Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 93: 93. The rebellious spirit shatters the bolts of the prison doors. You may teach others to read the Book of Wisdom as disclosed in the happenings of life. The wonder of Our Participation in the manifestations of life will not elude you. Shun the imperfections of your spirit, and ascend with a sense of spiritual freedom. Be firm in your assertion of happiness in life, and the thread of the path will not break. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.13: There are imperfections upon higher planets, but there is not the resistance of matter. It is easier to search there without loosing one's strength in needless struggle. There matter becomes inseparable from spirit, without any opposition between them. New Era Community (1926) - 94: 94. Often you talk about the imperfections in existing books. I say more the errors in the books fare equal to a grievous crime. Falsehood in books must be prosecuted as a grave calumny. The falsehood of an orator is prosecuted according to the number of his listeners. The falsehood of an author should be prosecuted according to the number of copies sold of his book. To fill the people's libraries with falsehood is a grave offense. It is necessary to perceive the true intent of the author in order to estimate the quality of his errors. Ignorance will be the worst basis. Fear and meanness occupy the next place. None of these qualities are befitting the community. To accomplish their removal in the new construction is a necessity. Prohibitory measures, as usual, are not suitable; but a discovered error must be removed from the book. The necessity of such removal, and the reprinting of the book, will bring the author to his senses. Every citizen has the right to prove an error. Indeed, one should not impede new views and structures; but incorrect data must not bring one into error, because knowledge is the armor of the community and the defense of knowledge is the duty of all the members. Agni Yoga (1929) - 351: 351. You know Our attitude toward the astral world. You know how much the astral world must change in the process of evolution. But, while pointing out the imperfections of the astral world, we cannot reject it, because nothing that exists can be rejected. One must build knowledge, not according to one's personal desires, but according to real meaning. People thus can learn about the astral world, and, even more, can bring it closer to the borders of visibility. In this way, they can aid Our experiments in the densification of the astral. Agni Yoga (1929) - 568: Who, then, can sense the beauty of Cosmos? Whoever has heard the music of the spheres even once will understand the earthly imperfections caused by the present condition of humanity. One must consciously fight against these attacks of anguish, though understanding their inevitability. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 331: 331. The combination of the energies with the tensed Magnet presents the power of creativeness. There is not engulfment in cosmically manifested creation; there is only a fusion of the energies in a new combination. Thus, the passage through all karmic steps intensifies the development of various properties and results in a striving, manifest activity. Therefore, the seed of the spirit creates the design of each round which is striving evolutionward. But by reason of the accumulations that are inharmonious with the activity, not every spirit can reach the higher step. In this case, the seed of the spirit is in correlation with the Cosmic Magnet but is physically tardy in outliving its imperfections. Then, the manifestation of imperfection can be redeemed through striving. This is not an engulfment by Infinity, it is the path to the Infinite! Hierarchy (1931) - 165: 165. The physician who has an opportunity to study the sacred pains and does not do it is guilty. In studying those pains and comparing them with the actions that cause them, he could prepare the steps for the coming evolution. In reality, during the spiritual development of the world, sacred pains should not exist, but the surrounding imperfections create these pains. Thus, in comparing the conditions and causes, one can foresee the direction of evolution. Certainly, much can be improved in the human consciousness if we know that even earthquakes are called forth by the spirit of humanity. One can gradually gather many manifestations of which man is the creator. Thus, the sacred pains are the indicators of the next race in the clutches of the underdeveloped; hence, I say, Guard your health. I say, Do not burden others by unnecessary sallies and irritation. The echo of errors resounds not only around you, but is carried along the entire Chain of Hierarchy. However, each caution is beneficial not only to you but it also strengthens space unto far-off spheres. Hierarchy (1931) - 250: 250. Forgetfulness, distraction, duplicity, curiosity, belong to the imperfections which must be eradicated. Any of these qualities may be regarded as treason, for out of them issues the lowest. One should understand how unavoidable for oneself are their consequences. A small consciousness is engulfed in mistakes and, trying to justify itself - in other words to lie to itself, actually sinks to the bottom. It can be observed through many lives how the garden of effects blossoms. Sooner or later one must be convinced of the harm of mistakes. The main touchstone will be the question, "Is there no treason?" One must in the end realize how manifold is treason. Besides the classical kiss, there may be found many subtle aspects of treason. Hierarchy (1931) - 451: 451. If one were to expound the condition and aims of Yoga, the number of applicants would not be great. For them the renunciation of selfhood would be dreadful. When a Yogi feels the same during want or plenty; when he feels himself only a disposer of means; when he feels his destination in bringing service to the world and his holiday in communion with the Higher Forces - such a way of life, with the assumption of all the burdens of surrounding imperfections, will not be pleasant to many. Many are altogether incapable of thinking about the future, lulling themselves with the misunderstood letters of the Scriptures. We must not think too much of the earthly, yet it is not said anywhere that we should not think of the future. The thought of the future is already like gates to the Infinite. Thus, think of the future, and you may be sure that this thought will be supported by Hierarchy. Heart (1932) - 96: 96. Sickness rises from sin - says the Scripture. We say that sickness comes from the imperfections of past and present. One should know how to approach the cure of sickness. To the regret of physicians, the process toward perfection is the true prophylactic measure. It can be understood that the process toward perfection begins with the heart, and it has not only a spatial but also a narrow material meaning. Mothers carry their children close to their hearts as a panacea for calming them, but usually one is unaware that this holding close to the heart creates a powerful reaction. Thus, also in the Subtle World we gather people close to the heart for strengthening and for cure. Of course, the heart loses a great deal of energy through such strong application. But, then, more than once has the heart of a mother been represented as transfixed by swords and arrows, a symbol of the acceptance into the heart of all actual pains. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 28: Once there existed a trial by fire. He who was tried approached the fire, and the fire, at contact with truth, rose upward, but a lie deflected the flame. With all its imperfections, this trial brings to mind the possibilities of the reaction of Fire. AUM (1936) - 48: 48. Good and evil are tested by the heart. Thus it is possible to bring to the Highest an unshakable affirmation. One may recognize all relative imperfections, yet be able none the less to affirm unhesitatingly the Good. People try to test criminals by their blood pressure, yet fail to see that a single suspicion in itself may excite the entire organism. It is better to commune with the Higher World, where all the secret scrolls are revealed. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 149: Some may wonder why such a Great Spirit had to face the imperfections of dark entities. But the power of the Magnet attracts even the dark ones, who long to confuse and injure wherever they can. For example, even the slightest doubt will make it impossible to walk on water or fire, or to levitate. I mention this because the Great Pilgrim could perform these acts easily. His great power was in His absolute fearlessness, and He proceeded unwaveringly, for in His heart He had chosen the life of great deeds.