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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IL > ILLUMINATES (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 263:
The suffering of privations is unknown to Us, for containment excludes privation. Our Teaching represents the world as rich, joyous and attractive. Nowhere are fetters and floggings indicated. Like a ship filled with treasures does the indicated community rush along. Realization of the innumerable properties of matter brightly illuminates all. The matter of yesterday is clothed in a radiant fabric of energy, which is not in need of a new name but which penetrates all space and palpitates with the rainbow of human rejoicing.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 123:
123. If one accustoms oneself to penetrate into the depths of the heart, it is possible to evoke vibratory currents of subtle feelings. In the depths of the heart can be awakened the manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet. It is only necessary to recall those moments of life which manifest the resounding of subtle strings. A glance directed into the depths of the heart discovers all the currents of the spirit. It can truly be said that people persist living without pity. First of all it must be understood that in the Subtle World there is nothing more frightful than heartlessness. It casts the spirit down to a step on which the earthly world loses all human likeness. Therefore, magnanimity can follow only after heartlessness has been cast out. Nothing is more frightful than that heartlessness which is in the pretended magnanimity that lives in the heart of egoism. Therefore, the path of Truth manifests a spiritual current which illuminates the searches. A pretended magnanimity is not the foundation of creative cooperation. Infringement upon the heart of one's dear one is not magnanimity. Thus, let the co-workers especially look into the depths of their hearts, for as Ur. has rightly said - "one should not insinuate oneself into the soul of one's friend, it is better to look into the mirror of one's own spirit." On the path to the Fiery World a pretended magnanimity is a stumbling block.


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