Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.12: 3.3.12. The dates of nations' destinies can be cognized according to the waves of the understanding of religion. Where there is obvious unbelief, there the harvest of God is already near. But where there is hypocritical splendor, there the sword is ready. The example of Saul will be instructive. New Era Community (1926) - 148: 148. People do not eat corpses, yet slaughtered animals are eaten. One must ask, "Wherein is the difference - is not a slaughtered animal a corpse?" We advise not to use meat for reasons of simple goal-fitness. Indeed, anyone understands that to make use of decomposing cells is harmful. But when does this decomposition begin? At the moment of cessation of the functions of life the body looses its protective radiation and decomposition sets in immediately. Therefore, worldly wisdom about not eating corpses is hypocritical. We recommend farinaceous food, dairy products and vegetables, where there is less decomposition. New Era Community (1926) - 162: 162. Whoever makes assertions about his devotion to the real and the authentic must particularly welcome the discernment of reality. Not hypocritical stammering before the method of a recognized authority, but the struggle and burning in quest of reality. Verily irresistibly, verily unalterably, in such vehemence of striving that neither lofty mountain nor small hill hides space. New Era Community (1926) - 213: 213. Say to the hypocritical contemplators that if contemplation is a tension of energy and accumulation for a leap, then from the "Lion" comes ordainment of such action. But if contemplation is an indolence and indifference, then it is impossible to represent this shameful pastime as a great Covenant. New Era Community (1926) - 229: Testing is applied continually in the community. The newest forms of life are not excluded from testing. You know that We are opposed to school tests announced beforehand. Likewise We are against announcing in advance the testing periods. These superficial acquisitions of knowledge and hypocritical lines of conduct do not hasten but delay development. I do not recall any outstanding public figure whose training was subjected to these hypocritical conditions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 156: Thus, the truth is not an abstraction; it is the realization of cosmic laws based upon direct experience. Therefore, though an honest accountant can make an error in his figures without becoming dishonest, an accurate but hypocritical person will not gain the power of spiritual effectiveness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 610: 610. Many think about worldwide peace. But if you dare to utter these words, you will be subjected to the most rude and hypocritical attacks. People are even afraid of peace, for their consciousness cannot accommodate this benevolence. But those who have broadened their consciousness, on the other hand, must untiringly speak about the opening of the gates of peace. Hierarchy (1931) - 354: 354. Some people cannot tolerate Our frequent reminders about battle. For them let it be not a battle, but the opening of the Gates. The process of opening also requires energy; but for you, without need of hypocritical palliation, it may be said that the battle of Light against darkness proceeds incessantly. Many warriors help in this battle, otherwise we again would be engulfed in Chaos. Often the participants in the battle ask why, in their physical shells, they do not remember the achievements of their subtle bodies. But it would be criminal on Our part to permit such consciousness. The heart could not bear the realization of so gigantic a battle. Only an especially flaming heart retains the black missiles in its consciousness. The heart is stopped, either because of realization or through sclerosis. But the cosmic battle can strike at the strongest heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 578: 578. Even during Earthly life people transform their appearance through their passions. How greatly is this quality of justice magnified in the Subtle World! You have already seen how the dwellers of the Subtle World are transformed - some become luminous, some become darkened and even disfigured to the most horrible extent. With very few exceptions no one on Earth cares to see in this self-transformation the law of justice. People do not realize that they must take the necessary precautions in time, at least for the sake of their own appearance. Each thought honeyed by a hypocritical smile flowers according to its merit in the Subtle World. And if Agni has not been called into action, the ugly grimace of the true personality is almost ineradicable. Moreover, few of those disfigured by malice have enough sense to turn toward the Light in time. According to the law of progression, they keep rolling down into the dark abysses until a sudden reversal takes place, often inducing a reaction in the darkest one. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 498: 498. Is it possible to want to have false thoughts? When the day of photographing the aura comes, many will attempt to replace their habitual thoughts with something more beautiful just invented. Indeed, people know how to shed simulated tears. Petty cunning individuals will try to conceal their essential natures, but the film will prove to be quite revealing. A remarkable experiment will take place. Hypocritical thought will only make the picture worse, spattering it, as it were, with dark spots. Thus, new cunning will not be successful. Sincere, inherent thought produces clear rays. The needed sacred aspirations will have clear colors. Soon advancement will be made in the photographing of the aura. But it is difficult to reconcile the polarity of the photographer with the photographed person. Many trials will be required. Likewise is needed a particular, as it were, ozonizing apparatus, for purifying the surrounding atmosphere. AUM (1936) - 135: Question people of different beliefs as to the firmness of their conception of the Higher World. You will receive a multitude of the most evasive replies. Many will refuse to answer at all, screening themselves by a hypocritical reluctance to talk about such a subject. Others will repeat memorized formulae which do not live in their hearts. A third group will affirm that the world was created two thousand years BC. Thus, instead of spiritualized responses full of love and solemnity, you may receive heaps of dry leaves. AUM (1936) - 139: 139. In the world treasury are many covenants and legends which affirm the Higher World. People cannot justify themselves by pleading a lack of indications guiding them to knowledge. It is usual to hear complaints of the lack of knowledge as to the path to the Higher World. Such laments are hypocritical! These disgruntled ones will not take the trouble to seek out the Source. One may notice to what an extent aspiring people, even under the most unfavorable conditions, find strength to discover the Light. We watch over such light-bearers who overcome the most incredible difficulties. AUM (1936) - 537: 537. Only a clear realization of the Subtle World enables people to recognize earthly property without hypocritical renunciations. Man will understand what property belongs to him, and earthly things will find their due place in the long human existence. The essence is not in renunciation, but in realization of the especially Beautiful. Brotherhood (1937) - 247: 247. We never advise feigning a smile. As each unjust pronouncement is repellent, so, too, a hypocritical mask will be an indicator of falseness and of sickness of the aura. But we ask you to be more good in heart - this is the very best balm. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13: When We speak about unity, We assume that the heart is alive. The most repulsive sight is hypocritical unity. Many have dreamed of approaching the Brotherhood, but precisely because of their hypocrisy they have failed. Hypocrisy cannot enter into Our Abode. Participation in the Great Service cannot be feigned. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 236: 236. Urusvati knows that astrology is used in medicine and by some government leaders who consult the astrological signs. One might think that these practices would strengthen the importance of astrology as a science, but in reality this is not so. These statesmen do not admit that they consult horoscopes, nor do the physicians and judges reveal how they arrive at some of their conclusions. They obtain the information secretly, and outwardly ridicule it. Thus, astrology is tainted by people's ugly approach to it, and a hypocritical approach to this science is reinforced. How much wiser it would be to accept this ancient science and affirm it, just as one accepts the newest scientific discoveries! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 264: 264. Urusvati knows that prayer is often hypocritical. We have already spoken about the significance of prayer, but it is necessary to mention the harm of hypocritical or hired prayer. People do not realize the extreme harm in any kind of falsehood, but hypocrisy and bribery are its grossest expressions. One should realize how pervasively each false thought spreads. It is indeed blasphemous to hire someone for prayer. It is criminal to try to deceive Him who is considered by people as the Most High. Monstrous examples can be cited of people who mumbled prayers and at the same time plotted murder. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322: Truly, slavery flourishes even more in enlightened capitals than in barbaric marketplaces. People have not freed themselves from the idea of slavery, and in order to satisfy modern standards of behavior they invent new pompous, hypocritical justifications. Behind these disguises is concealed a most hateful rapaciousness, and individuals are given less sympathy than dogs. Indeed, dogs are often treated better than humans.