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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HE > HEROES (79)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 350:
350. People have been taught about the heroes of antiquity. At this change of races, should not achievement shine forth anew? The Shield of Our Brotherhood is ready to protect the search for light. Your best endeavors are nurtured by Us like seeds. Blessed are the paths of beauty; The thirst of the world must be quenched. The miracle of New Life is obscured by tatters, yet it lives. Fear not the scum of life; When the pot is boiling, the scum swirls to the top. On the path of podvig there can be no fear, Yet the fire of the heart illumines the way of truth. The truth of Eternity is in beauty of the spirit. The spirit knows where beauty is.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 420:
420. Already you begin to fly about the world in thought. Already you begin to vanquish the oceans' span. Already you know the joy of creating. Already you sing the ecstasy of making life beautiful. Already much has been accomplished. My friends! Why not resolve to pass your entire lives as heroes? And if I say, "You may rest awhile," This means that I know, for I guard you. I said it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.2:
Holy Heroes have been represented correctly as sailing in a boat. Thus does the wave of world energy carry along those who have entered its current.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Just now, when an important time is drawing near, it is necessary to disinfect as many children as possible: They will be the ones to think about the cities of the future. They must be given a truthful book about the saintly heroes of the Common Good, but this book has not yet been written. Fallacious are children's books, spurious their playthings, false the smiles of their tutors. Amidst constant falsification is it possible to expect truthfulness?

New Era Community (1926) - 107:
107. The school must not only instill a love for the book but teach how to read - and the latter is not easier than the former. It is necessary to know how to concentrate thought in order to penetrate into a book. Not the eye but the brain and the heart do the reading. The book does not occupy a place of honor in many homes. It is the duty of the community to affirm the book as a friend of the home. The cooperative, first of all, has a book-shelf whose contents are very extensive. There will be accounts of the treasures of the motherland and of her links with the world. The heroes, the creators and the toilers will be revealed; and the concepts of honor, duty, and obligation to one's neighbor, as well as mercy will be affirmed. There will be many examples prompting learning and discoveries.

New Era Community (1926) - 147:
Heroes may be encountered in present-day life. One should not consider this concept inapplicable. If we fear to introduce such a concept, we ourselves break away from the pathleading into the region of truth. One should recognize heroism in life; one should remember that the sword is the staff of the hero. Knowing how to turn sword into staff must find a place in the day's work.

New Era Community (1926) - 234:
Not words, but the filling of space impels you in an immutable command. The abolishment of fear will help you in a difficult hour. It is particularly difficult to conquer the consciousness of solitude. In wise narratives is often mentioned a lone battle. The warrior - he is also a scout, he is also an adviser, he is also a decider, he is also a hero. Take note that this word has been almost thrust out of the vocabulary of the old world. The hero becomes unacceptable in the life of petty hearts. As a stranger, he would be ashamed amid prosperity. Learn to be there where there are heroes. The world will be shaken with the reality of heroism.

New Era Community (1926) - 234:
One may speak today about the hero instead of about mechanics. Let children call themselves heroes and apply to themselves the qualities of remarkable people. Let them be given books of clear account, wherein the faces of toil and of will have been depicted without any soft coatings. Even for medicinal purposes this valiant call of life is irreplaceable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 46:
46. According to certain symptoms one can distinguish between those nations that are ascending and those declining. The nation that ascends dreams of heroes. But for the worn-out nation the idea of a hero seems wearisome and pointless. Though this nation may be showered with gold, though its conceit still may be impassioned, it will be unfit for podvig. The dreams and ardor of real daring have passed out of the walls of the nation that knows only reason.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 58:
58. One can pay tribute to heroes, but each hour brings its own judgment. The natural erosion of a section of rock reveals new veins of gold.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 84:
We need not always take examples from giants or heroes. I recall a Hindu boy who had found his Teacher. We asked him, "Is it possible that the sun would seem dark to you if you saw it without the Teacher?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 289:
The cross is the symbol of life. When the Great Plato was departing from Us, his last advice was, "Create heroes!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 290:
290. Did the heroes of ancient times resemble today's heroes? Did the heroes of antiquity need an inexhaustible store of enthusiasm? Their achievements were brief, and one explosion of fire was enough to feed their energy. Now, the extended duration of achievement, with the complete depletion of forces in the earthly atmosphere, puts an unbearable strain on the energy. The most powerful stroke, the sternest call, can flash out from but a single explosion; but continuous and repeated action requires a whole sequence of currents of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 290:
We are told once again, "Create heroes."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
Some will say that the Teaching is too general, or too tiresome, but the Teaching, unseen, spreads in its own unexpected ways. Drops of the Teaching radiate in the words of people, both famous and unknown, in scientific laboratories, and in the glorious deeds of unforgettable heroes. Not recognizing each other, these seemingly unrelated co-workers carry the fragments of timely knowledge. Who will censure them?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 561:
561. There used to be a belief that heroes were able to watch the grass grow. But did this not in fact express an understanding that they were capable of higher observation?

Heart (1932) - 241:
It would be useful in the schools, in regard to historic epochs, to question the pupils as to how they would have acted in the place of the heroes. One must not implant any special replies in the pupils; on the contrary, the ground should be opened for all types of considerations; thus the students will be initiated into their first tests. Therefore, from the first years, one should become accustomed to a free choice of results. True, the Invisible Hand of the Teacher will always forewarn about retrogression. Of course, for this the existence of at least a thin thread with Hierarchy is necessary.

Heart (1932) - 359:
359. A special course should be created - knowledge of the heart. The simplest maidservant understands the sweetness of talking about the heart. For a scientist it would seem much simpler to broaden this concept. Human history itself gives comparative tables of the workers of the brain and heart. Will not these images of achievement and the heroes of self-sacrifice provide the best perfectment of the heart?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 47:
47. The approach of the Subtle World to the earthly one is one of the great fiery tasks. Imperceptibly, much is being done toward this end. But, in addition, it is necessary to strengthen a consciousness of this in the minds of people. One should affirm its reality and remove it from the category of a fairy tale. It is not sufficient that somewhere results have already been achieved, for the slightest improvement demands a conscious acceptance. If this is apparent even with everyday discoveries, then how much more is it felt when it concerns man himself! It is difficult for man to yield even in the smallest! Rare are the heroes who shed their blood for the good of their fellow man, yet this inner impulse fills the organism with new forces. One should understand the transmutation of the physical body also as a form of heroism. It must serve as an encouragement to realize that the experience of such an approach has already produced excellent and tangible results. People must become accustomed to the fact that the perfecting of conditions of existence must be accelerated, but this must not resemble convulsions. On the contrary, people should not be satisfied with outworn customs; they should learn to rejoice at the new. Joy about the new is already wings to the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 89:
89. In schools one should not read only about heroes. Examples of the fate of a few anonymous waverers would be worthwhile. The bright flame of achievement would shine still more by comparison with the fate of the extinguishers.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 126:
126. In place of the Diplodocus, kangaroos leap; in place of the Pterodactyl, bats fly; in place of the dragon, lizards. What is the meaning of this? Can it be degeneration? Actually, it is only adaptation. Similarly, the club of Hercules would be only a museum rarity nowadays. Thus, also in life, evolution should be understood, not as the growth of the fist, but as condensation of the spirit. From the swinging of the club let us turn to a new understanding of everyday life. The element of fire is majestic, yet even this must be learned in daily routine. It is not right to clothe heroes in a toga alone, depriving them of other forms of garment. Evolution should be accepted from life, amidst life, and for life. The beauty of evolution is not an abstraction, for each abstraction is a misconception. One should well remember this concept of evolution as a vital capacity; thus we shall approach the most complex formulas, where the symbol Aum will not be an inscription but the expression of the highest ingredient. Let us exercise our consciousness toward this.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 541:
541. Earth still harbors the good robber and the cruel devotee. One would suppose that people, as the highest elements of Earth, would evolve far more rapidly than other elements of the planet. But a strange phenomenon is taking place - rejecting the ethics of spirit, people have encased themselves in a spiritual inertia. It seems that even the climate changes more rapidly than the human consciousness. Many inventions have appeared on this planet more than once. Bygone nations knew much, but the quality of thinking has progressed very little. And still people talk a great deal about a new race and a new humanity. But no Golem is to be the prototype of the new race. The quality of thinking will differ from that of past ages. The art of thinking must be completely and consciously regenerated, but without understanding the three worlds it is impossible to raise thinking to a new level. He who does not yearn for self-perfection will not think on a planetary scale. He who considers discussion of the Fiery World as superstition or paganism cannot revere the Image of the Savior. One need not wonder that people become accustomed to honest thinking so slowly, for throughout their many incarnations they have been bereft of the best images of the heroes of mankind. People have continually seen that it was precisely the heroes who were tortured and killed before their very eyes. By such thinking one does not arrive at the concept of the new man.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 554:
554. He who says that heroes are not needed expels himself from evolution. Observe that on the border of mediocrity, lack of faith, and egoism, lies self-annihilation. Decades may pass before the process of self-devouring becomes evident, but it grows from the very hour that Hierarchy is denied. It is impossible to imagine the affirmation of a progressive action without Hierarchy. One must repeat this most simple Teaching, because people are headed toward the abyss. The rays from the shoulders are causing pain not because of the convulsions of the planet but because of the raging of humanity. As waterspouts divide water into columns, so disunited humanity whirls about. It is a very significant year of the revolt of the human spirit. Fire can be held back only up to a certain point. Inevitably it will break through all manifested obstructions.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 555:
555. It is as easy to fall prey to obsession as it is difficult to effect cooperation with the Subtle World. In the first place, people as a rule give little thought to true cooperation; and in the second, they altogether refuse to admit the existence of the Subtle World. During obsession a most objectionable violation takes place, and rational cooperation is eliminated from the consciousness. Many dwellers in the Subtle World would like to offer their knowledge, but they are denied the opportunity because of various prejudices and fear. If you only knew what great turbulence now exists in the Subtle World when the new division of humanity rocks space! One should not assume that the present time is an ordinary one; it is unprecedented and can inaugurate a New Era. Nevertheless, create heroes - thus it is ordained.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 588:
588. Each abuse of the Savior, the Teacher, and the Heroes plunges the world into savagery and precipitates chaos. How can it be explained that chaos is very near, that there is no need to cross an ocean to find it? It is also difficult to explain that savagery begins with the very smallest. When the treasure of solemnity is lost and the pearls of the heart's knowledge are scattered, what remains? One can remember how people mocked the Great Sacrifice. Has not the entire world answered for this savagery? One can see how it is reflected in degeneration. This degeneration is the worst of all. I say, "Blessed be all energies; but let there be no sinking into the miasma of dissolution." Thus let us remember all Great Days!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 614:
614. Earthly events are much spoken about in the Subtle World, yet there is much which cannot be understood there. One must have compassion for such lack of understanding, just as on Earth. Precisely, as on Earth, so also in Heaven, one should not aggravate a situation by irritation. One should follow the Hierarch in full trust, just as the Hierarch follows his own Hierarch. This path of devotion should be loved. One must cleave to it whole-heartedly, so that any other mode of thought becomes impossible. Verily, by such devotion are worlds built. One may read about most beautiful examples of devotion, and thus will be narrated a story about heroes. One should even learn to live like the heroes. One should love the Fiery Sphere.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 42:
42. To turn to the future is not at all easy. It sounds simple - to leave the past and look to the future. It is both simple and beautiful, but how shall we light the bonfires of the past and where shall we find the fires to illumine the future? The attainments of the spirit will prompt how to find these boundaries and measures. But how to squeeze the heroic deed into everyday life? Fortunately every heart is a ready purse for achievement. In all times the population has been divided into settlers and nomads. The nomads moved by the power of search for achievement, they had no place of their own. But for the future they found the strength of achievement. Such striving of the heart is inherent in every human life. Amidst the precipitants resulting from heroic achievements must be found this noble restlessness, leading into the future. Only thus may one escape the snares of the past. I already have told you that one should avoid reminiscences in the Subtle World. They are like fetters! But already here one must become accustomed to the striving into the future. It is not said that one should not know the past; precisely knowledge is blessed. But one must not get stuck in the dust of the forefathers. Thus without forgetting, without limiting, let us advance towards the New Worlds. The freedom of consciousness gives birth to heroes. Discipline of spirit affirms the wise, and only the ignorant understand the future as a new bed. It is best to imagine movement and flights.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 344:
344. How then shall the heart endure if it be aware of all the terrors performed? How shall the heart beat when it hears the wailing of a multitude of hearts? Neither the past nor the present will enable it to sustain all the oppressive burden of the World. Only the future in all its fieriness will carry one over to the new shores. Only by casting forward the saving anchor can we make our landing. The farther we cast the anchor the more easily and vigorously do we transfer our consciousness into the Fiery World. For the sake of that World we can improve the consciousness, enlighten the heart, and think about the Good. Nothing else can provide safe conduct for man through all the fields of horror. People do not comprehend the quantity of created misfortunes. The deadening of psychic energy makes people insensitive to reality. Insensitiveness to reality is one of the most frightful epidemics. People turn away from current happenings, and think thus to prolong an existence agreeable to the body. They do not even know how to think about the future. But without the future heroes and regeneration are inconceivable. Therefore, on every occasion let us point to the Fiery World as the goal of existence.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 428:
428. Day-dreaming must be transformed into disciplined thinking. The ancient sages advised mothers to pass on to their children tales about heroes, and to acquaint them with the best songs about great deeds. Is it possible that humanity nowadays wishes to renounce these wise covenants? The Fiery World is first of all open to heroes - to those who achieve.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 24:
24. One of the great concepts, often incorrectly interpreted, is precisely the great concept of humility. It has been interpreted as non-resistance to evil; it has been interpreted as good-heartedness, as compassion, but very few accepted it as self-denial. For only self-denial and self-sacrifice can give understanding of humility. Truly, We see the giants of spirit and the heroes who devote themselves fully to the humble tasks for the good of humanity. We know of great experiments being humbly carried out in the earthly laboratories for the benefit of humanity. We know the great fiery experiments of those who dedicate their lives wholly and humbly to the benefit of mankind. We know manifestations on the path to the Fiery World which inspire all surroundings. Truly manifold is humility manifested through self-sacrifice and self-renunciation. Heroism is a manifestation of various aspects of humility. Thus the records of space are filled with great deeds of humility. Invaluable are these fiery flights of the spirit. Thus, verily, the heroes of humility drain the cup of poison for the good of mankind.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 41:
41. Kingliness of spirit is contained in fiery consciousness, precisely as discipline of the spirit, as an affirmed synthesis, and as a manifestation of broad understanding. Thus, only slaves in spirit are afraid of everything which is fiery, because each manifestation of Fire scorches them. One may trace how regally the revealed co-worker proceeds, illumined by the Fire of consciousness. One should note not only the achievements of apparent heroism, but also the great path of kingliness of the spirit amidst daily life. It is impossible to err in the potentiality of the regal Bearer of Fire. We know these great heroes who saturate the space and all surroundings with their fire and inspire others to achievement. Thus, it is necessary in life to watch the subtle actions of the kingly spirit. One should subtly discern heroism, because we do not always see the fiery heroism of the spirit; and the basis of heroism is not always revealed to the eye of the ordinary man. How beautiful is the path of a kingly spirit!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 43:
43. The heart of a hero knows self-sacrifice in the name of Common Good. It knows self-renunciation and Great Service. The path of the hero is not always strewn with wreaths of human gratitude. The path of the hero proceeds by thorny ways. Therefore, one should always revere the path of self-renunciation, because each advancement upon the face of the Earth which affirms heroism of the spirit guarantees a new beginning. How many heroes of the spirit could have been seen upon mankind's path as torchbearers! But these fires of the spirit are unnoticeable to the eye of ignorance. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should revere the heroes of everyday life who saturate life with an achievement in each hour. The community of labor should cultivate these heroes, because the pillars of a nation stand erect only on the qualities of heroism of the spirit and the heart. He who knows the heroism of self-renunciation will not be a chance hero of an hour - the records of space will mark forever the labors of the hero of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 46:
46. Though the good effects of good intentions, of good thoughts and actions are elusive, still according to the law of causality, everything produces an effect. This law is immutable and sublime. The affirmation of causality in each action gives a broadening of consciousness; for not fear, but discernment, of actions gives the proper direction. How beautiful is the law which gives life to every good and to each creative beginning! Indeed, the structure of the Cosmos is aggrandized by all the origins of each hour. Verily, the heroes of the spirit know how their striving of each day links them with the construction of life. Thus the law of causality can direct the thinking towards an understanding of the infinitude of the Fiery World; when the spirit senses that it is a link in a Cosmic Chain, as the effect of a cause and the cause of a new effect. Man will be able to realize a great deal through this simple understanding of the law of cause and effect. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the eternal motion of our actions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 49:
49. Since times immemorial the Chalice has been a symbol of Service. The gifts of Higher Forces are gathered in the Chalice and given from the Chalice. The symbol of the Chalice has always stood for self-sacrifice. Whoever bears the Chalice bears Achievement. Each lofty deed can be marked by the symbol of the Chalice. Everything most lofty, everything for the good of humanity, should bear this symbol. The Chalice of the Grail, the Chalice of the Heart which has dedicated itself to the Great Service, is a most Cosmic Magnet. The Heart of the Cosmos is reflected in this great symbol. All images of Heroes of the Spirit may be represented as bearing the Chalice. The whole universe is reflected in the Chalice of the fiery spirit. The Chalice contains the accumulations of centuries which are gathered around the seed of the spirit. It is necessary to accept the affirmation of the Chalice as a great symbol in everyday life. Small children, and all youth, should be taught to think about the Chalice. One should understand the entire diversity of forms of the great symbol, the Chalice.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 55:
55. Daring of the spirit is the beginning of ascent. The manifestation of true daring indicates to the spirit how to affirm the measuring scale of all actions, as well as the direction, because daring admits no faint-heartedness. Daring eradicates all tendency toward betrayal. Whoever has realized in spirit true daring knows the beauty of Service. The daring one knows the path of attainment and fears nothing. His life is filled with devotion to Hierarchy. Each co-worker can reflect upon the beauty of fiery daring, for it frees the spirit from all worldly chains. The daring one is not afraid of solitude, for in spirit he feels a bond with the Hierarchy of Light. The daring one knows that the joy of the spirit is contained only in achievement. The daring one is in need of no human recognition, for his achievement is a crown self-woven by labor and striving. Only the heroes of spirit know true attainment. Thus, the daring one will be freed from selfhood. He knows true Service for the good of mankind. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember daring.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 429:
Indeed, the lives and sayings of heroes and the Great Toilers in the Spiritual Domain must be made known in all schools.

AUM (1936) - 92:
92. Broad is the domain of humanity; at its summit touches the Higher World in the person of heroes, of great Spiritual Toilers; at its base it produces a cosmic dust which forms the stones of the neighboring planets. Enormous is the distance between a great Spiritual Toiler already illumined by the Light of the Higher World, and the dusty dregs.

AUM (1936) - 319:
319. Many dragons stand guard to impede each advance. Multicolored are these monsters! Among the most repulsive is the drab dragon of everyday routine. It would make an empty grey cobweb of even the most lofty communion. Yet even in everyday life people know how to preserve the freshness of renewal. People wash themselves daily and find themselves refreshed before the next task. Likewise, spiritual ablutions should not become dusty drudgery. Few know how to overcome the dragon of everyday routine. But such heroes multiply their forces tenfold, and each day they raise their eyes anew unto the heavens.

AUM (1936) - 403:
403. In ancient legends it is frequently related how heroes had to pass terrible monsters in order to find the treasure. They were forbidden to feel fear, as otherwise the monsters would rend them. The particular quality of vision of looking without seeing has already been mentioned. But now the manifestation of psychic energy draws near, and one needs especially to know how to control one's own feelings. One has to train them so as to be able to call them into action or consciously restrain them to the point of complete suppression.

AUM (1936) - 504:
One should accustom oneself to the fact that each indication is the nearest necessary knowledge. Thus, We have frequently been self-imagined heroes who began to tremble at the first danger. Likewise We have seen those who wished to be tolerant become fiercely irritated at the first disagreement. We have also known supposedly devoted people who ran away at the first attack. We might enumerate many cases when imagined qualities were non-existent. But We also know of many achievements, when people consciously overcame physical reverses and made of their shortcomings the best adornments. Such discipline of the will is in itself an achievement.

Brotherhood (1937) - 18:
There do not exist in life any such qualities as would appertain exclusively to heroes. The fact is that heroes are not rare, but they are not always armed with swords and spears. Thus, it is necessary to understand and bring into life the best concepts.

Brotherhood (1937) - 282:
282. In the Brotherhood each one works as much as he can. Each one helps in accordance with the measure of his forces; each one does not condemn in his heart; each one affirms knowledge according to his experience; each one lets no time escape, for it is irrecoverable; each one is ready to lend his strength to a Brother; each one displays his best quality; each one rejoices at the success of a Brother. Are these principles too difficult? Are they supernatural? Are they beyond human strength? Do they require superknowledge? Is it possible that only heroes can understand unity? Precisely for the sake of comprehension examples have been given of the better people becoming physicians, cobblers, weavers, butchers, in order to infix better thinking through different kinds of labor.

Brotherhood (1937) - 470:
470. The consciousness of adults sometimes dies away for a certain time, whereas children are acutely perceptive of precious qualities. Adults often fail to resound to the concept of heroism, but children are fond of popular heroes; they are enraptured by great deeds, and they dream of seeing themselves among the champions of the truth. It is inadmissible to deprive children of this living source of inspiration, which will remain a luminous glow throughout their lives. This aspiration is not sensuousness, but the growth of consciousness which has come in contact with a beautiful image. It is necessary to preserve by all means such contacts; from them is born also the concept of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 489:
489. Many have heard about the Kumaras, but few have rightly understood about them. This manifestation is something superearthly - thus do people say, but they forget with what labor the attainment is built. Scholars are already beginning to understand how a human personality enters into the pantheon of heroes. By the same path also are the qualities of the Leaders of humanity accumulated. If they do not pass through earthly sufferings, they cannot respond to people's sufferings. If they do not experience the sweat of toil, they cannot guide people in their labor. Self-abnegation, mercy, compassion, courage are forged in life. Nothing abstract can mold the strength of the spirit. Thus let people understand the Kumaras as the true Leaders.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 51:
We have a vast collection of literature on this subject. It is impossible to count the legendary heroes who are linked with Our Abode. You know about Gessar Khan and about Prester John. Everyone should understand the boundary between Truth and the popular imagination. The Abode could not have existed for so many centuries without impressing its emanations upon the people's collective memory. One should also remember that We are better known in the Subtle World than on Earth. Thence come faint recollections which inspire haste in those who have understood the significance of Great Service.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 98:
98. Urusvati practices austerity and courage. Both of these attributes should be developed through attention to the examples of heroes. One should be reminded of those who overcame superhuman obstacles, and understand the complexity of the circumstances that surrounded them. History did not record all the dangers that threatened them from near and far. People suppose that heroic deeds are performed spontaneously, without preparation, but in reality many thoughts must take form before a firm decision to carry out a selfless act can be made.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 98:
The most valiant heroes have recollections from early childhood, when they had visions and dreams and heard voices that called to them and led them. Certain ideas were formed during their childhood that manifested much later. Heroes can describe how certain invisible forces directed their actions, and how they at times would spontaneously utter words whose meaning they did not understand until later. Thus, Our influence flows to many co-workers and strengthens their courage. We appreciate the gratitude We receive for the constant care that We bestow upon heroes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 98:
Not all potential heroes will reach their goal, because their free will often rebels against their own determined decision. But if people realized how ardently We try to help them succeed, they would see how beneficial it is to cooperate with Us. Then podvig will be kindled, and felt as the highest joy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125:
125. Urusvati knows how highly We value the feeling of solemnity. Indeed, it is solemnity that stabilizes Our upward soaring. This feeling is intensified during days commemorating Great Heroes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125:
Humanity pays tribute to many of Our Brothers, although under different names. People think that their heroes have no connection with Us, little realizing that among the most revered and worshipped giants of mankind were the very Founders of Our Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125:
People are only dimly aware of the significance of the Great Teacher's glorious achievements, and have turned the most beautiful self-sacrifice into things common and selfish. But even while belittling, they may preserve a small particle of solemnity. Let us with all patience help to cultivate this beautiful feeling of solemnity, which transforms life, creates heroes, and leads to the far-off worlds. Let us observe memorial days with positive, good deeds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130:
A heroic attitude should be maintained in all circumstances. This is a test that must be passed if true evolution is to be supported. We divide heroes into the unconscious and the consciously determined ones. Those who understand what they labor and suffer for are truly heroic. Knowing the truth of their situation they still do not turn from danger. Amidst the currents of space, amidst evil will, amidst terror, courageous heroes labor and create. Heroes know that their earthly life can end at any moment, but they do not reduce their efforts. They realize that their selfless podvig will continue even under the harshest circumstances. Nothing can stop their will from manifesting itself in any sphere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130:
There is a great difference between the unconscious and the consciously determined heroes. In the first there may be a spontaneous exaltation. But although temporary reactions may occur and cause the determined ones to pull back, they will never give up, and will continue on their path, applying the cosmic knowledge accumulated through centuries. They know how to transmute knowledge into feeling and how to fill their hearts with it. Where the heart is full there is a soaring into the future. An austere knowledge of danger inspires the hero.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
Some people may be interested to know more about the whereabouts of the Stone. The place where it was first revealed became the foundation of Shambhala, and it intensified the chemical significance of the Abode. Many stories could be told about this messenger from the far-off worlds. You already know about certain guardians who have particles of this Stone, and you can confirm how the Stone reveals itself. You will be astonished to know how many different countries and heroes are connected with it, and how many great deeds were inspired by the legends pertaining to it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 179:
179. Urusvati knows that some people believe that everything should perish with the Earth, and condemn those who leave the earthly spheres to join the far-off worlds. They call them deserters, or even cowards, and cannot understand that there are self-sacrificing heroes who maintain the cosmic balance, and who, by introducing the supermundane path, become the Saviors of humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 187:
The Inner Life of the Brotherhood will be understood when we are able to comprehend the details in the lives of heroes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 188:
The Thinker also said, "Learn to revere the Muses, who help you to become heroes. The Muses lead you to achievement, they accompany you in battle and in labor, and greet you with garlands of victory. The Muses transform your sufferings into beauty. The Muses will find you in the gardens that are adorned with the trees of knowledge. The Muses will not abandon those who revere them. Know how to serve the Muses, the Gatekeepers of the Beautiful."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202:
"Every hero whose heart is pure is a dispeller of evil, and the biographies of such heroes should be studied in schools. Students should also learn what was done to Pericles and how people have treated their heroes. Thus should human history be written.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267:
Very few accept the fullness of Service in its vitality and its achievements. These few know how the steps of Service have been formed and are ready to carry the living word wherever it will serve the General Good. Such heroes are ready to renounce the comforts of life in order to be able to offer inspiration to others. These few realize that, in addition to making scientific discoveries, it is necessary to unearth the spiritual treasures. Now, when multitudes of people are hurriedly shifting and seeking, it is especially difficult for mankind to reconcile material progress with higher spiritual values. The present age resembles a certain period of Atlantis, when the Atlanteans, too, could not find the necessary balance. But today people are aware of this discord, and this gives Us hope that the most vital nations will find the needed equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 272:
272. Urusvati knows that it is the heroes and martyrs who build nations. Pythagoras and even earlier thinkers knew this truth, but ancient truths should be re-examined in the light of science. So say the scientists, and they are right.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 272:
Who, then, are the heroes and the martyrs and how can they be described? From the scientific point of view, like living volcanoes, they throw out the intense energies needed for evolution. In this we can see an example of how subtly ethics and biology are entwined. The Teachings of the New Life show that exaltation is a blessed intensifier, and people cannot exist without these explosions that open the way. If cosmic explosions can be creative impulses, then human explosions are likewise needed for evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 272:
Many people call the heroes and martyrs fanatics, but We do not approve of this label, for it belittles the better side of heroism. On the contrary, a real hero knows the truth of self-renunciation. He does not attempt to destroy anything, but tries to apply his powers in the best possible way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
The Thinker carefully watched the pilgrims and used to ask if He could be of help to them. When He was warned that they might be vagrants, He whispered, "Who knows, they may be from Beyond." When their poor attire was pointed out to Him, He smiled and said, "Pilgrims are not used to luxury." And when He was told that true heroes do not come from the lower classes, He became indignant and pointed out that the time would come when the common people would produce great things.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 306:
306. Urusvati knows that We do not advocate rituals. It is true that a united assemblage of people can produce powerful emanations, but this is possible only when there is true aspiration. But how many are striving? How often do we find them? In ancient times one could find perhaps three hundred heroes such as those at the battle of Marathon, but now everything is counted in the millions, and it is impossible to expect united action. Therefore we should transfer our attention to inner conditions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445:
The sages of antiquity tried to appeal to the conscience of people by relating tales about epic heroes who could converse with the far-off worlds, but the legends remained mere fairy-tales. Even in this century, the Age of Energy, people pay no attention to the energy of thought. One can rejoice that transference of thought is being studied in some universities, but unfortunately this research has been limited to a few mechanical methods that will never enlighten humanity regarding the importance of thought as the subtlest energy.


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