Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 35: Do not think of Fire as an abstract concept. Although we do not summon you to the stake, We do not detach you from daily life. Verily, We see Fire even in the most humble worker, if in his spirit lives the song of the endless joy of labor. We shall say that We value each manifestation of true labor, leading toward evolution. Search for this identity and you will become identical with the higher. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 202: 202. The spiral striving lives in the entire Cosmos. Whither a striving spirit propels itself, the circles of its lives are born. Thus, the spirit itself establishes the exact spiral of its ascent. A striving of the spirit toward crude manifestations describes a corresponding circle in the Cosmos. Striving of the spirit toward higher manifestations describes also a corresponding circle. This law applies to all manifestations. When We speak of the centers of the Cosmos, We are also speaking of the corresponding centers of the Agni Yogi. The powers of energies are distributed according to identity, and the power of the most subtle energies will be absorbed by the sensitive organism. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 244: 244. The vibrations testify to the reception of a manifestation of Fire. When a ray is sent, the responding aspiration assimilates the Spatial Fire. The currents of all the fires of Space create their vehicles. The cosmic vibration establishes an identity in all energies. Much is said about the molecular vibrations, but it should be added that there are so many vibrating elements that the Spatial Fire vibrates in the entire Cosmos, evoking the responsive currents. It may be asserted definitely that the power of the vibrations of the creative energy corresponds to the force of the current of the Magnet. In all human creative beginnings the cosmic vibration reverberates, and one causal world is clearly interlaced with the other; thus one can link the past with the future. By establishing reality as a responding vibration, a karmic correlation can be revealed. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 274: 274. In the world of causes and effects, the principal law is that of identity. The property of predestination establishes that the cause will be evinced in the chain of effects. The aggregate of the effects reveals the aggregate of causes. Only identity can predetermine the approaching form. The existing elements are open to transmutation, but first they must become incarnate, subject to the law of identity, or, as it is called, "affinity." Thus, from old forms new forms are born, in an eternal evolutionary process. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet asserts the law of identity. It is an ancient truth that creativeness, in attracting the needed elements, finds ratification in the Infinite. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 275: 275. Identity impels the Fire of Space to the centers of the tensed Agni Yogi. The Cosmic Magnet responds only when the attraction is intensely felt. When the centers are creating psychically it may be stated that identity is in force. The psycho-creativeness of an Agni Yogi is combined with the manifestation of the Magnet, and man must accept the conception of the fiery transmissions. The psychic seeds saturate the space and testify to the creativeness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 285: 285. The principle of attraction of psychic seeds is called the pull of the Cosmic Magnet. The basis of attraction lies in the spatial current of identity. The one transmitting the current arouses an identical current, and the vibration of the Cosmic Magnet responds to the propelled energy. Hence, the psychic seeds determine the future of evolution. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 292: 292. The pulsation activates the fire of the centers. The tensed fire of an Agni Yogi proceeds along with that of the Cosmic Magnet; the currents pulsate identically. Upon different spheres the currents are driven along by the manifested pulsations. It cannot be said that different spheres are isolated, but one may assert that different spheres act according to identity. Naturally, the currents of the old forces are worked over and a new cosmic force is generated. Thus, the property of pulsation is preserved in all spheres. Thus, the fire of an Agni Yogi asserts new forces of the Cosmic Magnet. The fires of an Agni Yogi verily point out the path to the far-off worlds. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 302: The Magnet of the Perfect Heart foresees the intercourse with the striving spirit. Whither will the light-imparting ray of the Perfect Heart be directed? Each conscious response is a vibration of identity. Therefore, in turn, the emanations of the centers also propel, evoking a conscious striving. The centers of creative Fire build the steps of humanity. The fires of an Agni Yogi are therefore impelled with such diversity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 14: The creativeness of the centers reacts to all manifestations of the higher aspects of self-sacrifice. When the transmutation of Fire will enter life, it will be possible to say, "Verily, the Cosmic Ordinance is realized!" Cosmos imbues all lives with Fire, and for a new manifestation one should develop in oneself identical energies. In this identity are comprised all worlds. In this identity is comprised the mission of an Agni Yogi. Hence, the vibrations which the centers of an Agni Yogi assimilate are identical with the fires of space. Thus, I see the invisible creativeness of the centers. By the records of the creative fires one may determine the spirit creativeness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 74: 74. In the intercourse with the projectile energies, a link of identity is outlined like that manifested between the pull of the Magnet and these energies. Each intercourse sets the foundation of a magnetic spiral, and upon this spiral the world energy is built. The fiery Agni Yogi experiences the adherence to the world spiral. All spiritual leaders of humanity feel the attraction of the world spiral and act in accordance with it. The spiritual leaders strive with the course of evolution. Hence, when intercourse with the Cosmic Magnet is established, cosmic fires are assimilated. Therefore, when the Spatial Fire creates, the spiritual leaders penetrate into the fiery spiral. The sensitiveness of the spiritual leaders allows them to assimilate the energy of the subtle spheres, transmuting it in life. Hence, life cannot flow without these fiery streams. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 245: 245. Harmony creates a forceful current. This forceful current results in a combination which has identity. In a harmonized combination, the tensed force of the Magnet is saturated with the pull of energies. Therefore, each harmonized form bears within itself a wondrous flame of attraction. Thus, when the Cosmic Magnet strains its forces, the Spatial Fire responds with vibrations. The principle of response to the call of the Magnet creates a cosmic striving. The call and the response intensify all cosmic currents. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 254: 254. The entire cosmic creation is built upon the law of striving. The entire structure is maintained upon cosmic attraction. All the consequences engendered by humanity construct their own spheres. Therefore, when Our tensions evoke currents of constructivity, the strain brings into focus currents of identity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 390: 390. The spiritual tensions are subject to the law of identity. The vortices take hold of all spiritual strivings. Hence, when the spirit is strained toward a shifting, nothing can stop it. The creators of whirls saturate the entire space and pull cosmic thoughts into their orbits. Hence, each thought of an Agni Yogi is a vortex; and the flame of the spirit is intensified by the striving Agni Yogi. Thus, each striving thought creates a new orbit, and all tensions are so sensed by the centers of a flaming spirit. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 401: 401. Verily, when the essential constructiveness is impelled through the higher fires to give to the world a new step, there are no earthly standards for measuring it. Only that which has identity can produce the identical. That which is affirmed by the highest can be measured only by the highest, and all earthly colorings cannot measure Essence. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 419: 419. The law governing the function of saturation is applied through attraction and identity of energies. When the impelled creative impulse gathers the affirmed energies in space, the law of the function of correspondence gathers the manifested fires. Humanity must understand that each force that enters into life creates upon the visible plane but is intensified by an invisible lever. Hence, one must seek in space for the saturating Fire and accept the law which serves as a link between striving and the creativeness of Fire. Thus, We strain the spatial manifestations into conformity with cosmic manifestations. The laws of spatial fires and human actions have identical driving force. Thus, the lowest attracts the lowest and the highest attracts the highest. But the law demands striving, and evolution is built by the manifestation of the higher attraction. Hierarchy (1931) - 130: 130. During construction one should develop all strivings toward synonymous understanding. Each task carries equivalent strength. One should strive toward finding this key. One cannot demand that a great manifestation be gauged by small measures. A small thought cannot be embellished. Small thoughts cannot make a hero. Only a subtle identity affords correspondence. Therefore the highest to the highest. The higher, the more affirming; only thus can one grow and introduce the predestined into life. The Highest Plan requires application of the highest measures. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 84: 84. Urusvati knows how much man is constantly guided by the Primal Energy. From the greatest achievements to the most ordinary, everyday events, people are under the influence of the Primal Energy, which has been given so many names that it has lost its identity in the eyes of humanity. It is time to restore its basic significance, and not use any of the former names but retain only the simplest and most expressive one, Primal Energy. The most important thing is for people to learn to sense its presence, then cooperation with it will be realized. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93: 93. Urusvati knew long ago the identity of the Founder of the Brotherhood. It is possible to trace the long chain of incarnations and the periods in the Subtle World, yet in all this diversity the fundamental, unchanging goal of existence should be discerned. Similarly, one can see how, though earthly temples and strongholds have perished, the ideas that brought them into being have not died. Not only do they nourish entire generations, but, as centuries go by they continue to flourish beautifully with a new understanding. We pay no attention to superficial fluctuations, knowing that the essence is unchangeable. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 175: He trained His disciples to bear insults with courage, and said, "Darkness battles with light in an effort to preserve its identity. We may fear darkness, but darkness also fears us. Can Light ever be reconciled with darkness? Can one serve darkness and at the same time be a Light-bearer?" Thus the Teacher illustrated that one cannot serve two principles.