mysterious Atma, which in ancient medical science was found in using the products of the glands. One must be able to oppose the fiery element by Atma, which is incombustible.

Hierarchy (1931) - 265:
265. For the realization of Hierarchy the broadening of understanding is necessary. Without broadening there will be neither depth nor length. Only thus will Hierarchy enter the consciousness and be applied to life. Only thus will Hierarchy transform the concept of conventionality. The battle will be transformed into an increase of energy. Slander will become a megaphone. Fatigue will indicate the need of a change of labor. Love will become a torch of Light. A gift will become an increase of power. Tenacity will mean the shortening of the path. Thus each property and quality will be transformed.

Hierarchy (1931) - 278:
278. It can be understood how much more complex are group, state, and national karmas. Their intermingling is not lessened but increased by the conventional boundaries of humanity. One can feel how aggravated is the interrelation between the powers of Light and darkness, which increases the non-conformity of the reaction of nature. You can see how greatly perturbed are the weak spirits, how greatly obsessions increase, and to what an extent these obsessions complicate karma. So, also, the earthly battle should not upset anyone, because one can understand how it is magnified in Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 319:
319. It is asked why We so often delay in destroying the enemies. There are many reasons. Let us name two the first - karmic conditions. It is easy to harm the near ones by touching an enemy bound to them by karma. This may be likened to most delicate surgery when a surgeon does not amputate a sick limb because of the danger attendant upon severing an artery. With the karmic bonds the interacting relationship is unusually complex. We consider it more useful to insulate the dangerous fellow traveler than to obstruct the entire caravan. The second reason is that enemies are the source of tension of energy. Nothing can so greatly increase the energy as counterattack. Therefore, why invent artificial obstacles when the dark ones attempt with all their strength to increase our energy

Hierarchy (1931) - 406:
406. A traveler is in need of indications. Success is a very sensitive flower. The seeds can be planted only at a designated time. One must leave the house in time. But when the Teacher ordains the sowing, not a moment should be lost. Only children can think that if today has passed, tomorrow will be better. But a courageous mind understands that success that is missed will not be repeated. Even the sun does not shine uniformly. Refinement of understanding should be developed. The complexity of the time will increase. He who did not discriminate yesterday will not be resourceful tomorrow. The Teacher foresees an undeferrable, immediate sowing.

Hierarchy (1931) - 418:
418. Diseases are divided as sacred, karmic, and those that are admitted. The first two concepts are easily understood, but precisely in the book Hierarchy one should mention the admitted ones. Who or what permits these diseases? Certainly ignorance and the horror of non-realization. It is not enough not to think about them. Children likewise do not think of them, yet become infected. One should protect oneself in consciousness and create an invulnerable armor of nerve emanations. Even severe epidemics cannot develop if people master their consciousness. An experiment with the substance of psychic energy would indicate what powerful antiseptics people carry within themselves. For this, two conditions are necessary the first - realization of psychic energy; the second - realization of Hierarchy as the sole path for the increase of psychic energy. One should not look upon Hierarchy as something abstract. One should realize firmly that it is the most powerful life-giver. We call it the primary remedy. But even a pill must be swallowed and an ointment applied. There is no effect from a remedy that is in a trunk. Likewise, the Benefaction of Hierarchy must be taken by striving. Thus, an irrevocable striving will afford a healing result.

Heart (1932) - 11:
11. When the treasures of energy surpass the treasures of the heart and straight-knowledge, then a co-worker-teacher is usually sent for equilibrium. Verily, a Professor was attached to Washington, and a Sage of the Mountain was attached to Genghis Kahn. Many similar examples can be cited. One should regard this as a supplement to their activity, but not as an absolute requirement. There are also many examples when the workers resisted such cooperation, bringing irreparable harm not only to themselves but also to the General Good. More than once have We experienced such refusals. Precisely, the want of development of the heart impeded the increase of possibilities that already had been assembled through accumulations.

Heart (1932) - 43:
43. Magic is like a massage. A massage artificially limits and restores the forms of the body and circulation of the blood. Magic also artificially connects and restores the communion with the Invisible World. Massage is not necessary for a normal organism. Magic is not necessary for a developed spirit. Massage is concerned with unhealthy organs. Magic propounds the teaching of conditions, of palliatives, without opening the simplest approach to the Higher World. When beginning massage, it is necessary to increase it, otherwise the tissue will be threatened with abnormal growth and destruction. Turning to magic, it is necessary to increase its conquest, otherwise the elements will begin to press the retreating one. Thus, comparing the bodily and spiritual worlds, we see the same vital laws. The same laws indicate how much closer to a developed consciousness are the simplest paths. During moderation the stomach will not grow. The heart will not become silent during the refinement of the spirit.

Heart (1932) - 86:
86. Cooperation can be the adornment of a conscious spirit. Not compulsion, and still less, competition, but the increase of energies transmits the understanding of cooperation. Cooperative work is clear to those who have understood Hierarchy through the heart. A teacher of freedom is a manifestation of Hierarchy, for it is said - first of all walk the shortest path, gather your forces, affirm yourselves in the understanding of individualization, because a rainbow is strengthened by all rays.

Heart (1932) - 93:
93. In all scriptures are presented symbolic narratives of how hermits and saints compelled demons to serve and labor for something useful. Truly, this is quite possible in case of a disinterested impulse. I attest to what an extent all the dark ones serve the structure when the power of self-sacrificing demand protects the commanding heart. But one circumstance can be dangerous and harmful-irritation full of imperil opens the entrance for the dark ones. Where there is irritation various newcomers set themselves to profit by it and increase the action of the poison. How much of the texture is torn, how many tests and experiments are impeded, to the joy of the malevolent ones! Advise to accept this not as a fairy tale but as a dangerous reality. The source of good and evil does not disappear.

Heart (1932) - 112:
112. Not only the currents but also the calls of space disturb the physical equilibrium. Multitudes are attracted toward the magnet of a flaming heart. They call out their suffering, and a generous heart cannot refuse the calling ones. Thus, striving toward the magnet can take its energy, but this is inevitable and each magnet is subject to this condition. Of course, the potentiality of the heart will only increase from these exercises. But the manifestation of the calls has another important significance, for space is being pierced by the best strivings and these rays weave the resplendent net of the world. Those who understand the net of the best calls will understand the heroic action of a hermit's life, which is not at all one of solitude, but, quite the opposite, is a service open to those who suffer.

Heart (1932) - 354:
354. From Our point of view each vivisection performed upon the heart is inadmissible, just as it is inadmissible to seek the Ringse in a living organism, yet one can observe many psycho-physiological manifestations during the development of the heart. Thus, the fiery heart produces a light spot upon the upper tissue which, during the increase of fire, becomes almost white. The ancients called this manifestation the "sacred ashes." This has nothing in common with the enlargement of the heart, but rather with its refinement. One can also understand why it is impossible to make a comparable experiment with an animal heart and that of man. If the human heart is the throne of consciousness, the animal heart must, of course, differ from it in certain functions. Moreover, a violation of the action of the heart after the ejection of one's subtle body would be a real crime. Each artificial pulsation of the heart will attract the subtle body and perpetrate an unpardonable act of decomposition and suffering.

Heart (1932) - 433:
433. In the education of the heart, unnoticeably to ourselves, we become accustomed to the spheres of the Subtle World. This occurs not because of some exceptional and miraculous phenomena but through minute sensations which the sensitized heart begins to discern. One must acknowledge the idea of the significance of delicate sensations, but one should not become a bigot delving into the dogma of petty divisions. The heart will indicate the tortuous line between the vital and the conditional. Gradually, little by little, we acknowledge that there exists about us a great number of manifestations that cannot be included in the laws of elementary physics. Experiences will increase, and an entire sequence of the sensations of the Subtle World will be brought together. This will be the most apparent beginning of the approach to the Subtle World. Following these sensations, we will begin also to accustom the physical body to the specific qualities of the next state. Penetrating into the essence of the laws of the Subtle World, we immediately gain specific steps in it. We consider it absolutely natural to accustom the consciousness to the subtle feelings in order thus to acquire physical adaptability.

Heart (1932) - 568:
568. Dreams and visions of former lives always have significance. A page of the astral archive seemingly flares up, recalling the identical mood of the current time. I take as an example the last vision. During an hour of fatigue because of people the first need that was observed was to give help at once. Such is the path of the Bodhisattva, when we forget fatigue and ourselves in order to help. Verily, great is the energy thus created; everywhere it is mentioned as love for one's neighbor. Such love does not calculate, but acts without delay; thus, out of the depths of the Subtle World come the pictures of the past. The detail of this vision is significant - when the servant of pleasure set obstacles on the path of achievement, but nothing stopped the striving. Likewise, again was revealed the need of tolerance toward many persons whom one has encountered more than once. Tolerance and patience are also the path of the Bodhisattva. This path is not in the clouds but on Earth. The effluvium of life is great; hence the path of the Bodhisattva is also needed. Precisely, though these fumes are humanly insignificant, they smart the heart like salt water. Utilize the mountain air; do not tire yourselves, even a diver must not dive if fatigued. One can compare the descent into human refuse precisely with a diver's work. He is ready to help the drowning person, but he himself is in need of air. I do not exaggerate, you are in need of air during Armageddon. Prana is like nourishment for the heart. One cannot help you through ignoble ways; the remedies must be in accordance with the task. But often people do not accept the language of the heart; then the tension of the heart energy is needed - in other words, the expenditure of spiritual treasures. Already, not a few are projected into the world. In accordance with the law of Existence they increase, but this does not ease the burden of the heart. Hence, let us be cautious and remember about the diver.

Heart (1932) - 578:
578. Those who do not know will ask, "In what then, is Armageddon expressed if all the dens of evil exist as before?" One ought then to say that all people have felt the battle, but each in his own way. The very tension in the dens indicates each increase in the essence of striving. Therefore, human qualities must be regarded very sensitively. The deaf and dumb sometimes affect strange gestures, for they cannot find any other forms of expression because of their limitations. But, are not people who do not know the heart similarly limited? One should not laugh at such poverty, but unnoticeably and patiently impel it forward toward an image worthy of expression. The same tolerance must be manifested for all ugliness. The present time demands different conditions in all of life. In the letters of the Mahatmas, which are being translated, one can see how Our Guidance, which took place in accordance with the highest plan, was farthest away from earthly actions. The law of free will does not permit approach to the immediate actions. But now the conditions of the planet have changed, the norms of the law are strained. We must look for measures of close guidance, cautiously straining the essence of free will. Thus, the task becomes very complicated. Even the slightest infringement of the free will leads to the most ramified consequences. Correlating karmic conditions with the entrusting of missions can be compared to walking a tightrope, but this rope has to be woven out of the most diverse material. How much attention is needed in order to combine the threads according to color and rhythm! For, with one unrestrained exclamation one can arrest an extended work, hence I advise special caution. There exists a saying about collecting all ropes for the journey. In an hour of tension you do not know which thread will be of use. Therefore, keep every possibility ready without judging whether it is small or great. For the Teacher it is always of value to have the definite assurance that each brief Command of his will be understood and fulfilled. Thus we advance toward the language of the heart, which is not in need of a profusion of words.

Heart (1932) - 596:
596. You are finishing the first book about the heart, therefore you must be reminded of certain foundations which I suggested more than once. The chief requisite for the application of the heart's energy will be an understanding that physical effort is unnecessary. Also by command of the brain and will, the physical nerve centers act, but the sending by the heart is accomplished without outer tension. The heart can act only when spiritually liberated from physical tensions. Let us not forget that the Western school usually follows the path of the brain, whereas the East, where the foundation is not as yet lost, knows, as formerly, that the power is contained in the heart. Although healing through the heart predicates the touch of the hand, it is neither the hands nor the eyes, but the emanations of the heart that give help. Distance is of no significance for healing through the heart, whereas a sending by the brain must endure barriers of various outside currents. The exercise of the command of the heart demands the least effort and adjustment. Pure thinking, constancy, benevolence, bring the heart energy into action. Let the karmic merits increase the tension and refinement of the heart, but each striving to Hierarchy opens the heart according to one's strength. One must firmly remember about the only path of salvation - through the heart. The affirmation of the law of the heart has traversed the entire history of humanity. It can be observed how within a few centuries people turn again toward the one path.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 10:
10. Let the straitened times also be blessed. Precisely at such times do we learn to distinguish the significant from the mediocre. In the days of contentment our vigilance becomes obscured, yet this quality is especially needed when approaching the fiery spheres. Hence oppression and tension are so precious. They not only increase vigilance and impetuosity they also force new fires from our innermost depths. Let the fire of the Tara be especially close. Thus, let us grow to love the unexpected as the source of new joy. Verily, the best fire is kindled through joy. Hence, straitened times are a horror only for the ignorant; for those who know, they are simply a source of events. The fires bring close even remote actions. To some, what has been said will appear to be a cold abstraction, but this will signify a heart that is cold and its fire extinguished. You already know the heat of the heart, and you appreciate the unexpected Messenger. Therefore it is so important to follow the Lords; one must leave behind dark determinations. Only the Fire of the Lords will kindle daring. Therefore, every word about the Lords must be valued. Though it be uttered unknowingly, yet there is in it the prana of daring. Let words about the Lords resound in all corners of the world. These are candles lit before holy shrines. They are lamps of Living Fire - a protection against all diseases. Solemnity is like a key to the lock.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 11:
11. During intense fiery manifestations, one can observe one characteristic of the basic property of Fire. The surrounding objects appear to be translucent. You can bear witness to this. Fire seemingly transforms all fiery substances and reveals the luminous matter lying in the foundation of everything that exists. The same can be said about the magnet of a fiery heart; in its own way it discloses the fiery nature of everything that draws near it. Thus, through the fiery heart one can observe fiery qualities. It is only necessary to discover such a heart and with great caution utilize it in this experiment. In such experiments one must remember that the uncovering of luminous matter can be extremely dangerous under crude surrounding conditions. The danger of complete Samadhi is also dependent upon the same quality of Fire. Nevertheless, do not resist the fiery manifestations if they do not overburden the heart. In the years of Armageddon the manifestations are, of course, highly involved, because the rhythms of the Fire of Space and of the subterranean fire are intercepted. Usually, such violations of rhythm are not taken into consideration, and hence they increase the cosmic agitation still further.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 17:
17. The substance of fiery immunity was described by Zoroaster. He pointed out that from each pore of the skin people could call forth fiery rays to smite all evil. A man clad in a protective armor cannot succumb to any contagion. One can increase this resistance through unity with Hierarchy. Thus, the heart becomes like a sun reducing all microbes to ashes.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 50:
50. Each endeavor may be fulfilled in three ways - through external muscular exertion, outwardly through a nerve center, or through the heart's fiery energy. If the first effort is animal, the second is human, and the third is of the Subtle World. The third effort could be utilized much more frequently if people could consciously apply the concept of the heart and Fire. But unfortunately this tension arises only in exceptional cases. Naturally, when a mother saves her child, she acts beyond earthly conditions. When a hero dedicates himself to the salvation of mankind, he multiplies his strength tenfold. But this unconscious enflaming rarely occurs. We watch over the constant increase of forces through the realization of the predestined powers. It is not so difficult to transform and kindle the consciousness when constant attention is applied to it. Constancy is also a quality of Fire. Everywhere, under all circumstance, the essence of fire is the same. Fire cannot be formed out of any elements, any compounds; one can only manifest Fire. Likewise it is possible to draw near to the Fiery World. The most astounding regenerations occur through fiery manifestations. The earthly world is regenerated only through Fire. People believe in the Light of Fire. People become blind because of Earth, and are regenerated through Fire. One can cite many examples of how Fire brings about world upheavals. Without the manifestations of Fire you cannot even enter upon a path of regeneration. Many will scoff at the mere word regeneration, yet even a snake renews its skin. Thus it is better consciously to approach the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 53:
53. A thoughtful physician may ask concerning the fiery illnesses, "Are they named as quite specific sicknesses, or are they spread through the majority of diseases?" The second is closer to the truth. Fire can aggravate all illnesses, therefore great attention should be paid to the state of fiery striving. Besides, it must be remembered that any fiery manifestation cannot be abated merely by water or cold, but rather through psychic energy, which resists Fire everywhere. This energy, as a sort of condensation of Fire, can absorb the fiery surplus. Thus, attention should again be directed to psychic energy when We speak about the heart, about the Fiery World, and about Our affirmation of the existence of the Subtle World. When you read about being consumed by the inner fire, bear in mind the reaction of psychic energy. It can be manifested in three ways through autosuggestion, through physical inaction, or through the highest action at a distance. However, physicians often forget that it is not the medicine but some external condition that helps. We recall one remarkable case when a physician possessed powerful psychic energy, yet stubbornly attributed its effects to his medicine. One can easily realize the extent to which such benefits would increase if the physician understood wherein his power lies. Only, do not confuse the heart's energy with external magnetism and so-called hypnotism. Both of these manifestations are artificial and hence, temporary. The heart's energy is not applied forcibly, but is to be transmitted by contact with the current. If, prior to all physical means, the physician and the patient would simultaneously think about the energy of the heart, in many cases the reaction would be instantaneously useful and healing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 93:
93. In general few can understand the glow of the flaming heart. Yet those who have beheld these fires of illumination know how vital is this manifestation. The Fire-bearer himself notices these instants of light, but for those present many conditions either permit or impede seeing the miraculous Fire. Without doubt the natures of those present have an influence upon the character of the manifestations themselves. One can easily imagine such a mass of extinguishers that even the star of Light will be only a glimmer. But at times a simple yet most beautiful heart sets ablaze a new force of the Fire-bearer. Besides human reactions and conditions of the Subtle World numerous manifestations of nature exert an influence. Thus, during a thunderstorm the luminosity can increase at the moment when the electrical mass also intensifies the inner fires. Water that contains certain mineral properties can also facilitate the manifestation of inner radiance. Naturally, the worst atmosphere is the stale, poisonous air of unventilated houses. Surely, if this air can be the breeding place of disease, how much more can it suppress the emanations of the heart! The manifestation of luminosity is more frequent than is thought, but prejudice and sophistry will always draw their own conclusions. The misfortune is that people cannot detect unfettered judgments. The heralded emancipation, about which people like so much to speak, will be primarily not slavery of opinion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 148:
148. It is possible to read a closed, unfamiliar book. You have seen this. It is possible at will to learn the time, mentally evoking a view of the timepiece. Thus it is possible to impel the Fire of Space to remove all obstacles. People call this manifestation clairvoyance, but it is better to call it fiery transvision. Yet it may be noted that this fiery possibility is not always the same. Also, it can be shown that great shocks increase this faculty just as complete repose does. But there exists a certain intermediate condition of the spirit, which, like a cloud, enshrouds our consciousness - this is confusion of the spirit. It is that same wavering which breeds the cloud of doubts. The clarity of reception fades not only because of the receiver's own confusion but also from that of those about him and bound to him by karma.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 161:
161. You are right in observing that precisely a lack of inner well-being is especially ruinous. One may win all lawsuits, one may meet new friends, but inner dissolution can drive away the very best friend. When pepper dust is in the air, all begin to sneeze. Thus can imperil be spread. You have seen more than once how new circumstances have appeared, but they have to be met. Thus, it is necessary once and for all to understand about the infection of imperil! It is inadmissible to refer light-mindedly to decomposition! This process is transmitted like leprosy. There can be either an increase of strength or disintegration, there can be no third condition. One should not advise strengthening by force. It is impossible to save anyone from leprosy by coercion. It is impossible to keep anyone from imperil by violence. Friendliness is not violence. Growth of the heart comes not from a whip, and a beautiful garden can be grown only by beautiful actions. Offense to Hierarchy is irreparable.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 228:
228. During the investigation of loss of weight, the laying on of hands is used, just as during increase of weight; this means that the hands transmit certain fiery energy. But this will be only a certain fiery step, the next one will be transmission of the same energy by means of the glance, in which the question of distance will be secondary. Thus it is possible to increase or diminish the weight of an object at a distance. In truth, would it not be a pleasing occupation for a merchant! Therefore it is well that the manifestation of such energies is not common in the present state of humanity. It is possible to point out many experiments that can alleviate everyday earthly life; but, actually, people would make use of them for increasing the number of killings. Meanwhile the fiery energies are knocking at their prison doors. The date is coming when they will either be applied intelligently or they will pour forth as fiery sicknesses or cosmic cataclysms. Three alternatives lie before humanity. It remains for it to choose one according to the state of its consciousness. Freedom of choice is always given. No one can deny that before the disaster of a world war a great number of warnings were given. Even not very far-sighted people observed them, but madness blinded the majority. This manifestation was before the eyes of the living generations, yet their circumspection was not increased. Ten million victims crowded the strata of the Subtle World. People prayed for killing but did not think about atonement for the violation of the law of Existence! Instead of intelligent understanding, people are ready for new killings; they do not reflect that fiery energies will flood the planet as a natural effect of the law of nature. Thus, in the "Fiery Book" it is necessary to write for those few who are willing to think about the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 298:
298. Agni is eternal! The fiery energy is imperishable! Folk sayings often speak of eternal joys and sorrows. The indestructibility of joy and sorrow sent into space has been observed very scientifically. Many bear the sorrow of another, and many grasp at joy that does not belong to them. Thus, one must always remember about eternal sowings. Thought, if not powerful, can be engulfed by the currents of space; but the substance of sorrow or joy is almost as indestructible as the fiery seed. It is useful to impregnate space with joy, and very dangerous to strew the heavens with sorrow. But where can one find the store of joy? Certainly not in the bazaar, but near the ray of Light, in the joy of Hierarchy. The increase of sorrow is one of the causes of fiery epidemics, but when physiology shall teach men about the debilitating consequences of sorrow, the quest for joy will begin. Gradually the rock of joy will be affirmed and an exalted solemnity will begin, recognized as the most healthful factor. Not without reason have We pointed out the benefits of the presence of healthy people. Joy is the health of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 316:
316. Why wonder that the development of vision demands moderate lighting? It is quite clear that sharp light does not permit the increase of inner light. Yet only striving for self-perfection provides a solid foundation. Therefore, in ancient times the initiations into the Mysteries were accompanied by prolonged stays in darkness, until the eye overcame the obstacles of darkness by its inner sight.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 460:
460. One should not laugh at the fact that certain yogis make use of a bamboo reed or a roll of papyrus during levitation. Certainly it is possible to achieve similar results without these physical aids. But if someone requires a feather in his hand for levitation let us not deprive him of this small assistance. The essential is not to be found in the feather or in the roll, but in thought, in fiery energy. There are many symbols which can evoke energy, and everyone can look for the nearest conductor. Thus, the gypsies require water or melted wax, but the essence lies in their psychic energy, which is very strong in this race. It is easy to derive instructive observations from them. Unfortunately, one must watch carefully their scrupulousness. Very often the increase of energy, which is an atavistic accumulation, is connected with a mediocre consciousness. But the physician and scientist must investigate all possibilities. Similarly, many northern races can provide interesting material, especially in Norway, Karelia, Scotland, and among the Eskimos. Of course, even primitive glimpses of this energy are useful to the scientist.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505:
505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 543:
543. Why should evil sometimes seem to be the victor? Only because of the instability of good. By a purely physiological method it can be proved that domination by evil is short-lived. Evil emerges together with imperil, but can at first produce only a strong flash; afterwards it begins to deteriorate and gradually destroys its own progenitor. This means that if Agni is even partially manifested, it will not cease to increase. Thus, when imperil begins to decompose, Agni, on the contrary, acquires its full strength. Therefore I advise that the first attack of evil be endured, in order to leave evil to its own destruction. Moreover, during the duel between evil and good - in other words between imperil and Agni - the latter will grow proportionately, as imperil putrefies its possessor. Thus should one observe the duel between the low and the high, but only a mature consciousness can encourage one to withstand evil. It is useful to remember this and to gather not only strength but also patience, in order to conquer that which is in itself doomed to annihilation. I affirm that the truth, "Light conquers darkness," has even a physiological basis.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 567:
567. Each incongruity and imbalance is a sign of chaos. when these signs are apparent in the lower forms of nature, one may hope that upon transition into a higher state they may be transformed. But what of the highest earthly creations - men, if they turn out to be filled with the most chaotic instability? Yet in the course of many ages, it is amazing to see the increase of imbalance among various achievements. No one and nothing impels people to ponder over the value of balance. The Teachings of all peoples speak of the Golden Path, yet men themselves actually think about this least of all. Through its imbalance, its chaotic state, mankind has brought on a coming uprising of fire. But even on the very brink of danger people reject each useful advice about self-preservation. As before, they will toss about from the very old to the very new, even if it be illusory. How can it be explained to them that Agni Yoga is neither old or new? An element that is perpetual and omnipresent is not subject to the demarcations of time. Fire is at the very threshold! One must call to mind how it is to be encountered, and one must understand that only Agni, psychic energy, can be the interpreter at the approach of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 655:
In other cases the Decree may be compared with the wings of a frightened bird. Moreover, one must always take into consideration the physical state of both men and nature. During a thunderstorm the fiery arrow may increase the tension to a perilous degree. True, electrophorous manifestations are mutually reinforced, but during these manifestations one should not transgress the safety line of tension in earthly actions. It is wise to observe the physical state of your companion. Unfortunately, a speaker too often listens only to himself and pays no attention to his listeners. Only a fiery consciousness focuses its entire attention to meet the characteristics of the listeners. Such attention in itself partakes of magnanimity.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 37:
37. The manifestation at night had two meanings. Firstly, it has shown to what an extent thoughts are fulfilled in the Subtle World if consciousness is expanded. Thus the thought about an increase in height immediately caused the growth of the subtle body. But this is not beneficial for the physical body; therefore a strong reaction was necessary in order to adjust the subtle body. Such action is rare, and such manifestation of the subtle body is also rare, therefore it should be recorded. It demonstrates how thoughts are realized in the Subtle World. The thought creativeness of the Subtle World is difficult to realize in the earthly state, but a certain degree of development permits perception and even transmittance into the physical brain of the subtle consciousness. During such resetting certain centers must be touched, as it were, and such massage coordinates again the two bodies.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 45:
45. Actually, the cycle of Aquarius already operates and coexists with the end of Pisces. Usually the beginning and end of a cycle is very gradual, and thus is affirmed the harmony of the actual evolutionary process. If there were sharp boundary lines between such original special factors, destruction and cataclysms would occur. And as it is, Aquarius has brought already a considerable shift of consciousness; but an increase would bring about a destructive revolution there where constructiveness is necessary. Even with such an unprepared eye one may notice the alternate influence of Pisces and Aquarius.. but humanity, which absolutely has not assimilated in its consciousness the understanding of this, must not be permitted to revolt.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 109:
109. Relativity expands into Infinity - there is the same law for knowledge. No one in the Worlds can be satisfied with his knowledge. New acquisitions increase progressively the realization of lack of knowledge. The faint-hearted may become frightened before the infinitude of knowledge, but we already know the inevitability of this law, and we labor daily so as to rejoice at this infinitude.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 188:
It is necessary that the Leader and the Government understand how to increase the realization of the Higher Representation. It is necessary that schools attractively depict Existence in all its grandeur.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 205:
205. The word chorus is used to mean a consonance of voices, but there can be a chorus of energies, a chorus of hearts, a chorus of fires. The Teaching must turn your attention to the choral principle, which does not interfere at all with the individual principle. One should develop within oneself cooperation, in order to bring about a direct increase of possibilities. Thus, care about the choral principle is linked with constructiveness. People can understand that a chorus needs all kinds of participants. Only very experienced leaders understand why there have been needed participants who are not very active, yet who can bring in originality and harmony. The Teacher rejoices at each originality, in it is born a new aspect of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 262:
262. Yes, yes, yes, if people do not turn to the Hiero-inspiration, many conflagrations will result. Equilibrium and concordance are violated by the mechanistic concept of the world. Half a century ago We were already concerned about the excessive increase of physical knowledge. Verily, much as been attained in this direction, but at the same time the spiritual consciousness was lagging behind the physical. Ethics were lost amidst accumulations of formulas. Machines attracted man away from the art of thinking. Now they are content to be robots! For the equilibrium of the World the heart is needed, and in this Decree is contained undeferrable salvation. Ill-will is pressing upon the earthly aura.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 353:
353. On the subject of narcotics, one may add that since they require a gradual increase of the amount taken, they are as veritable chains of darkness, placing man in a helpless situation. A slave of narcotics, even though he wishes to abandon them, cannot do so without harm to himself. An increase in consumption is deadly, but denying oneself can also be deadly. True, fervent suggestion or auto suggestion can provide a saving outlet. But good suggestion and the darkness of narcosis usually do not dwell under the same roof.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 415:
415. Curative assistance at a distance must invoke a strengthening of the blood-circulation and an increase in the manifestation of tension. One should realize that sendings require special fiery energy, but at the conclusion of such a sending the excessive tension tells upon the entire organism. Healing is an action of great selflessness.

AUM (1936) - 50:
50. A sound may be rightly understood and still produce no results. Therefore, let us not forget the heart's energy, which must accompany the sound. It would be unfit if sound alone held the decisive significance; then many singers could attain results. An empty sound is like the clash of brass. You have heard how glass vessels have been shattered by vibration; yet even such vibration must be accompanied by thought. Even a wave of extraneous thought can increase the effect. Therefore, thought as the impelling force is so valued.

AUM (1936) - 94:
94. There is much fire, and consequently one can understand the waves which burn and fatigue. Subterranean and superterrestrial fires are related, yet they are far apart in their reaction. Man are unwilling to understand their own influence upon subterranean fire. Astrological signs suggest thoughts of special caution, but instead men only increase the danger. Of what concern is it to the bipeds, if because of them on another continent a destructive flame bursts out!

AUM (1936) - 111:
111. The Higher World has been in the foundation of all human,. state, and social structures. Even if people are unaware of the primary origin of their social organizations, yet in transitory conditions may be seen traces of the living connection with the Higher World. One should not diminish the antiquity of the planet and of life upon it; it would be more correct to increase this figure. But let us not forget that continents have shifted their positions many times, and even at present one can still see near the poles a great many opportunities for discovery. Therefore, let us be cautious in limiting the earthly problem. Antecedent to savages we shall see traces of wise peoples who have vanished. According to surviving records of laws it is possible to affirm that the impulse toward comprehension of the Higher World has been manifested from time immemorial.

AUM (1936) - 124:
124. In the face of danger human forces are multiplied in tension, likewise the state of ecstasy produces an influx of superearthly forces. If such a tension has been established, it is then possible to prolong this moment, in other words, man may receive a continuous increase of forces. It is only necessary that the Source of Forces become constant and near for him. Thus, the question of realization of the Higher World becomes urgent, and science itself will approach it as the impelling force of evolution. One may not only dream about such a bond of closeness but it is also possible to approach the Higher World by earthly measures. Each rapprochement of the worlds is already a victory over the flesh.

AUM (1936) - 222:
222. It is possible to cure many cases of paralysis by means of intensified suggestion. The inception of many diseases, for example, cancer, tuberculosis, and stomach ulcers, can be arrested by suggestion strengthened by psychic reactions. It can be observed that suffering caused by cancer is augmented by scarlet light, whereas violet has a soothing effect. Similarly with sounds, consonance in a major key will aid the action of the violet ray, but dissonance will increase the pain.

AUM (1936) - 393:
Certain metals may correspond to the constitutional make-up of the local inhabitants; there may be magnetic currents connected with underground waters. Likewise, certain species of trees may increase or retard the action of psychic energy. Oak and pine are good, but aspen, alder, and dwarf elm are rarely of help to the energy. However, such circumstances are of secondary importance.

AUM (1936) - 424:
Besides, cooperation must not be limited only to certain aspects of labor. Cooperation must be accepted as the foundation of Existence. Only through the broadest cooperation is it possible to find the true relationship between the state and national labor. Otherwise the ruinous indebtedness of the state will increase. The solution of such a problem by means of war will be a sign of barbarism. One must think not about the destruction of nations, but about the improvement of the planet!!

AUM (1936) - 481:
But one should fully analyze what comprises the tension of psychic energy. If a weak man overworks himself physically, his tension does not lead to the best result. Tension of energy is to understood first from a psychic standpoint. It must not be forgotten wherein lies the impulse of each action. Thus it can be seen that the increase of energy will produce a physical reflex, but each reflex is only a reflection of the true cause.

AUM (1936) - 573:
When someone weeps at a funeral, there may be found one who deplores such ignorance. Likewise, if someone rejoices at such an occasion, people are indignant at a seeming madman. Thus, people cannot assimilate the relationship of earthly existence to the superearthly state of being. Many cases can be cited when people have seen their near ones of the Subtle World, but even such evidences merely remain listed as phenomena. It is impossible to convince people of the naturalness of the change of existence. They are forbidden to think about reincarnation, and they are agreed that they dwell on the edge of an unknown abyss. Yet each year brings the worlds closer together, and it is possible to increase the number of cases of evidence of memory of former lives. Already each one can cite many examples; all that is needed is an attitude of good will.

AUM (1936) - 585:
585. It may be observed how greatly cosmic currents increase the reactions of different organs. One may perceive, as it were, fluctuations of hearing and sight, discomfort of the solar plexus, tension of ligaments, and ardent burning of the centers. The microcosm is responding to the tempest of the Macrocosm. How much steadfastness one must find within oneself! With what can man overcome the tension of space? Aum, as a sounding of harmony, will be a healing agent.

Brotherhood (1937) - 67:
67. Sometimes a fixed silent gaze averts great dangers. Thought needs no words. Suggestion needs no words. Only unskillful hypnotists try to exert influence with a loud cry and to increase it with the hands, but neither one nor the other is needed in thought transmission. Rather can rhythmic breathing be useful, but this too is replaced by the rhythm of the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 141:
141. It may be asked, "Will the number of physicians decrease because of the increase of patent medicines?" This would be a calamity. Physicians are widely needed, if by the word physician one means a highly educated friend of humanity. Verily, the conventionally prepared remedies may bring on illnesses which will have to be treated individually in each case by the physician. There will be required a very subtle combination of suggestion together with the medicaments. We are not speaking about surgery, for this field calls for no discussion if it is kept within its proper limits. A surgeon who performs a needless operation is frequently likened to a murderer. Therefore, in this field also the true straight-knowledge is required.

Brotherhood (1937) - 141:
Still more difficult is the problem of the physician when there is a complication of several ailments; such cases are on the increase. It is possible to treat one disease and in so doing make another one worse. Even now there are many localities which are lacking in proper medical service. This situation results in a general lowering of vitality. Degeneration is not an imaginary thing. Everywhere there can be observed the signs of such disaster. Not only does this calamity strike down the present generation; it also corrupts the humanity of the future. The cry will be raised that such advice is old. But if so, why has it not been applied before this?

Brotherhood (1937) - 159:
159. Truly, the path of compulsion is like the path of narcosis. He who has been taking narcotics must increase the quantity of the poison taken. In the same way compulsion must be constantly increased, reaching the point of madness. Interruption of a compulsion carries the threat of domination by the dark forces. Therefore, compulsion is worthless for evolution. A conscious awareness contradicts compulsion. But lack of awareness is the ruin of the whole structure.

Brotherhood (1937) - 178:
178. True, the quantity of insane people is monstrous. Not only must they be treated, but the cause of the increase in number must be discovered. The weak-minded also need surveillance. Madness is contagious. Weak-mindedness in childhood indicates subsequent abnormality through the entire life. People are agreed that the conditions of life are unhealthy; yet, in spite of this, every advice about improving conditions for health will meet with hostility. In this is contained the fear of any unsettling of the foundations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 242:
242. One should not draw arbitrary conclusions about the causes of the speeding up or slowing down of events. One must be able to take into consideration many conditions, of which the most important usually remain neglected. I instruct you to intensify your attention in order not to increase the complexity of the situation. People do not like to acknowledge, voluntarily or otherwise, how often a grain of dissension ruins the best combinations. Man can be likened to a magnet, yet even a magnet may become demagnetized if it be put in disadvantageous surroundings. Thus, one should accustom oneself to watching over the small grains. Unity cannot flourish if grit has been spilled on each wheel.

Brotherhood (1937) - 365:
365. During the reception and sending of thought there can be noticed a series of manifestations that confirm the fact that thought is energy. Sometimes one's breathing feels stifled. Some explain that the reason for this lies in tensed attention. But for the observer it is especially important to note that the thought process is accompanied by physical sensations. Likewise, sometimes part of a received word drops out; such a manifestation will be an effect of spatial currents, in other words, an effect of energy. Similarly can be observed an increase of heartbeat and irregular pulsation that will also be the result of the influence of energy. There can also be noticed sharp changes of mood and of temperature that are evidences of the currents. Thus it is possible to trace to what an extent all thought processes are connected with physical manifestations. An analogy may be found in observation of radio waves.

Brotherhood (1937) - 473:
473. Anemia is usually considered to be a blood deficiency, but this factor is not of fundamental importance. It is but a result of an outflow of psychic energy. Thoughtless physicians assume that it is possible to restore strength by drinking blood, but they forget that the inflow of strength will be one of appearance only. It is the same as trying to illumine a large house with a single match. Taking in blood produces much harm; this substance requires study and adaptation. That is why We do not in general advise such mixing of blood. Essentially, it is unnecessary. Increase in psychic energy is attained by the simple expedients of which We have already spoken. But in this let us see to it that there be not found in the vicinity someone who absorbs the energy. Indeed, it can be absorbed consciously and unconsciously. Each irritation, each despondency will definitely absorb the precious energy. When the fundamentals of Brotherhood are being taught, first to be eliminated are all those elements which are adverse to psychic energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 515:
Thus, let us ponder on the happy possibilities that will increase with acceptance of the concept of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 579:
579. Great beauty is contained in the acceptance of full responsibility. The vouching of the heart will be that feeling of pathos which will uplift the primary energy. It will often be asked, How to increase this power? By the vouching of the heart. Conscious responsibility will be the beautiful impeller of energy. Thus does the Brotherhood teach.

Brotherhood (1937) - 605:
605. An increase of criminality is observed everywhere. No one can deny that the most subtle crimes attract weak human minds. The usual measures of combating crime are not effective. Therefore, the hope remains that the principle of healthy cooperation may lead humanity into the boundaries of dignified labor, but let us also summon the principle of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 608:
608. Suicides are on the increase. No one will deny that there never have been so many self-inflicted interruptions of life. It means that no one has told these unfortunate ones about the significance of life. No one has warned them about the consequences of their action. Are there among people none to raise their voices for truth and beauty of life?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
Our mirrors cannot be called magical. They simply increase the effectiveness of Our energy. Many appliances can be found that make energy more effective. Strong magnets could hardly be called magical, even though their action is remarkable. The subtle body and all experiments connected with it belong to science, not to magic. Thus, one should abolish the superstitious use of the confusing term "magical."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 8:
If people only realized in what visible and invisible ways they can collaborate! If people only realized how much they can increase their strength by cooperating with the Brotherhood! If they at least thought about cooperation, which can be manifested in every moment! But people not only do not approach the Brotherhood in thought, they even consider thought about the Brotherhood foolish. Everyone can apply his strength at each moment; one need only understand that in Our mountains ceaseless labor continues for help to humanity. One such thought alone creates a flow of energy, and advances the consciousness toward service for humanity. It whispers that love for humanity is possible, but earthly conditions often make it difficult to imagine the possibility of such love. Let thought about the existence of the Brotherhood help to open hearts. Then cooperation will be revealed, not as a duty, but as joy, and the drops of sweat and sacred pains will bring the Crown of Enlightenment. Let us not take these words as an abstraction, for such denial will close the best receptacle - the heart. Each drop of sweat from labor, each pain for humanity, lives in the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 15:
15. Urusvati was amazed to see Our tension when sending ideas to remote distances. We are actually charged with electricity in order to increase the Primary Energy, and use unusual electrical apparatuses to create the special environment needed for the sending of thought. It can be seen that psychic receptivity may be increased in electric power plants, but such a saturation of the environment with electricity can also cause fiery sicknesses. Everywhere harmony is needed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46:
46. Urusvati has mastered the power of burning evenly. Long ago We spoke about the uselessness of flickering lamps. Flickering is caused either by a lack of oil or by the poor condition of the lamp. With improvement, lamps will burn steadily and everyone will be grateful for their even light. Likewise, in human perfectment, after sinkings and soarings, a powerful radiance will be achieved and the help to humanity will increase. We welcome the stage of burning evenly because We can cooperate with it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60:
If an artist were to depict Our Abode even approximately, the product of his imagination could be used as a teraph. But the best teraph is the human heart. A powerful magnet is developed from heart to heart, and such an attraction can be strong, even physically. The attraction to Our Heart can increase so greatly that it would be impossible to restrain it. This is called "the Fiery Chariot." Such fiery sensations require great harmony, otherwise they can turn into a chaotic whirlwind.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 66:
Urusvati has again heard the expressions of sorrow of Sister Oriole. Of course, it is difficult not to be horrified when earthly decay has spread to such an unprecedented extent. These processes at the end of Kali Yuga cannot be stopped on command. They must be outlived, and the dust raised by their whirlwinds must be reworked. It is difficult indeed for so much litter to be made harmless, but the seeds must be separated from the chaff! We affirm that the care for every grain is great. The manifestation of unfit elements is great at the end of Kali Yuga. The fiercer Armageddon is, the better it serves as purifier of the dross. But the Host of Earth thinks otherwise. He values this dross and hopes to increase it. There are those who do not like to clean their own homes, and the resulting accumulations often end in conflagration. Therefore, he who fears labor should forget about Our existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 73:
73. Urusvati knows how to discern the veils of Maya. When We speak about veils, it is because there is something being veiled, and that is Primal Energy. Wise is the one who can perceive in different manifestations where the eternal, indestructible foundation lies. Without this discernment everything will be Maya, a baseless mirage. It is impossible to live among such phantoms. The very foundation of eternal life requires a realization of where to find that steadfastness upon which the tired traveler can lean. Inevitably man will come to seek the eternal foundation. Thought about immutability can inspire man to action, and this striving to action is a healthy sign. We may be asked what conditions are required for Us to be able to help people better: of course, the answer is in action. We can say to those who ask for help, "Act!" for then it is easier for Us to help. Even a small unsuccessful action is better than no action, since We can then add Our energy to the energy shown by you. It is no wonder that a substance will blend more easily with one that is similar. When We wish to apply Our energy, We look for its most useful application. We send Our energy not just to awaken, but also to increase the power of those who strive. A person suddenly awakened can perform the most foolish actions. The sleeping one should not be disturbed unexpectedly, but when one is on a conscious vigil, We can help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 77:
Our apparatuses may resemble simple telegraphic receivers, but they are designed for more subtle vibrations. The necessary tension requires an increase in prana. The breathing of Our ozonizers can be likened to the breathing of living beings. Our lighting system, which resembles neon tubing, can burn very brightly. The effect of such mechanical devices can be increased by cognition of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 79:
79. Urusvati has experienced the most distressing earthly manifestation - the sensation of absolute darkness. It is terrible, for the intensity of the anguish it causes is equal to that of asphyxiation. Whence comes such injurious darkness? It might seem to be no more than a spiritual prevision, which, like straight-knowledge, plunges the entire organism into experiencing the feeling of an impending event. But in reality it is far more dangerous, for it is an emanation of planetary decay. When people come into contact with this darkness, their unspeakable anguish is understandable. These contacts are usually subconscious, for few have seen the pernicious darkness itself. For those, the feelings are especially strong. When contact is made with absolute darkness while in the earthly body, there may be extremely painful sensations, and even inflammation of the centers. We know this contact; it attacks the psychic energy. One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse. When We expect a particularly heavy pressure of darkness, We determinedly increase Our vital forces. Those who are under Our care receive a special measure of energy in order to withstand the attack of darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91:
91. Urusvati knows the ways of striving. Such techniques should be transmuted in the consciousness, for one cannot command them intellectually. Only with the eyes of the heart can one see whether there are still more ways to increase striving. One should rejoice at each act of full striving. Such fullness gives birth to the music of the spheres. An intensified harmony arises when all the strings of the heart resound. Do not take such comparisons as mere symbols; long ago We spoke about the eyes of the heart. Indeed, man sees through them, and hears with the ears of the heart. How could we exist without such senses?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138:
Do not think that it is easy to reject the past. Great knowledge must be acquired before one can recognize the spiral of evolution, which perpetually surges forward. Usually people dwell on yesterday, not realizing that each tomorrow brings new knowledge, and the day that is hardly over has already engendered new accumulations. Night brings communion with the Subtle World and the renewal of energies. In the morning people seldom remember their experiences of the night just passed, but they feel the increase of energy. Scientists explain this phenomenon in a narrow materialistic way, but more experienced observers perceive different causes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168:
I hear laughter and ridicule - chaos is in convulsion and hopes that its servants will cling to it tenaciously. Thus, a good thought provokes the convulsion of evil. Be not frightened by even the most awful grimace of evil, for our main task is to increase the reservoir of Goodness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 169:
169. Urusvati knows that those who burn away chaos and those who create it coexist on Earth. Chaos accumulates here and it must be destroyed here, not in the supermundane spheres. It is people, not just demons, who are trying to increase chaos and bring it to the point of absolute darkness. Urusvati has experienced this absolute darkness, to which nothing can compare.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 191:
If we discuss the far-off worlds we must accept the idea of distant influences. A strong spirit, while in the far-off worlds, may be filled with a desire to increase the work for good, and thus will send a particle of his energy for the inspiration and daring of those on Earth. Formerly, mothers prayed that double strength be granted to the incarnating soul. Some legends record the existence of certain nations that knew about the power of the spirit and about the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 208:
The seeming instantaneousness of many visions can be explained by the laws of the Subtle World, where physical time does not exist. The brevity of the visions is only illusory, for man's perceptions are limited by the physical plane, and for him the subtle images come and go quickly. But in the conditions of the Subtle World we enter into the mental spheres, and the events appear to unfold naturally. Thus one can increase his experience in the Subtle World and learn to understand the earthly illusion of instantaneousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 210:
Thus the Thinker affirmed, "Let us not forget that everything is in motion. No one has the right to pollute the cosmic current, for he will increase the suffering of many, and primarily his own. But it is fear that keeps people away from the subtle worlds."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 238:
238. Urusvati knows what extraordinary self-control is needed when one dedicates oneself to perpetual vigilance. If you ask people whether they are prepared to be on guard all the time, their answer will probably be, "All the time! But when will it end?" And if you tell them that there is no end and that their responsibilities will increase forever, it will be hard to find among them a worthy watchman.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 239:
There are two types of people, the flaming and the flameless. They are like opposite poles and will never understand each other. These two extremes also exist in the Subtle World. People leave Earth with their characters formed and in the Subtle World follow their habitual ways. It is very difficult to kindle the flameless ones; a special shock is needed to light the precious ruby of the heart and awaken the slumbering hearts. Of course, much energy is wasted in this process. People do not understand what extreme measures are needed to awaken and kindle their hearts so that they may learn how to increase energy by an intensified feeling of love.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 270:
Contact with the higher worlds is not achieved by an increase of will power, but through the deeper consciousness, the repository of pure Primal Energy. Unfortunately, people do not distinguish between free will and the action of Primal Energy. They assume that the physical action of the will is the most tangible and thus the most effective.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278:
278. Urusvati knows about the fatigue We have described that was experienced by My Friend. There are three methods of combatting it. One can deliberately increase the tension to such a degree that the original fatigue is lost in the whirl of the new stimulation, or relax completely without thoughts or tensions, or change one's location, so that the spatial and ground currents are completely different.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278:
You may be sure that We are aware of this struggle, because, just as a galloping horse raises a cloud of dust, the magnet of psychic energy stirs up a whirlpool of chaos. Many examples from daily life can be cited that would illustrate the progressive assaults of chaos from century to century. These will continue to increase, and all the power of equilibrium will be needed to withstand them. Now is such a time, and every sensitive person should be prepared to guard himself against chaos.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286:
Let us remember that these years of Armageddon are the most intense, and one's health should be especially guarded because the cosmic currents will increase many diseases. You must understand that this time is unique.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304:
There are many combinations of personal, family, and national karma. One may ask if it is possible that an injustice committed against one person could affect a whole country. Indeed, it can, especially since many who are involved with one another reincarnate in the same country. Such conditions increase the responsibility of mankind. People acknowledge that physical characteristics are transmitted through the generations; it is regrettable that they are not aware that karmic traits can also be transmitted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 317:
The evil forces zealously keep their vigil, ready to harm every beneficial undertaking. It is a mistake to think that these attempts of evil are casual; on the contrary, evil has its well organized followers. The inexperienced think that evil can simply be ignored, but We advise caution, and an increase in one's defenses.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 336:
People may accuse Us of lack of logic, since on one day We say that the false prophets are not dangerous, yet We sternly condemn them on another; but relativity and antithesis are little understood. Indeed, worldly relationships are complicated, and an unwashed person will seem clean if compared with a chimney sweep. We shall not tire of reminding you that one of the signs of Armageddon is the enormous increase in the numbers of false preachers. They appear in all countries and offer whatever the crowds desire. We shall not belabor their distortions of life, but We can lament them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346:
There are many books available that deal with psychic phenomena, and We will not waste Our time trying to convince the wilfully ignorant. At present, We only want to point out that psychic phenomena are increasing. One can also see that there is an unfortunate increase in fierce opposition. The forces of darkness are alarmed that the subtle energies are approaching the earthly plane. You must understand that the battle has reached its climax, and chaos is attempting to prevent evolutionary advance. But the New World approaches and nothing can stop the growth of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 347:
When studying the history of psychic phenomena one can observe a rise and fall in the degree of their frequency. One might expect there to be a constant increase, but there are certain conditions that influence the manifestations. For instance, psychic phenomena increase during wartime, but they are of a less desirable type.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 377:
Those with a tendency to destroy harmony increase the burden of their karma. One should ask what happens to those who do not survive, who are "killed" by the explosions of thought. They fall into a deep sleep, an unconscious state that holds back their progress. In this way many descriptions of heavenly battles are not far from reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 377:
Unfortunately, people often make crude earthly comparisons that only serve to increase their misconceptions about the Subtle World. Examine human history, and you will see how the striving for Truth is impeded by human imaginings. The crude descriptions of the Subtle World do not correspond to its true condition. For example, the fury of the subtle entities is quite different from earthly rage.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 384:
People do not know how to invoke the Forces of Light when threatened with danger. On the contrary, they cast their doubts, regrets, and even accusations into space, even though they are fully aware that such faint-heartedness does not help them. They know that accusations are not invocations, and that only the latter can increase their strength.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395:
395. Urusvati has stated correctly that her ailments increase during world calamities and the illnesses of her near ones. Space groans and the heart aches.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 405:
Interplanetary currents can be exceedingly burdensome, but the danger is not in them, for spatial currents are inherently balanced. It is the lightminded use of man's free will that can release the devouring monsters that disturb equilibrium. People may not know that they can disturb the equilibrium of the planet, but it is in their power to call forth devouring energies of such strength that spatial voids will increase.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 439:
439. Urusvati knows how often it is necessary to explain even Our clearest Indications. For example, it has been asked whether a pupil has the right to absorb the energy of the Teacher. Some will find in this a contradiction with the Indication concerning discussion with the Teacher. But it is clear that a conversation has nothing to do with absorption of energy. It includes no pleas, but simply broadens the consciousness, and every expansion is an increase of energy. Such discussion does not consume the energy of the Teacher; on the contrary, it helps to strengthen the aura, which is beneficial for the pupil. Yet some cannot understand that a true pupil will not burden the Teacher with requests. The disciple knows well enough that all that is possible will be done. He understands the state of tension in which the Teacher tirelessly sends out His energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 439:
Some people express communion only by asking for help. Perhaps traditional prayers have accustomed people to demand earthly blessings from Deity. This error is common in all teachings - people stop striving toward illumination and restrict their communion with the Highest to requests for an increase in earthly benefits. Thus, it is necessary to explain that the Teaching of Life cannot contain contradictions. Let those who fail to understand ask, and they will learn that the Teaching knows life in all its aspects. Let them remember that a devoted pupil communes with the Teacher in one unified current of energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 448:
448. Urusvati knows that the Tower of Chun is the center of the three worlds. This unity is possible because some of the Masters, although still in their physical bodies, can manifest in their subtle bodies, whereas others, in their subtle bodies, have the power to approach the physical world. One should be aware of the importance of maintaining harmonious vibrations in order to make this communication possible between the Subtle World and the physical world. It is most important to safeguard the surrounding atmosphere so that nothing harmful can increase the disturbance of currents. People strive to make contact with the Towers, not understanding that such an intrusion can be disastrous.


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