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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HE > HETEROGENEITY (4)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 288:
288. The currents of the Cosmic Magnet intensify all courses in the Universe. Combinations of creative forces are affirmed in all spheres. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet asserts the heterogeneity of elements necessary for the union of the psychic seeds. The psychic seeds assemble about themselves those elements which are needed for the formation of a predestined current. Thus, the psychic seeds can form that sphere which is within the kernel. The currents of the subtlest energies are gathered around that kernel which contains limitless inceptions.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 344:
344. The creative principle impels all energies toward fusion. The heterogeneity of the striving energies manifests the power of attraction. Thus, each propelled energy is not lost in space; and the power of each energy increases through fusion. Each energy attracted by the creative principle multiplies its power through this impulse; and each coalescing and striving atom generates energy. Hence, all cosmic energies manifest the potency of creativeness. Infinity affirms the generation of energies and multiplies all cosmic manifestations of the creative principle.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 157:
157. Whence emanates the striving to the Cosmic Magnet? A correlation of energies is but confirmed by attraction. Whence emanates heterogeneity and the attraction of dissimilar energies? The affirmation of forms can result only from the fact of differing properties. Only when heterogeneous properties are drawn into the creation does a true cosmic manifestation take place. Only when the force of polarity is asserted does the force of attraction act. Thus, upon all planes the affirmed polarities are asserted. The spirit which serves independently attracts the force of the Cosmic Magnet. The formulation of thought attracts the needed evolution. The participation of the heart brings a constructive vibration. Thus, the foundation of creativeness is the awakening of the vibration of the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 69:
69. One cannot accept everything written about the Brotherhood as authentic. Much has been confused with imaginings about the Subtle World; many personal dreams are interwoven with reality. There exist many legends about various races and non-existent continents. To a concept which attracts them, people attach many details without being concerned about their heterogeneity of kind and time. A poor imagination often belittles that which it wishes to glorify.


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