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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HI > HINDU (9)

New Era Community (1926) - 137:
137. A cosmogonic Hindu tale relates "There lived long ago a terrible monster who devoured people. Once the monster was pursuing an intended victim and the man, seeking to save himself, plunged into a lake. The monster sprang after him, but the swimmer threw himself on the back of the monster and took firm hold of its projecting crest. The monster could not turn over on its back because its belly was unprotected. It rushed about in a furious course, waiting for the man to become exhausted. But the thought came to the man that, in maintaining his desperate plight, he was saving humanity, and with this pan-human thought his strength became unlimited and inexhaustible. The monster, meanwhile, increased its speed until sparks formed a fiery wake. Amid flames the monster began to rise above the earth. The universal thought of the man had uplifted even the enemy.

New Era Community (1926) - 216:
In Our Hindu writings you have encountered the expression "play" applied to cosmic concepts. The play of the Great Mother of the World - is it not visible to the illumined consciousness? And the drama of blood - is it not changed in the light of radiant matter. Yet for the radiant play it is necessary to have a prepared hour.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 84:
We need not always take examples from giants or heroes. I recall a Hindu boy who had found his Teacher. We asked him, "Is it possible that the sun would seem dark to you if you saw it without the Teacher?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 101:
"Wisdom in all," recalls the Hindu. "Cooperation in all" will be added to this in the Age of Maitreya. Not only by command, not just by harmony, but by the lightning-bolt of directed thought are the co-workers united.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 205:
One can ask a Hindu boy if he would want to have a Guru. No word is needed in reply, because the boy's eyes will shine with desire, striving, and devotion. The fire of Aryavarta will burn in his eyes. The stream of the Rig-Veda will flow on the slopes of the mountains.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 102:
102. In its timelessness and spacelessness thought belongs to the Subtle World, but still deeper possibilities must also be discerned in this construction. Fiery thought penetrates deeper than that of the Subtle World, therefore fiery thought more truly manifests the higher creativeness. With attention, everyone can distinguish these two strata of thought. During the usual trend of thought we are often conscious of a current, as it were, of a second thought, which clarifies and intensifies the first. This is not a division of the thought, on the contrary, it is a sign that deeper centers have begun an active participation. This flaming process is indicated by special terms in Hindu metaphysics, but we shall not dwell on them, for it will lead to dispute and Western arguments. Such controversies are of no use, all that is needed is a simple reminder of the fact that thought is linked with the Fiery World. Even children exclaim, "It came like a flash!" or, "It's dawned upon me!" Thus are called the moments of correct and instantaneous decisions. One may remember how Mme. Kovalevsky solved mathematical problems. Such a fiery condition linked with the Fiery World is characteristic. You know that above the subtle thoughts there are profound thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to separate from the thoughts of the Subtle World. This is not possible in the present state of our planet. The experience alone of this dual trend of thought should compel us to realize the division of the worlds.

Brotherhood (1937) - 323:
323. Kriyasakti in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. I use the Hindu word to show how long ago people defined this energy with complete precision. Is it possible that present day thinkers will lag behind their forefathers? Right now thought-creativeness is found to be under such doubt that it is included in the humanities, whereas according to contemporary terminology, mental energy ought rather to be a part of the physical sciences. Thus, let those who assail thought-energy find themselves in the camp of the ignorant. Do not think that I am saying anything new; unfortunately, there are too few worthy cognizant ones, and as a result the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery. Therefore it is indispensable to dispel superstition and ignorance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
49. Urusvati has observed Our collectors of medicinal plants. Some of them know that they labor for an important purpose, but most of them gather the plants without that understanding. They take the plants to a specified place where someone receives and pays for them. This may sometimes be a Chinese trader, but the arrival of a Sart or a Hindu in no way puzzles these humble workers.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
We speak of a drop of poison, but one small word can be equally poisonous. It is lamentable indeed that people do not consider the words they utter. The process of evolution is long, but it does not seem to improve the quality of human thoughts and words. Let us recall the high standard of Hindu and Greek philosophers. Can the twentieth century take pride in an equal refinement of thought?


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