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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HI > HIERARCH (81)

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
An alien teaching insists upon manifestation of subservience, but the community is so saturated with possibilities that the Sole Hierarchy will be the step of knowledge. No one designates the Hierarch, but those who listen and realize thus recognize this step. The Teacher will be the natural leader.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 94:
94. Some may be unable to reconcile the idea of equality with that of Hierarchy. Equality lies in the potentiality of spirit that all possess. Hierarchy is based on the uniqueness of one's accumulated experience. Therefore it is just to say that a complex of knowledge will be the gate of Hierarchy. Mark the expression "complex," because narrow specialization cannot define the breadth of a Hierarch.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 655:
655. How do people understand the law of Hierarchy? How do they fulfill its laws in life? How do they intensify the best striving in themselves? Truly the law of Hierarchy is mistakenly understood as an individual's right; it is forgotten that a Hierarch is a Link in a Chain, and One who fulfills the Will of an even Higher One. Only by knowing this is it possible to properly respond to the higher mission. Only thus can one validate the Trust and build the fiery accumulations in the Chalice.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 663:
How, then, does the Hierarch create on Earth? By uplifting all the surroundings. Thus, all spheres are uplifted by the pure flame of the Hierarch.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 668:
668. Of all principles leading to the broadening of consciousness, the principle of Hierarchy is the most powerful. Each manifested change is based upon it. Whither can the spirit direct itself without the Guiding Hand? Where can the eye and the heart turn without Hierarchy, when the Giving Hand of the Hierarch affirms the flow of destiny, and when the Hand of the Hierarch directs one to the best manifested date, and one becomes familiar with even the highest energies? Therefore, the seed of the spirit becomes imbued with the Cosmic Ray of the Hierarch. Since the most powerful principle contains in itself the potentiality of fire, the pure Fire of the spirit of the Hierarch is affirmed as the highest principle. Thus shall we remember our spiritual Leaders. Thus shall we revere the Law of Hierarchy.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 148:
148. The principle of Hierarchy is the most powerful of all principles leading to the broadening of consciousness. Each manifested shifting is created by the principle of the concept of Hierarchy. Where can the spirit direct itself without the Guiding Hand? Where can the eye and heart be directed without Hierarchy, when the bestowing Hand of the Hierarch affirms the direction of destiny, when the Hand of the Hierarch determines the most propitious date and the higher energies manifest in familiar images. Therefore, the seed of the spirit is imbued by the cosmic ray of the Hierarch. Since the highest principle contains in itself the potentiality of Fire, the pure fiery spirit of the Hierarch is asserted as the highest principle. Therefore, let is remember our spiritual Leaders. Thus we shall revere the law of Hierarchy.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 322:
322. Who, then, creates by the power of spirit? The Carrier of Fire, the sensitive servant of evolution, the spiritual creator of man, who gives all his fires for the advancement of mankind. Humanity in its quests must strive to emulate these Light-Bearers. How, then, does a Hierarch create upon Earth? By uplifting everything that surrounds him. Thus, by the pure flame of spirit the Hierarch elevates the spheres.

Hierarchy (1931) - 23:
23. You heard correctly about sovereign power. Verily, the Hierarch uses the power for cosmic progress. We Brothers of Humanity possess this power of acting in step with the Cosmic Magnet. I attest, verily, that We create by a strained heart. Thus let us understand unity. The cosmic creativeness also achieves in being strained by the Heart of Reason. Yes, yes, yes! This law is the attestation of Reason. Only thus does Cosmos create. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 27:
27. Verily, the tortuous line of the spirit retards its growth. A spasmodic striving induces an explosion which rends space. Each striving wave leads to creativeness. Each descending action induces an explosion. The most awful action is the rejection of the given Decrees. On the way to the Brotherhood one must understand that the highest Hierarch has his entrusted ones. Therefore, none should deny that which is given through Our entrusted ones, otherwise the higher steps will be inaccessible. Therefore I will repeat this until the consciousness is imbued with the greatest principle. Hence, you denying ones, guard this treasure that is given you for ascent!

Hierarchy (1931) - 35:
35. How do men understand the law of Hierarchy? How do they fulfill all the laws of life? How do they intensify in themselves the best strivings? Verily, the law of Hierarchy is understood as one's own right; it is forgotten that a Hierarch is a link of a chain and One who fulfills the Will of a Higher One. Only thus can one respond to the higher assignment. Only thus can one fulfill the trust and accumulate the fires in the Chalice.

Hierarchy (1931) - 36:
36. Thus the appointment of a Hierarch is the appointment of One who fulfils the Higher Will. When the spirit assigns to himself the affirmed right, he can achieve only through the fulfillment of the Higher Command.

Hierarchy (1931) - 42:
Why, then, is each of your missions so vital? Because it carries in itself the warrant of Our cooperation. Thus We affirm Hierarchy upon the law of succession. Therefore, when the Cosmic Law is realized, the understanding of the Chain of Hierarchy is established. Thus, the best executor will be the closest to the Hierarch. The Hierarchy of Service is but the fulfillment of the Higher Will.

Hierarchy (1931) - 56:
56. Certainly, when the spirit is accustomed to respond in Service in conformity with higher predestinations, the link of the spirit with the Higher Will is established. Hence, one should apply one's striving to perception of the Higher Will. Only thus can a Hierarch serve Our task. Verily adoption and fulfillment are the valor of a Hierarch. Therefore, I affirm that the power of creativeness is in the blending of consciousnesses. Thus We create the predestined future. I affirm it!

Hierarchy (1931) - 57:
57. Mean thoughts have been compared to crawling reptiles. Nothing is more analogous to this scum of the consciousness. Can one sit calmly in an armchair, knowing that beneath him crawl poisonous snakes and scorpions? One must free oneself from reptiles, and primarily on the path to Hierarchy. Condemnation of and blasphemy against the Lord are irreparable. Thus, each one who condemns the Hierarch must remember that his levity and crime will infect his karma for many ages. Verily, if there is only one way - through the Lord - to the one Light, then only extreme ignorance will allow destruction of this single path. One must assert striving to the Highest as the essence of life and assume a reverent attitude toward this salutary striving. By belittling the Hierarch one may condemn oneself and inflict perilous harm on many near ones. It is time to remember this!

Hierarchy (1931) - 101:
101. How majestic is the law of Hierarchy! How constructive are all laws of Hierarchy! Verily, the ladder reaches Heaven. Thus, each one striving to Hierarchy can fulfill the Higher Will through a task given from Above. Thus, We build through Hierarchy; hence each Indication should be fulfilled as given by the Hierarch. Only thus can one fulfill the Higher Will. Therefore one should truly guard the wish of the Hierarch. As pearls of the spirit one should guard the entire affirmed Source.

Hierarchy (1931) - 111:
111. When all the cosmic forces are strained, there can be no retreat without destruction. When the Forces of Light are grouped around the Light and the black ones around darkness, there is no retreat. Therefore, if the workers wish to conquer, they must gather as a mighty force around the focus. Yes, yes, yes! If an ordinary physical form is kept together merely by the cohesion of its particles, how much more powerful is the force emanating from the Hierarch! Hence, those who wish to conquer must adhere closely to the protecting Shield, to Hierarchy - only thus can one conquer. Only thus, during this threatening time of reorganization, can one live through the manifestation of turmoil. Thus, let us remember!

Hierarchy (1931) - 116:
Who will decide better and who knows better? Only the Hierarch. Therefore one has to guard every pearl. Thus, let them guard the treasures. Verily, I affirm that only thus can one conquer.

Hierarchy (1931) - 124:
124. When various currents are gathering, measures should certainly be taken against them. Various currents are governed by counteractive measures. All hostile currents require bridling. Thus each arrow aimed at the Shield will be turned against the enemy. Thus the boomerang acts, and the currents of Our reactions will be powerful. Thus one must act, protecting all foundations and all the highest indications of the Hierarch. Verily, only thus can one attain.

Hierarchy (1931) - 127:
127. The Spatial Fire dissolves all accumulations. But what a dam people build, and how they encumber space with non-understanding and a consciousness which so little comprehends the cosmic constructiveness! How can one create without acknowledging a Higher Leader? How can one build without sensing the thread that binds one with the Hierarch? How can one expect sendings when the spirit does not unfold to meet the Light? Only through adherence to Hierarchy and by fulfillment of the manifested Will can one be truly successful and attain everything that is affirmed. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 128:
128. Therefore each striving leading to the unification of the disciple with the Teacher leads to cognizance of the higher laws. The disciple in rejecting the Teacher acknowledges his own ignorance, because he arrests his development. Each force attracting the spirit upward is a force of development. How shall we broaden our consciousness and uplift the spirit if we do not accept the Hand of a Hierarch? Conceit very harmfully retards progress! Hence it is urgent to point out to all those who speak against extreme devotion to the Teacher that only by the force of devotion can refinement of consciousness be achieved. The culture of the spirit and thought are to be followed, thus manifesting an unconquerable devotion to Hierarchy. Only thus is the spirit uplifted; only thus can one be affirmed in the evolution of the spirit. Hence, the beauty of Service is contained in the blending of consciousnesses. When the arcs of consciousnesses are blended, Light reigns, and the highest ordainment is affirmed. Only thus is the highest Law attained. Thus We create!

Hierarchy (1931) - 156:
156. This bond unites Us and creates the best results. Thus, the most wondrous thread is the silver one uniting the heart of the Hierarch with his disciple. The light of the spirit is nurtured by this might. Therefore, when We speak of a united aura, We have in mind the actuality of the bond! Thus, the Counsels should be guarded as the Source of Light. Thus one can attract the best opportunities. Hence the sacred union of the Hierarch with the disciple is evidenced when the disciple's consciousness is striving toward the consciousness of the Hierarch. Thus a wondrous step is built by a blended heart!

Hierarchy (1931) - 178:
178. How necessary it is for everyone not to disunite his heart and mind on the path to Us. Creativeness is affirmed by pure impulses, and it is most necessary to unite all the fiery centers. Thus, it must be realized that the matter of thought must serve as a link with higher substances, because only the subtlest thought can penetrate to them, and the refinement of consciousness can impel that force which controls mighty levers. Thus, only a united consciousness can fulfill the Higher Will. Thus the Chain of Hierarchy is affirmed. Thus a united consciousness rules the world. The Higher Will is transmitted to the closest spirit. Hence, the Will of the Hierarch must thus be fully executed. Therefore one must actively accept all that is given by a united consciousness

Hierarchy (1931) - 185:
185. The words that comprise the concept of Good are in great favor with Us. But one of them is utterly opposite to Our customs - that is comfort. Verily, investigate the history of humanity, and you will be convinced that nothing great was ever created in comfort. For a long time I have spoken repeatedly about the blessed obstacles, but there are few who love the struggle for achievement. However, it is inevitable to become used to the struggle, because otherwise it is impossible to temper the blade of the spirit. For earthly progress, as well as for the far-off worlds, obstacles and the ability to conquer them are needed. To be at rest does not befit a Hierarch.

Hierarchy (1931) - 199:
199. The fiery Envoy of the Hierarchy acts as a mighty fiery Will. The Hand of a Hierarch directs as a Higher Hand. The Hierarch saturates as a propelled magnet, hence one must act consciously. Thus, the spirit striving to the realization of the Teacher can be affirmed on the path, but the spirit rejecting the concept of the Teacher may betray the Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 330:
330. If one combines the complete responsibility of the physician, judge, priest, teacher, architect, and lawmaker, one arrives at a part of the responsibility of a Hierarch. But just a part. For besides the earthly responsibility, He also belongs to the subtle and mental worlds. We never summon anyone to don the armor of a Hierarch, because only the spirit itself can choose such a responsibility. The seed of the Hierarch is generated according to a certain ray. Verily, the might of ascent has no fear of responsibility before the three worlds. This courage is like a link between the worlds, like the pillar of the Covenant, like the Light, all-penetrating! Thus, facing the throne of responsibility, the wings of achievement glow.

Hierarchy (1931) - 340:
340. Wisely is ordained the bliss of him who sacrifices his soul for his neighbor. Often this commandment is applied to the sacrifice of one's life, yet it is not said of life or body, but of the spirit. Thus a most difficult and lengthy task is given. In order to give one's soul one should cultivate, expand, and refine it, then it can be given for the salvation of one's neighbor. Thus the wisdom of the Commandment should be understood and consciously applied. It is also said, "Follow Me." Thus will speak each Hierarch, affirming a progressive motion. He cannot turn back, otherwise the leading star will be hidden behind the rock.

Hierarchy (1931) - 361:
361. Verily, the cosmic Origins are wondrous in their might, and the creative law of Hierarchy imbues all with fire. Therefore, at the base of the entire Cosmos lies the law of the great unification of the highest fires. Hence all great designations should not be dissociated. And the foundation of the future, the radiant Hierarchy of bliss, is indeed intensified in the assertion of great laws. Verily, it must be remembered that one can build only through Hierarchy. One may be in the orbit affirmed by Hierarchy only when the consciousness understands that a blow upon the Shield of the Name of the Hierarch is a blow at Us, and each one permitting a blow pays dearly. Thus, in unity lies the success of all works. The admittance of depreciation is an evidence of faint-heartedness and defection. Unity is a wondrous fire!

Hierarchy (1931) - 399:
399. When a new race is assembled, the Assembler is a Hierarch. When a new step for humanity is built, the Builder is a Hierarch. When the step preordained by the Cosmic Magnet is constructed upon the vital rhythm, a Hierarch stands at its head. There is no manifestation of life which does not contain in its seed its Hierarch. The more powerful the step, the more powerful the Hierarch.

Hierarchy (1931) - 408:
408. The kings of spirit - where are they? Often people place themselves on the level of a king of spirit, forgetting that the most essential quality of a king of spirit is his following of a Hierarch. Can one ascend to the level of a king of spirit by neglecting the Hierarch? Can one expect esteem for oneself through disparaging the Hierarch? Do not those who oppose the Hierarch carry ineradicable stains on themselves? Thus, let humanity remember and ponder upon how to become true kings of spirit! Thus, one may warn those who wish to become kings of spirit. Not by self-glorification do we reach the kingly step of spirit. Not by striving to an evident self-doom can one reach the affirmation of the step of a king of the spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 408:
Therefore, We advise each one to follow a Hierarch.

Hierarchy (1931) - 409:
409. Thus, We have a list of those following a Hierarch, those denying a Hierarch, and those who openly oppose the Most High. Certainly the life of each one who, if only a few times, opposes a Hierarch, becomes very complicated, because such is the law of life. Hence it must be realized how important it is to follow a Hierarch. Thus, the important time must be attested. Thus, one should have an understanding of the manifested time. Thus, We attest the New World. Indeed, the dark ones are infuriated and frightened, but We are more powerful than darkness. Thus, all dugpas condemn themselves to annihilation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 433:
433. What state flourishes without a great leader? What affirmed undertaking has existed without a leader? Verily one must understand that the concept of a leader is the synthesis of all the highest strivings. Thus, only the concept of Hierarchy, of an Illumined Leader, can direct the spirit. Thus, let all, all, all ponder upon and remember the Might of Hierarchy. Only through this realization can one advance. Only through this realization can one attain. Let it be remembered that each stone thrown at Hierarchy will be transformed into a mountain against oneself. Thus let all remember! Thus We proclaim the Leader - the Hierarch!

Heart (1932) - 2:
2. Many legends tell of the fulfillment of wishes, but they do not speak of the fundamental condition of issuelessness, which whets the desires to the point of immutability. Each tiny deviating path already dulls the arrow of immutability. But as one who is unaccustomed to the water can swim when in danger of being drawn to the bottom, so the solution of the fulfillment of a wish is found when all paths are cut off. People say a miracle has happened! But often it was only the intensification of the psychic energy. The heart, the sun of the organism, is the focus of psychic energy. Thus, in speaking of the heart we must have in mind the law of psychic energy. It is beautiful to sense the heart as the Sun of Suns of the universe. We must understand the Sun of the Highest Hierarch as our Banner. Beautiful is this Banner, like an invincible power if our eyes have assimilated its radiance, reflected in our heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 226:
226. During the transmission of thoughts, the difficulty arises not so much from the sender, but in the reception. The sending takes place through tension of the heart and will, hence it depends entirely upon the sender himself. But the recipient is usually in other conditions. Not only may he be mentally overburdened but his thought and consciousness may be absent. Moreover, the most unexpected currents can intersect space and thus distort some portion of the sendings. In order to even partially avoid this impediment, We teach alertness and vigilance. When the consciousness becomes used to these conditions, the receiver remains tensed and open. This method of continuous vigil is not Ours alone, it was already employed in remote antiquity. Each initiation into the Mysteries contained the question, "Is thy ear open?" Such opening signified primarily the ability to maintain keen vigilance. The condition of intersecting currents was avoided by striving toward the Hierarch, with whom a contact was established. True, harmful attempts can be made with intent to break off or to fasten upon the currents. Besides the already indicated aerial conduits, it is possible to avoid eavesdropping by means of mutual striving - this is like galvanizing the conduit. Thus, it is possible by degrees to achieve many useful things. Moreover, let us not forget that these achievements are ineradicable.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 272:
272. Each receptivity is already an acceptance of Fire. Tension of energy is the transformation of an undifferentiated element into active vibrations. True receptivity is always positive, because the fiery energy then acts directly. Each unlawful deviation and destruction arouses the so-called black fire. It has a peculiar analogy to venous blood. Phlebotomy had its reason. The black fire could be discharged by it. Fortunately the luminous Fire does not call for such coarse measures. The more naturally the Fire is kindled, the more beneficial it is. Hence the conclusion that the fire of love is the most perfect. You wish to protect the Hierarch, and you do so not from fear, not for gain, but from love. The substitution of fear or covetousness for love results in black fire. The result is the same in the case of any other unworthy substitutions. Every fire is magnetic; therefore one should so cautiously avoid the magnetism of the black fire. It does not transmute the particles of dense emanations, but acts just reversely, thus encumbering space. This can be especially harmful in the case of blood relationships when the dense unconsumed particles are so easily attracted and can overstrain already weakened organs. Thus, it is impractical to kindle the black fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 614:
614. Earthly events are much spoken about in the Subtle World, yet there is much which cannot be understood there. One must have compassion for such lack of understanding, just as on Earth. Precisely, as on Earth, so also in Heaven, one should not aggravate a situation by irritation. One should follow the Hierarch in full trust, just as the Hierarch follows his own Hierarch. This path of devotion should be loved. One must cleave to it whole-heartedly, so that any other mode of thought becomes impossible. Verily, by such devotion are worlds built. One may read about most beautiful examples of devotion, and thus will be narrated a story about heroes. One should even learn to live like the heroes. One should love the Fiery Sphere.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 89:
89. The Leader must always be alert, in order that no one receive from him emanations of depression. But such alertness may be established only when devotion to Hierarchy is present, when the communion has entered the heart. From such Source proceeds magnanimity, which opens the most difficult gates. One must have before oneself the Image of the Hierarch, in order to find in all cases a basis of friendliness. One must know the Fiery Sword of the Archangel, in order to know the boundary of justice. Who can say when all measures of magnanimity are exhausted? The Hierarch alone can take upon himself such a decision.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 91:
91. In the approach to the Fiery World one has to pass the step of repulsion of the dark forces by the power of the spirit. A man who ascends feels much more deeply the assault of the unbridled elements. He must, without resorting to magic's violations, withstand the assault of the dark ones by his own spirit alone. This step is mentioned in all Teachings under different names. One must be prepared to meet various crafty devices, but one should not, taking the example of ignorant ones, try to escape such unavoidable encounters. One may remember that above all formulas there exists the power of the spirit. One has but to unite it, through one's heart, with the Hierarch, in order to become invulnerable. It must not be thought that one can be forsaken by the Hierarch, but it must be remembered that on a certain step independent application of one's strength is primarily advised. Thus, one should face each assault courageously, not avoiding the most terrifying. Remember that every retreat manifests helplessness. Even the youngest neophytes know that during necessary changes of place one must move facing the enemy. This is not magic, but only the realization of the power of the gaze.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 282:
282. Useful for Hiero-inspiration is the current which is called the Seal of the Hierarch. It can be sensed upon the nape, it shines as a white ray. Through knowledge of Hiero-inspiration it is possible to remember this sensation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 356:
356. To realize that the Teaching transforms the consciousness will already be an essential comprehension, but in order to influence the consciousness one should repeatedly affirm the path of Hierarchy. One must accustom oneself to worthy conduct before the Image of the Hierarch. Thus I say - it is needful to be girded with unceasing prayer. Such prayer is needed now, when the earth is shaken by terrors.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 358:
358. Hiero-inspiration must fill all life. This does not mean any breaking away from earthly existence, but Hiero-inspiration should become the sole expression of life. When the Hierarch indicates the approach of a fiery consciousness, then each issued word and thought will conform to the higher solution. It must be observed in life how one's judgment becomes truer and the understanding is unmistakably and correspondingly strengthened.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 52:
52. Least of all do people understand success. Usually, when the success of a task commissioned by the Hierarchy, and imbued with the help of the Hierarchy, is attributed by the spirit steeped in selfhood to its own merit, the success turns into a heartache of the spirit. When a co-worker requires adoration of himself for fulfillment of the task given him, he closes by this very act the records of the space. The records of life passing on in all earthly glory reveal so many beggars in spirit! A co-worker who presents to the community the idea that the Hierarchy will act in accordance with the affirmation of the successful co-worker introduces truly a belittlement of the Hierarch. How difficult it is to introduce among the co-workers the true concept of success! Indeed, only humility of the spirit and the feeling of gratitude are appropriate. Who gave all possibilities? Who has given the direction? Who has manifested all good? Only the Hierarch, only the Leader, only the Forces of Light. Successful co-worker, examine thy armor; on each link is inscribed - Hierarchy. Not I myself, nor mine, but Thine, O Lord!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 54:
54. Let Us explain how to understand tolerance. When we speak about a higher tolerance, We mean that Hierarchy can show leniency because the heart of the Hierarch is all-containing; it feels everything and knows all impulses and intentions, and weighs all the good and the bad. In His leniency the Higher Spirit descends into the sphere of the consciousness of the disciple, and by His indulgence and tolerance uplifts the disciple. But not thus must the co-worker accept the indications about tolerance. For the disciple who is intolerant toward his surroundings, the needed quality cannot be called leniency. When the development of this wonderful quality, tolerance, is indicated to him, it means that first of all he must exclude censure. The indication about tolerance does not mean to have always command over one's fellow-worker; it does not mean that the spirit is on such a level that it can condemn those who surround him. The indication about tolerance first of all must awaken in the disciple the understanding of the fact that the spirit must be freed from egoism, because selfhood carries the most frightful monstrosities. Hence, only the spirit of a disciple freed from selfhood can manifest leniency. On the path to the Fiery World one should understand the true significance of tolerance.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 58:
Indeed, the leaders of the spirit do not practice suggestion nor hypnotism, and great faith in Hierarchy is not illusion but the life of the Subtle World. The manifestation of followers and pupils is a consequence of the magnet of the spirit of the Hierarch. Thus let us remind all faint-hearted and obsessed ones, who are not averse to employ blasphemy and betrayal. Hardly any manifestation is more deplorable than lack of understanding of the Hierarchic Principles of Existence. Let us manifest understanding for the magnet of the spirit on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 157:
The royal spirit of the Hierarch is that power which awakens the consciousness and which manifests the higher conception of Truth on the planet. King of spirit is the Fiery Hierarch! What a power does this great Guardian of Fire manifest! How many great structures are being erected having foundations in the fiery King of the Spirit! Thus, let us remember on the path to the Fiery World about that blessed power which is borne by the King of the Spirit - the Hierarch.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 192:
192. Truly, mankind is unable to get out of the charmed circle of effects. How, then, can humanity overcome all the malignant energies which saturate life? Only fundamental manifestations can give the true direction; but the charmed circle, which is affirmed by humanity, will be cloven only when the sword of the spirit pierces the web woven by darkness. Struggling with effects does not lead to the designated manifestation which must bring near the great future. Rightly has it been stated that the Leader knows the cause of cosmic manifestations. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us follow the Hierarch of Light who knows those causes and effects. Thus let us remember when the great Epoch of Fire draws near.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 325:
325. The sunlike heart of the Hierarch illumines the existing tension of things as a result of cosmic reconstruction. The beclouded consciousness of humanity does not know the cause of the disintegration which is taking place. People speak about the Wrath of God, they voice their fears when faced with floods of misfortunes, but they speak not about the Hand which retaliates for that which the hands of men have put together. Cosmic Justice brings not reward but merited action. Thus must humanity understand that which is created by Karma. Spatial Fire is raging, saturated with the affirmations of Light and darkness. The Cosmic Scales know the Higher Justice. A Cosmic Ordinance draws near. The sunlike heart of the Hierarch is impelled to creativeness by Fiery Command.


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