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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ID > IDENTIFIED (9)

New Era Community (1926) - 168:
One can have no doubt in the potency of the will, but it is another matter to determine its power in life. How to find and discern the conditions under which a desire can pierce the being identified by our will? It is particularly necessary to watch the sparks of our consciousness. Even when a body is almost invisible the lightning of thought nevertheless flashes, and on the point of this lightning is life and death.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 342:
342. In analyzing matter, many elements have been identified, but there are two that are not yet discovered or named. The first is the deposit of psychic energy, and the second, the substance of Fire. As long as the crystal of psychic energy is not found, the substance of Fire will not be identified. Just as the deposits of psychic energy can be found through imperil, the substance of Fire will be found through observing the tension of psychic energy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 175:
175. Creativeness with incessancy of tension molds the better form. There exists a difference between the applied activity of an Agni Yogi and that of an ordinary man. The fire in the activity of an Agni Yogi is invisible and incomprehensible to the human mind, which admits only that which is visible. Hence, the great Cosmic Fire in different epochs was identified by different terms. When the spirit exercises its will to penetrate into the mystery of cosmic fusion, it can then assimilate the power of the cosmic energies. The invisible force becomes clear to him and, through the current of the Cosmic Magnet, he can sense the beauty manifested.

Hierarchy (1931) - 149:
149. It was never said to rely upon the Lord. On the contrary, it was repeated, "Be imbued with the Lord!" There is a great difference between timid and inactive reliance and imbuing the entire being with the consciousness of the Lord. As an invincible sword, the consciousness identified with the Lord smites all obstacles! Doubt cannot find shelter where a flaming consciousness is kindled. There will be no fatigue where the inexhaustible Source of Forces is admitted. Fear cannot penetrate into the temple of invulnerable armor. Thus, I advise acceptance of My Shields, not through recourse to a saving protection, but by conquering through the blending of consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 259:
259. You have already heard about certain empty tombs. You have heard about a very ancient custom, when sometimes a substitution was made for one thought to be dead. It must not be forgotten that through the ages a great many extraordinary actions have been accomplished, and not just once had a life to be interrupted. People have been initiated into the mysteries of existence, and so many names have been inscribed upon empty sepulchres! Thus, apart from the beaten paths of history, inscrutable achievements are created. One must become accustomed in one's consciousness to a great deal which is not governed by earthly laws. Who can affirm how events are being created? One can observe only a few outward signs, but the real channel of life is not written down in the state archives. Thus, people are astonished when one who, according to a tomb inscription, is supposed to be deceased, reappears ten years later and is identified by many persons. Of course, it is easy to overlook indisputable proofs. but honest observers can gather authentic evidence of many such events. Actually there is a history of the outer world and of the inner. It is not sorcery nor magic, but the path of the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 438:
438. Desperation is bad, but there is another measure of extreme intensity which is necessary for attainment. Externally it can almost be identified with the limit of despair, but in essence they will be opposites. Despair is destructive, but the extreme limit of tension is constructive.

AUM (1936) - 455:
455. Let us not anticipate from young scholars a very important investigation regarding the historical names of psychic energy. Unquestionably, among different peoples the presence of this energy was observed long ago. Each age noticed its new qualities and symbolized them in its own way. Some identified psychic energy with light, adding to it the concept of illumination and luminosity; others noted its magnetic nature or its dynamics; the manifestation of its lightning speed was also observed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 330:
330. Frequently there occur fallacies about the names of energies. People cannot understand why the primary energy is called by different names. But there may be names which were given by different peoples. Moreover, the manifestation of different aspects of it has been identified by many definitives. It is impossible to establish a single designation for manifestations which are so very diverse. In the history of humanity it can be traced how attentively people have detected the subtlest shades of this same energy. It would seem that at present observations ought to be deepened, but in fact it proves to be almost the opposite. People are attempting to justify themselves by the complexity of life, but it is more accurate to explain this as aimless dispersion of thinking. The more should one repeat about the art of thinking. If it be not sufficiently developed in schools, then the family must come to its assistance. One should not allow man to become scatter-brained, that is to say, irresponsible.


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