Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.14: Simple reasoning will show how impossible it is to take earthly things along with one. But they have been created with the participation of the spirit; hence, one should not despise them. How can one pass by the flowers of nature? But the creations of labor are also the flowers of humanity. If their scent and color are imperfect, one can but regret it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.9: 2.5.9. Fire singes imperfect thoughts. How else to fill the cradle of authentic achievements? The experiment of filtering the thought through the ray is very important. Everyone expresses the essence of his aura, but single thoughts can be of different value according to their spiritual consistence. Then the substance of the thought can be tested by a special ray. The presence of inner spirituality illumines the thought by the color of the aura, but if the thought is a base one it burns under the ray. Thus, there results not only a testing of thought but also a disinfection of space. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11: Valuable as are the living plants which have not lost their vitality, preparations from them dried in the sun may also be useful. But the stages of decomposition should be avoided, because decomposition is the same in everything and always attracts the most imperfect spirits. Therefore, one should watch the condition of cut flowers. The smell of decomposition must be sensed, as it is not the external appearance but the smell which manifests the symptom. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.16: Nations have rebelled, kings are departing - is this by chance? Only the blind do not perceive the movement of evolution. Every youthful heart quivers with a presentiment of new forms. In these movements each new form, though imperfect, is more valuable that the polished old one. New Era Community (1926) - 66: The earthly structure is like a pyramid. Now, from each point of the progressive spiral try to lower the four sides of a pyramid. You obtain, as it were, four anchors, lowered into the lower strata of matter. Such a construction will be fantastic, because it will be constructed upon dying strata. Now let us try to build from each point upwards a rhomb. And we get a body of conquests of the upper strata outstripping the movement of the spiral. This will be a worthy construction! Indeed, it must start into the unknown, expanding parallel with the growth of the consciousness. Therefore, construction in revolution is a most dangerous moment. A great number of imperfect elements will press the structures downward into strata of outworn and poisoned substance. Only reckless courage can turn the structure upwards into strata untried and beautiful in the maintenance of new elements. Therefore, I speak and shall say again that outworn forms must be avoided in the structure. Sinking back into the old receptacles is inadmissible. The understanding of the New World in all its austerity is needed. New Era Community (1926) - 121: The imperfect ingenuity of some people has guessed at invisible rays and inaudible rhythms. With crude imagination, with crude implements, nevertheless certain cosmic currents have been apprehended. But even a fool knows that the imagination can be refined and the apparatuses improved. Starting with self-improvement you proceed toward Infinity. I shall repeat about the possibilities of improvement so long as the most obdurate one remains unashamed of his limitation. New Era Community (1926) - 154: I see approaching another unreasonable person - this one is still more imperfect. He censures "Of what use is a solemn prophecy?" We shall say, "The solemnity of a forewarning is proportionate to the degradation of your squeaking at danger. O thou biped, how many times have you lost your face at the first difficulty! We have seen you blacker than charcoal, and your negation has filled you with stench. Badly do you fare, having burned your steps and now asking alms of the abyss." New Era Community (1926) - 226: 226. When a man finds himself in an imperfect community, in his fright he turns to opposition - this is wrong. He who understands imperfection must enter upon perfectionment. Let new communities arise as new springs in the desert. Around each spring tender grass will become green and the streams from the springs will eventually flow together in one current. The failure of one community must be grounds for new communal structures. Thus think about new possibilities. New Era Community (1926) - 228: Life has been divided according to periods and to styles, paying tribute to the measures of imperfect days. Who apportioned the constellations? Who apportioned the dialects? Has anyone called to mind the inheritances of all peoples? Style has determined the peculiarities of the age. The external notches of a design bear the prejudices and conventionalities of falsehood. It is time to divide inheritances only according to the inner potential. It is necessary to know the accruements of life. Coffin shapes must be left to the dead. True, one should sense the steps of culture, but disregard the zigzags of effeminateness. Faint-heartedness shut up in awkward armor did not lead to pan-human joy, but the retort of a modest alchemist has often been illumined by the Common Good. Without superstition must we examine the milestones of the growth of humanity under the sign of the community. We must examine how the victory of the community grew, in the kindling fires of knowledge and beauty. True knowledge and beauty contain in themselves the best community. New Era Community (1926) - 234: 234. The world has been split into two parts. Knowing the imperfection of half the manifestations of the new, foreseeing the cunning tricks of the old, We always remain in a world which is imperfect and new. We know all, We appraise all. You have a personal influence, people come to you with the question, "How to think?" Reply briefly, "With the New World; cast out all limited opinions." Reflect how it is possible to depart from old habits. Exert yourselves to accept the full chalice. Agni Yoga (1929) - 533: 533. The traditional ways of automatic writing are imperfect, because a constant conflict is created. The action of automatic writing uses the center of the wrist, but the consciousness also uses the same center, and thus two activities are in conflict, and subtlety of expression is lost. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 55: 55. A limited consciousness attracts only imperfect currents. The power of creativeness responds to the call of the spirit, and the scope of consciousness corresponds to the surrounding conditions created by the spirit itself. The law of reaction is the most recti-lineal. Cosmic energy as a propelled creative impulse will provide a culminating life there where striving is manifest. If man would comprehend the great mutual attraction, he would more often propel his energy toward cosmic creativeness. The call is affirmed as a great magnet. The belief that the evocation "Aum" is effective, when consciously made by the spirit, is based on wisdom. But the spirit invoked by an irresponsible spirit can only smite. All causes and effects are contained in the call. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 66: 66. Cosmos is built upon the affirmation manifested by attraction. Heterogeneous energies are attracted to one seed. Thus, pure fire is at the base of each cosmic combination. The cosmic creativeness is expressed in the assembling of the best combinations. Space is magnetized by the rush of the energies. Often the Cosmic Magnet unites the properties of different energies for acute shiftings. Therefore, when the Cosmic Magnet is strained, sundry imperfect forms are attracted to the seed, which works them over again. Thus the space links its forms. Therefore, when We speak of the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet, We bear in mind the pure fire that is contained within the shell of various energies. Hence, humanity is directed by the Cosmic Magnet, but only a conscious attitude makes for progress. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 172: 172. A very precise application of the defined sword of the spirit can raze the dams. When a fiery thought tenses the spirit, the attraction of various energies is inevitable. The sword of the spirit smites and creates; the sword of the spirit collects and cleaves the imperfect manifestations; the sword of the spirit is tensely poised by the Cosmic Magnet. Heart (1932) - 21: 21. Advise conversations about the spiritual. One may observe much that is useful in spiritual recollections. In addition, a spiritual conversation safeguards one from the mire and from irritation. The affirmation of spiritual manifestations will lessen the hatred of the Invisible World. Where spiritual conversations are often held, a special aura is accumulated. Those conversations, even though they be imperfect, proclaim themselves as touchstones to those present. Heart (1932) - 99: 99. The new Subtle World may seem inconceivable to those who have not paid attention to so-called phenomena, verified by photography, x-rays, and testimonies of witnesses. Let us recall - someone reacted to cosmic manifestations; someone heard far-off voices; someone, envisioning it, participated in the Subtle World; someone became luminous; someone levitated; someone walked upon the water; someone walked through fire; someone swallowed poison without harm; someone had no need of sleep; someone had no need of food; someone could see through solid bodies; someone could write with both hands; someone could attract animals; someone could understand a language without knowing it; someone could read thoughts; someone could read with closed eyes a closed book; someone did not feel pain; someone in the snow generated the heat of the heart; someone did not feel fatigue; someone could help by healing; someone could manifest knowledge of the future. Thus, one can enumerate all manifested phenomena and a multitude of instructive examples from life. But for an instant gather all these qualities into one body and you will have the new human transmutation indicated in many Teachings. The principal thing in this transmutation is that all its parts are already manifested, even in the midst of an imperfect existence. This means that with definite striving humanity can be strongly impelled to the transmutation of all life. Therefore, let us remember about the great Fire and about the fiery stronghold - the heart. For it is not a fairy tale, but a house of the Spirit! Heart (1932) - 157: 157. The flaming sword is the ray of spiritual armor. The symbol of the swordlike ray has passed through all Teachings as a sign of the utmost rigor. Even peaceful symbols have affirmed the sword. This is not intended to represent the purpose of forcing, but a readiness to defend the most sacred. Thus, amidst the raging fire one can see a thin sword above the forehead of the warrior of spirit. It is a pity that the retention of the aura on a film is as yet so imperfect in the earthly world. Evident proofs of rays and other fires could be given. Heart (1932) - 245: 245. Relativity and imperfection will be distinctive characteristics of each life; but precisely these open the doors to the future. People who set up obstacles for themselves by thinking that they are imperfect thus demonstrate their finiteness, in other words, their unfitness. Finiteness is impermissible in the process of motion. Only the process of perfectment amidst the fiery whirls affirms the true path. To this same process of perfecting lead various kinds of earthly martyrdoms, achievements and heroic actions, for during these tensions the greatest fire of the heart is created. Of course one should not understand martyrdom as only physical; the greatest martyrdom is always of the spirit. The heart may beat in its usual way, though the spiritual tension be unusual. Heart (1932) - 397: 397. Often the projection of will is taken for the heart energy. One can easily distinguish a demand of the will in which the brain acts through the eye or through the currents from the extremities. In such an influence of the heart no external method is needed. It can be said that for the last century the West has accepted the methods of the brain because they are apparent, although superficial and imperfect, like everything that necessitates external technique. Despite its numerous declines, the East nevertheless preserved the methods of the heart. Thus, in all things, let us strive to the inward, in other words, to the depths. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 139: 139. Again the low strata of the Subtle World have been revealed in order once more to convince people of how close they are to similar strata of the physical world. It is regrettable that people enter the Subtle World so unprepared for it; they bring their base habits along, and they squander the forces of thought on imperfect forms. In the Subtle World the creativeness of thought is developed in all domains. It is difficult even to imagine on what delusions the precious power is expended! People should be advised to get used to thinking, even a little, about the beautiful, in order to avoid manifestations of ugliness. Not few are the beautiful creations and remarkable manifestations of nature, but it is necessary to observe them. A dark state of mind is the source of all misfortune. Even the low strata of the Subtle World differ in the distinctness of the illusions. Where there is aspiration there are no confused dreams, and all details are clearly impressed. But what a danger there is if the striving is base or trivial! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 251: 251. Each physical apparatus has a perfect analogy in the Subtle World. Moreover, it can easily be perceived how simple it is to augment the power of an apparatus by invoking Agni. Thus it is possible to reperform a great number of experiments that turned out unsuccessfully. The experiments of Keely and even the apparatus of Edison remained imperfect for the Subtle World, because the energy of Agni was not applied; in one case because of a surrounding suspiciousness, in the other because of personal unbelief. It has been said that even a candle is not lit without faith. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 267: 267. If we recall various evidences of perspicacity in children, we can hardly insist upon a mechanistic cell theory. Only later do people lose the perception both of the past and of their destination. How often adults have been saved by children! How often children have not dared to express their feelings! A false timidity is created by the surrounding ugliness. A refined and exalted spirit grows numb before the festering sores of prejudices. How often do adults forbid all improvisation, forgetting that this is the song of the spirit! Even if the technique be imperfect, how many beautiful seeds can be implanted through such utterances of the heart! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 430: 430. The inhalation of fire is practiced by certain yogis and is a purifying action. One should not understand this literally. One cannot inhale flames, but fiery emanations are useful. For such inhalation, the yogi chooses a quiet place, keeping his spine erect. Before him the yogi makes a fire of deodar wood, or, if deodar is unavailable, twigs of balu, so arranged that the smoke does not reach him. Then the yogi performs the usual pranayama, but in such a way that the emanations of the resin reach his breathing. There are two results - first, a purification of the body; second, the strengthening of the Agni energy. Nothing so helps the kindling of Agni as the properties of deodar. As you know insects cannot endure the strength of deodar resin. You also know that imperfect entities cannot approach the fire of this wood. Usually, the deodars prefer a volcanic soil to grow in; in this way a significant kinship is manifested. Volcanic soil in general merits study, along with its vegetation. Not only has the inhalation of fire been practiced by the yogis but also lying on deodar planks so that the spine comes in contact with the heart of the wood. Various records of antiquity indicate how ardently people have sought the fiery element. Experiments are necessary in order to understand the value of deodar. The significance of fire should be remembered in order to understand volcanic soil. AUM (1936) - 23: 23. Each stone on the planet has been created by thought. Each object has been unfolded by the creative power of thought. Each created object should be respected. One must find forbearance toward imperfection, for each creator was at one time imperfect. Each accumulation is the result of labor and of tension. Only in such a realization do we learn to respect creativeness. Beginning with the small let us cognize the great. In order to begin goal-fittingly the sounding of Aum, one should be permeated with a reverence for the greatness of creation. AUM (1936) - 412: The host does not laugh at foreign guests who have an imperfect command of the language; he strives to understand and to help. So, too, in the perception of subtle energies, one should apply one's whole attention. People will attempt to hide or perhaps exaggerate their sensations, but one should not be disparaging even of the very first attempt. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296: 296. Urusvati knows that the heavens continually change. During a single earthly life one can observe many manifestations that cannot be explained by today's science, and even imperfect telescopes can show us that the infinite life is infinitely complex.