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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HE > HEAVES (1)

Hierarchy (1931) - 396:
396. When the world is convulsed and humanity heaves in turmoil, there remains only one path to salvation. How is it possible not to realize the highest, and the creative, path of the ascent of the spirit! Just now when all the old ways are destroyed, when all the old energies are outlived, when the planet itself shifts its crust, how is it possible not to adopt with one's entire spirit the new affirmations and the regenerating energies emanating from the might of the Chain of Hierarchy! Only thus can humanity be attracted to the higher energies. Following the foundations of the Cosmic Magnet, the highest manifestation will attract the spirit to the Highest. Thus, the highest law of Hierarchy creates through beneficence, affirming a better future.


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