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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HY > HYPOCRITE (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 16:
16. Of no great merit are those who cannot distinguish the swallow from the vulture. But of what merit are those who believe that by plucking the eagle's wing they can turn it into a helpless duck? Beware of hypocrites, especially those immersed in greed - those cunning ones who stir their "spiritual" stew. The manifestation of the inviolability of the world's laws flashes like a sword. There is no spot for the hypocrite to lay his head. The teacher who has not assimilated the Indications of the Teaching is like an ass under a too-heavy load of grain. Likewise, the fisherman who has prepared his baskets for fish he cannot catch is like a fox outside a well-locked chicken coop.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 108:
108. Who is the traitor? The slanderer, the one who fails to speak, the one who misappropriates, the hypocrite, the denier, and the one desiring the downfall of the Teaching.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 166:
166. Everyone has within himself some kind of Yoga, even if only in a rudimentary stage or in a distorted form. People can be classified not only according to the elements, but also according to Yogas. Often in a hypocrite you find a perversion of Bhakti Yoga; in an overbearing athlete, Hatha Yoga; in a zealot, Raja Yoga; and in a bigot, Jnana Yoga. But what can match the heights of the true Yoga, which links the earthly consciousness with the cosmic pulse? Can one imagine anything that could replace the fundamental striving of the incarnate spirit; something that could imbue one with astral understanding; something that would make clear the purpose of mankind's existence? It is the study of Agni Yoga that brings one closer to the far-off worlds.

Heart (1932) - 301:
301. Tell friends of thought about the world, of thought about all worlds! Let the harmful thought of the hypocrite not approach them "What does my thought mean to the world?" Whoever has thought in this manner has not renounced self. Of course, each warrior sends only one arrow, but if everyone spares his arrow then the entire army will remain defenseless. Why, then, the cross of the world?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 562:
562. When I permitted you to record Our Communions, I did not conceal from you that people would utter many evil words about the most lofty concepts. He who thinks about good must not be astonished when he is called a hypocrite, a necromancer, a murderer, and a liar. As if obsessed, people will apply the most unfitting epithets to him. Wherever there is not thought about good the evil tongue is always ready.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 499:
499. Spirituality is both an earned and natural quality. On the middle steps it can be cultivated, but it is necessary to begin such transformation from birth. One must provide a pure atmosphere, not darken the imagination with base views. Learn to rejoice at the truly highest and beautiful, eschew luxury and any form of filth. The spiritual man will not be a hypocrite, nor will he be liar nor coward. He will cognize labor as an indispensable means of perfectionment, but his heart prayer will be flamingly beautiful.

AUM (1936) - 362:
Let us take the conversation of two people. If there is mutual trust, the radiations will be excellent and will even improve from the combining of energies. Now let us observe if one of the two is a hypocrite, or if they mutually distrust each other, the aura will be repulsive, with black and gray spots. Moreover, the two hypocrites will do mutual harm, and there will be no better hotbed for the germination of their diseases. More than that, space will be infected from such a wrong employment of energy.


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