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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HY > HYPOCHONDRIAC (3)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 219:
219. Which of the conventional types of humanity expresses the fiery heart? The customary trend of thought may surmise the type to be of sanguinary nature, or, at least choleric, but this conclusion is an ignorant one. The fiery heart is a synthesized essence and cannot be fitted into purely conventional categories. It can only be asserted that the hypochondriac does not reflect the fiery essence. Thus, one must imagine the fiery heart as an all-containing receptacle. The fires of such a heart will also not be uniform. Who can limit Buddhi by blue color? It may be asked of which shade is this vibrating blue color? In any scale there will be a blue tone, depending on the outer and inner chemism. Also, let us not forget daltonism, which is widely developed. Thus, within a single law the fiery heart will find all the riches that befit the splendor of the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 561:
561. It is better to go to sleep with a prayer than with a curse. It is better to begin the day with a blessing than in bitterness. It is better to partake of food with a smile than with dread. It is better to enter upon a task with joy than with depression. Thus have spoken all the mothers of the world; thus have heard all the children of the world. Without Yoga, the simple heart knows what is needed for advance. In can be defined in any terms, but the significance of a joyous and solemn foundation is preserved throughout all time. The Yoga of Fire must strengthen the basis of ascent. The Agni Yoga is first of all not a hypochondriac; he summons all those who are strong and joyous of spirit. When joy keeps its glow even under the most difficult circumstances, the Agni Yogi is filled with impregnable strength. There, beyond the most difficult ascent, the Fiery World begins. The manifestation of the Fiery World is immutable. A Yogi knows that nothing can stop him from attaining the Fiery World. Thus, the first prayer of a mother and the very splendor of the Fiery Worlds are on the same thread of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 156:
156. What is hypochondria? Many confuse it with autosuggestion, but the latter is only an effect of the former. Hypochondria in its essence is very infectious and destructive. It can be defined physiologically as the dissolution of heart energy. Such a process interrupts the protective work of the nerve centers. The enemy's entrance into the stronghold is not a matter of autosuggestion, but far worse; the defenders of the stronghold, instead of resisting, open the gates to the enemy. It is difficult to cure, for hypochondria is not always subject to suggestion. The process of dissolution cannot be replaced by suggestion. It is necessary to heal the wounded nerve tissue. Here strength can be built up only by nerve exercise. Consequently, hypochondriac people must be confronted with the most unexpected, in order to produce the most acute reactions and to create an indirect tension of the nerve tissue. Such tension is like gymnastics for the nerve centers. Rest and disuse of the nerve centers is not always beneficial, notwithstanding the usual counsel of ordinary physicians. On the contrary, the ancient wisdom says, "You are afraid, therefore you will be doubly frightened." "You have ceased being afraid, consequently you can behold the Fiery Gates." Hypochondria must not be confused with doubt. True, these two are sisters, whose mother is ignorance. Hypochondria is a certain established mode of thinking, whereas doubt is a dark obstacle. It is difficult to say which of the vipers is the more harmful. One should free oneself from hypochondria as from an obstruction before the Fiery World. Many things are erroneously thought to be synonymous. Ponder over them, over different facets of definition. Who knows which of these will open the broadest vista in realization of cause and effect?


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