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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INCIDENTAL (14)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.5:
An incidental moment, or silence, or indisposition, should not be attributed to the wave. Thus, if the traveler stops for rest on his way this does not mean that he has deviated from the path.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 441:
You could have observed already that Our Indications relate to the very heart of events. I often speak of trust, not because I doubt it, but because what is obvious hinders one from seeing the inner currents. Everyone can recall having mistaken the incidental for the fundamental, and thus having forged mistaken notions about physical nature. But this also can be said of ideas about the element of fire. Someone may narrow-mindedly muse, "Our ancestors lived without fire, yet journeyed to the grave as honored citizens. What have I to do with fire? Let it be the concern of my cook!" But the wise one thinks, "Whence come the unexplainable epidemics, withering the lungs, the throat, and the heart? Beyond all the apparent causes there is something undetected by the physicians. It is not the circumstances of life, but other conditions that wipe out so many lives." This way of unprejudiced observation leads to right conclusions.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 368:
368. Cosmic creativeness gathers combinations which are saturated by the Fire of Space. The cosmic creativeness imbues the striving energies by the impulse of attraction. When new combinations which are saturated with Fire manifest the vital energy, the impelling Magnet assembles these spatial energies. Explosions of fiery, impelling magnetism occur unavoidably when the energies are attracted in incidental fusion which generates dissimilar energies.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 368:
The free energies are inherent in Cosmos, and they have no definite drive; therefore, the casually entering elements give incidental formulae. As in Cosmos, so also in the human consciousness, the entrance of incidental energies provides a new formula. When the spirit cannot determine its direction, the incidental energies take the upper hand. And the striving of each manifested link of karma is altered by the manifestation of incidental energies. Therefore, humanity on its way to evolution must strive to the cognizance of the seed of the spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 245:
245. There are many shiftings in space, and it is not astonishing that the currents are transmitted by new rhythms. These rhythms are quite difficult because they arise from incidental vibrations during collisions with the currents of space; the wave is ten strokes too long and on account of this is fatiguing. Moreover, it is impossible to foresee the generation of new nebulae, because they are created by the shifting of the currents. One can perceive the newly formed nebulae only at the kindling of the last fires.

Heart (1932) - 126:
126. You do well to discern the variations of expressions. Precisely in these is contained the music of the spirit. All the shades of speech are not incidental! How much psychic flame is coursing through the nerves, giving color to speech!

Heart (1932) - 172:
172. Fire is closest to sound and color. And it is not without reason that the trumpet call attracts the Fire of Space. It is not incidental that some paintings seem to radiate; the same fire of the heart glows in them. The manifestation of fire must be envisioned not only as a reality but as something indivisible from us.

Heart (1932) - 253:
253. Observe a great number of events. They cannot be considered as incidental; but obviously due to some law, they are spreading through the world. It is as though invisible hands were touching numerous strings. Besides, one can notice that seemingly silent strings begin to resound anew and still more powerfully. But those who understand Armageddon as the field of the manifestation of the signs of the highest energy are correct. This battlefield cannot be accidental, but is like a magnet composed of conflicting energies. The field of the City of Light is destined as a counterbalance to this field. As the field of Armageddon is proclaimed by the clanging of arms, so the field of the City of Light is proclaimed by the peal of bells. According to their juxtaposition one can judge the dimensions of that which is destined. Thus, one can listen to the tumult of the battle for the sake of the pealing bells.

Heart (1932) - 551:
551. Man cannot conceal his inner motives. Though these may not be reflected in earthly expressions, in the subtle feeling there are no secrets. Usually, people do not know how to assimilate the feelings of the Subtle World. But they feel a seeming disquietude, confusion, or joy, as if some secret record were before them and they felt its significance before unsealing it. Yet with the education of the heart one can have an understanding of human motives that is not incidental. Moreover, one can evaluate not only the significance of thoughts but also their substance. Is it not true that the heart often does not reflect people's motives because they do not exist altogether or resemble down wafted by the wind? Ask your interlocutor what he desires. The usual response will be an evidence of confusion. Such a heart, not having crystallized its strivings at all, will be confused in the Subtle World. The Teaching is not luxury. It teaches the minimum that should be expected from those reincarnated over millions of years. Let us not impede in any measure the flighty tendency of thought, but it is necessary to demand cognizance of the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 546:
To isolate a clear thought, without incidental waverings, will be in itself a lofty discipline. In the Brotherhood attention is paid to such purification of thought. Speaking of Brotherhood, it is unavoidable to touch upon thought-sendings. The work of thought will function from small to great tasks, and the discipline of the heart will be required for success. Each heart is surrounded by anxiety, agitations, and tremor. One can overcome these tremors by addressing oneself to Hierarchy, not half-way, but fully; such an appeal is not at all frequent. Yet for the simplest experiments unshakable striving is required. Usually a swarm of tiny, malicious insects attempts to violate the purity of thought. All these petty ones must be subdued by brotherly unity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 41:
You have frequently noticed an incomprehensible sleepiness, which may mean that you are cooperating with distant worlds, or else is evidence of your cooperation with the powers of the Subtle World. You should vigilantly observe the requirements of the organism. You cannot think about incidental happenings when something of importance is taking place. Only through ignorance can Our Ordainments be ignored. But great is the joy when not only the Brotherhood is realized, but also the link with the Subtle World.


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