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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INCOMPREHENSION (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.1:
2.11.1. I rejoice when you are imbued with the significance of the future. These are especially crucial times. In old prejudices a mountain of incomprehension is revealed. Obscure are the people's ways. Verily, only Our exertion can alter the course of events. Brutal habits have filled the leisure of mankind.

New Era Community (1926) - 73:
73. The essence of the New World contains a vacuum which is called the node of immobility; in it are being collected the sediments of manifestations of incomprehension of the tasks of evolution. When the brain leads close to these paths of incomprehension of the spirit, the access to Our sendings is almost lost. Can people possibly forget creativeness, directed to the adornment of life?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 368:
368. When understanding of the Fundamentals of Being burns clearly in the spirit, then the abyss of life ceases to appear impassable. When the realization of achievement burns in the heart, then the day of the future appears near. The horizon, which takes in the World in all its structure, embraces all transitoriness and apparent Maya. Thus space is saturated with the creative power of Fire and with future construction. Knowledge of transitoriness results in a feeling of breaking away from the Earth and impels the spirit to those planes where man verily dwells in his fiery essence. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest aspiration towards the spatial energies which aid the spirit in passing over the abyss of incomprehension.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 369:
369. Indeed, the abyss of incomprehension is the path by which humanity is now proceeding, Verily, contemporary thinking is the proscriber of psychic investigations. Yet, so much farther and deeper is it possible to go by knowing the division and the connection between the three bodies. Because, if the physical body is already formed, the astral body has been almost formed, and the most subtle, mental, body has been formed only by the chosen ones. But those who have been initiated into higher fiery energies, and who know the fiery transmutation of the centers, can affirm fiery manifestations. All other manifestations must be divided into two categories. The first, when the spirit cannot pass over the abyss because the mental body has not yet been sufficiently formed, so that the spirit cannot appear beyond the limits of the lower strata; the other category, when one center is manifested partially. It must also be remembered that the Fiery World is inaccessible to a spirit so long as the higher centers have not begun to be transmuted. But above all stands the spirit which kindles its own spiritual Fires, for its mental body creates correspondingly. On the path to the Fiery World one must sensitively discriminate in psychic manifestations.


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