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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HI > HIGH (141)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 14:
14. Carrying the spear of life, breathe smilingly the life-giving ether of the sun. Take up your spear at sunrise and guide your steeds of morning towards the searing high noon of life.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 45:
45. The miracle of Beauty in the adornment of our daily lives will exalt mankind. Raise high your light. Illumine the beauties of My Temple. Teach the Joy of Beauty. Teach the Happiness of Wisdom. Teach the Bliss of Love. Teach the Glory of Unity with God. I will grant you the power and fleetness of Mercury. Go forward without doubt, without fear, without turning back.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 190:
190. The full spectrum of light is sometimes unpleasant to the human eye because of its high vibrations.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 294:
294. Some dwell in cellars, some in attics. Others are content with a room in another's dwelling. And some possess an entire house. I wish to give a house to those who dwell with Us. It is not bad to own a house. Glorious is it to admire the sunrise from the terraced garden. And cheaply do We sell the house. A word from the heart and a beautiful deed - Not high is the price. Understand the advantage from this. Understand it at least in a worldly sense.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 377:
377. I will show My Shield to those who are on the way. I will show it to those who strike down each manifestation of selfishness. I will show it to those who keep appointed dates. I will show it to those who sense the path of Service. I will show it to those who cover their tents with My Name. I will show it to those who bear high their shields. I have revealed to you My Will - do not transgress it. I lead you; turn not away nor rend the web of podvig.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 428:
I feel that you can understand. I am speaking about serious matters. I can raise My Hand for the chosen ones. I will hold high a shield. Denarius, accursed offspring, obstruct not the path of Light! Denarius, belittle not a pure manifestation. Do not fail to see the clouds - Life is joyful for him who has wings. My Smile shields you.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.15:
It is tempting to receive immediate material advantages. Even intelligent men have no objection to receiving a title, not weighing its consequences. The cemetery is full of high titles; this is the memorial to that fence which is the insulation of matter.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.9:
2.8.9. I wish to recall the cult of the high priestesses. There was one group which was brought into an exalted state by means of chemical preparations; another by way of magnetic currents; and there were also low grades of conjurations and mechanical whirling. Then began the inward concentration on the threshold of sleep or the concentration upon a brilliant object. The knowledge which came from within, without any apparent conditions, was considered the highest.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.11:
One may cite many examples when even high Magi left behind them unexpected consequences and a desire to find support in the lower strata of matter. Such perversion could be termed the channel of the intellect, and can arrest for a long time the communion with other worlds.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.13:
Before dawn he sank into a stupor, and at daybreak, when the sun illumined the pylons of the temple and the priests intoned the morning prayer, the High Priest unlocked the door, awakened the neophyte, and led him into a dazzling hall, where he received his new name and was reborn in exaltation of the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.2:
3.3.2. Let us imagine the Earth crammed with wireless stations. But a few of them will be of very high tension. Only these few will direct the life of the planet. Exactly so do there exist spirits of high intensity who have fully charged their accumulators in past incarnations. Their characteristic feature will be a firm consciousness of the indissolubility of their inner ego, whence is born the concept of the higher freedom. And to the station of high tension is adjoined a network of smaller stations which receive its continuous waves. Thus does a spirit of high tension nourish its surroundings; it is analogous to a solitary tower reigning over the space. That is why people are attracted from early childhood to such magnets, even overburdening them.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.2:
Loyalty is a quality of the spirit of high tension, and the evincing of containment makes true achievement a joyous acquisition. Thus can the achievement be developed, for a luminous attainment brings forward a following one.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.13:
It was once proclaimed that a certain high priestess could understand any language through the inner consciousness, and wonderful results followed. Envoys from far-off lands spoke to her in their own language and she understood them. Thus there was created a legend about the eternal language.

New Era Community (1926) - 11:
11. Many falsehoods have been piled around the concept of labor. Only recently was labor scorned and considered harmful for health. What an outrage this is - this regarding of labor as harmful! Not labor is injurious but the ignorant conditions surrounding labor. Only conscious cooperation can render healthy the sacred labor. Not only must the quality of labor be high, but there must be strengthened the mutual desire to make the conditions of labor clearly understood. One must not curse labor, one should set forward the better worker.

New Era Community (1926) - 178:
178. Let us recall the qualities absolutely inadmissible in the community; ignorance, fear, falsehood, hypocrisy, cupidity, usurpation, drunkenness, smoking, and obscenity. Someone may say, "Do you wish to collect angels?" We then shall ask, "Are all those on earth liars or drunkards? We know many who are courageous and sincere." Again they will say, "The requirements are too high." We shall reply, "Can it be that you have only foul-talkers and self-seekers? All these requirements are frightening only for the lowest citizen, who hides his wealth under his threshold. In the Himalayas, We have long ago found people to whom the above stipulations are no bugbear.

New Era Community (1926) - 189:
When it is dark and threatening, then keep the consciousness upon the future. We call the future a flying carpet. Teach children to fly high. Replace the legend about the ark with one about the airship.

New Era Community (1926) - 245:
The falseness of a mirage compels one to be afraid of certain expressions. You begin to fear the word "spirit," although you know that this is a certain state of matter. You fearfully avoid the word "Creator," although you will know that each material formation has its creator. Falsehood and fear are poor advisers. A great number of superstitions can be cited which make adults comparable to children. We urge that you abandon all superstitions and learn reality in everything. Pity those who jump on one foot. This spectacle calls to mind a fairy tale wherein the nurse, in order to prevent the child from running away, suggested to him that it was a sign of high birth to walk on one leg.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 73:
At the high altitudes, one should not take valerian - which has been recommended to you - with spices, and it is harmful to consume food in the same quantities as at lower levels. The mountains are important, since they lead one out of the lower earthly conditions. On the heights one feels that one has been freed from ordinary earthly demands. Certainly, if an altitude of eleven thousand feet has a significant effect upon the astral body, then each added thousand feet has an even greater effect upon the physical body. It would be an irreparable error to try to artificially reduce the conditions on mountains to fit our lower earthly habits. Remember and apply.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 149:
149. Today Urusvati heard the music of the spheres, the rhythm that strengthens the realization of evolution. It is not the theme precisely, but the rhythm that is the essence of the music of the spheres. And it is the degree of purity of the sounds that determines the quality of the interplanetary conduit. These sounds are heard on many far-off worlds, but on Earth they can be heard only at high altitudes, and only by those who have a musical ear. However, the ear that listens for the music of the spheres must be protected from the wind.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 229:
Using their own natural emanations, people can create a store of new vitality. The energy scattered throughout space can be directly apprehended. This is why it is necessary to pay attention to the development of psychic energy. This is why the City of Knowledge, high in the mountains, is so needed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 336:
Striving toward the future, be ready for battle. Do not hide your striving, for fire strives upward and only a high degree of striving will strengthen our union.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 345:
345. It is not so easy to learn to think. It is difficult to develop intensity of thought, and even more difficult to attain thought of high quality. A person will often mentally repeat to himself, "I will think purely." But his being is accustomed to egoistic thinking, and a most undesirable form of thought results. Two birds, flying in different flocks, cannot become united as one. It is necessary to exercise thought, not mentally, but with the fire of the spirit, until all disunity of thought disappears. Thought can have power only if it is monolithic. But each crack diminishes its power and also causes cosmic harm, by inducing dissonance into space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 370:
370. Tell to Oriole, to the golden birdling: "When you fly to the High Tower, remember the past. Remember how you destroyed treasures and how afterward you strove toward the creations of the spirit, but by then could not find the way to them. Yet striving does not vanish; it is transmuted into life. You have accumulated the treasures of the spirit. How many others have their path so well defined? The one who has overcome all obstacles will more easily conquer space. Wings are given to birds only for flight." Thus, remember!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 377:
377. Truly, guard the Teaching as a pearl. Hold high Our Books, the joy of your day and the labor of your ascent. Extol the Teaching as a sword of vigilance. Can carelessness be permitted to creep around the Teaching of life? By what other means can we transform our lives? How else can we find application of the realm of spirit abiding within us?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
403. It is essential not to mislead newcomers into thinking that the Teaching of Agni Yoga is easy. Truly, it is not easy, for there is much tension and danger in it. No one should be seduced by the idea of honeyed ease. Gaining mastery of the fires is a slow process. Premature and hasty steps threaten the striving one with conflagration. What seemed to be a high achievement is later seen as low, when one is on the next step.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 571:
571. Pay attention to sites at high altitudes, exposed to the winds from snowy peaks. At an altitude of 24,000 feet one can observe deposits of meteoric dust. Under the power of the wind and the rays of the sun, this dust settles into the lower recesses, and changes the properties of both the snow and the soil. It is especially instructive to observe this in places where the ground is rich with metals. The metalization from within and without produces unusual magnetic combinations. Not only psychic energy but also many other energies acquire unique properties in such places. One should value those places in which so many different conditions are united. Observations of the quality of the snow, soil, and plants are not difficult, even with ordinary apparatuses.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 71:
We, your Brothers, know that page of life wherein is inscribed the oneness of Cosmos. We affirm that the manifested evolution is created not in dissociation but in a limitless striving of harmony. The more beautiful, the more high. The more powerful, the more high. Why manifest conflict between spirit and matter when they issue from one Source? Why not intensify the power and feel the psycho-life of Cosmos within oneself?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 72:
The books of Agni Yoga are a gift to humanity. I affirm the gift of the spirit; the approach of Fire will give to mankind a newly inscribed line, leading to the highest manifestations. We consider as most important and valuable the high manifestation of spirit which is linked with the appearance of the fires. We respect a high straight-knowledge and can impart Our treasures to the spirits closest to Us.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 77a:
But the very highest path of unification is called the Crown of Cosmos, when a circle of interrelated lives is complete. The most high and fiery Path.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 104:
104. How luminous is the progress of an Agni Yogi, whose Chalice is filled with thoughts of Us! Transmutation of spiritual manifestations is granted to the one who carries the Chalice. We will direct creative threads toward transmutation of the very high. Great is the wealth of Cosmos. Great is Cosmos! Cosmos is in need of spirit-creativeness, and the psycho-creativeness of Cosmos is contained in the consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 129a:
129a. Rest must be given to the center of the lungs. It is impossible to inflame the center to a better degree. The cold of the heights has replaced pranayama. The controlling the center of the lungs by the Silvery Lotus is very important; it is only these two centers that can give to a high Agni Yogi that much power. But the conjunction of the centers is so powerful that it is difficult to apply these limitless forces upon the planet. There are now many of your revealed workings in the subtle spheres. If manifestations were needed, all is attainable to you through the use of one ray. The greatest lever of the Cosmic Heart is trust.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 146:
146. When the heart demands the creation of higher forms, the Cosmic Magnet attracts all possibilities. A most mighty magnet is the heart! Thus, men have been deprived of a most high concept, that of the Arhat. If this principle does not inspire creativeness and heart, the understanding becomes distorted, and the result is not the construction of life but mediocre thinking.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 175:
When men will become convinced that the principle powers of Cosmos create Invisibly, they will then strive toward a perception of the Magnet. Thus, the Universe is built invisibly by the Fire, and often the results also are invisible. Naturally, this manifestation occurs in the wake of most high currents. If people would ponder upon the truth that only the result is visible to them, whereas the process itself is invisible, they would grasp the meaning of the Invisible.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 182:
182. In this law all existences are affirmed. The beauty of Be-ness is in the guiding principle of the creative Magnet. It is difficult for a narrow-minded man to understand the full beauty of this principle. Only a high spirit can comprehend this power. The guiding principle of the Magnet merges completely with its unifying force. Therefore, creativeness is affirmed by the power of the manifested principle. The same principle verily leads man to evolution. The same principle guides the appointed spirit to the radiant majesty of consummation. Verily, the predestined and manifested spirit advances with the Cosmic Magnet. Therefore, We say that Be-ness is then reflecting the higher laws.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 221:
Since We gave the mission to Her, Our heroic co-worker, to lead humanity to the new step, this manifestation of Our Bearer of fires is so lofty that likening it to any mediumistic manifestation is like dropping muddy water into a fiery chalice. Therefore, I say that the evidence of understanding of the high fires will bring one to the height of pure Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 243:
243. When the date approaches, forms which have not been accepted are propelled into other spheres or are manifested as so-called accidental spatial bodies. The creativeness which molds these accidental combinations upholds the principle of correspondence. But there also exists a very high lawful densification which leads to the chain of better forms, and these chains are made out of the awaiting energies. Creativeness is manifested in all that exists, and the awaiting energies find application in other cycles or in other worlds and forms.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 340:
340. There are currents which fill the space with discordant emanations. These currents fill the lower layers, and space is often the battleground of discordant emanations. The sensitive organism of the Agni Yogi, aspiring toward pure Fire, definitely responds to the tension. The "chalice of affirmation," as a vessel containing the threads of all the subtle energies, certainly reverberates to all discharges, and the heart is in tremor. Hence, in the lower layers the high Agni Yogi is confirmed as the self-sacrificing bearer of pure fire. Thus, the non-correlation of the spheres evinces such tensions.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 356:
Magnetic needles quiver in changing direction. High tides are the natural result of a change in the direction of the Magnet. The Spatial Fire strains its magnetism and the subterranean fire is ready to break through. Hence, the workings of cosmic forces are most intensive. The decisive manifestations will occur in the battle of Uranus with Saturn. Therefore, although many currents are difficult, they are of much benefit.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 278:
278. The centers of the Agni Yogi affirm all the cosmic fires. When an Agni Yogi hears a resounding, the link between the centers and the cosmic fires is manifested. This experience is the first achievement toward the establishing of a link with the far-off worlds. Therefore, the tension of the centers is very high and great caution must be manifested. It is a very important manifestation of saturation by Fire. Thus are We saturating the space. I so affirm!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 374:
374. The Spatial Fire is assimilated by the centers of a Agni Yogi. Great is the laboratory when the subtle currents are assimilated. Who can transmit to humanity the subtle currents? Only an Agni Yogi through his high thought. If during the process of evolution instinct has developed into feeling, then refinement will lead to straight-knowledge. Each refined sensation means contact with the Spatial Fire. Therefore, only the highest Agni Yogi transmits to humanity the subtlest receptivity. The entire evolution is based on refinement.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 518a:
Words cannot formulate the consistence of the high quality of thinking. But each one, even he who labors, senses its required quality. This quality, as a Aeolian harp, resounds to the current of reality; and it accumulates beneath the center of the Chalice the subtlest soma of cognition and discernment, not only by means of co-measurement but also in accordance with immutability.

Hierarchy (1931) - 213:
213. Power directed for the General Good is always multiplied in space, and there results a link with the higher spheres. But that force which emanates from evil becomes a boomerang. The formation of affirmed emanations gives power for the saturation of space. The manifestation of evil arrows tenses the lowest strata, which become densified to such an extent that a rebounding blow is inevitable. Thus, each thought that is attracted to Light draws after it a bright radiation, but an infected arrow can pierce the crown of the sender's head. There are many such manifestations pointed out upon the spiritual plane. Hence, space must be guarded against infection, and the quality of thought must be kept high. Thus, one may manifest conscious cooperation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 227:
227. The vitality of all origins is affirmed by the fiery principle of Hierarchy. Only the principle of the Highest Hierarchy affords balance and striving to each affirmation. Therefore, in establishing cosmic principles the main impulse is the Chain of Hierarchy. The creativeness of humanity depends upon these affirmations, and only adherence to the Highest Chain affords the necessary force. Thus, each chain is a link of a greater chain, and the might of this Chain reigns in Cosmos. Hence evolution intensifies each smaller chain, linking it to the great, limitless Chain of Hierarchy. Thus the Might of the fiery Hierarchy soars high. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 296:
296. Thus, humanity is an accumulator and transmuter of the high energy which We have agreed to call psychic energy. The significance of humanity consists in its transmutation of this energy through consciousness and propelling it by way of Hierarchy into the higher spheres. The loss of the understanding of one's own predestination has thrown people back from the understanding of responsibility. Therefore, We remind again of the foundation of Existence. One must prepare oneself for the next evolution. Once again, one must draw closer to the great current and realize the principles of the renewal of life. You notice how greatly opposed We are to spiritism, but We often speak about the subtle bodies. We smile at contemporary hypnotism, but speak about rays and magnets. We advise re-examination of your pharmacopoeia, but offer a few fundamental medicines.

Hierarchy (1931) - 409:
409. Thus, We have a list of those following a Hierarch, those denying a Hierarch, and those who openly oppose the Most High. Certainly the life of each one who, if only a few times, opposes a Hierarch, becomes very complicated, because such is the law of life. Hence it must be realized how important it is to follow a Hierarch. Thus, the important time must be attested. Thus, one should have an understanding of the manifested time. Thus, We attest the New World. Indeed, the dark ones are infuriated and frightened, but We are more powerful than darkness. Thus, all dugpas condemn themselves to annihilation.

Heart (1932) - 102:
102. Even a high Yogi sometimes acts and heals consciously, sometimes upon a Highest Ray without personal determinations. If people would realize that there are Highest Rays, they would safeguard themselves from mingled influences. Space is filled with various intercrossing rays and currents. Without the aspiration toward Hierarchy how many accidental and ill-intended disturbances can intercept pure striving! We are accustomed already to the fact that people call on Us only in apparent danger, while during real dangers, the invisible ones, they cannot retain the link with the Hierarchy! Thus, one should bind oneself to the Ray of Hierarchy, actually becoming united with it as an integral part. For even a highest Yogi sometimes acts upon the Highest Ray.

Heart (1932) - 217:
217. Do not doubt that I speak of striving with reason. Much must be defined. It is also necessary to strive because the vortex is great and it is better to fly ahead of the cyclone. One must strive to Me in thought, this striving is the most indispensable. Learn not only to have My Image constantly before you but also to propel your thoughts in the direction of Hierarchy. As with a boat the anchor is thrown out to permit one to approach it closer, so in casting thought in the direction of Hierarchy we move undeviatingly. No one can doubt that the best path is to hasten to the Most High.

Heart (1932) - 255:
255. You know that the living fire is the most disinfectant remedy, but the nature of fire is the same in all manifestations. The fire of the heart will be a high manifestation of fire; this means that this fire will be the best purifier and protector. Therefore, instead of various dubious and often poisonous antiseptic prescriptions, it is much better not only to have the fire of the hearth, but also to kindle the fires of the heart. It can be proved to what an extent the fires of the heart fight serious illness. Thus, our contemporary physicians will sooner or later have to pay attention to all states of the fires. By barking at the truths, long since known, physicians will not reach the panacea.

Heart (1932) - 259:
259. It must not be thought that high achievements will preserve one from the monsters of darkness. On the contrary, the Light will disclose new monsters, and their fury is boundless. We will not be averse to this, for monsters are the legs of the throne. Not without reason are sacred objects always represented upon animalesque pedestals. However, this consideration should not free one from vigilance.

Heart (1932) - 270:
270. Preserve courage; it alone will give an impetus to action. You have heard of treasons committed against the best and most worthy. The present time will not pass without these signs which accompanied each Teaching. There is that of high significance which has treason - this supreme crime - as its counterbalance. One cannot indicate one Teaching against which treason was not evidenced.

Heart (1932) - 289:
289. Flights in the subtle body manifest a new quality for Earth. Precisely the subtle body is not connected with Earth and flies the more readily upward. The earthly body rises with difficulty and falls easily, but the subtle body acts just oppositely; it is indeed much harder for it to descend. It is more difficult to pierce the lower spheres. Of course, I speak about the high condition of the subtle body; for the lower bodies the lower spheres are actually more comfortable. It is instructive to see how the high subtle body already begins to manifest the quality of the Fiery World. Thus one can see the origins of all worlds, beginning with the earthly state. It is necessary only to purify the consciousness, to strive in accordance with the Hierarchy, and to observe keenly what occurs.

Heart (1932) - 304:
304. The manifestation of fire is destructive for the physical body, but the element of fire is quite normal for the fiery body. It means that this change of correlation occurs upon the expanse of the Subtle World. Verily, one can ascertain by the condition of the subtle bodies the boundary of the beneficial reaction of fire. High strata purified from coarse physical strivings already experience the fiery benevolence; but the lowest strata of the Subtle World are still subjected to the physical sensation of the flame. In this regard the more there is of the physical husk, the more painfully the fire can act. Hence comes the intimation about the infernal flame. Thus, not accidentally does each true knowledge direct one into the higher strata. So, also, it is entirely scientific to forewarn people against carrying brutish lusts into the Subtle World. One can only pity the unwise ones who deride the state after death.

Heart (1932) - 365:
365. If you encounter a bigot, know that he is not of the heart. If you meet one who is superstitious, know he is not of the heart. If you meet one affrighted, know he is not of the heart. Nevertheless, these uninvited guests will mention the word heart. It is high time to segregate all mountebanks of the heart, so that they should not play with human hearts. The heart should be studied when obscured by self-love and cruelty. Thus, through observation of the pulse, one can approach the treasures of the heart. One can similarly sense when the heart is silent and the calls do not reach it. A great deal of work has been done on the transmission of thought at a distance - the pulse is also useful for this. In its most sensitive capacity the pulse can detect a thought-sending, even before its realization. In this way one can again prove the extent to which the subtlest possibilities are contained in the organism, of which people have formed only an obtuse, physical image. This coarsening has already accumulated for many thousands of years, and the light of the body goes further from the Fire.

Heart (1932) - 420:
420. The fiery armor can be felt, rarely, just as can the rays of the wings of achievement. By this one can realize how this armor can protect one, although, like each fiery manifestation, it demands unusual caution. The Mother of Agni Yoga knows that such an armor is not all easy, for earthly conditions are too remote from the high fiery manifestations. But when fiery actions occur, the fiery armor makes its presence felt. Of course, if the heart is already accustomed to the fiery manifestations, one can participate in fiery battles.

Heart (1932) - 484:
484. A "black heart" was always considered as the symbol of great peril. Only the most unwavering courage could resist this misfortune, but such courage was rarely found. The degree of courage is tested by the force of the peril, and true courage waxes stronger in accordance with the intensity of the danger. She, Our warrioress, knows the degree of courage of which I speak. When the dark legions are attacking, the consequences vary. During injury to the entity, obsession results; whereas the purified spirit may be subject, not to obsession, but to illness. You have read how our Brother, already on a high step, nevertheless became ill from dark opposition. Such consequences must be remembered because the battle is great. Of course, the effects of the dark arrows may be lessened, but personal caution is needed nevertheless. The same striving must be applied for the acquisition of courage as a remedy against the black poison. Indeed, physical weakening does not mean spiritual weakening; on the contrary, the expenditure of spiritual riches sometimes becomes unlimited.

Heart (1932) - 511:
511. Again you should not wonder that you create good deeds in spirit without always remembering them in the body. A generous donor does not count his gifts. It is impossible to enumerate in words the gifts of the spirit. Many of them are so fiery as to be indescribable in words. Thus, worldly concepts do not contain that which is most subtle and most high. It is necessary to remember that each hour the fiery heart creates that which people term miracles. Thus one can create in accordance with the laws of the Universe. Apply this quality solemnly.

Heart (1932) - 533:
533. People think in vain that a High Spirit becomes insensitive to minor treasons. One the contrary, sensitiveness grows with purification of the heart. Of course, parallel with this, the power of the heart also increases, but sensitiveness still cannot avoid being poisoned by the surrounding malice. Thus, the path of purification cannot be called obtuse. One must realize how much easier of access is the purified heart. Therefore, among the questions of the Mysteries there was one - "Canst thou cast out the fear of pain?" The heart knows the pain of the world, but it also knows the superterranean rays. It is not easy to make these rays evident, but on the other hand, the scientists can cognize special cosmic rays that gather around a purified heart. Not without reason is the purified heart called a summit. Thus, the purified heart can be utilized for many experiments, but of course such a precious vessel should not be broken. It can be said that the karma of the destroyers of hearts is a very heavy one.

Heart (1932) - 584:
584. Much of that which is quite familiar remains uninvestigated. Have perspiration and saliva been exhaustively examined? We read of poisonous saliva. We know of beneficial saliva. We have heard of the varied properties of perspiration, and yet neither of these secretions has been investigated. The sweat of labor and the sweat of overeating will not be alike. The saliva of anger and the saliva of aid are different, but these symptoms are primitive. Every human state produces a special chemical reaction. In studying this truly cosmic multiformity of the microcosm, one can arrive at an understanding of the physical and spiritual worlds. With an intelligent man the reactions will be varied. One can learn how greatly the sweat of prayer and of high, heartfelt aspiration differs from the sweat of self-interest. The sweat of him who runs to help is completely different from the sweat of the hastening murderer. In comparing such contrasting reactions, the products of psychic energy can be traced. Thus the future scientific achievements are close. Of course, the investigator himself should manifest sufficient sensitiveness. He will have to detect different emotions and, through honest comparison, clarify many confused conceptions. The connection of secretions with changes in the aura will also enrich the experiment. Besides, there will be no need of vivisection or other tortures. The investigator could visit all possible localities of human activity and collect natural and not forcibly induced testimonies. The most difficult will be investigating the products resulting from prayer and higher aspiration - in other words, with the most important expressions. But also in these manifestations the one who desires will find the real treasures. You have noticed the evidence of perspiration in connection with the movement of the heart, this especially is a rare example of the aspiration of the heart. Thus, advise young physicians and scientists to pay attention to the urgency of these observations of the fiery diseases of which We have already spoken. These observations will be very useful. One should not forget about the coming fiery epidemics. Many elaborate reminders are spread throughout the history of humanity. Especially now, when the utilization of unstudied energies has reached significant proportions, one should think of the possibility of the rebounding blow. The scientists should pay attention to the peculiarity of many diseases. They cannot be explained merely as a condensation of the social vortex. The causes are far deeper, and Our Advice about the education of the heart is very timely.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 28:
28. All achievements and heroic deeds are essentially fiery actions. The higher energy transports people across the precipice. It may be asked, "Does not the fiery energy participate in the rise of crime?" Certainly, this same energy can raise a bloody knife; therefore We advise not to turn the Fire of Benefaction into the flame of destruction. Besides personal harm, the flame of destruction contaminates the surrounding space. Moreover, a flame of evil is aroused by the decomposing vortices of the lower strata. It has long been said that sinners themselves feed the fires of hell. People are themselves responsible for the extent of evil. As it is, a vast amount of evil is not realized, and people refuse to recognize whence come these hideous burns. In various countries you saw different concepts of hell. If such forms are embodied on Earth, likewise they exist in the Subtle World. How carefully must one avoid all ugliness on Earth! The Fire of Benefaction creates the most beautiful transmutations. Let us then be toiling and blessed smiths. Beneficent Fires are borne high up by the vortexes of the far-off worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 72:
72. Before you is another manifestation of a high degree - the Kundalini bestirs itself from its base to the very highest joint. The pharyngeal glands are highly inflamed, but this physical aspect is indispensable for the fiery reaction. In this condition the Kundalini acts at the furthest distances. You realize how necessary just now is this reaction of Urusvati. Without this fiery action, there could have been no victory. But the battle is difficult indeed, and the waves of attacks are increasing. Therefore, let us be very cautious. Let us be attentive, benevolent, and very careful.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 264:
264. "Me, me, me!" cries out the child, unwilling to admit his elders to his occupation. Up to the age of seven, do not the mind and heart at times remember the covenant of independent achievement on Earth? Later on the wise memories grow dim and often are inverted. "Let them, high and low, labor for me!" thus speaks the man who has forgotten about self-perfectment. But the child remembers and defends his independence. When another child whispers, "How can I manage to reach it?" he is ready for new experiences and conquests of the spirit. But it is not enough that such words of children are uttered - they must be noticed and appreciated. Fiery attention should record these calls and vows of the Subtle World. A small child states, "At last I am born." In this affirmation of striving for incarnation the Subtle World is evidenced. One can cite many instances when not only small children but even newborn babies unexpectedly uttered words of enormous significance and afterwards lapsed into their normal state. One must develop in oneself a fierily manifested memory and solicitude for one's surroundings. Thus one gathers the most valuable information.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 283:
283. Also tell the physician that not all obsessions are necessarily dark ones. There may be influences from the middle spheres, which, in the belief of the obsessors, are directed for good, although no especially good results will be derived. The obsessors are of such low degrees and the vehicles within their reach are of no high development, thus, duality of thinking, imbalance, and a lack of self-control result. There are many such people , who are called weak-willed; in fact, the two wills weaken each other. One can cure such persons only by giving them the work that they prefer, but in very intensive measure. The obsessor becomes irked, remaining without an outlet during such concentrated work, for every obsessor seeks to express his own ego. Thus, the physician can observe different types of obsession, but, in principle, such epidemics are quite inadmissible in the human advance toward perfection. Moreover, the concept of the Guru greatly helps to safeguard from obsession. In the case of a weakening of will, the Teacher offers his surplus force in order to bar the intrusion of the alien dark influence. Naturally, the Teacher with a high consciousness is able to determine sensitively when his help is needed. Indeed, such a guidance has nothing to do with coercion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 421:
421. Vows of the most diverse nature have been sanctioned by various teachings. Each vow is quite useful from the standpoint of discipline. It is difficult for people to believe how necessary for future achievements are such exercises of discipline. A vow cuts short many paths of dissoluteness. Indiscriminating and irresponsible dissoluteness results in the most deplorable consequences in the Subtle World. It is like a child's playing with fire. One should keep constantly in mind the danger of dissoluteness. In the Subtle World it is difficult and painful to begin tardily ridding oneself of dissoluteness. It is better to test oneself here by various useful vows. People often find themselves in ridiculous situations when they take vows zealously only in time of danger. The ancients showed a better understanding of this in their vows in the Name of the Most High, thus strengthening their exalted and solemn state of mind. This was not superstition or bargaining with the Higher Forces, but the transport of a spirit which has attained a new freedom.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 453:
453. The Yogi of India says to the scientist studying the question of self-preservation Truly, it is high time to study the fiery nature of man. It should have been understood long ago that it is not only the will but the fiery energy which surrounds man with a salutary veil. One should indeed study this in laboratories, but such laboratories must be different from those dealing with soil fertilization. It is time for scientists to realize that for subtle experiments subtle conditions are needed. Likewise, it is time to recognize that these conditions are not created through mechanical disinfection. Each experiment requires fiery spiritual purification. In fact, much may be achieved amidst nature and in temples where the emanations are not so defiled. But in ordinary laboratories, which are not even ventilated, and where the dust is full of poisonous deposits, little can be achieved. Not without reason did healers ask before healing, "Have you faith?" And then the result was especially successful. But not only was the healer evoking faith, the kindling of the fire of the centers was also needed. When the fiery chakras began to rotate, considerable purification took place. Thus, let the physician pay attention not only to the will but also to the basic psycho-fiery energy. Let him remember that the surrounding atmosphere has a tremendous importance. It would seem unfitting to call attention to this, yet after millions of years of earthly existence, people still pay as little attention to the quality of their surroundings as they probably did in the times of the cave dwellers.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 543:
543. Why should evil sometimes seem to be the victor? Only because of the instability of good. By a purely physiological method it can be proved that domination by evil is short-lived. Evil emerges together with imperil, but can at first produce only a strong flash; afterwards it begins to deteriorate and gradually destroys its own progenitor. This means that if Agni is even partially manifested, it will not cease to increase. Thus, when imperil begins to decompose, Agni, on the contrary, acquires its full strength. Therefore I advise that the first attack of evil be endured, in order to leave evil to its own destruction. Moreover, during the duel between evil and good - in other words between imperil and Agni - the latter will grow proportionately, as imperil putrefies its possessor. Thus should one observe the duel between the low and the high, but only a mature consciousness can encourage one to withstand evil. It is useful to remember this and to gather not only strength but also patience, in order to conquer that which is in itself doomed to annihilation. I affirm that the truth, "Light conquers darkness," has even a physiological basis.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 597:
597. And so, the greatest misconception lies in the fact that people prepare themselves for death instead of educating themselves for life. They have heard often enough that the very concept of death is vanquished. They have heard often enough of the need for changing the seven sheaths. It has been sufficiently emphasized that these changes take place with the closest cooperation of Fire. This means that one should assist the fiery transmutations, since they are inevitable. Why spend ages and millenniums on that which can be accomplished far more quickly! We should prepare our consciousness for the fiery receptivity of our concentrated bodies. If something is subject to a fiery action, let this good be accomplished in the shortest possible time. Thinking about such transmutation in itself greatly helps our organism to assimilate this process into the consciousness. You already know that accepting something into the consciousness means a bodily assimilation also. In our general conceptions it is high time to become accustomed to the scope of the Fiery World. We are amazed at the difference between an idiot and a genius, but our imagination falls short in extending this divergence into infinity. Our imagination is equally uneducated in visualizing the closeness of the Fiery World, obscured solely by our body. Rarely do people see the highest spheres of the Subtle World, but those who are worthy to behold the splendor of the mountains and seas of the Subtle World, and the radiance of its flowers, can visualize the purity of the Fiery Kingdom! One can also imagine the omnipresence of the Fiery World, when even during physical existence one can project the subtle body to different places simultaneously. Thus let us become accustomed to the Fiery World as the only destiny of men.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 602:
602. Ahamkara is the high state of the fiery seed when it can already affirm itself without egoism. Thus the Fiery Gates are opened when not only is egoism burned away but a worthy evaluation of self is achieved. Only then can the spirit verily bring its sole heritage to the altar of Light. But on this long journey what happens to the enemies who wrought such torment through their discordances? When darkness takes over its own possessions, the remaining ones who are able to ascend are divided according to rays. Thus discord disappears and the feeling of enmity dissolves by itself. The spirits gather and rise to the abode of containment like waves of harmonious light. Thus is settled the question, most incomprehensible to man, about the unity of the seeds of Light in ascent to the Higher World. Enmity, so insoluble in the physical world, disintegrates by itself in the etheric, purified rays. Not only in the higher but already in the middle spheres of the Subtle World, the feeling of enmity withers because of its uselessness. One must understand these laws of the distribution of the rays. The realization of these laws alone will mitigate the malice of enmity even here. Also let us not forget that enmity throws the organism out of balance, leaving it a prey to various sicknesses and obsessions. Therefore I advise you to consider enmity from the viewpoint of prophylaxis. Why should one be sick, infect others, and be a prey to fits of madness when a single effort of spirit preserves the invulnerability of the organism?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 621:
621. It is a natural desire to want to know how the transitions into different spheres are accomplished. It is not difficult to understand that purified Agni is the decisive factor. If we gradually fill a balloon with combustible gas, it will begin to rise proportionately. If a balloon cannot retain the gas it will descend. This is a crude example of the principle governing transition into the various spheres of the Subtle World. The subtle entity can ascend by itself if its fiery seed is appropriately filled. Fire - the transmuter - helps to assimilate the new and higher conditions. Agni facilitates the understanding of the language of each sphere, because the intercourse of beings becomes more refined as the ascent is made. Of course, the high Guidance does not forsake the striving ones, but for assimilation of Guidance devotion is needed. Thus, a being can ascend the ladder - there is no other symbol which can more accurately define the ascent of the spirit. If a being is detained on one step, the cause is apparent in the aura. So many travelers quite unexpectedly find themselves a few steps lower! The usual reason for such retrogression is some earthly remembrance which engenders cravings. The Guide considers a store of patience indispensable to protect those who stumble. But one should not draw too frequently upon this precious energy. The being who can discover the cause by himself will actually ascend more quickly. Truly, ascent is accompanied by the joy of new companions, and finally the earthly asp of envy falls away, and thought-creativeness is no longer impeded by the currents of malice. But one should prepare even now for mobility of consciousness. A torpid consciousness obstructs the striving of Agni. Thus, let us envision perfectly clearly the ladder of ascent.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 23:
23. Many experiments take place during the flights to high altitudes. Perhaps the investigators understand in the depth of their being that at great altitudes they can find much needed information. But besides physical instruments they must provide themselves with psychic energy; only then will such experiments really give a new conception. It is necessary that the investigators of heights and depths have a psychic training. Only through such a combination will the physical side of the work also acquire a special significance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 38:
38. Every message must not be only benevolent but also attractive. One may notice that many young people do not follow in the footsteps of their fathers and mothers. Aside from karmic reasons one can notice the unattractiveness of the actions of the elders. The same may be seen in regard to religions. Religion, as the link with the Higher World must first of all be attractive. Fear is not attractive, violence is repellent, but the very understanding of the Higher World must be attractive. One may rejoice at everything of the Highest. Even the weak-minded will not turn away from the Highest. In order to obscure the Highest one must commit a series of repulsive actions. No matter who these repellers may be, they are in any case blasphemers. If they besmirch the most Beautiful, they are servitors of darkness. The answer does not lie in dogmas nor in symbols - one may debase the most beautiful sign. How then to call those who seduce the little ones away from the Abode of God? Seducers and jailers are they who discredit the prayer to the Highest. Has it ever been said that one may speak with one's father and mother only in their own words? So also in the prayer to the Most High - who can force his heart to laud in alien terms. He who composes prayers, hymns, songs, sings with his own heart. The spirit cannot be prevented from soaring upon its own wings. Whither and how will fly the wingless? And will not he who breaks even the smallest feather be responsible? If a song is needed it is the song of the heart, and in this song all creation will resound. Every object will join in lauding the Most High. He who helps his neighbor to create a still more attractive praise will be a creator of good. No dogma can forbid conversing with the Highest. The more beautifully it is done, the nearer will be the approach. But if help is needed, it suffices to express oneself with - "Help." But even for such a simple word attractiveness is needed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 44:
44. I direct you into the future because of physical reasons also. One must not forget that in the Subtle World one can sense not only heat but also cold. Normally both sensations are unnecessary but they result from the bringing over of earthly, not yet outlived particles. The striving into the future is the best liberation from the earthly husks. Thus one may once more be convinced that thought carries with itself purely physical consequences. Of course, in the Subtle World it is necessary to get rid of earthly sensations. If they are felt, it means that some earthly particles threatened to impede the ascent. The Subtle World, when in harmony, does not get rid of earthly sensations, which in the earthly state cause much overburdening. One may prepare the consciousness for liberation from all kinds of unnecessary survivals. For even upon Earth at certain reminiscences people exclaim, "I am flushed with heat! Cold pierces my heart!" But while upon Earth a thought may cause a sensory physical reaction, in the Subtle World this is true on a considerably greater scale. Only the future can liberate one from the burden of sensations. And it is not too difficult to accustom oneself to think about the future, if the striving to the Most High is already assimilated. Thus affirm in all actions the usefulness of the understanding of the future. Many remembrances, regrets, offenses and unnecessary things of the past only repulse the already formed magnetism of the future. The magnetism of the future is a great moving force, and it must be understood as absolute reality.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 48:
Many have read how David interrogated the Highest Powers. He took recourse in this Source in order to avoid unnecessary errors. There are many such instances in the history of different nations. Everyone knows about them. It is not necessary to delve into the ancient times; these signs of Communion and Great Service are apparent in recent events. But we also know that for the High Communion a pure heart is needed. Nothing impure can partake of this Communion, therefore the symbol of the Leader must be the sign of purity of the heart. Not only in actions but in thoughts the Leader carries the welfare of the people. He knows that he is entrusted to bring a full chalice. He does not lose his path in useless wanderings. He will not spill the entrusted chalice. Thus the concept of the Leader is a sign of the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 59:
59. Education in the primary schools and secondary schools must be the same for both sexes. It is inadmissible to impose upon a child some specialty, when it is not yet able to define its own aptitude. It is sufficient to begin in high school to map our programs according to students' abilities. Thus one may plan the education of children who cannot yet express their inherent capabilities. It is very important that the program should not differ for the two sexes. This alone will eliminate a very harmful attitude towards sex.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 162:
162. You find it difficult to translate the phrase - "he became completely imbued with." You are right, in languages far removed from Sanskrit it is not easy to find certain definitions, particularly relating to the Higher World. One may have to express it as - "he became aflame" or even "he took fire," in order not to abase the concept of exaltation. Many misunderstandings are included among the definitives. Expressions which are striving on high suffer especially; only people who so strive themselves can use them, but there are not many of these. Therefore languages begin to rotate around petty concepts; they improve in mechanical expressions, but it is not even considered necessary to find the consonance of Higher Worlds. Turn your attention to newly coined words. Through them is it not possible to estimate the level of consciousness! But one should also honor the Higher Worlds with exquisite expressions, so that the Fiery World could also be glorified in earthly sound. Thus let us reiterate, in order that youth may find time to advance the thinking upward. From the quality of the thinking is born the word.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 188:
188. The nature of things must be taught among the most primary subjects. It must be beautifully described in all reality; the succession of worlds must be demonstrated with all scientific comparisons. Not only will religion not contradict such exposition of the foundations, but on the contrary religion will assist, through its most ancient allusions. The study of the nature of things will serve as the threshold to understanding of Living Ethics. One must realize why honor, dignity and all other high human qualities are indispensable. From the earliest years children should hear about the Subtle and Fiery Worlds; they must understand the principle of Hierarchy and of Good. The sooner they are reminded about Hierarchy and the other Truths, the more easily will they recall former knowledge. The concept of God in all its grandeur is clarified on the basis of Hierarchy. Only thus can the Highest Concept emerge from abstraction and blend with all Existence.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 216:
216. It was affirmed many times by the philosophers that a gathering of people is permissible only when it has a high moral consequence. Obviously this saying is a strange one for our time. A gathering of people now usually ends in distortion of the simplest precepts. Let us look upon the subtle and fiery surroundings of such populous assemblies. Let us look and be horrified discordant rhythms admit only the lower entities, and transform the fiery sendings into searing fire. If it is difficult for an earthly benevolent visitor to make his way through a beastly crowd, then subtle beings will be flung away like dry leaves in a whirlwind.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 261:
261. It is an error to think that the forces of darkness attack only weak spots. Very often chaos presses deliberately upon the most powerful strongholds. Likewise breakers are more violent against cliffs. Therefore every wall must be guarded, both low and high ones. Let us not forget this, for people often think about shielding the weak and abandon the strong. Everywhere there are intimidations by chaos, and tensions are tripled. Read about the downfall of great nations to anyone who does not cherish the feeling of protections.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 293:
293. Not without reason did the ancient sages choose to occupy themselves with some art or handicraft. Each one had to acquire some manual skill. They had in mind a means of concentration. Each one, in his striving for perfectionment, thus intensified his will and attention. Even in the few objects which have come down to us, there can be seen a high quality of workmanship. Precisely at present, the time has again come to return to quality in manual work. It is impossible to place spiritual limitations within the confines of machines. It is necessary to take the time to produce a quality of workmanship that will revivify the imagination. Precisely quality and imagination are united on the steps of fiery attainment.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 38:
38. The most powerful path of manifested reciprocity is the one of the spirit manifesting a subtle flow of energy. The most subtle reciprocity is through spirit-understanding. The force of the reciprocity of spirit-understanding is incomparable to anything. Of course, in spiritual construction one must make use of many channels, but one should distinguish between the channels which are governed by the will from without and from within. The great Source of spirit-understanding is the most subtle and the most high affirmation. The outside source is simply a channel through which one may send - even paralyzing the will. But there is so much inaccurate information, because one may not too often paralyze the will. Besides, these channels are very unilateral, whereas in the cosmic structure they are like a single retort. Hence, it is so important to cognize the power of spirit understanding. Mediums, and other sources as well, receive only partial sendings which crowd the space. The solicitude of Hierarchy is expressed in sendings to the workers, but if they do not transmit that which is sent to the community the channel is impure. Would Hierarchy send visions for one worker alone? Again, the channel is impure. Therefore it is so difficult to broaden the consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61:
61. Many channels feed into the mouth of a river. The river receives waters from the mountains and carries them through many channels to eventually swell the sea. Often the mouth of the river is hidden and unnoticeable; often it is inconspicuous and narrow; often it is underground; yet whatever kind of mouth the river may have, it feeds the currents of the sea. In its role in life, the heart may be closely compared to the river's mouth, although its synthesizing function is not always apparent. Though the synthesis may seem unmanifested, still it is impossible to arrest the force of the estuary's current; likewise it is impossible to arrest the creativeness of the synthesis of the heart, for the elements of this synthesis are fed into it through the paths of subtle energies; and the outflow of the subtle energies resulting from the synthesis also is a most subtle process. The divisibility of the spirit best demonstrates this fine process. The divisibility of the spirit is linked with divisibility of energies, and, if manifested on a high level, may involve the divisibility of centers. One group of centers acts upon the earthly plane, the other returns a subtle fluid to the Fiery World. In the transmutation of the centers it is always necessary to have in mind this powerful divisibility of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61:
Great is the labor of the subtle energies of the centers, and it can never stop. One may only replace one process by another. When the high Agni Yogi devotes his energies to the task of great cosmic construction, in this giving is contained a great fiery transmutation. In such instances manifestation on a physical plane cannot be clearly expressed, and the high Agni Yogi can listen to his own thoughts because his consciousness will carry impressions of the Subtle World and his work in it. These thoughts are, as it were, remembrances of the creative work of the centers and of the spirit. It is said, "a thought suddenly flashed" - but We say, "the spirit has recalled." Thus one may affirm the work of a high Agni Yogi. On the path to the Fiery World it must be remembered that synthesis is like a river's mouth and each specialization is like one channel.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 64:
64. When the Divine unites the spheres, all energies manifest a maximum tension. All great events can take place only during great tension. Likewise, all cosmic transmutations - physical, spiritual and planetary - can be affirmed only when all fiery energies are received. It can be traced scientifically how all events are transpiring under high tension, how light and shadow are accentuated. If humanity does not evince enough penetration to perceive the path of Good, it is possible even through the manifested workings of evil to indicate great battles and achievement. Verily, it is possible to trace the path of Good by the actions of darkness! The realization of equilibrium alone must direct humanity to the understanding of the great Cosmic Law. Only the union of Great Higher Forces can produce equilibrium. For we know how the attraction of the Luminaries acts their energies are reciprocally compressed. The World is one; Macrocosm and microcosm are one. And the manifested spirit intensifies its forces for destruction and for construction in equal measure. Not less powerfully can the spirit act as a creator; and creative forces are intensified by the forces of the Higher Worlds. Thus united are Macrocosm and microcosm.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 337:
337. Human intolerance toward everything high has converted people into degenerates. Upon all concepts and principles man has imposed his stigma. In each higher affirmation man has displayed his blasphemy. Not the World is cruel, but man. Not the World affirms injustice, but man; for man's choice of the path of isolation and selfhood has brought on a most threatening destiny. Intolerance toward everything high and enlightened has become the disgrace of humanity. The purification of the consciousness is the great task on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 495:
495. Prayer is expression of best thought. All beliefs prescribe praying to the Highest, in the best expressions. It is correct to advise people to approach the Highest with the most exalted thoughts. We always point out the high utility of exalted thinking. To whom then can one send thoughts if not to the very Highest? I advise to let no time be lost when it is possible to converse about striving toward Light. Not a petition, nor a dispute with irritation, but an aspiring heart-exchange multiples lofty grace. People must learn to think, meaning that it is proper to affirm thought about the Highest - some clearly, some hazily, yet all by the same Fiery path.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 516:
516. One may add a most useful exercise - to preserve silence and direct one's thoughts to the Most High. A wonderful warmth suffuses one. Indeed, not the fire of combustion is needed but the higher, creative Warmth. The wise gardener does not set fire to a beloved blossom.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 517:
517. Does not a fiery gaze compel people to turn around and even to tremble? Any tremor is already near to Fire. But there can be fire of a hot body and of a cold one. During high temperature the extremities can become numb;

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 593:
593. Around the place of manufacture of high explosives people do not smoke, they wear special soft footwear, they avoid any metallic objects, they do not even speak loudly, and they do not breathe in the ordinary manner. There, where danger threatens their flesh, people are ready to renounce habits, but it never enters their heads that thought can result in a far more dangerous explosion, invisible yet irreparable. Terror helps people to guard themselves against bodily dangers. But the entire spatial life does not exist for them. They can blaspheme at the Great Forces and rejoice at the misfortunes of others, if their own ruin is not immediately visible to them. The loss of spatial co-measurement in Infinity consumes all the better possibilities. Whereas, the present time is precisely the last chance to join the dense with the subtle and even with the fiery. One should begin to think persistently and clearly in the direction of the merging of Worlds.

AUM (1936) - 33:
33. Correctly has it been observed that certain mantrams have lost their meaning and retain only their sound. Thus, we see how important is vibration. For this reason much was not written down, but was transmitted orally. Mere letters without sound produce no results. Moreover, the very quality of the voice has a special significance. A deep chest tone can give greater resonance than a high, flat, or nasal one. Thus, not only melody itself but quality of voice is important. I consider that at present the quality of voice is too little valued. Not volume, nor eloquence, but inner magnetism is important - the same is a fundamental requisite in singing. Many voices have been deprived of their natural qualities by methods of vocal training.

AUM (1936) - 247:
247. One should not strive for the new merely by denying the basic. Cognition is Our advice and command. Cognition has nothing in common with treachery and blasphemy. Where foul speech makes its nest, do not look for true cognition. No one wishing to preserve a very delicate flower places it in a wallet. The subtle requires the subtlest handling. Not only during high holiday festivals but also in everyday life one should beware of rending one's garment. On holidays people care for their clothing, but during routine occupations they are not concerned about it. How many of the subtlest garments go to ruin!

AUM (1936) - 329:
329. It is a pity that at graduation from high school a useful test, applied in olden times, is now omitted. The students had to expound a thesis, selected by themselves, before the most diverse listeners. This required that expressions be found that were comprehensible to all; the task was difficult. For some the students had to find simple words, ant yet avoid boring the more educated listeners. Although the gathering was not always satisfied, nevertheless the students applied their best efforts to make themselves understood and, at the same time, touch upon complex and lofty concepts. Such exercises are always useful.

AUM (1936) - 413:
413. Repulsion is unfitting where there is even a slight attraction. The Teaching must spiritualize knowledge and bring moral concepts closer to the existing High Forces. One should not dismiss anything that can recall a forgotten truth.

AUM (1936) - 548:
Let scholars investigate thought transmission under the most diverse conditions. Apart from psychic states, conditions of temperature can also be studied. High temperature results in augmented receptivity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 25:
25. The pathway to Brotherhood is a high path. As a mountain is seen from afar, so, too, is Brotherhood. The Teacher cannot be insistent where the eyes are near-sighted. And during the ascent the outlines of the summit are lost from view. Right around it one does not distinguish the height, so, too, on the path to Brotherhood there are many turnings of the way. One should become accustomed to thought about the complexity of attainment. One should grow to love all the obstacles, for the stones on the path are but the steps of ascent. Long ago was it said that one does not ascend by a smooth stone.

Brotherhood (1937) - 134:
134. People who bear within themselves the element of brotherly cooperation can be observed from early childhood. Usually they are sharply distinguished from all surrounding them. Their power of observation is high and their impressionability strong. They are not satisfied with mediocrity and they stand apart, eschewing commonly accepted enjoyments. It can be observed that they seem to bear within themselves some sort of inner task. They can see much and make note of it in their consciousness. They are usually compassionate, as if they remember the value of this quality. They are indignant at grossness of conduct, as if realizing all the baseness of such quality. They are concentrated upon their favorite subjects, and they are surrounded by envy and malevolence, since they are not understood and remain alien among people. It is not easy to live one's life with an uplifted consciousness, as it cannot be content amidst the general denial of everything that leads toward Light.

Brotherhood (1937) - 174:
174. Even during most tense days, think about construction. It is a mistake to strive tensely toward a narrowed goal; let construction proceed out of strivings toward the Most High. The shade of the valley should not hide the summits. One should not enclose oneself in an artificial circle. Of what use to one, then, would Infinity be?

Brotherhood (1937) - 256:
It has been said that the web of the Most High consists of sparks; consequently, if one discerns even a single spark it will already be a big attainment. But in such experiments it is possible to achieve success only through mutual trust. Valuable information can be brought even by children, country folk, and various workers in whom even a single spark with which they have come in contact has caught hold. Very often people actually preserve some memories but are ashamed to talk about them. Such hiding places must be approached solicitously. They will not be revealed to an arrogant interrogator or to a hurrying passer-by. Moreover, earthly law prohibits touching upon what is professed to be sacred. Physicians frequently call such confessions madness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 369:
369. During high tensions of currents one should be very careful of one's health. It need not be thought that this will be in contradiction to selflessness. The essence is to be found in making wise use of forces.

Brotherhood (1937) - 456:
456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9:
The northern tundra and the Gobi desert guard treasures; should one hasten to reveal them? Only a high level of consciousness can deal with such valuable treasures; and with knowledge of the spiral of evolution, diamonds will not be cast under the wheels of chariots. Even for a proven patience it may be hard at times to await the approach of a caravan that brings joy. "Perhaps the date has already passed," pulsates the heart. But wise experience whispers, "It is still too early." The struggle between the heart and reason is an amazing spectacle. Happy is the one who can understand the command of the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
Let Our Sister recall how often she has spoken in the subtle body with women completely unknown to her, and how often she has witnessed quarrels and misunderstandings. But the work of enlightenment does not tarry. Entire nations strive for knowledge, and with knowledge full rights will come. We can show Our records of the women's movements, and the results are encouraging. One should not think in a routine way. At present, the world has exceeded its bounds, the ship has lost its course, and the cosmic whirl speeds its movement. We are at the helm, but other sailors should also help. The terror of Armageddon can be transformed into a manifestation of success, but first Armageddon must be discerned and the meaning of Hierarchy understood. The role of woman in the world's economy has been strengthened. Never before have so many women been called to high positions. Our Counsels penetrate into far-off places.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 40:
In books one can find some of Our names. They are very solemn ones. One can read about Manu, or about the Bodhisattvas. Remember that some nations are in need of lofty designations, but We are simply Servitors of Light and We revere Hierarchy. Our first call is for perfectment, not for titles or high rank. As it pertains to Hierarchy, this expression "titles and high rank" should not be understood in the earthly sense, in which people express their love for all kinds of ranks and distinctions. We serve the infinite Hierarchy. We accept leadership, not as a distinction, but as an immutable necessity. Such responsibility should be the foundation of all human communities. We do not attach importance to titles, for during Our many different lives We have had a great number of distinctions and titles in different languages. Many of these titles have been completely erased from human memory. Who can name the resplendent rulers of Atlantis? Only amidst the marshes of Tsaidam can one see the radiant images of former cities. Urusvati remembers the structures there, and the sculpture of the Great Bull.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60:
As long as people are preoccupied with magi and sorcerers, they are not with Us. The heart alone is needed for the Abode. A beautiful heart will always suffer on Earth, but the suffering heart becomes trustworthy. A fish cannot live without water, and the eagle does not rejoice without freedom. We want to suggest simplicity to our friends, for the complexity of life has already become harmful. Therefore We are silent about many discoveries, and although many formulas are ready in Our Abode, it is too early to reveal them to scientists, for their high purpose is too easily turned to harmful applications. Let those people who know Us guard this knowledge. A treacherous apostate will receive a wound that will not heal. But let us not speak about consequences, because some will take it as a threat. Every weaver grieves over a torn thread and rejoices at a strong yarn - thus it is also with the human spirit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
One may hear that Brother R. lives in the Carpathians, but it would be just as true to say that I live in London. Undoubtedly, Brother R. has been in the Carpathian Mountains just as I have been in London, but one should not mislead people by referring to dwelling places as permanent. Likewise, one should not think that Brother H. lives in Germany, although some people would like to limit his whereabouts even more, to the vicinity of Nuremburg. There are many examples of how people arbitrarily dispose of Us, while proclaiming themselves to be high initiates, or even Maha Chohans.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74:
74. Urusvati is right to grieve over those rituals that although outlived, yet still persist. Eternal wisdom is one thing, but ragged, outdated formulas that impede advance are quite another. In all domains of life one can see harmful survivals. They nestle everywhere, under royal robes, togas, or any other attire. They have grown so distant from their original meaning that it is beyond imagining how such absurd conventions could ever have expressed high symbols. In antiquity many seemingly strange rituals had special meanings which have now been completely forgotten.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74:
People say that We are opposed to all rituals. This is not quite true, for certain rituals can call forth high vibrations and purify feelings. We have spoken many times about rhythm, and none of Us will condemn the rhythms that bring harmony. Beautiful singing can open beautiful gates. Therefore, discriminate carefully between absurd survivals and steps of beauty. The Teacher warns that rhythm can influence the entire nervous system. Some parts of ancient rituals that have been preserved to this day, and now confuse the consciousness, can be very dangerous. Words used today during various services were once parts of incantations to exorcise dark forces, but now they are pronounced without sense and even with incorrect rhythm. Such distortions of sound can have a different effect, therefore one should study the ancient sources in order to wipe away the dust of ages. We are not speaking of crude changes, but of the purification of thought. We grieve when vibrations become distorted and, instead of construction, cause destruction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 83:
83. Urusvati understands the uniformity of law in all worlds. People usually think that the laws of the physical world do not apply to the spiritual world, but every event in life reminds one that the essence of a law is immutable. For instance, when climbing a mountain one leaves all unnecessary loads behind. Is it not the same in the spiritual world? A man falling from a height increases speed as he falls and not even the softest mattress will save the falling one. Is it not the same in the spiritual world? One can compare the foundations of all worlds and come to see the uniformity of laws. One should approach the Subtle World with this measuring rod. Some qualities may be less perceptible than in the physical world, whereas others will be exaggerated. In the lower strata lust is increased, and in the higher spheres the best qualities are enhanced. There, one's sense of duty grows, and is especially evident at the time of reincarnation. A high spirit does not resist moving naturally into a new life. It rejoices at the possibility of self-improvement, and actively seeks more difficult tasks in order to test its renewed consciousness. The high spirit strives to a difficult path, while the weak one clings to laziness and cowardice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 119:
We cannot help feeling these storms, which tear the tissue woven over centuries. Let us not underestimate the dangers created by free will: a high gift, its misuse can drag humanity into the greatest dangers. It is impossible to convince people not to harm one another, but it is possible to continue the battle for equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 129:
Do not forget that a subtle body, even of high refinement, remains a material body, and is subject to laws which, though of a higher order, are nevertheless material.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 133:
We warned Napoleon more than once, and he admitted that he "heard voices," yet he continued on his path of error. Over eons it has been Our duty to warn those in high places who are in a position to hinder evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 147:
History knows little about the Mother of the Great Pilgrim, who was as exceptional as Her Son. The Mother came from a great family and was the embodiment of refinement and nobility of spirit. She was the One who laid the foundation for His first high ideals, and sang a lullaby to Him in which She foretold His miraculous future. She took great care to safeguard Her Child, and was a source of strength for His great achievements. She knew several languages, and thus made the path easier for Him. Nor did She object to His long pilgrimages, and gathered all that was necessary to make the travels easier. She rightly valued the common people and knew that they would guard the treasures of His Teaching. She recognized the grandeur of the Culmination and thus could give heart to those of diverse character who were weakened by doubt and rejection. She was prepared to experience the same achievement as Her Son, and He entrusted to Her His decision, which was confirmed by the Teachers. It was the Mother who understood the mystery of His wanderings. For the fundamental truth about the Mother's life to be clear, one must understand the local conditions of those times. However, She was led by Her insight into the future and was able to rise above the customs of Her country.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 158:
The cure for such pains can only be by vibrations. We send forth such currents, which sometimes reach a high intensity. These pains tormented the Great Pilgrim, and at such times He went into the desert, where it is easier to receive the healing vibrations. People assume that the Teacher is free of all human limitations, and cannot imagine why the Great Pilgrim was required to suffer such pains.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 159:
159. Urusvati can describe the features of the Great Pilgrim to artists who have a talent for depicting the human face. At least in a general way this Image should be given to the people. Here We shall once more recall His features. His light brown hair was rather long, with soft waves in noticeably separate locks and ends that were slightly darker. His forehead was broad and bright, unwrinkled, with eyebrows somewhat darker than the hair, but not too prominent. His eyes were blue and raised at the corners, with lashes that gave them great depth. His cheekbones were somewhat high and His nose not large, but gently rounded; His mouth was not large, but with rather full lips, His moustache not thick, and not covering the mouth. His beard was parted in the center, and not heavy. These features were appealing, but it was not so much the beauty as the expression of His face that made it unforgettable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 159:
Whoever turns to the Teacher should fill his heart with love since reverence and respect without love cannot be true. Some think that love will diminish reverence, but this indicates a misunderstanding of that high emotion. The true disciple is the one who loves his Teacher. All feeling is based either on love or fear, but fear is not appropriate where there is striving to Light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 186:
"It is foolish to assume that the gods have sent diseases as punishment, and it is wrong to think that the High Forces would afflict the innocent as well as the guilty with suffering. People themselves have generated infectious diseases through their intemperance and filth."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 222:
One should not easily excuse unworthy deeds on the basis of misunderstandings due to differences in language. Unfortunately, shameful deeds are the result of evil willfulness and envy. If one examines the reasons for the persecution of the best minds of different nations, and compares the reasons for the persecution and banishment of Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato, and others, one can observe that in each case the accusations and reasons for banishment were almost identical and unfounded. But in the following centuries full exoneration came, as if there had never been any defamation. It would be correct to conclude that such workers were too exalted for the consciousness of their contemporaries, and the sword of the executioner was ever ready to cut off a head held high. Pericles was recognized in his time only after people had reduced him to a sorry state. Only in that state could his fellow citizens accept him as an equal!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231:
Man possesses the great gift of cognizing joy. The high forehead that was given to him is a sign of lofty aspirations. From the far-off worlds down to the smallest flower joy offers herself to people. A new supply of strength comes to you every time you allow yourself to be joyous, for there is an intensity in joy that opens the next gate.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232:
Initiation is daring to approach the Image of Light and not fearing to look at It. Uniting with Light requires courage and a high degree of self-denial; this fearlessness is in itself a beautiful initiation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 233:
Let us learn to rejoice at every high degree of excellence; it brings us closer to Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
We speak of a drop of poison, but one small word can be equally poisonous. It is lamentable indeed that people do not consider the words they utter. The process of evolution is long, but it does not seem to improve the quality of human thoughts and words. Let us recall the high standard of Hindu and Greek philosophers. Can the twentieth century take pride in an equal refinement of thought?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 248:
The Thinker, having heard about a vision of relatives, remarked, "Perhaps High Spirits materialized through those forms."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 264:
264. Urusvati knows that prayer is often hypocritical. We have already spoken about the significance of prayer, but it is necessary to mention the harm of hypocritical or hired prayer. People do not realize the extreme harm in any kind of falsehood, but hypocrisy and bribery are its grossest expressions. One should realize how pervasively each false thought spreads. It is indeed blasphemous to hire someone for prayer. It is criminal to try to deceive Him who is considered by people as the Most High. Monstrous examples can be cited of people who mumbled prayers and at the same time plotted murder.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 283:
How beautiful are thoughts about motion! They are a source of inspiration for Us. We overcome the idea of time when We are in motion. We can solve problems when We adhere to the concept of motion. Be not surprised that in many people there is an intuitive desire to fly, for this is a sign of our epoch. But people should move even more in thought, and thus forge ahead of even the speediest flights. I know a valiant country that is ready for such high flights.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286:
To all these insanities will be added the most shameful - the intensified competition between male and female. We insist upon equal and full rights for women, but the servants of darkness will expel them from many fields of activity, even where they bring the most benefit. We have spoken about the many maladies in the world, but the renewed struggle between the male and female principles will be the most tragic. It is hard to imagine how disastrous this will be, for it is a struggle against evolution itself! What a high price humanity pays for every such opposition to evolution! In these convulsions the young generations are corrupted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 347:
The same is true about most mass manifestations. Certainly a multitude intensifies psychic forces, but only rarely can the ecstasy of a crowd be of high quality. During quiet, constructive periods the manifestations can be very intense, because there is nothing to prevent the subtle energy from approaching the physical world. Moreover, people of a quiet and balanced nature create a more suitable atmosphere and intensify the phenomena. Thus, one may observe entire eras of evolution and involution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382:
At times people notice a particularly intense manifestation of psychic energy. They may call such a state inspiration, or attribute it to particularly high spirits, or sufficient rest, or renewed strength. However, they simply sense the intensity of their own energy. They could achieve better results if they would realize that the source of such energy always abides within themselves. No special invocations are needed; one need only remember the treasure that lies dormant within everyone.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 411:
Let our labors serve as a reminder about active patience. Patience gives accuracy to our work, and in the high quality of labor we shall understand the meaning of harmony.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 431:
431. Urusvati knows that there can be a beneficial exchange of one's earthly ectoplasm for the higher energies. The Beings of the Higher Spheres can use these particles of ectoplasm, and in return They send active inspiration and strengthen the vital substance. In this way We can make sure that during communion of a natural, high degree, when saturation with a high substance occurs, no harm is done. However, for such communion one must be able to strive toward the Highest. All unhealthy contrivances will only lead to a loss of strength and evoke the ugliest companions.


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