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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INASMUCH (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.5:
2.4.5. Inasmuch as self-confidence is blessed in action, so is self-conceit ruinous. Self-conceit is hostile to simplicity. Even great minds are subject to this malady, and must return an additional time to labor until they eradicate this husk. One of the impeding conditions is lack of simplicity. One may wear bast-shoes and still not be simple. In simplicity one can build the greatest temple.

Heart (1932) - 558:
558. Fear and irritation are called the gates of darkness. The servants of darkness dispatch fear first of all, in order to confound the spirit. Each conjuration may comprise danger inasmuch as during the conjuration terror may penetrate - thus the most precise magic may be turned into the utmost danger. Hence one must lean upon a more certain means. An educated heart will first of all eradicate fear and recognize the harm of irritation. Thus the heart is that armor of Light which will put to shame the cunning of darkness. As is ever asserted, the heart is constantly ready to smite darkness and bridle chaos. It is especially sad that many do not desire to think about the power of the heart. Thus, they not only cause themselves dejection but bring harm to their near ones. Each treasure unrealized merges into Chaos, thus strengthening darkness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 211:
211. Precisely as Ur. has said - the fulfillment of one's own duty. Precisely the distribution of assignments in the Cosmos upholds the foundations, and the Hierarchic Chain maintains equilibrium. There is in the Cosmos one great action which admits of a unified Karma, but inasmuch as this is held secret in the Cosmos, the confluence of Karma is a solution of Higher Forces. The fiery consciousness and heart can coalesce and bear that Burden of the World, and this will be consecration for the new construction which has been ordained in the Cosmos. The manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet must be saturated with the creativeness of spirit and heart. Thus is affirmed a joint Karma. This must be understood as a Higher Token. But when the law of higher significance is applied to daily conditions, this is contrary to Cosmic Ordination. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us be imbued with the significance of the higher uniting of Karma.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 358:
358. If people would only understand with what foundations it is possible to build a better world! If humanity would only reflect upon the concepts which permeate life! So many higher impulses could become awakened in the consciousness, so many dormant energies could act, if humanity would only accept the Covenant of Service, inasmuch as this has been affirmed by all the Higher Forces! All the fiery qualities of Service are precisely based on devotion. Verily, this quality is the basis of constructiveness. On the path to the Fiery World it will be necessary to affirm this foundation.

AUM (1936) - 573:
573. It is shocking to see the relativeness of people's judgments. Take as an example the definitions of the state of one who has passed into the Subtle World. Of the same person it will be said: he perished, he is annihilated, he suffers, he sleeps, he is resting, he is learning, he ascends, he rejoices - thus each one judges the Subtle World according to his own understanding. But inasmuch as no one has told people about the Subtle World, they have begun to form opinions in accordance with their own imagination; however the imagination is often uncultivated. In this way, the closest sphere still remain within the limits of a phantom world.

Brotherhood (1937) - 96:
96. Once there was an artist who wished to depict thought, but did not know what symbol would be best to express it. One philosopher suggested the conception of a cloud formation, because thought dwells in space. Another thinker believed that a starry heaven would be better. A third suggested that lightning would provide an austere representation of thought. A fourth proposed the idea of leaving the canvas blank, inasmuch as earthly eyes cannot catch a thought, and any form would be too crude for the light of the energy.


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