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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INACTIVITY (10)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 32:
Inimical to international tasks is each perpetration of fraud. But the unity of peoples, the appreciation of creative labor, the growth of the consciousness, are affirmed by the International Government as undeferrable measures. And if one traces the measures of this Government, it will be found that it cannot be accused of inactivity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 76:
76. Hasten, hasten to understand the Teacher! Let us encircle Him with a protective wall of devotion and thereby enclose ourselves within the stronghold. After you have wandered enough you will come to understand that with the Teacher, there is always success. Where defeat occurs, there has been betrayal of the Teacher. Where defeat is, it is we ourselves who have bent and rent and razed the goal-fitting plan. In defeat, we have turned away from the tested arrow of help. Can we assert that in the hour of danger we will proclaim the Name of the Teacher? Can we bear witness to the Teacher's Name? Can we discover the exultation of gratitude to the Teacher? Or, on the other hand, do we sometimes wonder why the Teaching does not accommodate our habits, and why our inactivity is disturbed by the Teaching? Why we are awakened from our self-justifying sleep?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 147:
147. One should firmly understand the difference between expectation and striving. In expectation there will always be a time of inactivity, whereas in striving there is always a flight into the future. Such a difference can be understood only by one who is not satisfied with the flow of present life and thinks of the continuous flow of existences on other planets.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 192:
I also wish to remind you of the importance to Agni Yoga of creative work. You were bidden to compare two different interpretations of a musical composition, and your spirit understood the differences in their effect. Thus is consciousness raised by the touch of Truth, and one more abstraction becomes a reality. And how beautiful is the realization of constant testing! Therein lies motion. Can a Yogi of Fire succumb to inactivity?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 297:
It must be recognized that people want to forget grievous events. The destruction of entire continents is carefully removed from the old writings. Equally well-concealed are many indications regarding events that were fateful for the world. "We do not like to torture ourselves," say the earthly authorities. They are ready to hide from themselves their bankruptcy and their defeat. Earthly rulers say, "All is calm in our kingdom." Their self-satisfied repose and inactivity guarantee them their thrones. Usually they admire the sunset but sleep through the sunrise. But the Invisible Government says, "It is absurd to hide what exists." This is because we must carefully learn from past events.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 489:
"So even in your inactivity you build?"

Heart (1932) - 379:
379. Calmness of the heart does not mean the soothing of the heart. The burning heart cannot be soothed. Calmness of the heart means firmness and unfalteringness. Through this understanding one can reach the tension that leads to Nirvana. But how many steps must one cross courageously in order to realize unfalteringness of the heart. It is easy to speak during seemingly calm surroundings, but one should not seek the tempering of the heart through inactivity. Naturally, action does not consist in waving of the hands, but in tension of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 546:
546. Each piece of a neighbor's bread is protected by law, but the devouring and plundering of the forces of the spirit is not prohibited. Thus, because of ignorance various types of vampirism are permitted. Verily, it is horrifying to observe how strength is plundered without its being applied for good. Vampires of all kinds do not plunder strength for good deeds. At best they swallow up strength for egoism, and then the entire dark criminality follows. It is impossible to enumerate the abuses of precious strength. But when We advise caution, it is understood as inactivity. And when We speak of the significance of the heart, it is explained as superstition; yet neither the brain, nor the solar plexus, nor the Kundalini will give the signal about the plundering of the strength. Only the heart gives incessant signs, and people usually do not want to recognize them. In our era it is not permissible to despise so greatly the manifold activity of the heart. Moreover, it is time to understand that without realization all the signs of the heart will pass away in vain.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 62:
62. Fire must be alive. Inactivity is unnatural for Fire. Energy generates energies. It is especially harmful to tear man away from his customary labor. Even through the lowest forms of labor man creates a manifestation of fiery energy. Deprive him of labor and he will inevitably fall prey to marasmus; in other words, he will lose the Fire of Life. One should not propagate the concept of people's retirement from work. They do not age because of advanced years, but from the extinction of Fire. One should not think that the extinguishing of Fire exerts no harm on the surroundings. Harm occurs precisely when a space occupied by Fire suddenly becomes accessible to corruption. This decay of life is opposed to the law of Existence. On the contrary, human society should sustain Fire in all its surroundings. The fire of the Druids was a reminder of the maintenance of the Fire of Life. It is inadmissible to quench fire in anything, not even in the smallest. Therefore, do not interfere with the festival of the spirit, even though its language be incomprehensible to you. That which is unintelligible to you today will become clear tomorrow. But fire once extinguished cannot again find the same application.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81:
An idler will not understand the kind of motion We speak of. He prefers inactivity and wishes for the cosmic motion to roll him along like a dead grain of sand. True, we are all less than grains of sand in Infinity, but each movement of the consciousness will be a great cooperation. It is not easy to instill in people a love of motion, but they must remember that We work continuously, and thus manifest the motion of the Universe.


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