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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HI > HIDEOUSNESS (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 341:
When it becomes possible to see the emanations of the human body, you will discern with clarity the hideousness of duplicity, when the face shows benevolence but the thoughts are sharpening knives.

Brotherhood (1937) - 111:
111. Good deeds are like different flowers in a meadow. Among the healing ones there may be others which are quite brilliant but poisonous. Among the wonderful manifestations there may be found extremely deadly ones, but only by experiment is it possible to make a just selection. Insincerity contains a destructive poison. It can be observed that a construction built upon falsehood degenerates into hideousness. Much is being spoken about good deeds, but they must be truly good. Let people search the depths of their hearts as to when they have been good. No mask can conceal the ugliness of a skeleton of falsehood. Let us not condemn, for each one has already condemned himself.


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