Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 328: Is it easy to soar when you have wings? I shall say, it is easy for those who sense their wings. But those for whom the cup of worldliness is sweet, fly not. Chained to their idol, their delight, whither to fly? By experience will you learn the fruitlessness of earthly desires. It is simple, for all things are simple. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.18: When men began to visualize Christ as an inaccessible idol, there began a period of visions of Christ in most realistic forms. He appeared as very close to men, entering into their daily life. Briefly speaking, every popular error is corrected. In the day of woman's humiliation one may trace the appearance of the Divine Mother. New Era Community (1926) - 41: 41. We drive out all fear. We throw to the wind all the many-colored feathers of fear blue feathers of frozen terror, green feathers of trembling betrayal, yellow feathers of secret crawling away, red feathers of frenzied heartbeat, white feathers of reticence, black feathers of fall into the abyss. It is needful to repeat about the multiformity of fear, otherwise there remains somewhere a small gray feather of complaisant mumbling or even some fluff of hurried bustle, but behind these will be the same idol of fear. Each wing of fear bears one downwards. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 25: The decline of a country that has already accumulated much from the treasure house is the result of its denial of the causality of cosmic actions. When human conceit drives the consciousness to the turning point and the Ego becomes an idol, then are the Gates closed. The personality becomes a reflection of the smile of cosmic action when it considers itself as an inseparable part of the existing, manifested Cosmos. Hierarchy (1931) - 5: For some, Shambhala is the Truth. For others, Shambhala is a utopia. For some the Ruler of Shambhala is a venerable sage. For others, the Ruler of Shambhala is the manifestation of riches. For some, the Ruler of Shambhala is a bedecked idol. For others, the Ruler of Shambhala is the Ruler of all Planetary Spirits. But We shall say, The Ruler of Shambhala is the fiery Impeller of Life and of the Fire of the Mother of the World. His Breath is ablaze with flame and His Heart is aglow with the fire of the Silvery Lotus. Heart (1932) - 117: 117. Intolerance is a sign of ignobility of spirit. Intolerance contains embryos of the most evil acts. There is no place for the manifestation of the growth of the spirit where intolerance breeds. The heart is unlimited, which indicates how poor a heart must be in order to deprive itself of Infinity! It is necessary to uproot every means that can lead to the idol of intolerance. Mankind has invented various obstacles to ascent. The dark forces are trying by all means to restrain evolution. Of course, as the first assault there is an action against Hierarchy. Everyone has heard about the power of Blessing, but because of ignorance they have transformed this beneficent action into superstition. And yet the power of the Magnet exists in strengthening through Blessing. Much is spoken about cooperation, but at each creative act it is necessary to affirm the consciousness. And what strengthens the power more directly than the Ray of Hierarchy! AUM (1936) - 324: Many errors have been accumulated in the course of thousands of years. People began to measure good by a gold standard. Men, carrying gold and precious stones into the temple, assured themselves that these represented the world's best attainments. People filled themselves with false concepts about treasures; they remembered the legend about gold as the source of evil, but they hastened to transform it into a fairy tale. The history of mankind reveals repeated revolts against gold. Each great Teacher has manifested himself an insurgent against gold, and people have hastened to kill each daring rebel against their cherished idol. Indeed, I do not speak of a lump of gold itself but of the entire horror which surrounds it.