Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 26: 26. Teach others by the example of manifested deeds, but condemn not those still in darkness. Many there be still ignorant - forgive them, for their spirits slumber. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 228: 228. The clamoring of the ignorant ones does not hinder construction by the new people. They who know, conquer. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 441: 441. He who arrives ignorant will be seated at the table and will be filled with knowledge. All is saturated with signs and approaches. If you wish to commission a passer-by to carry a message to a neighbor's house, You say to him, "Friend, give our friends this message." And often afterward you do not even recognize this messenger. So, in life too, look at what has been brought to you without being troubled by the appearance of the bearer, Especially when everything around is filled with signs. Truly, fortunate are you who know the Indications about what is coming, and the ordained dates. Therefore, wait and rejoice. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.10: I do not wish to imply anything demeaning about those who need the call, but a fact in their hands would be like a loaded gun given to one ignorant in handling weapons. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.2: 3.5.2. It has been said that he who speaks against the spirit shows himself ignorant, and that blasphemy against the Spirit is the worst of all. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14: A measuring scale for auras will provide adequate proof for the ignorant. New Era Community (1926) - 11: 11. Many falsehoods have been piled around the concept of labor. Only recently was labor scorned and considered harmful for health. What an outrage this is - this regarding of labor as harmful! Not labor is injurious but the ignorant conditions surrounding labor. Only conscious cooperation can render healthy the sacred labor. Not only must the quality of labor be high, but there must be strengthened the mutual desire to make the conditions of labor clearly understood. One must not curse labor, one should set forward the better worker. New Era Community (1926) - 20: 20. It is necessary to strive toward the utmost, the absolute. The utmost absolute gravitation will be toward the far-off worlds. Earthly beauty is lost in the glory of the superstellar rays. Earthly science, remembering with difficulty yesterday and ignorant of tomorrow, is insignificant, and contributes nothing to the knowledge about the course of luminaries coming into existence. New Era Community (1926) - 71: 71. First of all forget all nationalities, and apprehend the fact that the consciousness is developed by perfecting the invisible centers. Some await a Messiah for a single nation, but this is ignorant; for evolution of the planet can be only on a planetary scale. Precisely, the manifestation of universality must be assimilated. Only one blood flows, and the external world will no more be divided into races of primitive formation. New Era Community (1926) - 97: 97. On the path do not rest under a rotting tree. In life have no dealings with people with extinguished consciousness. An undeveloped consciousness is not as infectious as an extinguished one. The extinguished consciousness is an actual vampire. It is impossible to fill from without the abyss of the ignorant consciousness. Precisely these people absorb one's energy uselessly. As a result of being with them, enormous fatigue is felt. They must be avoided like a stench in order to bar the way to the fluids of decomposition. It is difficult to distinguish the boundary line between lack of development and extinction. But one quality will be unquestionably indicative Lack of development will or may be accompanied by the palpitation of devotion, but an extinct crater is full of cinders and brimstone. The Teaching does not refuse to expend energy on the undeveloped, but there is a degree of extinction at which the abyss is not to be flooded with a new substance. Only a cataclysm, with its terror of unexpectedness, can melt a congealed lava. New Era Community (1926) - 101: It is easier to observe one sensitive apparatus which fixes the quality of thinking. It is possible to see spirals going upwards or descending into a darkish vapor - the most graphic illustration of the materialistic process of thinking through the quality of inner potential. These simple manifestations have a dual significance first, they detect the ignorant ones who image matter as something inert and lacking anything in common with the seat of consciousness; second, they have a significance for those seekers who will be responsible to themselves for the quality of their thinking. New Era Community (1926) - 119: Precisely like the Pharisees of old, they conceal fear before admitting that which is already obvious to others. We do not love the ignorant, We do not love cowards who in their terror trample the possibilities of evolution. New Era Community (1926) - 119: Extinguishers of fires, haters of the Light, are you not all alike, from whatever side you come crawling! You wish to put out the flame of knowledge; but the ignorant community is a prison, because community and ignorance are incompatible. It is necessary to know. Believe not, but know! New Era Community (1926) - 127: 127. If some very ignorant and unawakened person will say of the Teaching that it is apparently quite a different kind of communal teaching - know how to reply justly. Say that every community based on labor and the knowledge of reality does not harm the processes of perfectionment of humanity., Due to the motion of the Cosmos, it is impossible to remain immobile. There is either backward or forward movement. All who realize consciously the community move forward. And there cannot be communities opposed to each other; just as one cannot contrast different aspects of the sensation of hunger. Thus, against the community will speak only he who has begun to move backwards, entering into the formation of cosmic refuse. New Era Community (1926) - 186: 186. Every community is in need of defensive resources. We are not conquerors by force, but nevertheless We keep an account of Our enemies, and We are not deceived about their numbers. Rays, gases, and aerial outposts will be the best external measures, but the most effective resources will be in the products of psychic energy. By no means do We intend to present a spectacle of defenseless sheep! Real knowledge is ever ready to reply! We are not interested in frightening anyone, but We must issue the warning "Beware, ignorant one!" Now is the time to whisper to all those who are united in community, "Be conscious of your psychic commands." There are and will be instances when in full consciousness you can take upon yourselves the responsibility for a decisive order. But intensify at that time all keen-sightedness, in order to perceive clearly the circumference of your target. A most ugly consequence will issue from a misdirected order. On the way the most unexpected manifestations may be touched, and who can control the consequences of an ill-sped arrow? Long ago did I say to the enemy, "I will receive into My shield all thy arrows, but I shall send thee only one." In these words is Our entire Advice. New Era Community (1926) - 222: For convincing by means of application of psychic energy, one should make use of the language of the one who is being persuaded. Many times you could have noticed that the language of the Teacher conformed to the expressions of the disciples. From this there have been derived absurd suspicions about counterfeitings, for to some it has seemed strange that the characteristic expressions of the disciple were passed on by the speech of the Teacher. But a few have reflected that in such manner assimilation was made easier. It is also necessary to understand that during joint labor the modes of expression are generalized - the hieroglyph of understanding is deepened. But the ignorant continue to slander about counterfeiting, and do not wish to look at themselves and remember the difference in their expressions when dealing with different people. We merely broaden that very same principle. We propose to adopt the language of the listener in all its characteristics. It is no concern of Ours if the average-minded accuse Us; all We need is a good result. Even if you have to use the strangest expression in order to save from danger, you do not tarry in doing so. This condition is indispensable for perfectionment in thought transmission. New Era Community (1926) - 237: It is possible for the consciousness to assimilate a slavish complaisance to such an extent that each new acquirement of knowledge will seem a crime or madness. Could then reality endure ignorant limitations? We may speak thus for We are not anarchists but community members. New Era Community (1926) - 240: True, you will find mistrust everywhere. Indeed, people will speak about the metaphysics of your reasonings, precisely when you will be referring to scientific physical observations. Pay no attention to the arguments of the ignorant. Only one thing is important to consider World Cooperation as an absolute necessity of evolution. New Era Community (1926) - 248: 248. First of all, let us keep in mind that it is impossible to retard the process of ripening fruit. Let us review the pages of history The time came for liberation of thought, and the stakes of the Inquisition blazed; yet thought flowed on. The time came for people's rule, and the firing squad began to thunder. The time came for the development of technics, and the retrogrades were terrified; but the machines moved on, pulsating in the tempo of evolution. Now has come the time for realization of psychic energy. All inquisitors, retrogrades, wiseacres and ignorant ones may be terrified, but the possibility of the new attainment of humanity has ripened in all its incalculable potentiality. Inquisitors and retrogrades may build jails and insane asylums which will be fit enough for them later in labor colonies. But to turn back the matured step of evolution is impossible. Just as it is impossible to deprive humanity of all the ways of communication. New Era Community (1926) - 248: The denier of evolution can withdraw into hermit life and dream about the delights of regress. But life itself, reality itself, will indicate new, incontestable manifestations. Only the judicious mind of a realist places these manifestations into a scientifically conceived, orderly scheme. All the near-sighted mystics and the petty conventional literati will be in the place of the ignorant. The banner of the newly realized energy is being raised. Each new acquisition must fill every heart with joy. The thinking of the community member must throb at the possibilities of new, useful studies of reality. New Era Community (1926) - 255: 255. Do not keep up discussions with the ignorant. Maintain obvious silence if you become aware of irresponsibility in your interlocutor. Affirm your own knowledge with silence. Let not other people becloud your view. Teach your young friends to keep silent where there is no bridge to one's consciousness. Teach them to brandish the sword only once, if an arrow of insult is let fly. Agni Yoga (1929) - 11: When the scales of the Lord have been prepared, we shall awaken early in order to weigh our use of the day just passed. We shall select that which was most daring, in order that these kernels of good may weigh more in the balance. We shall add the sorrows of the old world, for their burden is of use to us. And add the derision of the ignorant. Each of these adds its weight to the cup holding truth. Should we find threats and assaults, let us not forget to add those to the cup also. Why the trembling of the scale? With what wretched, murky tatters have we filled the cup of our wrongdoing? Like last winter's withered leaves are heaped the curses of the ordinary, the dross of yesterday. Agni Yoga (1929) - 70: Do not show off the consciousness whenever it is necessary to dispatch a fleet arrow. Only the ignorant try to display the dry twigs of their pompousness on their window sills. He whose house is filled with knowledge does not fear to carve a slice of thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 127: For the ignorant, an encounter with the elements is a fantasy. But you already know how often the elements are involved in the actual life of people. The Teaching has often pointed out the effect of physical manifestations upon the human organism. Energy creates a correlation between the elements and the tension of the human organism. Will is born from experience and an attention to the phenomena of existence. Thus, "insurmountable" karma can be subject to human influence. Agni Yoga (1929) - 187: No sooner do people call a yogi stern and cold, than he will unexpectedly perform an act of true love and compassion. Most probably, the intent of this act will be falsely judged by onlookers. Being called a deceiver is an honor for the yogi, because evolution is an abomination to the ignorant. We speak both for humanity and individuals. The beast of ignorance, however, is alien to those who build. Agni Yoga (1929) - 192: Explain the meaning of the tests by cold and hunger, and all other measures. An ignorant person will be puzzled about how to overcome feelings of cold or hunger. The one who understands the essence of things knows that these sensations cannot be made to disappear, but the spirit can be strengthened so that nothing will unsettle it. A hungry one will find means to satisfy his hunger if his spirit has not descended to an animal condition. A cold one can warm himself as long as his spirit understands why he must protect himself. Without this, there will be only an animal-like irritation, confusion of consciousness, and downfall. Agni Yoga (1929) - 194: 194. A yogi should understand atmospheric conditions in order to know how to make use of them. Even an ignorant observer can clearly see that electrical waves can substantially affect normal processes. Also, magnetic whirlwinds and precipitations of humidity will have various effects on the psyche. Magnetic whirlwinds and all electrical manifestations are Our friends, but atmospheric precipitations impede the fiery current. We use an atmosphere charged with electricity to convey, even to those who are unprepared, the usefulness of concepts unknown to them. Agni Yoga (1929) - 245: Therefore, in the presence of a state religion, the responsibility of the yogi is great. Fearless, testing, indefatigable, the yogi must help humanity to remember the Law of Unity. Like a flashing sword, the thought of the yogi is a lightning-bolt through space. Ready to alter the ways of communion, ready for achievement, ready to accept the condemnations of the ignorant, the yogi exhorts humanity to contemplate the causes of their incarnate lives. By doing this, the quality of their labor and learning will be changed. Knowing the possibilities inherent in people, who would not wish to dare valiantly? Does not the victor's crown belong to the one who teaches courage to humanity? Without this the heads of people, like those of swine, will remain glued to the refuse of Earth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 455: 455. Like a boat with sails taut in the storm, so is Our ship propelled forward. One can see that the past was simpler than the present. This does not mean that the present is burdensome and bad; it means that there has been progress. During preparations for ambushing the enemy, the command given is, "Silence!" Then only the ignorant one will raise his voice; experienced warriors keep silent, for they know that an outcry brings destruction. Agni Yoga (1929) - 476: 476. The astral plane frequently reveals itself in the physical plane. But how senselessly beings of the physical plane react to any phenomenon that is beyond their known laws! Equally shocked are those who enter the astral world while ignorant about it. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 14: Inseparable is the blending of the higher invisible spheres with the visible. Therefore, comprehend the indivisibility of our life. The Breath of Cosmos is immutable in everything. The manifestation of planetary periods depends on cosmic waves; therefore, those who deny the link between spirit and the cosmic whirls do not walk the path of knowledge. Is it admissible to perceive only one essential point in the All-existing? Is it admissible to separate one tiny grain from the Great Whole? Can one outline the boundaries narrowly without loss of one's development? Only madness sets limits for itself. Only those who are ignorant of the manifestation of Beauty will say, "We are content with the existing." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 70: Ignorant of the beginning and seeing only the end, the dissociated spirit aimlessly passes through life. But everyone may earn immortality by admitting Infinity into his consciousness. Fearlessness toward death and striving toward the Infinite will provide the spirit with the direction to the spheres of cosmic endlessness. Affirm yourselves in the acceptance of immortality, and infuse into each of your actions a spark of the creativeness of the Cosmic Fire, and that inexorable fate will be transformed into the one call of cosmic life. Our great, just law has chosen you as participants in the universal manifestations! Cognize immortality and cosmic justice! A beautiful step is prepared for everyone. Find the path of thinking about immortality! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 84: The appearance of new currents will astonish humanity. As usual, these currents will be beneficent in the hands of those who know; but in the hands of the ignorant they will be a scourge. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 313: 313. Intensity in the expansion of consciousness provides the foundation for all thoughts. But do the ignorant understand it thus? Do denying materialists understand it thus? Everything is contained in space, and each form lives through multifold modifications. Therefore, the expansion of consciousness must give man a remolded understanding of space. Thus, each thought carries along the progress of all spatial energies. The creativeness of spirit links its seed with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the spirit is a most powerful expression of the Cosmic Magnet. Striving toward Infinity will afford the understanding of Our creativeness. Hierarchy (1931) - 345: 345. Do not be perturbed by the necessity for seeming repetitions. In the first place, nothing is repeated. Even the same words appear completely different at different times. Secondly, one should reiterate day and night about Hierarchy. You are right that the hierarchy of thralldom is ended, but the emergence of a realized Hierarchy is followed by human sufferings. There is too much slavery in the world, and each flame of consciousness is too oppressed. Slavery and a consciously realized Hierarchy are like day and night. Hence do not be dissuaded from repeating - a consciousness of Hierarchy, Hierarchy of freedom, Hierarchy of knowledge, Hierarchy of Light. Let those scoff who are ignorant of the inception of the New World, for each concept of a New World frightens them. Is not Infinity terrifying to them? Is not Hierarchy burdensome for them? Being ignorant despots themselves, they do not understand the constructiveness of Hierarchy. Being cowards themselves, they are horrified in the face of an achievement. Thus, let us place upon the scales the most urgent concepts of the great approaching Age - Infinity and Hierarchy. Hierarchy (1931) - 370: 370. One of the most harmful actions is the condemnation of Hierarchy for the consequences of our own mistakes. Except treason, nothing so definitely severs the link with the Hierarchy as does such ignorant condemnation. The protecting veil of Hierarchy minimizes in everything the consequences of harmful mistakes. But to reject Hierarchy means to bring upon oneself the entire torrent of consequences. One experienced sailor advised, "Never change ships during a storm." One may remember how people, having committed an error, often have tried to explain its consequences as a sacrifice to Hierarchy, not realizing that by this they have already condemned Hierarchy. Hierarchy (1931) - 425: 425. Verily inscrutable are Our ways! To the ignorant it seems that the invisible world does not exist; they show prejudice against everything not perceptible to their coarse senses. Truly, since man cannot accept the sacred ways, how will he understand the highest and limitless foundation of life? Man must realize and feel all the subtle sensations; without this, there can be no correspondence and affirmation evidenced by the understanding of Hierarchy. Hierarchy (1931) - 434: The heart aflame with help is Our heart. Thus we may face the time which is terrible for the ignorant, but bright for the knowing. Hierarchy (1931) - 443: 443. If I again say that the currents are difficult, the ignorant may ask, "But when will they be different?" I will say, "Within the defile of darkness the calm of death may exist, but upon the summits are the whirlwinds of the far-off worlds." Thus, guard your health. Heart (1932) - 45: 45. The process of intensification of energy is similar to a pump. Thus, the upward striving of energy is absolutely conditioned by the downward pressure. People usually regard this pressure as misfortune, failure, whereas this is the physical threshold of ascent. Oppression is, of course, manifested entirely differently, but each one who has attained the ascent can establish the moments of inner or outer oppression. It is sad to see how uninformed people succumb to oppression without understanding the law of the pump; this condition is especially serious at present, when a mass consciousness is being molded, when it is so needed to coordinate the thousands of consciousnesses, undisciplined, uneducated, ignorant of the most elementary laws! How easily these masses can lose the understanding of oppression as the gates of ascent. Heart (1932) - 144: 144. One must not regard the indicated battle as too lengthy; even physical battles have lasted months and years, hence the highest battle cannot be concluded at once. Where is that lightning which can transfix evil instantaneously? And if such lightning were gathered, it would be unwise to hurl it, primarily because the entire planet would suffer. Only the ignorant can permit the violation of basic law. Heart (1932) - 313: 313. The consequence of the beginning of the Greatest Battle reacts primarily upon the heart of mankind. The affirmation of the heart is especially needed now, otherwise the ignorant heart will not be able to withstand the hurricane of the confusion of the elements. Therefore, think of the heart as the basic principle, which connects you with the distant worlds. It must be realized what actually burdens the heart most of all. Not special events burden the heart so much as the succession of small specks of daily dust. This is very necessary to remember, because great events can give a special influx of psychic energy. But Armageddon does not consist only of great events, on the contrary a multitude of small actions receive their evaluation, and to this shower of small currents it is necessary for the poor heart to become accustomed. I say poor, because in essence it already knows the great fiery spheres, yet in the meantime it must be shattered against the rocks of Earth. Heart (1932) - 362: 362. The anguish is a reflection of Armageddon. The force of the collision cannot fail to press upon the heart. Look about, is there very much rejoicing? It can even be noticed how smiles have become more rare. Do not wonder, since even ignorant minds feel the oppression but do not know its weighty cause. Many will express complete denial of this in words, but they will nevertheless feel the burden of the heart. Refinement of the heart permits many subtle manifestations - for instance, the touch of a hand of the subtle body and also many preventions of pain. Heart (1932) - 405: 405. Events are bearing away the corrupted world. This period was indicated in all scriptures. Nevertheless, people do not think of what is taking place. They cannot even begin to think of the future. Thus, one should not produce a book without indicating the Teaching of the time which has come. One cannot assume that something will still alter the direction of the current created by people. On the far-off worlds there is already a horror of the fiery inevitability, yet Earth continues to shroud itself in a dark cover. That which necessitated a century now occurs in five years - the progression of acceleration acts according to law. Therefore, when I speak of the heart it means that salvation can be found along this channel. Do you hear? I repeat about salvation! Not arguments, not doubt, not uncertainty, but salvation will be the sign of that hour. One must understand still more firmly how unfit by now are the old measures. Only one bridge remains from the highest worlds - the heart. Let us approach the source of the sensing of Light. Let us understand that even in the fiery furnace the youths were not consumed when they ascended by way of the heart. The time is a difficult one! Thus shall we repeat, fearless of the derision of the ignorant. They do not have even an idea of the significance of the heart. Heart (1932) - 417: 417. The new is the oldest, hence, one should not fear something as being impossible. Everything is imaginable because everything exists. One cannot assume a poverty of creation. It is astonishing how easily science permits itself narrow limitations and responds to that of which it is ignorant. Children sometimes say, more correctly, "I do not know." A frank absence of knowledge is regarded as the Gates of Cognizance. Heart (1932) - 428: 428. Cor bovinum, in other words, ox heart, is the familiar condition of an enlarged heart. There are many causes for this, but only the chief cause concerns us. The enlarged heart may be caused by an overflow of unutilized heart energy. It can be said that people who suffer from an enlarged heart did not begin the education of the heart in time. The potentiality of their organ was good but the heart energy was not applied. Of course, an enlarged heart is preferable to a fatty one. Thus, the heart may be called the most individual organ. Hence, the methods for the education of the heart must be very flexible. From the earliest years one must pay attention to aversions and predilections. It is stupid to regard as ignorant nonsense aversions which are merely not understood. Often the entire structure of the heart is reflected in this. And very useful conclusions can be arrived at. But above all, one must beware of the heart that knows neither attraction nor aversion. It means that the heart is asleep. There are multitudes of such dormant hearts, and this leads to decay of the spirit. Thus, once again the most inconceivably spiritual is connected with the physical manifestation. Heart (1932) - 438: 438. An inquiry into people who purify and people who do harm is necessary in medicine. Without a solution of this problem protection from many of the latest diseases cannot be discovered! It should not be forgotten that diseases evolve together with races and epochs. But our recorded science is still so young that one cannot talk about comparative methods for it. It is acquainted with only a few centuries, but what of the tens of millenniums? We have become very conceited and have forgotten about all that we do not know. But the heart knows the dates, and even an ignorant heart quivers with the approach of the Fiery World. Heart (1932) - 535: 535. Observation of the heart must begin from childhood. In this way one can become aware of certain periods when the spirit gradually takes possession of the body. Likewise, through constant observation one can perceive how the proximity of beings from the Subtle World influences the heart. Many unexplainable heartbeats are of course due to the influence of the Subtle World. Many cessations of the pulse can recall the danger of obsession. Many tremors of the pulse are characteristic even from the age of seven, they reveal the completion of the entry of the spirit. Such evidence should have been known to physicians long ago, but instead of observation they begin to apply all sorts of narcotics, laying the foundation for an early destruction of the intellect. Thus, one should not inflict coarse ignorant measures upon the heart. It should be remembered that if the heart is the mediator of the highest worlds, then the methods for sustaining the heart must be refined. It is unwise to pity the coarsening of humanity and neglect the care of its chief organ. The heart of humanity is sick. First of all, one must render healthy the sphere of the heart, certainly, if the people with to avoid a catastrophe. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 10: 10. Let the straitened times also be blessed. Precisely at such times do we learn to distinguish the significant from the mediocre. In the days of contentment our vigilance becomes obscured, yet this quality is especially needed when approaching the fiery spheres. Hence oppression and tension are so precious. They not only increase vigilance and impetuosity they also force new fires from our innermost depths. Let the fire of the Tara be especially close. Thus, let us grow to love the unexpected as the source of new joy. Verily, the best fire is kindled through joy. Hence, straitened times are a horror only for the ignorant; for those who know, they are simply a source of events. The fires bring close even remote actions. To some, what has been said will appear to be a cold abstraction, but this will signify a heart that is cold and its fire extinguished. You already know the heat of the heart, and you appreciate the unexpected Messenger. Therefore it is so important to follow the Lords; one must leave behind dark determinations. Only the Fire of the Lords will kindle daring. Therefore, every word about the Lords must be valued. Though it be uttered unknowingly, yet there is in it the prana of daring. Let words about the Lords resound in all corners of the world. These are candles lit before holy shrines. They are lamps of Living Fire - a protection against all diseases. Solemnity is like a key to the lock. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 33: 33. Let those who can hasten in thoughts act without delay. One must become accustomed to the fact that each thought is a communion with Fire. Hence, it is shameful to have an ignorant or insignificant thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 48: 48. To co-measure one's actions with the actions of co-workers is also a fiery quality. When lighting a lamp, no one intends to set fire to the house. On the contrary, everyone seeks a safe place for a lamp. Fieriness is not madness. It is awful to listen frequently to ignorant conversations about the chaotic state of Fire. It must be understood that this element demands the highest co-measurement, profound circumspection, and caution. Each Agni Yogi is primarily wise in the apportionment of this substance. He will be thrifty rather than extravagant. As a faithful guardian he knows that the highest substance is purified through lofty labor and suffering. He knows that each energy of Fire is like a rare blessing. The Fire of Space demands manifestation; and he understands the value of this finding. Only then can he be entrusted with the ocean of Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 140: 140. Science has already established the existence of particular organisms that can hear distant radio stations without receiving instruments. Indeed, this manifestation of a fiery order discloses paths to realization of the possibility of receiving thought from a distance. If the law of sound waves be understood, it is possible to delve into the same principle. It is fortunate that even the timid contemporary science admits the obviousness of such natural possibilities. But it is deplorable that science does not take the trouble to investigate such individuals. One hears that "with the exception of this phenomenal ability the organism is perfectly normal." This is a most ignorant observation. It means that the physician examined such a phenomenal man as carelessly as he would a recruit before a march. We do not wish to offend the physician, because often there is no place for him to carry out the proper observation. Indeed, the conditions of life render difficult all work of a subtle nature. Try knocking at the door of experimental institutions, and you will be met with an absolutely hostile stream of requirements, which will be beyond the capacity of a seeker. It is necessary to change this situation, otherwise where will it be possible to investigate various evidences of a fiery basis? Try to find the means to investigate necessary manifestations, and you will see how hostile your listeners will be; they will remind you of the Inquisition. As if their task were not to assist that which is highly useful, but to destroy possibilities! Thus it has been, thus it is, and people desire that it should always be so. Otherwise, there would be no Armageddon. One should understand whole-heartedly how many of the subtlest conditions there are that can determine important changes in all of life. Yet how necessary it is to knock for admission, to persist, to submit to derision, in order to reveal that which, it would seem, is open to all. Golgotha is erected by lack of understanding and ignorance. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 170: 170. Once, after a state council, a certain ruler took an earthenware vase and smashed it before the eyes of everyone. When asked the meaning of his action, he said, "I am reminding you about irreparability." Even when we break the simplest object we understand irreparability, yet how irreparable are thought-actions! We have become accustomed to surround ourselves with crude concepts, and they have thrust out all the higher concepts. If rulers would remind more often about the irreparability of mental decisions, they would forestall a great number of misfortunes. A ruler who is ignorant of the spiritual principle of self-perfectment cannot lead the multitude of consciousnesses entrusted to him. A ruler is a living example. A ruler is one who lays out the paths through all the worlds. He lays the foundation for prosperity, but it will not be prosperity on the material plane alone. Thus, he will be no true ruler for whom Fire exists only at the end of a match. His scope will be equal to that of his concepts. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 209: 209. Lacking straight-knowledge, who can imagine the reality of the Fiery World? But this quality must be cultivated with all devotion; and this devotion must be precisely in the heart, not on paper. Also, acceptance of the Fiery World proves courage, for any ignorant thought primarily rebels against the fires of the heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 212: 212. I approve of the Kalachakra, now being compiled. This fiery Teaching is covered with dust, but it should be proclaimed. Not reason but wisdom gave this Teaching. It should not be left in the hands of ignorant exponents. Many domains of knowledge are united in the Kalachakra; only the unprejudiced mind can find its way among these stratifications of all worlds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 219: 219. Which of the conventional types of humanity expresses the fiery heart? The customary trend of thought may surmise the type to be of sanguinary nature, or, at least choleric, but this conclusion is an ignorant one. The fiery heart is a synthesized essence and cannot be fitted into purely conventional categories. It can only be asserted that the hypochondriac does not reflect the fiery essence. Thus, one must imagine the fiery heart as an all-containing receptacle. The fires of such a heart will also not be uniform. Who can limit Buddhi by blue color? It may be asked of which shade is this vibrating blue color? In any scale there will be a blue tone, depending on the outer and inner chemism. Also, let us not forget daltonism, which is widely developed. Thus, within a single law the fiery heart will find all the riches that befit the splendor of the Cosmos. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 276: 276. If a hurrying traveler should inquire the time, there could hardly be a heart so cruel as to tell him a deliberate lie. In the very striving a fiery convincingness is contained. Indeed, striving is the very force that saves one from the blows of hate. Thus, when We pronounce the great concept, Agni, striving is understood in all its ardor. In humanity's conception the Fiery World is growing together with the achievement of thought. But do not try to convince of the Fiery World a heart that is ignorant of Fire. Such coercion will only lead to the black fire. If we could count the number of servants of darkness created by various coercions, we would be terrified by the enormous total. One must possess the utmost sensitiveness in order to understand when one can turn the key the second and third time in the lock. Neither dogma nor chemistry can say when the sacred word permitted can be pronounced. But the fire of the heart knows when karma and the consciousness of a brother will not be overburdened; for the manifestation of Agni must not burden. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 286: 286. The Agni Yogi is not only a magnetic focus but he also improves the health conditions of a locality. Thus, the Raja Yogi and the Agni Yogi take upon themselves the currents of space. It is not an exaggeration to state that Yoga restores the planet's health. One must hasten to realize the significance of spiritual perfectment. Only through such realization can one ease the strain of the Yogi's task, in which everyone can burden him, but only a few can help. One should attain at least the step of simple respect for the unusual. No one cares to reflect how easily he may cause suffering by his negative malicious attack. Each ignorant person is comparable to a servant of darkness. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 293: 293. Healing through suggestion has been called fiery striving. True, this method of healing is now being developed more extensively. Therefore one should avert possible harm from ignorant application of the fiery energy. Suggestion can arrest pain, but if those who employ suggestion do not know the origin of the illness, these suggestions can be likened to harmful narcotics. It is another matter when suggestion is applied by an experienced physician; he not only alleviates the reflex of pain but also traces the flow of the illness and can suggest to the corresponding organs that they resume their normal functions. A wise physician will also not neglect astrology. One may laugh all one wishes, but a scientifically cast horoscope will aid in diagnosing sickness itself and determining contributing circumstances. One should pay full attention to astrochemistry and understand the power of suggestion. If suggestion utilizes fiery energy, how deep and powerful an influence is exerted by Fire! One must do away with the custom of narrow command and forbiddance now used by hypnotists. Only a knowledge of the organism and of all circumstances permits the physician to apply his command to all the affected parts. The weakened organs can be considerably restored by guiding and coordinating them with the fire of the heart. Every physician must develop within himself the power of suggestion. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 294: 294. It is quite senseless when a physician allows an ignorant hypnotist access to his patient. A crude force cannot follow the complex course of the disease. It is not a question merely of putting the patient to sleep, all conditions should be correlated and the complex channels of the disease traced. Each work, each intonation of the suggestion has a fiery significance. Therefore, only an enlightened mind can encompass the laws and methods of suggestion. Only such a mind will realize the complete responsibility for influencing the fiery energy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 379: 379. One should speak about the Fiery World even to very young children. But first one should tell them that a void does not exist and that there is no loneliness. Thus one can approach the subject of Protector and Guide. Children will become accustomed to the thought that nothing is secret. Such a foundation will provide them with a real protection against fear. It is especially harmful when parents, in ignorance, try to convince the child not to be afraid because nothing is there. Such a seed of negation can cloud the child's entire life and break down its consciousness. The child is fully aware that everywhere something exists. It sees many images, even fiery ones. It is visited by unknown children, who come to play, and adults. Ignorant physicians will try to drown this perceptivity in bromides - like binding wings with lead. But poisons will not help! Only a sensible explanation of reality will bring health to children. One should listen equally attentively to each fragment of truth. The lama says, "One should pray each day, otherwise it is better not to pray at all." And fundamentally you know that this is so. Actually, one should preserve the higher vibrations, while not losing the connecting rhythm. You know the value of constant rhythmic work. You know to what an extent such great exertion opens the Gates. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 393: 393. Sometimes in the hour of danger the Teacher gives protection, taking the danger upon Himself. He covers, as it were, the massed darkness with His hands. At such times one must observe particular caution. A powerful tension is near. During this time it is best to feel a special gratitude to the Teacher. Above all, this feeling, coupled with solemnity, preserves harmony and the right vibration with the Teacher. The shield of Light is not always at one's disposal. The ignorant assume that the world owes them a living, but the rational know how difficult it is to build out of chaos, and so bring their stone for the structure. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 545: 545. The heart may ache when Hierarchy is commented upon in an unworthy manner. The heart is a center. Hierarchy is also a center. From the most cardinal, all is transmitted to the Supreme, and vice versa. When people are ignorant of something, they should not defile what is beyond their grasp. They should have enough humaneness to understand where the Ineffable begins. One cannot hope to continue to cast stones at the best Image. Some nitwits, filled with conceit, think that everything is permitted them. But when they lose their teeth, they should not be amazed but should look nearby for the causes. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 582: 582. Shamed be the land where teachers dwell in poverty and want. Shamed be those who know that their children are being taught by a man in want. Not to care for the teachers of its future generation is not only a disgrace to a nation but a mark of its ignorance. Can one entrust children to a depressed man? Can one ignore the emanation created by sorrow? Can one rest ignorant of the fact that a depressed spirit cannot inspire enthusiasm? Can one regard teaching as an insignificant profession? Can one expect an enlightened spirit in children if the school is a place of humiliation and affront? Can one perceive any construction during the gnashing of teeth? Can one expect the fires of the heart when the spirit is silent? Thus I say, thus I repeat that the nation that has forgotten its teachers has forgotten its future. Let us not lose an hour in directing thought toward the joy of the future. And let us make sure that the teacher be the most valued member of the country's institutions. The time is coming when the spirit must be enlightened and made joyous through true knowledge. Fire is at the threshold! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 584: 584. It is praiseworthy that you revere the days of the Great Sacrifice. Let every human heart draw strength for achievement from the Chalice of the Savior. Let us not emulate savages, in hostility to one another. The time of crucifixion and killing must end. Hear ye! Apostles of Truth are needed, aspiring to the Baptism of Fire. Let malice cease, at least in the days of great suffering as happened when the Chalice was drained for the entire world! You should understand that the focus of All-Being is one. There cannot be two centers of rotation. Those are mad who deny the magnitude of Infinity! On this scale is the Ineffable Sacrifice measured. When an earthly body hastened to accept the Sacrifice for the regeneration of all the world, no human words could describe the reasons for this hallowed heroism. One may gather the most supreme expressions, but the heart alone, in the tremor of striving, understands this glorious beauty. Permit no slander or blasphemy, even from the ignorant. Each blasphemer plunges himself into the darkness of madness. Thus, teach the affirmation of the spirit's salvation, that there may be no touch of darkness in the days of the Fiery Chalice. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 598: 598. The established facts of the simultaneous appearances of the subtle body in different places should do away with the ignorant prejudice that the Higher Beings cannot appear in various parts of the world at the same time. If even in the physical state one can know the divisibility of the spirit, then certainly in the fiery state, above all, there would be no limitation to one time, one place. When one succeeds, logically and intelligently, in visualizing the primary qualities of the Fiery World, one can immediately begin to assimilate its reality. What joy when Infinity ceases to be a void! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 612: 612. If the Sublime Beings testify that they have not faced the supreme Origin of Origins, this should not be construed as a form of negation. On the contrary, this testimony of the sacred infinitude of the Supreme World only proves how unencompassable is the concept of Sublime Light. He is right who knows the path toward Light, but only the ignorant, in conceit, will presume that the brain can evaluate the Sublime. One must learn to comprehend the oneness of the path of ascent. In the radiance of the microcosm one can envision the parallel with the Infinite. One must learn to value each drop of dew reflecting the myriads of worlds. By way of experiment, one may reject all negations. A manifestation of Hierarchy should be accepted exultantly. The directed consciousness can lead the spirit's eye to the string of pearls which loses itself in Infinity. One can understand the reverence for the concepts of concordance and co-measurement. One can raise the spirit toward Light and fly over masses of darkness. Does one not fly in dreams, and are not such flights inherent from childhood? The spirit remembers these qualities of other worlds. No earthly obstacles can deprive the human heart of the concept of flight, and the very same heart will teach reverence for the Origin of Origins. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 42: 42. To turn to the future is not at all easy. It sounds simple - to leave the past and look to the future. It is both simple and beautiful, but how shall we light the bonfires of the past and where shall we find the fires to illumine the future? The attainments of the spirit will prompt how to find these boundaries and measures. But how to squeeze the heroic deed into everyday life? Fortunately every heart is a ready purse for achievement. In all times the population has been divided into settlers and nomads. The nomads moved by the power of search for achievement, they had no place of their own. But for the future they found the strength of achievement. Such striving of the heart is inherent in every human life. Amidst the precipitants resulting from heroic achievements must be found this noble restlessness, leading into the future. Only thus may one escape the snares of the past. I already have told you that one should avoid reminiscences in the Subtle World. They are like fetters! But already here one must become accustomed to the striving into the future. It is not said that one should not know the past; precisely knowledge is blessed. But one must not get stuck in the dust of the forefathers. Thus without forgetting, without limiting, let us advance towards the New Worlds. The freedom of consciousness gives birth to heroes. Discipline of spirit affirms the wise, and only the ignorant understand the future as a new bed. It is best to imagine movement and flights. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 52: 52. There are many convulsions in the planet. The volcanic belt is shifting considerably. If solar spots influence earthly matters, no less do poisonous gases of an earthly shock have an effect. People do not sufficiently observe the effect of earthquakes upon human consciousness. Not only is the consciousness atremor near the centers of earthquakes, but also in space this effect is irradiated as a strong poisoning. Only the ignorant can say - "what have I to do with the gases in Chile or in Siberia?" Ignoramuses do not wish to think on a world scale, but everyone who already thinks of the Fiery World understands the significance of subterranean gases and of rays from beyond. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 54: 54. Flammarion strains his thought toward the creation of the subtle body of a planet. And indeed the body of a planet is created by thought, but the conception of the planet proceeds not from the Subtle World, but from the Fiery. When the Fiery Seed has been formed, then the thought of the Subtle World can be also useful. A multitude of heavenly bodies are to be found already in the subtlest aspect. Truly, space is not only filled but overcrowded. Thus the destruction of worlds, which is taking place every second, is only the actual generation of new bodies that have taken form. But it is correct to understand that this germination requires a fiery thought. Strive toward the Fiery World in order to participate in the higher creativeness. It is a mistake to think that it is inaccessible. Precisely every developed consciousness should strive toward the joy of creativeness. This striving already in itself is the beginning of cooperation. Though the thought of Flammarion cannot give a fully complete result, this thought is vast, noble and deserves our rejoicing over it. He constantly strived towards the broadening of understanding. Thus even his errors took on an aspect of usefulness; besides he did not allow his mind to wither, and was able to leave the Earth still young in spirit. In the Subtle World, while some ignorant ones try to think about murder the scientist dreams about a beautiful creation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 84: 84. The verbal command remains in life, although humanity has at its disposal thousands of written languages. For this there are three reasons. First, the command is not always renderable in writing; second, people pay little attention when relying on writing; third, the manifestation of the Highest Covenants is never recorded in writing - therefore the lips whisper from heart to heart the Highest Ordainments. These considerations, though simple, require recording, for if someone does not know Hierarchy, he will not understand the sacredness of the Command. Many instructions about the laws of Nature are needed, in order to understand the entire beauty of the law of attraction which lies at the foundation of Hierarchy. Ignorant people do not understand that slavery dwells in darkness while freedom dwells in the Light of Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 91: 91. In the approach to the Fiery World one has to pass the step of repulsion of the dark forces by the power of the spirit. A man who ascends feels much more deeply the assault of the unbridled elements. He must, without resorting to magic's violations, withstand the assault of the dark ones by his own spirit alone. This step is mentioned in all Teachings under different names. One must be prepared to meet various crafty devices, but one should not, taking the example of ignorant ones, try to escape such unavoidable encounters. One may remember that above all formulas there exists the power of the spirit. One has but to unite it, through one's heart, with the Hierarch, in order to become invulnerable. It must not be thought that one can be forsaken by the Hierarch, but it must be remembered that on a certain step independent application of one's strength is primarily advised. Thus, one should face each assault courageously, not avoiding the most terrifying. Remember that every retreat manifests helplessness. Even the youngest neophytes know that during necessary changes of place one must move facing the enemy. This is not magic, but only the realization of the power of the gaze. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 103: 103. When cities were enumerated to you where the ritual of black magic was especially developed, it did not mean that there were no other places where it could be found. On the contrary, there are many black lodges, but some of them are devoted to evil as such, without any special rituals. But during recent times one may see a revival of the most ancient services of darkness. Among them there are very harmful ones, which can cause destruction by their very rhythm. The black lodges usually do not understand what cosmic harm they create. In their ignorance they think that they cause harm only in a desired direction, but in reality they touch whole strata of the atmosphere. Especially at present, when the fiery time is approaching and there are already evident many violations of the equilibrium, the harm of the evocations of the dark ones is particularly frightful. The ignorant act here also, by manifest destructions. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 118: 118. Labor may be of four kinds - toil with repulsion, which leads to decomposition; unconscious toil, which does not strengthen the spirit; toil devoted and loving, which yields a good harvest; and finally, toil which is not only conscious but also consecrated under the Light of Hierarchy. The ignorant may suppose that uninterrupted communion with Hierarchy can distract one from striving for the work itself, but, on the contrary, constant communion with Hierarchy lends a higher quality to one's labor. Only the eternal Source deepens the significance of perfectionment. This flaming measure of labor must be established. The very approach to the Fiery World demands realization of earthly labor as the most proximate step. Few of the workers can discern the quality of their own work, but if the worker were to strive to Hierarchy, he would immediately advance to a higher step. The ability to establish the sacred Hierarchy in one's heart is also an inner concentration, but such action comes through toil. By not wasting time upon oneself, it is possible in the midst of labor to become linked to Hierarchy. Let the Lord live in the heart. Let Him become as inalienable as the heart itself. Let the Name of the Lord be inhaled and exhaled with each breath. Let each rhythm of labor resound with the Name of the Lord. Thus should each one who thinks about the Fiery World know how to conduct himself. Can I lie before the Lord? Can I conceal anything from the Lord? Can I contemplate treason in the presence of the Lord Himself? Thus let each reflection only strengthen and restrain one from the evil of faint-heartedness and dark thoughts. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 147: 147. In any object there are to be found side by side perfect parts and chaotic particles. It is possible to call to action either the perfect or the chaotic portions of each thing. Outside of magic invocations, against which We have spoken more than once, every man, by means of heart energy, performs continual evocations. When a man thinks about the inconvenience of an object it actually becomes inconvenient. When a man thinks about a beautiful object its perfect particles begin to act. Ignorant people attribute such a manifestation to autosuggestion, but those who know the nature of things understand this as magnetism of thought. Of course, it is manifested in various degrees, but always it can be observed that the object is, as it were, animated through human thought. Man has but to realize this natural force to apply it beneficially in all circumstances of life. Thus, known Yogis often advise their disciples to talk to objects. Words are ships of thought. Thus, as long as we do not learn how to deal with objects, we shall not grasp the power of thought for the Fiery World. Consider it fortunate that also in the earthly thought it is possible to become accustomed to the proper treatment of objects. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 160: 160. One may apprehend through many examples how wisely are distributed the Hierarchic forces of advancement. You yourselves see how a Worker, revered by you, remained in the Ashram because His spiritual forces were ablaze near the hearth of accumulations. Only the ignorant think that from earthly consideration alone He did not come out into the field of battle. Everyone who has any conception of spiritual forces will agree that only their conscious application will be wise. Thus, let us realize goal-fitness; it is needed immeasurably on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 237: 237. Deprivation of blessing was an act of the most ancient patriarchate. It is far removed from the latter anathemas. Anathema is a product of ignorance, whereas the very ancient act foresaw rupture of the bond with Hierarchy. The bond with Hierarchy is an actual blessing with all its consequences. The ignorant will say, "We have many times defamed the Highest, and nevertheless we still exist; no fire has seared us, and nothing threatens us." Then let us lead them to the public square, where blind beggars are crawling in filth, and say to them, "There also are you." Let us lead them into prisons, into mines, to fires, to executions, and say, "Can it be that you do not recognize yourselves? You have just severed the thread with the Highest, and you have hurled yourselves into the abyss." It is not necessary to terrify with threats, life is full of examples of such horrors. Remember that the pressure of fire is invisible, yet nothing can escape its consequences. Thus, it can be seen that even the ancients understood the justice of the law, and knew that offense against the Primary Principles is so great and terrible that the result cannot be immediately seen. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 251: 251. The expulsion of magic does not mean interruption of the manifestations of the Subtle World. On the contrary, the bond with the Higher World can be but strengthened through the abolition of all violence. Precisely, ignorant compulsion can violate the harmony of combinations. Nature, both in the small and the great, is opposed to any violence. To study and to cognize the marvelous approaches to the Subtle World and to the Fiery World will not be magic. Prayer of the heart is not magic. Aspiration of the spirit towards Light is not magic. One must guard against all forms of ignorance, for it is a source of falsehood, and falsehood is the entrance-way to darkness. Be able to find in your heart the truth of turning to the one Light. Terror fills the world, Do not follow the pathway of terror. One may be fortified by examples of former times. The saints themselves were in contact with the Fiery World through the heart; the same heart which has been given to everyone. Ability to hear the voice of the heart already leads to truth. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 303: 303. Let us look at those who come demanding only the new. Take one who so demands but who is even ignorant of harmonization of the centers - can he possibly be given the new? Take one who lacks enthusiasm - can he be given the new? Take one who is ignorant of joy - can he be given the new? Take one not freed from malice - can he be given the new? Take one shaking with envy - can he be given the new? Take one gray with fear - can he be given the new? Take one averse to the Truth - can he be given the new? Take one irascible and moribund in heart - can he be given the new? Many come and ask, "Where then is the new? We are prepared to trample it underfoot. Our thinking is ready to deny it. Our wish is to destroy whatever you say" - such words fill the Earth. The servants of darkness listen for the sake of negation and draw near for the sake of defamation. Discriminate according to negation; it has already found a nesting place in the heart of the servants of darkness. Thus may it often be pointed out, when the cold of negation draws near. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 318: 318. No doubt someone will ask, "Where are the words about the Fiery World? Teaching about Ethics does not delineate for us the element of Fire." Such people will never understand that the beginning of approach to the Fiery World will be in the assimilation of the fundamentals of life. Only the ignorant will demand the chemical composition of a Fiery Being. But the refined consciousness knows that psychic energy leads to understanding of the Fiery World. Only the heart whispers how it is possible to ascend to the heights upon a polished stone. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 362: 362. The ignorant assume that the Radiant One comes to avenge Himself upon darkness. But Light does not even kill darkness. More accurately, darkness is confounded and destroyed by approaching the Light. It is very essential to understand that darkness destroys itself when it approaches Light. This the Leader must keep in mind, when the ignorant speak about vengeance. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 388: 388. Relativity of names is understood only after a deep study of the subject. Sometimes a spatial process is called, as it were, by a personal name. But human action is comparable to fiery energy. Actually the two processes are quite indistinguishable in their essential nature. This is why ignorant deniers often charge the Teachings with overstressing sacred things, while at the same time they fill their own speech with superfluous and conventional abbreviations and coined words. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 419: 419. Why do people only sometimes sense physically the presence of subtle beings? They are surrounded by them, yet they rarely sense them. Here we touch upon a very remarkable fact. Earthly beings feel it when the subtle dwellers contact their consciousness, either because of their own desires or because of affinity of auras. Then people experience that trembling which for the ignorant turns into terror but which for those who know signifies the stimulation of the fiery element. Not many, since childhood, can consciously recognize this tremor, which has even been called sacred. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 422: 422. In vain do people complain about being separated from the Subtle World. Many see the subtle dwellers. Many grasp the speech of that plane. Many sense aromas not of this earth. Countless manifestations can be named, both among people and among animals. Only obstinate prejudice prevents people from understanding reality. So many people have been saved by indications from the Subtle World. So many matters of state have been decided according to information from Beyond. Not only do ancient epochs furnish examples of this, but the most recent past can provide indisputable facts of such continuous relationships. The Earth cannot be isolated from all the Worlds. Even the material senses, contrary to all ignorant superstition, transmit feelings of the Subtle World. When the consciousness has been refined, then can be expected precious contacts which will be perfectly natural. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 430: 430. There are people ignorant to such an extent that they would say to the entire formula of life - is that all? Yet, they themselves do not carry out a single piece of advice. No explanation is of assistance where the heart is silent or has become ossified. It is fearful when people require as help only the tricks of legerdemain. The consciousness of such people is worse than that of a savage. Nothing pure and guiding will penetrate through the crust of chaos. People are unwilling to contemplate the extent to which they surround themselves with a destructive aura. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 450: 450. What We mean by caution must be definitely understood. The ignorant may assume that caution is inaction or the gloom of fear. On the contrary, caution is a strengthening of action, watchfulness and courage. Caution is very necessary when fiery waves are provoked. One can resist such tensions by means of the magnet of Hierarchy. When I indicate caution, it is necessary to direct the heart, aflame, to Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 268: 268. Fohat, as actually omnipresent Fire, is hardly understood. Equally little understood is the Laboratory of the Universe. The great Inhaling and Exhaling of the Cosmos must be applied to all manifestations. In fact, hardly pondered over is the exchange of forces being projected and returned into the treasury of the Cosmos. Thus, the role of humanity does not consist in borrowing only; there must be included a process of returning the forces with which it has been saturated during communion with the Fire of space. Thus, taking this communion as the Truth, it is possible to reveal why, in fact, there is such a difference between the giving and the returning. The extent of this difference is just the measure of that which on the Cosmic Scales represents the Karma of humanity. The ignorant are astonished that the Subtle World can be chaotic; but one should ponder as to how sparks of Fohat remain not fecundated, and how many forces remain either unapplied or distorted. On the path to the Fiery World one must deeply absorb the understanding of the chaos of humanity's consciousness. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 280: 280. The consciousness which is impelled to affirmation of regeneration of the spirit can vanquish each will which leads to conflict against the spirit. But the dark forces and ignorant deniers will not adhere to this affirmation. One must aspire to those currents which proceed with the Cosmic Magnet, for there are so many destructions around the sources which engulf the spirit in their whirlpools. The spiral of the whirlpool carries away into the depths, but the spiral of spiritual ascent propels upward. Thus, one must manifest a conscious attitude toward present occurrences, for there is much of significance accompanying the spiritual regenerations. On the path to the Fiery World let us follow the spiral of spirit and heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 445: 445. All is first built in the Fiery World, then lowered into the subtle body. Hence, whatever is created upon Earth is only a shadow of the Fiery World. One should firmly keep in mind this order of creation. People must know that a great deal of that which is created in the Fiery World has not been as yet lowered into earthly delineations. Therefore the ignorant judge according to earthly evidence, but the wise smile, knowing the reality. This order in creativeness is simple but is not very intelligible to the ignorant. But even they know that statues are obtained by pouring a mass melted by fire into a fragile form. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 470: 470. The ignorant are contemptuous of fire-worship, yet they themselves surround their shrines with fires. Of course they do this in order to surround that which is most sacred with that which is most pure. Light and Higher Power attract the human consciousness. Not fire-worship, but cognition of the quality of the pure creative element. The sculptor cherishes marble and clay but he does not worship them. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 488: 488. A remarkable year draws near. But many do not grasp the significance of current events. Even those who have heard are wishing that events would be carried out according to their own imagination. Usually each one wishes according to his nature, but observe current events without prejudice. Fix your attention honestly, knowing that a great date is ensuing. Doves will bring you not only an olive branch but also a leaf of oak and laurel. Likewise Our sacrificial offerings are not a chance occurrence but are as steps of the future. Indeed, unalterable are the dates of great knowledge. Learn to love creative conflict. Know how to put your ear to the Earth and to illumine your hearts in great expectancy. Let the ignorant desire evil, yet the dates weave the fabric of the world. Learn to discern. Learn to fly toward the ordained. Many are the garments and the veils, but the meaning is one. The preordained year draws near. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 497: 497. The ignorant are exasperated by sufferings, but those who are familiar with the great examples understand bitterness as sweetness. Thus knowledge is the fiery path. Is it not inspiring to know how near is the path to the Fiery World? Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 501: 501. You already know that objects can be made to change place by thought or psychic energy. The ignorant ask - why is not the fiery energy of thought subject to everyone and at all times? Ignorance can even reach the extent of such nonsense. A child asks help of an adult where his own strength is inadequate, but ignoramuses are not ashamed to ask such silly questions. In the Subtle World everything is moved by thought, but the dense World only rarely admits subtle qualities. The laws of such admissions are complex and not always are such invasions into the Subtle World admitted. Apparatus which can confirm the physical reaction to thought can be only very primitive, because the nature of employment of fiery energy lies not in the domain of the will but in that of the heart. The heart does not admit evil, but the will can occasion calamities. When the World will come to realize the value of the heart life, then will the flesh be transformed and draw near to the laws of the Subtle World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 534: 534. Note this remarkable fact when a man begins to notice around himself a manifestation of spiritual life, he never fails to call himself an occultist. Whereas it is simpler to consider oneself able to see. Occultists are rather those who remain in darkness, in secrecy. Hence, there should be given an essential cleansing to some concepts. Otherwise many may fall into the abyss of conceit and insanity. Affirm everywhere that the spiritual signs are a part of natural existence. But those ignorant of them deny them, for they are blind. Much have those who see had to endure; the blind cannot stand talk about the Light. Therefore do not enrage those who do not see. So much is taking place just now that only those completely blind are paying no attention to the fiery signs. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 592: 592. Too often are words used in an incorrect meaning. People speak about the supernatural instead of saying the unusual. The supernatural does not exist in any of the Worlds. Perhaps a certain thing is unusual for the ignorant, but even this definition is conditional, as that something is unusual only under certain conditions. Thus it would be possible to revise dictionaries considerably. We have often spoken about this, and in translations into other languages you see how needful are various shades of meaning. People do not like to search for better definitions, yet diverse old dialects demonstrate that it is not easy to rejuvenate a dictionary with befitting expressions. It is especially difficult in the case of concepts of earthly and heavenly Fire. There are so many visible and invisible Fires that far more subtle definitions are needed. AUM (1936) - 3: 3. Physicians can be true helpers of humanity in the ascent of the spirit. The intellect of a physician must be reinforced by his heart. It should be impossible for the physician to be an ignorant denier. The physician must be a psychologist, and he must not ignore the wondrous psychic energy. It is not strange that the physician is being mentioned at the beginning of the writings about Aum. All those should be mentioned who are responsible for the bond with the higher energies. AUM (1936) - 58: 58. There are ignorant ones who assume that prayer is generally out of place in practical life. They should be asked what sort of business they consider incompatible with prayer - that which is evil and greedy? Certainly in evil there is no place for prayer, yet every good work is in need of prayer - that which reveals the Higher Forces. AUM (1936) - 61: 61. Prayer is an inspirer to knowledge. Each one who realizes the sublimity of communion will inevitably begin to strive toward knowledge. The growth of such consciousness requires the accumulation of knowledge in various fields of science. Philosophy discloses the same paths to the Higher World as are disclosed by the natural sciences. Ignorant persons prattle about materialistic sciences which deny everything not visible to the naked eye. Yet they already know about the subtlety of atoms, and they understand the need for microscope and telescope. In truth, they make of science an empty shell. When signs of the Higher World are manifested in the consciousness, then every science becomes transfigured. No knowledge exists which, if truly known, would not confirm the great bond between the worlds. No paths exist which, if truly followed, would not lead to the Higher World. He who does not feel the greatness of Unity and Infinity has not grown in his consciousness. Prayer is not a deathly cry of terror but a communion full of love and devotion. AUM (1936) - 77: 77. The ignorant skeptic asks, "Why make assumptions about some sort of higher worlds? I have never heard of anything of that kind." It is fitting to answer, "Certain kinds of animals do not know about the higher worlds, nevertheless people have seen and felt the higher contacts a great number of times and can speak about their reality. If someone has never once felt the approach of the invisible world, it means that one's nerve centers have become atrophied." This is the fitting answer to ignorant skepticism. AUM (1936) - 86: 86. Throughout the history of humanity can be traced a recognition of the Higher Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and a great number of such concepts leading to the Higher World. Such testimony of all ages and peoples must compel even the ignorant to reflect. All mankind cannot be mistaken! Under varying conditions people have sensed the same supreme, ineffable Origin. People have regarded the manifestation of the spirit as the philosophers' stone. One can find the most multiform signs of great Reality preserved by peoples. This is not self-interested suggestion, but a discernment of truth. Let people search in ancient Egypt, in Babylon, amid the undiscovered cultures of the Mayans; and everywhere, beyond the subtle symbols, can be found the same exalted concepts. AUM (1936) - 89: 89. It is useful to consider communion with the Higher World to be as necessary as pure air. One need not sit in a fetid, poisonous atmosphere. Even the most ignorant people understand that poison is harmful. AUM (1936) - 142: 142. Madmen, they know not what they possess! People usually censure profligacy, yet is not thought being dissipated? Is not the great gift, attained with such difficulty, being reduced to nought? Thought, as the great gift of the Teacher, perishes in ignorant actions. Thus, men are ready to betray even their own planet, provided they do not have to think. AUM (1936) - 152: 152. One should not spill poison carelessly. A great many may be infected, and no one will know where the poison may be spread. Dark poisoners, do you know all your victims? But you will not remain ignorant. Sight will be given you, and you will see the entire scope of your doings. Thus do poisoners condemn themselves. AUM (1936) - 167: 167. Life requires not temptations. Life can be transmuted under any and all conditions. Community of spirit is highest transmutation of life. Many of the ignorant do not wish to understand that community of spirit does not depend upon external form. It is created there where the concept of the broadening of consciousness is alive. AUM (1936) - 211: 211. It is necessary for people to free themselves from any arrogance in relation to all that is unknown to them. Thus, one can observe continually that the ignorant ones express themselves offensively about everything inaccessible to them. It is indispensable that the foremost scholars make themselves worthy examples of broadmindedness. Evolution is completely excluded where people do not recognize the possibilities of infinite cognition. I repeat, the success of perfection begins with self-perfection. AUM (1936) - 223: 223. No one should call a psychic influence "sorcery." Such an ignorant opinion belongs to times long past. On the contrary, investigation of psychic energy is true progress. AUM (1936) - 244: 244. Much has been indicated about the necessity of developing patience; but wherein may there be discovered such a touchstone? It is useful to begin a conversation with the most bigoted denier. Let him expound his improbable devices; the patient thinker surmounts all ignorance without having recourse to denial. In the creativeness of his thinking, the thinker guards against irritation, during the lesson in patience one is not irritated. Let the ignorant lose their tempers, for they have no other answer, but the probationer in patience will not debase himself with the methods natural to the ignorant. Even in schools, tasks in patience should be proposed. AUM (1936) - 256: 256. There are people who specifically hate confirmations and proofs. Such people are really and truly ignorant. It may be asked justly, "Did they ever have a consciousness, or do they spring from the animal state?" AUM (1936) - 258: 258. If scholars are told of magnetized water, they accept such an expression; but if you speak about enchanted or bewitched water, you will be classed with the ignorant. Whereas, the distinction is only in name, for in essence the same energy is applied. AUM (1936) - 297: 297. A good instrument easily displays new qualities under every test. Truly, anything of good quality fears no test. Each test teaches new conditions which might otherwise remain unnoticed. Whoever fears testing is an ignorant coward. When a man is ready in heart to undergo all of life's experiences, he can think about advancement; he can distinguish between harm and usefulness. AUM (1936) - 302: 302. One can observe in the details of life how many cosmic waves touch Earth. Only the ignorant can deny the frequency with which great currents penetrate space. Events can be foretold, but it is significant also to follow the connection of events with psychic and physical manifestations. Without astrology, by the observation of nature alone, it is possible to compare physical manifestations with current events. AUM (1936) - 336: 336. Any denial of Truth is ignorant and harmful not only for the denier himself but also spatially. Antagonism to Truth infects space, but there is still more loathsome action when people, after having once realized Truth, later shrink from it. Such a retreat into darkness is madness! AUM (1936) - 336: It is possible to find periods in the history of humanity when, after particles of the Truth had been already grasped, certain pseudo-teachers, because of extreme ignorance, tried to again conceal from people the immutable position of things; this resulted in what will some time be regarded as shameful pages of history. The usurpers offered no proofs, but commanded that the obvious be denied. It is as if denial of the sun's existence were prescribed, because someone weak of eyesight could not look at the sun! Similarly prohibited was cognizance of the laws of the Subtle World. Some, ignorant of them, through egoism forbade others to know the reality. AUM (1936) - 374: 374. Always warn against lower psychism, which can lead to obsession. It is no contradiction that energy can be directed to good or to evil. The very same force can serve for construction or for destruction. Only lofty thinking and purity of heart can be a pledge of the good employment of the power. Each one must keep in mind that he has been entrusted to serve for the progress of the world. All this has already been said, but you rightly observe that the ignorant can find a contradiction in it. The bad will augment evil, and the good will serve the Good. AUM (1936) - 387: 387. One should see no contradiction in the fact that experiments with psychic energy will bring on fatigue. The ignorant may say, "If this is the basic energy they why should communion with it cause fatigue?" Such objectors do not wish to understand that during experiments the energy is, as it were, condensed, and furthermore, the surrounding conditions are the principal cause of the possibility of fatigue. Abnormality of surrounding conditions spoils many already possible attainments. Therefore I advise to carry on experiments outside of cities, such a condition will help not a little. AUM (1936) - 398: 398. There are people ignorant enough to deny the utility of the higher energies. They attain such a degree of blasphemy that they affirm recognition of energy to be an insidious evil. Certainly you will encounter absurd opinions about the evil origin of science. Even nowadays there are ignoramuses who rebel against the good of mankind. But pay no attention to these voices of darkness - they will always exist. Blasphemy, mockery, and slander are the sole weapons of darkness. Yet you already observe the beautiful energy, and no slander will distress you. AUM (1936) - 436: Many aspects of vampirism are nothing but ignorant dissoluteness. AUM (1936) - 440: Each one has the right to receive access to the Teaching. Read through the work imbued with striving for Truth. The ignorant sow prejudices without even taking the trouble to read a book. The most affirmative book they call negation. Recognition of the Highest Principles is considered the most frightful blasphemy. Verily, prejudice is a poor counsellor! But one must not neglect all the collected knowledge. AUM (1936) - 463: 463. We speak about psychic energy as about a powerful motive force. We are not talking about sorcery but about a physical law. We point out the simplest paths to successful progress. We recall what has long been known, but, for all that, the ignorant will relegate Our discourses to the supernatural. They will make use of subtle energies, but they will not wish to acknowledge the psychic energy. AUM (1936) - 479: 479. True, it is necessary to understand the universality of the energy, otherwise the ignorant will attribute it to man only. Again belittlement may take place. AUM (1936) - 491: 491. Frequently you hear absurd tales of how there occur simultaneous incarnations of one and the same person - a conclusion both ignorant and harmful. Deniers of incarnation make use of such fictions to dispute the possibility of reincarnation. Besides, they forget the reason - which somewhat lessens the guilt - namely imaginative invention. Certain people remember the details of a definite epoch; when they dream of being a well-known person, their remembrance of the dream molds the imagining of an incarnation. The resulting error is in the person, but not in the epoch. A child imagines himself a field marshal, and such a representation already sinks into his Chalice. AUM (1936) - 520: The ignorant deny the Subtle World and thus reject thought. All that exists serves not negation; on the contrary, all confirms the one Truth. AUM (1936) - 521: 521. Many times the end of the world has been proclaimed, but the planet still exists. The ignorant will again find therein cause to triumph, but they also scoffed on the eve of the fall of Atlantis. Moreover, disastrous collisions more than once have threatened the planet. Sensitive apparatus were able to foresee this circumstance. Even a short time ago the planet escaped collision by an extremely narrow margin. AUM (1936) - 521: Ignorant criticism should be made with much caution, both in respect to physical researches and in the field of psychic prognosis. AUM (1936) - 538: For many people discussions about psychic energy will seemingly be a state of delirium; they cannot generally understand what this is all about. They will rage in anger at any one present who attempts a conversation beyond them. It should be understood that the first glimpse of the energy is the most difficult. It is necessary only to consider calmly an ignorant lack of understanding. Thus many cannot at all imagine a state following the cessation of earthly existence. Among such people there may be atheists and churchmen, but they will be equally remote from the recognition of fundamental energy. AUM (1936) - 555: 555. It happens that medical advices are much spoken about, but, excluding physicians, no one concerns himself with questions connected with the basic energy. Many say that it is not their affair to go deeply into medical problems, but each such remark is harmfully ignorant. Life is for all that lives, and each one must bring his own stone for the construction. AUM (1936) - 581: 581. An ancient Patriarch called psychic energy a blessing. The contemporary physician calls it health of spirit. With great attention one needs to scrutinize ancient definitions. It would be conceited and ignorant to reject the accumulations of many thousands of years. The investigator must first of all free himself from conceit. AUM (1936) - 587: New methods of observation ought not to be condemned. Many initial researches have been savagely wrecked by the ignorant. Safeguard the manifested sensitive seekers against the attempts of the hangman. Each one, within his own horizon, can do so much that is useful and unselfish. Let us be selfless. AUM (1936) - 595: 595. Aum, unharmonized, turns into an instrument of destruction. The Highest Communion turns into blasphemy if it be not purified by fire of the heart. Often the concept of the fire of the heart will be called superstition, but let us ask scientists and we shall see that the best of them agree about radiant energies. By no sort of forbiddance can any one interrupt the path of evolution. The ignorant can create convulsions in cognition, rebellions, and destructions. Precisely by forbiddance the ignorant evoke waves of chaos, but the universal law will overcome all the dark stratagems. Ignorance must be eradicated. Brotherhood (1937) - 10: 10. When rocks begin to crumble people break them up and remove them for the security of the road; and so it is with certain human definitions. In the course of centuries a term may lose its original meaning and should be replaced by a word closer to the current period. This has happened with the word initiated. Together with anointment , its original meaning has been relegated to the past. Instead of initiated and uninitiated , let us say knowing and unknowing , or cognizant and ignorant . But it is better to express initiation itself by the word education . Thus it can be expressed without belittlement, in a word closer to contemporary times. Brotherhood (1937) - 10: In no way is it right to conceal something good in outmoded words when it is possible to express it more comprehensibly for broad masses of people. Surely, knowledge is not for the elect but for all! Therefore, we should not reiterate outworn morals, but rather, designate the best conditions for scientific cognizance. Only the ignorant will not understand that for the successful advancement of science the best conditions of life must be established. Brotherhood (1937) - 24: Consider the dark times as passing-knowledge shames the ignorant. Brotherhood (1937) - 26: There are many instances when essential signs have been explained by the ignorant as something completely opposite. In their earthly customs people often interpret letters in their own way, not being concerned with the precise meaning of the words - such conventional egoistic practices have to be abandoned on the paths to Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 28: 28. Enough is known about the existence of the Brotherhood of Good and the Brotherhood of Evil. It is likewise well known that the latter strives to imitate the former in the means and methods of action. The ignorant inquire, "Is it possible for man to distinguish, in the approach, this or that Brother?" If the appearance and words be identical, then it is not difficult to fall into error and to accept advices which lead to evil. Thus will reason the man who does not know that the means of discrimination are contained in the heart. The employment of psychic energy helps to discern infallibly the inner essence of the manifestations. No complicated devices are necessary when man bears within himself the spark of knowledge. Brotherhood (1937) - 50: 50. Growing to love work is possible only by cognizing it. Likewise, rhythm can be realized only when it has been absorbed into the nature of a man. Otherwise ignorance will rise up against lawful measures and constant discipline. To such ignorant ones the very concept of Brotherhood will appear as an intolerable utopia. Brotherhood (1937) - 61: 61. Experiments with psychic energy will show how much such a symphony expands the beneficial circle. Experienced observers will apprehend easily the correlation of qualities with psychic energy, but for the ignorant such a comparison will be incomprehensible. Brotherhood (1937) - 62: Humanity must select the most firm paths. All mechanical discoveries merely demonstrate the need of the power in man himself. Let us be solicitous toward everyone who can bring to humanity his best strength. And let us be grateful to the Brothers, who untiringly bring realization of psychic energy. On this path there has to be much selflessness. The ignorant cannot stand all the seekers of the immutable treasures. Robbery may be expected on the best path. Fortunately, the Bearers of the unseen treasures are invulnerable. Brotherhood (1937) - 104: 104. Though the harm of lower psychism has been spoken about often, still the ignorant cannot distinguish this state from the natural growth of the primary energy. If we hear about a confusing of lower psychism with psychic energy, we shall know that it would be useless, when encountering such ignorance, to try to persuade to the contrary. One should sense where the Source is which saturates our store of energy. One must esteem this Treasure. Brotherhood (1937) - 171: 171. One should receive guests graciously, but it is inadmissible to haul them in forcibly - every householder knows this. It is exactly the same in the application of psychic energy - one should not force it, but its manifestation should be received worthily. Let the ignorant prattle about the undesirability of applying psychic energy. When the energy is already at work it is impossible to deny it, and it remains to find its natural application. Let the learned tell what takes place if spatial electricity be limitlessly intensified. Let them tell how such excessive tension will end. It cannot be denied that at present spatial currents have been especially intensified. This is no time to deny them; it is needful to make haste with their application. Many times already has the danger of lower psychism been pointed out. Consequently, it is necessary to reflect about the higher energy, which is understood as spirituality. Brotherhood (1937) - 223: 223. The primary energy seeks admittance into all the nerves of humanity. It is, it does exist. It has been tensed by cosmic conditions. It is unfitting to ask whether one should develop it. It is impossible to develop the primary energy; one can only safeguard it against the waves of chaos. One should manifest great solicitude toward the treasure of evolution. Much was said in antiquity about the time when the primary energy would begin to be intensively manifested. People must not deny that which so imperatively claims its goal. Who is filled with such arrogance as to fall into denying the tidings of the epoch? Only the ignorant and those vaunting a false wisdom will begin fighting against the evidence. But let us not take to heart the attempts of the ignorant. They only make a wreath to each advice about helping humanity. Brotherhood (1937) - 268: 268. When people begin to distinguish causes from effects, much is perceived, but up to the present people recognize only effects, and this only in the crudest degree. No one wishes to understand that a certain time must elapse between cause and effect. When a subtle consciousness discerns causes, it is usually subjected to ridicule. A gross eye does not see what has taken place, and the ignorant proclaim that nothing has happened. Therefore it is time to direct thought to the root of the matter. However this is not easy, for confidence has been stifled, and thus the energy of perception has been brought into inaction. Many cases could be cited when cognition was able to foresee in causes the beginning of effects, but a little unbelief washes away all possibilities. Brotherhood (1937) - 292: 292. Treatment by means of music is already being applied, but the effects are not always perceptible. The reason is that it is not customary to develop perception of music. From childhood one should be accustomed to assimilating the beauty of sound. Musical faculties are in need of education. It is true that in each man has been implanted an inclination for sound but without cultivation it remains asleep. Man ought to hear beautiful music and song. Sometimes a single harmony will awaken forever a sense of the beautiful. Yet great is ignorance when the best panaceas are forgotten in the family. Especially , when the world is quaking from hatred, it is indispensable to make haste in opening the ears of the young generation. Without realization of the significance of music it is also impossible to understand the sounding of nature; and, of course, it is impossible to think about the music of the spheres - only noise will be accessible to the spirit of the ignorant. The song of waterfall or river or ocean will be only a roar; the wind will not bring melody and will not resound in the trees as a solemn hymn. The best harmonies vanish for the unopened ear. Can people accomplish their ascent without song? Can Brotherhood stand without song? Brotherhood (1937) - 315: The ignorant, those with overcast hearts, say, "Such a ladder is nebulous," because it is not for them to ascend. It is the more necessary to explain about Brotherhood, because soon people will seek cooperation. All encouragement for such cooperation will be needed. Thus, throughout the world respect for work will be manifested. Labor will be an antitoxin against gold. Yet, many times one is obliged to speak about the beauty of toil. Brotherhood (1937) - 323: 323. Kriyasakti in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. I use the Hindu word to show how long ago people defined this energy with complete precision. Is it possible that present day thinkers will lag behind their forefathers? Right now thought-creativeness is found to be under such doubt that it is included in the humanities, whereas according to contemporary terminology, mental energy ought rather to be a part of the physical sciences. Thus, let those who assail thought-energy find themselves in the camp of the ignorant. Do not think that I am saying anything new; unfortunately, there are too few worthy cognizant ones, and as a result the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery. Therefore it is indispensable to dispel superstition and ignorance. Brotherhood (1937) - 327: 327. The Himalayan lights have been observed by many scholars, none the less, for the ignorant they remain doubtful. The non-searing flame of the Himalayas, though people have observed and touched it, likewise remains as before within the limits of the fantastic. Each manifestation of light has energy in its basis, but such a force is denied. Even luminous stars and flashes seen by many are referred to ocular abnormalities. Actually, this poor interpretation is contradicted by the fact that such manifestations are simultaneously seen by several people. However, people do not usually inform each other about their sensations and visions. As a result much remains unnoticed. Therefore, the lightnings of thought also will be mere phantoms for the majority. Yet many animals are called electrical because they preserve within themselves a considerable store of energy; and similarly, certain people can be called electrical. Is it too difficult to imagine that their thought-energy can be visible as a brilliant flash, especially when a crossing of currents may be taking place? One should know how to keep one's eyes open. One must take the trouble to observe, otherwise many remarkable manifestations will pass unnoticed. The Himalayan lights furnish a suitable example. Brotherhood (1937) - 331: 331. Actually, calamities can turn humanity back to austere thinking. You have noticed more than once that great calamities have transformed a people. Affirmation of wholesome principles has come in thunder and lightning. People are in distress before they ascend. The ignorant cannot understand fiery purification, yet what can be more beautiful than this element when there is no fear! Thus, We often direct you to the Subtle World as the entryway to the Fiery World. Brotherhood (1937) - 391: 391. Let us find courage to meet dates; let us understand the chain of events; and in a threatening hour let us smile at news about achievement. It is twilight in the West. Madmen do not know upon what they infringe, and the ignorant affirm their superiority. It is better not to see the emanations of humanity. Darkness is overtaking those who have lost the path to Light. Brotherhood (1937) - 400: 400. Even the smallest signs lead to great manifestations, but people do not realize that a pathway overgrown with brambles can lead to a glorious achievement. It is the usual mistake to demand large earthly signs for advancing. One must understand the entire and most subtle fabric befitting the Greatest Image. One must not permit people to defame beautiful existence. Those Images must be brought to Earth which do not cause harmful confusion. As it is, the great Tree is cloven, its separate branches withered. It is not evident that anyone has regretted the scattering of the One Treasure. The foolish assume that discourse about the severed branches is a needless symbol, for they do not even know how to think about Oneness. These ignorant ones cannot understand the collective concept of Brotherhood. What is the dome to them, when they have not even laid the steps! Brotherhood (1937) - 407: 407. And yet, how to deal with unbelievers who try everywhere to cause cleavages? There are very many of them, and owing to their ignorance they are very clamorous and meddlesome. One should muster a few scientific arguments against them. They cannot brook having the extreme irrelevancy of their opinions pointed out to them. Fortunately, science in different domains helps to illumine the paths of evolution. Of course, the ignorant will insist upon long outworn concepts. They do not like it when they are asked for proofs. Their attempts to screen themselves with scientific terms merely prove their narrowness of conception. Sometimes it is useful to come in touch with stagnation in order to perceive the entire extent of the obstacles to freedom of evolution. One need not be distressed at the existence of such branded consciousnesses. Each word which serves as a challenge to them will be a useful sowing. Let them even become abusive, nevertheless an agitation of matter will result. Brotherhood (1937) - 518: The ignorant will say that strings are easily replaced. But even the usual strings are chosen with care by a musician. Far more subtle is the structure of the rhythm of labor. Such destruction cannot be remedied. The Brotherhood is particularly concerned with the preservation of labor in its best rhythm. Likewise, in all communities people should learn to mutually safeguard labor; therein will be expressed the lofty measure of reciprocal respect. Brotherhood (1937) - 535: 535. Doubtless, many will disparage an indication about the continuous evolutionary process of all that exists. Yet even from the point of view of all scientists this process of perfectment is undeniable. Only the ignorant can attempt to hold everything back in a motionless state. They will act thus owing to their ignorance of the past and from inability to think about the future. Thousands of hypotheses may be advanced, but let them be in motion, about motion, and because of motion. Brotherhood (1937) - 538: 538. It is right to commend Ayurvedic medicine. It should be understood that many thousands of years left cumulations of experience and wisdom. But let us not, after the fashion of the ignorant, make a deadly separation between homeopathy and allopathy. Let us not forget the accumulated knowledge of China and Tibet. Each nation had to face particularly threatening dangers and took special measures to oppose them. Thus, he who collects the best blossoms will be a victorious physician. Brotherhood (1937) - 573: 573. Be not ashamed to reiterate persistently if you see that the salutary counsel is being scorned by the ignorant. It was rightly spoken about casting pearls before swine, but it was also spoken about building a whole mountain by the daily casting of handfuls of sand. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3: Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6: The ignorant assert that We provoke revolutions and sedition, but actually We have tried many times to prevent murder and destruction. Brother Rakoczy himself fulfilled the highest measure of love for humanity and was rejected by those whom He tried to save. His actions were recorded in well-known extant memoirs, but still certain liars call him the father of the French Revolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 11: People often accuse Us of denying much of what exists, and even reach such a state of falsehood and blasphemy as to say that We reject Christ. Can one believe this blasphemy? Yet many servants of darkness are ready to spread even this slander in order to bring disunity. Everyone who knows the structure of Our Brotherhood will be appalled at the ignorance of such slander. Slander is usually the result of ignorance, and people do not hesitate to repeat lies. One can cite many falsehoods about the Brotherhood. One can point out how the Brothers were thought to be dark forces, and can enumerate the many terrible calamities attributed to Them. We have been accused of using threats and violence. Especially insistent were those who chose not to heed Our Words. Shame upon the unbelievers! Shame upon the ignorant ones! And shame upon those who cause disunity! Let them occasionally ask themselves if they are not in the wrong. But the ignorant cannot become wrong, for they already live in error. Let this page about the Brotherhood be remembered by those whose hearts are aflame. Indeed, everyone can affirm at least a grain of Truth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 40: 40. Urusvati takes to heart all that happens in the world. All actions can be divided into the heartfelt and the heartless. Humanity should remember this distinction, especially now. Heartfelt perceptions, even with many differences, can be united, but heartlessness is the unity of the dark forces, and among them you will not find co-workers of the Brotherhood. If We recall all the past lives of Our Brothers, We will not find even one heartless action. The action of the flaming heart led them to the stake, to the cross, and to all the tortures invented by the malicious and the ignorant. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: The ignorant say that there could be a mistake, because someone could imitate the voice of the Teacher. But the broadened consciousness cannot make a mistake, for straight-knowledge cannot make mistakes. In a state of great tension a tremor may be felt, but then one can repeat one's question. It is especially difficult, because people cannot imagine what the spatial battles are like. In earthly conditions it is difficult to imagine a battle in the midst of Infinity. Even the Voice of the Silence is not understood correctly. Still, it is recorded and resounds in the consciousness. Each accepted or assimilated thought vibrates and resounds. Also, those who receive a thought frequently repeat it. This process has a special name - the sealing of the thought. You know how often we must repeat what we have received in order that it not evaporate. The least disturbance can break the reception, even with a broadened consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 55: The ignorant connect the sensation of joy with a healthy digestion or with success in life, but joy is greater than health and success. It can also exist amidst sickness and humiliation. Such a feeling is developed not only through many incarnations but also from a wisely spent sojourn in the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 61: The endlessness of the battle will confuse the ignorant ones, and it is better not to speak of eternal battle to the unprepared. Let them keep the hope of a victory that they can understand. Of course, in thinking about such a victory, the phantom of defeat will hang over them. In the battle throughout Infinity We do not know defeat. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68: 68. Urusvati senses even remote earthquakes and changes in atmospheric pressure. Ignorant ones will ask why such painful reactions must be endured, since the earthquakes cannot be prevented. Such questions are like those reactionary doubts expressed about new scientific discoveries. How can anyone say that one who can experience the vibrations of the planet is not of use for the gaining of knowledge? Unfortunately, such refined organisms are not studied, and because of this the possibility of their use for scientific observation is lost. A hundred years from now people will express regret about these lost opportunities, but today, even when faced with them directly, they are full of doubt. The subtle sensibility is linked both to the broadening of consciousness and the science of vibrations. Both subjects are deeply significant and are fundamental to the transformation of life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69: 69. Urusvati knows about those close to Us who have gone to the far-off worlds. The ignorant may spitefully misinterpret these departures, and few will understand that the flights are special missions. It is hard to imagine that between the worlds there exist links of thought. It is not easy for man to detach himself from his earthly solidity and realize that the most important place is not here on Earth but in what he perceives as a void. One must be reborn to understand that earthly beauty seems beautiful only because man does not know supermundane beauty. On Earth many things are understood in a distorted way, and people are always ready to imagine that among the worlds there is as much hostility as there is on Earth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69: People are perplexed about the far-off worlds, but they misunderstand much on Earth as well. For example, it is believed by many that Panchen Rimpoche issues passports to Shambhala. It would seem that this makes no sense, but actually these papers are not to Shambhala, they are about Shambhala. From ancient times there has existed a reminder about Shambhala that was given to those who were able to direct their thoughts to it, but later the sense was distorted and some ridiculous passports have been seen. Also, many do not understand why some seemingly ignorant lamas can be guardians of Our Brotherhood. One must recognize that these lamas are exceptional; they have preserved the concept of Shambhala as a sacred treasure. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74: Heads of state formerly combined their work with the highest spiritual duties, and often led societies of the highest purpose. In time, these missions were lost and the heads of state remained as servitors to insignificant and even harmful institutions. Such examples can be seen everywhere. It is especially sad that there remain only a few small fragments of ritual that still preserve their inner meaning; in ignorant hands even these scraps bring harm. Thus, We try to purify or remove the remnants of rituals that obscure the consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94: The currents of will come into rapid collision, and undisciplined thinking fills space with destructive explosions. Probably the ignorant will again declare that We threaten and frighten them, but they should turn to the pages of history in which they can trace the calamities of humanity. These calamities are not sent by heaven, but are caused by human society. People persecute their own Saviors, acting like a mad musician who tears out the strings of his instrument before the concert! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 111: 111. Urusvati realizes the multiformity of the Great Service. This great concept of Service is usually completely misunderstood, or if accepted at all, it is mistaken for monastic monotony. But the Great Service responds to earthly needs, and the true servant of humanity must know all conditions of life. He must spare the feelings of the ignorant, he must soothe the desperate, and must appreciate the various fields of labor in order to be able to give wise encouragement. In this way Service will bring benefit everywhere, and the servant of Good will know how to find the word that will lead people to a brighter future. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120: No mysterious initiations are needed for the realization of the sacred moment. Everyone is given the opportunity to perceive both worlds, but their free will must not interfere and prompt deadly denial. We do not like the word "death" and all that it implies, yet all ignorant deniers may be called dead. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 123: All this confirms that during these periods the psychic energy is in an unusual state. The protective net is agitated; it is inflamed, and outer influences can easily pass through it. We warn people to be especially careful during such days. We do not mean to say that these days are more dangerous than others, but that one's sensitivity becomes more acute. And let us not forget that the dark forces prefer to use these times for their own purposes. It is essential to protect not only physical health, but also nervous balance. In general, one must have an intelligent attitude toward the existence of the dark forces. It is ignorant to deny their existence, but it is just as harmful to be afraid of them. Urusvati has seen their images, some disgusting and others beautiful. They have the ability to surround themselves with luminosity and they also know how to offer various advantages. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125: All such Great Achievements are recorded in Our treasuries. The ignorant attempt to deny these truths, but fortunately We preserve the proof of these deeds. Thus, let us dedicate a special day to Great Achievements. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 126: 126. Urusvati rightly encourages co-workers to copy paragraphs from the books of the Teaching dealing with Primal Energy. One should gather the pieces of the mosaic into a complete book. At the same time, we must remember that some people complain that the books of the Teaching discuss one and the same thing over and over. These ignorant ones do not read with proper attention and fail to notice that in each approach to an idea We introduce a new detail. That is why extracts must be introduced in sequence; only then can one notice the turns of the spiral of Our Messages. People should learn to enjoy this work, for through such thoroughness they will be able to observe Our methods while gathering together Our Indications and Advice. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132: Among those who have experienced a long earthly life there can be found an organization that helps others to recognize Hierarchy. The beings from the Highest Spheres are not always perceived by those in the Subtle World, and though their presence is more pronounced than on Earth, there are many disbelievers even in the Subtle World. Those who were ignorant on Earth are stubborn and carry their doubts and negations with them into the Subtle World. One should remember this so that one may be ready to follow the Teachings when in the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134: The Stone from the far-off worlds is a significant teraph of the Brotherhood. Much has been written about this Stone. A part of it performs the duty of a messenger throughout the world, carried by the hands of the chosen. People call the Stone "Grail," but it has also been called by many other names. Legends of all times reveal some of the truth regarding this Stone, but its most significant aspect is not mentioned - the Stone is permeated with a substance that helps to preserve the vibrational communications with the far-off worlds. Likewise, a small particle of the Stone serves as a link with the Brotherhood. Thus again there is a scientific basis for a legend which has become a part of human history. We purposely emphasize the scientific aspect of this legend because the ignorant ones are ever ready to attribute everything to the darkness of superstition. Urusvati knows this Stone of Our Abode. We preserve it in a special place so that the vibrations may retain their original power. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143: We have already mentioned that those who rebel against the Brotherhood are struck as if by a boomerang. The ignorant will attribute this to Our vengefulness, but the fact is that it is due only to a discharge of energy. If one touches both poles of a charged battery he will receive a shock, but it would be ridiculous to accuse the battery of being vengeful or malicious. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 152: 152. Urusvati has heard both the majestic music of the spheres and the uproar of chaos. Out of confusion and wailing the Great Teacher composed harmonious symphonies. Only the ignorant assume that celestial harps will sound at the first request. From the abyss of chaos to celestial harmony the way is indeed long. This is why the Great Teachers are also the Great Toilers, and only those who have heard both extremes can judge the extent of this evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 152: People wish to see the Teachers just as they see themselves, and if the Teacher differs in some way they will disbelieve. The ignorant demand, never realizing that their demand is based on ignorance, and that the image they have invented is belittling. In general, most pictures of the Great Teachers are tasteless. People want to see their Teachers as exceptional, even in their outer appearance. If people have such an attitude toward true greatness it indicates that they would not have recognized the Great Pilgrim. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 155: 155. Urusvati knows that animals long remember the emanations of their master. If this is true for the ordinary person, then how much more powerful must be the accumulated emanations of the Great Teacher! For this reason the Teachers must sometimes destroy personal possessions that have been imbued with their magnetic aura, in order to avoid the possibility of their intense emanations falling into the hands of the ignorant. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 173: We have said that one should give according to people's consciousnesses. But what can one do if, instead of consciousness, there is only a wavering, ignorant mind? The Teacher is then obliged to constantly repeat simple ideas, and therein lies the tragedy for Teachers in all ages. Only a consciousness tempered through many lives can safely tread the thorny human paths. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 193: 193. Urusvati knows how deplorable is the rubbish-heap of hurt feelings. The Thinker told His disciples, "Be not offended by the malicious and ignorant who oppose your righteous path. Hurt feelings will only weaken your forces, devouring the will and crushing life. When you resist evil, do so not out of offense, but for the reestablishment of good. You cannot be hurt by the opinions of the ignorant. Be sorry for their ignorance, but do not accept them as fellow seekers or their judgments as the truth. It is wise not to answer them at all. Schools should teach that he who follows the right path is immunized against such offenses, and that only the unwise poison themselves by allowing their feelings to be hurt." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200: Be not surprised that the ancients were better at keeping secrets, for they believed that the sacred dream must not be discussed with the ignorant, and the most precious experiences were kept within a close circle. It is amazing to see how such extremes can coexist! But even today people have not changed in the levels of their consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200: "Friends, do not repeat in the market place what you have just heard, for people will consider you mad. The time will come when these words will be understood. Even the most innocent questions should not be asked prematurely. Ignorant people can easily become tigers, and it is better not to create such beasts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 245: 245. Urusvati knows what harm is done by a little knowledge in the wrong hands. Imagine an ignorant person who takes certain statements from the Teaching at random and begins to fill space with words he does not understand, because he never cared to undertake the preliminary purification necessary for the broadening of his consciousness. Unfortunately, even a fool can strike a certain rhythm whose resonance can create disharmony, and destruction may follow. But people usually do not think about the possibility of such consequences, nor do they realize that the first priority of the student should to emphasize the betterment of his consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 245: You have received numerous letters which confirm My words. Such people are ever ready to threaten and abuse the Teacher for failing to enrich them with gold! As much as I regret it I must mention these ignorant ones, because they fill the ranks of harmful betrayers. Let everyone understand the simple truth that knowledge is fruitful only when it can be accepted. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 247: Even earthly leaders expect people to learn to live in danger. We also advise such tension, because constant tension disciplines vibrations. It is a mistake to think that tension harms the body. On the contrary, such a conscious awareness creates the necessary metabolism that helps to renew it. Tension is not the cause of fatigue. Only depression reduces vitality, but exaltation creates a beautiful renewal. Thus, we should not fear tension; only ignorant people will regard it as a fatiguing misfortune. They will be able to relax in the grave! But a man who is ever ready to ascend will welcome the growing tension as festive gates to renewal, and will flame with indignation when the Highest concepts are degraded in his presence. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 252: 252. Urusvati knows how ignorant most people are about the origins of events. They cannot perceive even the culminating points, and are satisfied with effects alone. But a sensitive heart will tremble at the very inception of an event. Perhaps no proper words can be found to describe this feeling, but its unspoken meaning will at once resound in the depths of the heart. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 254: The Thinker said, "The ocean is stormy and agitated because the elements are ignorant of the higher laws, but the human spirit is enlightened and can be at peace even in the midst of a storm. Inner peace is an imitation of the Divine." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273: There are scientists who boldly insist that in all Infinity there is no life except on Earth! It is not enough to call such a claim impertinence: only the crudest egoism can bring forth such an ignorant concept. These scientists make no effort to examine the conditions that exist in Cosmos, and base their judgments upon their own very limited observations! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 315: One should pay attention to the characteristics of each moment. Do not be deterred by the ignorant ones who ridicule and scoff, for they can perceive only the third type of moment and are only aware of the effects, while the creators of life know the first, causal moments. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 320: In the same way, the command to use every possible resource for keeping the peace stands for all time to come. Although mankind seems to have forgotten Him who gave this command, it has nonetheless entered into human consciousness. One should always question whether all peaceful measures have been applied, but without causing the loss of human dignity. One should understand both the mundane and the supermundane measures; only through harmony and dignity can the beauty of peace be realized. Disregard of human dignity can only result in ugliness. He who knows nothing of beauty cannot think of peace, nor can the concept of unity be realized by the ignorant. Yet all people have reverence for the Unifiers. Thus We labor for peace. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 333: 333. Urusvati knows what causes Us to choose an unusual system for giving Our discourses. The ignorant will say that there is no system at all, but simply countless aphorisms, some of which deal with current events, while others are unreasonably repetitious. Such is the opinion of the superficial reader, who cannot grasp the idea of the need for rhythm, which helps to broaden the consciousness. One cannot separate the discourses into formal subjects. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 345: 345. Urusvati knows how many subtle feelings and influences fill one's life. Imbalance, that dreadful scourge, is the obstacle to appreciating and understanding life's precious gifts. After millions of years of evolution humanity is still ignorant about the art of achieving harmony. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346: There are many books available that deal with psychic phenomena, and We will not waste Our time trying to convince the wilfully ignorant. At present, We only want to point out that psychic phenomena are increasing. One can also see that there is an unfortunate increase in fierce opposition. The forces of darkness are alarmed that the subtle energies are approaching the earthly plane. You must understand that the battle has reached its climax, and chaos is attempting to prevent evolutionary advance. But the New World approaches and nothing can stop the growth of consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351: Those of great experience accept the need to adhere to the laws of nature. Only the ignorant think that We need not submit to cosmic laws. It would be sad indeed if We were to unnecessarily intrude upon the karma of countries, peoples, or individuals. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 357: People must accept the existence of the Subtle World and free themselves from superstition and bigotry. These two vipers deprive people of the possibility of communing consciously with the Subtle World. Do not think that We exaggerate the dangers of superstition and bigotry. The lives of most people are based upon these prejudices, which deprive them of freedom of thought and so fill them with ignorant convictions that they deliberately close their eyes and ears to the most obvious manifestations. If one wants to see, one must have an open mind. Negation closes the keenest eye. On the other hand, one must beware of false, imagined visions. Thus, there remains only one way - the golden middle way, which We have already stressed. He who follows the middle way knows an all-embracingness that excludes or changes nothing. This is not an easy way, for it requires a refinement of consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362: People frequently leave their earthly existence with many intentions still unrealized. The ignorant think that these intentions will remain so, not understanding that life does not cease and the opportunity remains for intentions to be fulfilled elsewhere or at another time. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362: People complain that their merits are unappreciated, ignorant of the fact that life continues after the death of the body. He who believes that everything ends with his departure from Earth is a poor man, for he has robbed himself of the treasures of fulfillment and will enter the Subtle World unprepared. Where then will he be while his consciousness is so obscured? Alas, he will be confined to a place in the dark regions of the lower spheres that he could easily have avoided, where he will be subjected to negative influences that will impede his progress even more. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 381: One should learn to distinguish each small particle of energy and pay careful attention to it. People furiously shout, "He is not one of us, crucify him!" Fools! He is indeed not one of you, he is of fire! Only the ignorant extinguish the light and then remain in darkness, complaining about their cruel fate. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 405: We can say with certainty that all Our warnings will be met with ridicule. There are two kinds of ignorant people: some are ignorant because of their lack of learning, and others precisely because of their learning. The latter are the more dangerous for they allow no contradiction. One cannot talk with them about the Supermundane, but they should know that one drop may overfill the vessel. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 448: It is essential to preserve unity under ordinary, earthly conditions in order to attain at least an approximation of Our unity. May people rejoice, knowing that somewhere there exists the Ladder of the Worlds! This very idea will serve as a bridge for evolution. It is the ignorant preacher who teaches indifference towards the highest unification, but such limiting advice will certainly not help anyone on the earthly plane, for every limitation closes doors and deprives one of fresh air.