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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HU > HURRICANES (3)

Heart (1932) - 502:
502. Is it possible that people are unaware of the peculiar character of heat, storms, hurricanes? Thus, you rightly grieve for nature, which is sickened by human madness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 166:
166. It should be remembered how accurate is each of Urusvati's indications, and also that each of her sensations has a basis. Not only fiery eruptions and earthquakes, but even distant hurricanes are registered in the sensations, and these perceptions are infallible, for the fiery consciousness contacts everything sensitively; also, there are no errors in judging people, for each one displays his essential nature to the fiery consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 211:
211. You have already seen that thousands of people may perish in a single hurricane. Is it possible that the manifestation of ominous storms does not impel humanity to reflect as tow hence comes such imbalance that not only hurricanes and earthquakes, but even floods reach the highest dimensions? It is a fact that millions of people have already perished, but the consciousness continues to grow worse. It would be fair to ask humanity how many tens of millions of victims are required before a change of consciousness is recognized.


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