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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INCONGRUITIES (2)

AUM (1936) - 260:
260. A great number of painful sensations are caused by psycho-atmospheric tensions. We do not mean atmospheric pressures only, but actual psychic waves, which not only can create moods but can even reflect upon the nerve centers. One cannot imagine to what an extent the atmosphere is saturated by psychic energies; such emanations produce effects not only upon animal life but also upon plants. Therefore, it is impossible light-mindedly to attribute all these manifestations merely to crude physical conditions. Many of the subtlest psychic manifestations still have not been unriddled; for the consciousness itself is often primitive. Many times you have observed such singular incongruities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 477:
477. Everyone has noticed certain people who ask very complicated questions and yet do not apply even the simplest fundamentals in their lives. Such incongruity is a poor sign. Would it not be better for them to apply the refined formulas in life? Such incongruities are to be cast off first of all on the path to Brotherhood.


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