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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HU > HUNGRY (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.5:
One of Our Friends once went forth by the mountain path, and, being accustomed to long marches, went beyond the protected boundary and there fell into a deep faint. What then did Our telescopic apparati show? Our Friend was lying on the brink of a very dangerous precipice. A member of a geographical expedition, having become lost from his caravan, hastened to Him. Although himself hungry and weakened, he lifted up Our Friend, Who was very tall of stature, and carried Him along the footpath. It should be explained that only by increased nerve tension could he have been able to lift such a weight. When those sent by Us arrived, the traveler himself fell into a still deeper swoon. But his excessive burden had made him Our co-worker.

New Era Community (1926) - 144:
When Buddha called a man malodorous, he had first of all in mind the spiritual consciousness. This gangrenous process is not subject to cure. In Our structures avoid touching such people. Spending time on them is equal to depriving a waiting, hungry man of a morsel of food.

New Era Community (1926) - 264:
Now, how is it possible to broaden the consciousness if past experience is not applied? True, enlightenment is possible, but this occurrence is so rare that it is not mentioned. Yet even experienced knowledge must be brought out; otherwise it will wander about like flakes of unsettled reactions. Amid the monotony of conventionalities only a few sense the reality of Cosmos. Among these scrolls of births, sicknesses, sorrows and deaths few will find the scroll of the path without end and without beginning. How to tell the hungry one about eternity? Based upon present experience, he will imagine eternal hunger. Who then, and where, is he who first breaking bread will lead to eternity? Bread of the Earth and Knowledge are manifested only in cooperation.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 112:
112. I realize how difficult it is for the hungry one to wait for his soup to boil, but it is necessary for the dangerous microbes to perish. While preparing ourselves for space, let us gaze into the far-off worlds. Let us feel ourselves as participants with them. The link with them makes the densification of the astral, or subtle, body more achievable, and the sounds of the far-off worlds may soon be discerned. Connections of the far-off worlds with the physical body will be possible in the approaching future.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 192:
Explain the meaning of the tests by cold and hunger, and all other measures. An ignorant person will be puzzled about how to overcome feelings of cold or hunger. The one who understands the essence of things knows that these sensations cannot be made to disappear, but the spirit can be strengthened so that nothing will unsettle it. A hungry one will find means to satisfy his hunger if his spirit has not descended to an animal condition. A cold one can warm himself as long as his spirit understands why he must protect himself. Without this, there will be only an animal-like irritation, confusion of consciousness, and downfall.

Heart (1932) - 331:
331. Refinement of the heart predicates the eschewal of a meat diet; furthermore an understanding of the Subtle World not only indicates the harm of assimilating decaying products but also reveals what neighbors decomposition attracts. Truly, it is difficult to decide where lies the greatest harm - from the assimilation of meat or from attraction by meat of undesirable guests. Even the dried and smoked meats, which are relatively less harmful, nevertheless, by their odor, attract hungry ones from the Subtle World, and if they are welcomed by abominable speech, the most harmful associations result. As you have heard, many partake of food in silence, or accompany it by worthy conversation. Of course, no decay is permissible, even vegetables must not be permitted to decompose. People need little - two fruits, some cereal, and milk. Thus one not only may be purified internally but also rid oneself of many neighbors. Is it not necessary for the physicians who study the means of fighting cancer and gallstones to pay attention to this elementary prophylaxis? People speak of burning incense and the use of perfumes. But certain poisons are aromatic and kill the consciousness! This study also should not be forgotten.

Brotherhood (1937) - 283:
283. Whoever in speaking attributes the Teaching of Life to himself falls into falsehood. The Sources of the Teaching are beyond human limits. The Truth has been written down in Infinity, but each day it reveals a new hieroglyph of its eternalness. Mad is he who while on earth arrogates to himself the Teaching of Life. The loftiest sage considers himself a messenger. Not the new is proclaimed, but what is needed for the hour. The steward summons to the meal; this is not new, but for the hungry it is extremely important. So much the worse if someone obstructs the call to a meal. He who hinders forges shackles for himself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 284:
284. If someone turns away a hungry man, he is near to being a murderer. Seldom is there not a bit of bread in the house. Hardness, avarice, cruelty, are not on the threshold of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 372:
Our instructions are quite clear, yet there will be people who try to confuse others and cause harm. These troublemakers will assure everyone that We allow the use of wine, narcotics, and meat, and they will demand absolute abstinence. Yet, should they be hungry or ill, they will be the first to accuse the Teacher of allowing them no exceptions.


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