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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IG > IGNOMINIOUS (3)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 439:
439. It is even impossible to imagine humanity's future direction if it does not purify itself through Fire! Striving toward the Fiery World will afford the first glimpses of Agni. Many ignominious actions will fall away like husks, at a single thought about the Fiery World. No sermons from without can enable one to attain that improvement of health which is created by a single spark from within. But it is difficult to impel the consciousness according to a higher measure. We will tirelessly urge the consciousness toward this first gleam of enlightenment; what follows will be much easier.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 538:
538. Some people think that it is possible to change Teachers without danger, but they forget the three year period, and the seven-year, through which the bond is woven. You have read already about the ignominious end of apostates. Thus does the Fiery World safeguard the right of justice.

Brotherhood (1937) - 465:
465. Predisposed observers discern only their own preconceived design in actions and reactions. If all the distorted facts be called to mind, it will be horrifying to learn how many already discovered attainments have been destroyed. It is impossible to show any advance which has not been sullied by premeditated trickery! There are many causes for premeditation - the first will be ignorance, then come malice, envy, aversion to someone's success, dislike for the new - thus, many ignominious qualities distort the facts. In such a frame of mind is it easy to proceed with the cognition of the great energy?


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