Agni Yoga (1929) - 397: 397. In studying thought transmission, humanity will pay attention to all attendant manifestations, both beneficial and negative. Then people will see that the effects of thought spread beyond imagining. They will understand how much harm they can cause, weakening and overburdening one another's forces. One of the purposes of going into a hermitage was to hide, in order to preserve one's psychic energy. One of Our good co-workers had himself reported dead, in order to escape the attention of others. As though unburdened, he used to say, with relief, "It seems that I have been forgotten." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 108: It is true that the world of creation is inexhaustible, and there is no hiding place for the engenderments of the human spirit. The issue projected into the wheel of life brings its consequents. He is narrow-minded who thinks that man expiates his deeds by imagining their dissolution in space. As the properties of nature indicate an unending process, so does the spirit of man, who is following an identical path. It is difficult not to acknowledge the limitlessness of transformed energies! Hierarchy (1931) - 445: 445. The approach is endless; so, too, are defeats. Few will discern where is victory and where defeat. One must know the relation of spiritual growth to the victory over darkness. Darkness can display the Maya of well-being, whereas Light can attest to violent commotions. Each one strives along the shortest path, but who is capable of imagining the best achievements? Only the link with Hierarchy can reveal the uniqueness of the best path. Our decision is to consider achievement as the shortest path. The dark ones consider fearlessness as a bad sign. We have determined not to avoid the steep path. For them, each ascent is an unnecessary dissipation of strength. With Us, the Ray of Light is a bridge of granulations, but they dream of a void. We understand each daring leap; for them, it is but recklessness. Thus, between the daring of wisdom and the recklessness of treason stands only the heart. It will safeguard and open the Gates of Hierarchy. He will err less who follows the silver thread stretched from his heart to the heart of the Teacher. Heart (1932) - 203: 203. How, then, shall you proceed? Exactly by clinging firmly to Me and imagining yourself in the midst of the ocean, where only the Scarf of the Mother of the World guards one. In the battle with darkness, unprecedented tenacity is necessary to open all the beautiful possibilities. Heart (1932) - 250: 250. Enough is known about the thread that connects the physical body with the subtle one during the projection of the latter. So, also, the silver thread with Hierarchy must be felt. One should not imagine it as something abstract, it exists just like a waterspout in which heaven and earth merge. The very formation of the silver thread is similar to a waterspout because of its spiral form. When the energy of the heart swells with love and devotion the radiant spiral will leap out into space and, naturally, by the law of attraction will meet the Teacher's ray. One must accustom oneself to see and sense this light-carrying link as a red-hot spiral amidst the whirl of space. Many have never seen waterspouts; hence what has been said will seem to them like an empty sound. But let them begin to ponder, starting with the coarsest apparent manifestations and then imagining Infinity, where everything is possible, where no rational trend of thought exhausts all Be-ness. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 564: 564. It is possible for a most worthy inhabitant of the Subtle World to rise thence into the Fiery World? It is, and his transformation will be beautiful. Through the process of purification, the subtle body begins to shine. Fire begins to spread, and finally the shell falls away like a light layer of ash. Since the fiery essence cannot remain in its former stratum it ascends into the Fiery World. That which was in the Subtle World an insufferable effulgence becomes in the Fiery World the dimmest - such is the ladder. One must become accustomed to imagining many strata of the Subtle World. From deep red flame to the most beautiful radiance of the rainbow, like an agitated sea, these facets are effused and weave all possible combinations. But for the darkness, for the lower abysses, this radiance will be as distant as heat-lightning. Let him who longs for Light not fear to be fiery. A burning on Earth is a symbol of superb transformation. AUM (1936) - 491: 491. Frequently you hear absurd tales of how there occur simultaneous incarnations of one and the same person - a conclusion both ignorant and harmful. Deniers of incarnation make use of such fictions to dispute the possibility of reincarnation. Besides, they forget the reason - which somewhat lessens the guilt - namely imaginative invention. Certain people remember the details of a definite epoch; when they dream of being a well-known person, their remembrance of the dream molds the imagining of an incarnation. The resulting error is in the person, but not in the epoch. A child imagines himself a field marshal, and such a representation already sinks into his Chalice. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74: 74. Urusvati is right to grieve over those rituals that although outlived, yet still persist. Eternal wisdom is one thing, but ragged, outdated formulas that impede advance are quite another. In all domains of life one can see harmful survivals. They nestle everywhere, under royal robes, togas, or any other attire. They have grown so distant from their original meaning that it is beyond imagining how such absurd conventions could ever have expressed high symbols. In antiquity many seemingly strange rituals had special meanings which have now been completely forgotten. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 161: "The third battle resounds in the Infinite, in space, between the subtle energies and the waves of chaos. The human imagination is too limited to envision these battles in Infinity. Human intellect comprehends earthly collisions, but is incapable of looking into space and imagining the powerful storms and forces working there. Only when human emotions are completely controlled can man start thinking about the invisible worlds. One should develop such thoughts, for they alone will make man a conscious co-worker with the Infinite forces." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 290: 290. Urusvati knows how much We value the many aspects of wisdom. Wisdom accepts goodness, regardless of its source. Wisdom condemns evil, regardless of its source. Do not take wisdom for granted; it is quite rare. Many people perish because they judge good and evil according to their personal concepts. They expect good only from one particular source, and fear an evil that is often only a ghost of their own imagining.