Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 31: 31. I grant you joy of love for the Motherland of the World. You will know love for mankind. Behold, I lead you towards the heavenly joy of spirit. Stray not from the path of ascent. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 125: Again you have forgotten the Heavenly combat! None go to school during an assault by the enemies. Times are more complex than you can realize. Never was hatred more rampant. But the hour has struck! The hostile forces strive to defy destiny. The doomed ones persecute Our chosen ones, and We must protect them. Fate can be lightened and the battle brought the sooner to its end. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 130: 130. The Bliss manifested on the Heavenly Heights will bestow courage upon the legion of warriors for Truth. Truth is veiled in symbols, but The mind cannot comprehend their relevance to life, and their meaning must be revealed by everyday events. People need familiar images, and by these images is the spirit uplifted to its True Dwelling. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 327: O Lord of the Wisdom of Heavenly Gates, Erect Thy Throne upon the highest summit. Thence wilt Thou better see the fear and anguish of human hearts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 384: The time draws near when the Teaching is to be fulfilled. The hour is decided; in it will be manifested to the world the shield of the Law. The night of confirmation and the day of reasoning will bring joy. Sent is the hour of understanding of the Scroll. Sent is the hour of Testimony. Manifested is the wing of the Archangel. On it is the inscription of Peace. The Heavenly Forces bear witness with Us. It has been decreed to acquaint the nations with the New Word of Love. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 439: 439. By a single word have evil empires been created. Will the Lord's Creation delay When all the Heavenly Forces have risen? By decree of the Highest, Rays penetrate the sphere of the sun. Waves of the ocean of planets obscure the currents of the luminaries. Ominous and beautiful is the time! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.9: 1.6.9. In giving we receive. Disdaining objects, we receive the heavenly raiment. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.4: Let us conclude that begun yesterday: the recompensing for bad and good actions must be accelerated. The primary concern of religion should be to provide a practical solution to life. The heavenly reward is too remote; the return should be brought within the earthly span. People can now understand as universally accessible the miracle of the renewal of possibilities. Hence, either the hand of the Invisible Friend or a sharp sword. And, remembering the advantage of immediate remuneration, people will find a new path to the Temple. There is no need to implore Divinity. One should bring to oneself the best deed. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.8: Why search for Light when one should sense it? The spirit knows it is accessible to him and predestined for him. Otherwise, wherefore the ladder of Our Brotherhood? It rests on the earth and has merged with the heavenly spheres. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.20: Erect a lightning-rod and attract the heavenly arrow. For one it is dangerous, for another it is the best armor. And the whole future is based on attainment of Illumination. A most difficult telephone will be in the hands of man. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.13: One must exert one's aura; it cannot grow otherwise. It should be clearly understood how useless the heavenly rays are if they are not met by the emanations from the nerve centers. I have already spoken about numbness of the tongue and broken arms as the result of heavenly action without earthly response. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.21: 3.2.21. Amidst dusty daisies a lily of Heavenly Purple. It is better to live near the Celestial Flower, for earthly flowers are the sole living bond between Earth and Heaven. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.13: Whoever wishes to follow Us must first of all forget negation and freely bear the renewed life without constraint of others. People are attracted by beauty and by luminous knowledge. Only that Teaching which contains all hope, which makes life beautiful, which manifests action, can promote true evolution. Certainly life is not a market, where one can make a fine bargain for entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom. Certainly life is not a grave, where one trembles before the justice of an Unknown Judge! New Era Community (1926) - 29: 29. The teaching of the New world will solve all discomforts. Verily, only the shield of the Community can give meaning to the sojourn on Earth. How indescribably beautiful it is to think about cooperation with the far-off worlds. This cooperation, begun consciously, will draw into the orbit of communication new worlds. And this heavenly cooperative will broaden its possibilities infinitely. New Era Community (1926) - 29: You understand that Earth cannot live without community. You understand that without the broadening of the heavenly ways the existence becomes nil. The New World is in need of new boundaries. The seekers must have a path. Is it narrow throughout the entire horizon? It is fortunate that the seekers do not have to bend the ear down to earth but may turn their gaze upward into spiritual heights. It is easier for the ray to seek out uplifted heads. And every movement of the world is conditioned by the community. New Era Community (1926) - 42: This heavenly rainbow is reflected in the drops of earthly dew. Does not knowledge of the spirit discern the light? "Materia Lucida" to the wild spirit is a curling chaos, but for the knowing spirit it is the harp of light. Like chased harp strings rush the waves of luminous matter, and on them the spirit creates mysterious-sounding symphonies. Between the worlds, thread-like, stretches "Materia Lucida." Only enormous distance blends together the waves of threads into the vibration of the heavenly rainbow. New Era Community (1926) - 53: In order to play the game of hidden twig, the searcher must look for it - not the one who hid it. Not without reason do the Hindus call the Highest Being the Player. Verily, the Earth is to be saved by earthly hands, and the Heavenly Forces are sending the best manna; but if ungathered it is transformed into dew. How then not to rejoice when gatherers are found? When, ignoring derision, these seekers proceed, remembering Our Shield. New Era Community (1926) - 68: Cedars preserve a healing tar, but one may smile when the heavenly sap goes into boot grease. Hence, let us guard the principal paths by applying details to useful advantage. New Era Community (1926) - 180: If a mote in the eye turns into a beam, then a feather from the wing of a bird in the space produces thunder in the far-off worlds. How then to explain, to occidental minds, the sensitiveness of the cosmic apparatus? How to explain that forced explosions are more ruinous than the destruction of a heavenly body, for the destruction of a heavenly body takes place in conformity with all the surrounding conditions. You yourselves do not place a factory over a dangerous cavern, but select a better place - and We also speak about the best conditions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 75: 75. People are ready for every kind of spiritual incest. People are only too willing to unite elements that are incompatible. They try to unite the father element, fire, with the daughter element, water; and the earth-mother with the air-son. If their progeny is burned to ashes they will not blame themselves, and will lay the responsibility on the Heavenly Father. Agni Yoga (1929) - 89: 89. Harmony of auras does not require sameness of color. Thus, a violet aura can be in harmony with one that is green, and a pink aura can make a blue one more visible. In such combinations can be found currents of special intensity. It is even desirable to combine colors, as a guarantee of the future rainbow. So multihued are the vibrations of luminous colors, that it is impossible for the limited range of earthly colors to represent them, just as it is impossible for the range of earthly sounds to encompass the symphony of the spheres. Your earthly lilac and violet have nothing in common with Our heavenly purple. Agni Yoga (1929) - 122: 122. That a situation is without solution is only imagined by those who would rely on other people rather than upon the power of their own thought. Grief experienced by others flows like the ripples of a stream; but the images of Truth, which you call ideas, rule the karma of the world. It is astonishing to see how images of Truth participate in the spatial battle. While the multitudes disintegrate in a blind fury of ignorance and betrayal, the thoughts of Truth weave their heavenly nests, which for real evolution are far more vital than any worship by entire nations. Agni Yoga (1929) - 245: 245. Why is Earth so sick? Because the rays of the heavenly bodies cannot penetrate its polluted aura. To what will man be reduced if he ceases his communion with the supreme consciousness and sinks into base ignorance? From the greatest of the worlds to the microcosm, the law is one. Losing their realization of the great worlds, people have wandered from the understanding of perfection. The great worlds have become for them a foolish fantasy; and for them, self-perfectment is an unnecessary or even dangerous pastime. Slaving for their daily wage, they yearn only for the end of their path as they see it. Agni Yoga (1929) - 319: Let us recall the known saints of various lands. By what marks are they distinguished? By showing humility or obedience to their rulers, by taking vows of silence, or by obeisance? If so, they would be unworthy of the name. When We regard saints, We see among them warriors, highwaymen, condemners of kings, builders, and leaders of people. By the fire of the spirit is their level of ascent recognized. Laws inscribed by people cannot extinguish this fire. Therefore, let us be careful about judging the approaching ones. Like fragments of heavenly bodies, diamond-bearing, those approaching from afar may carry within themselves signs incomprehensible to others. Agni Yoga (1929) - 334: 334. To the question of the realms of the worlds, one must point out that heavenly bodies can be part of a particular solar system or can be intersolar bodies. Agni Yoga (1929) - 398: How many useful observations can be conducted even without advanced apparatuses! Will not a comparison between atmospheric conditions and the condition of humanity provide a key for the reasonable deliberations of rulers? Will not magnetic storms provoke changes in social order? Sunspots, the full moon, the passing by of heavenly bodies, and many other powerful conditions affect the basic functioning of sensitive organisms. Even plants and animals react to cosmic phenomena. Is it possible that humanity, the ruler, is not worthy of attention? Agni Yoga (1929) - 399: The language of symbols has been forgotten by the West. When the West hears about a heavenly dragon it smiles. But when we speak about the Serpent Solaris, or the solar plexus, then the smile fades. When the Serpent Solaris manifests itself as the serpent of the solar plexus, a fiction becomes a physiological fact. When the serpent of the solar plexus awakens, all four realms of heaven become accessible. The symbolism of the Ancient Wisdom is based on the correspondences between Macrocosm and microcosm. Therefore, look for the human being, with all his possibilities, in even the most abstract images. Agni Yoga (1929) - 470: 470. Everything heard and seen through the Brahmarandhra center deserves especially sensitive attention. The highest faculty of psychic energy connects with the fires of space. One rarely can see these fires in great measure. Just as the heavenly vault is filled with the radiance of the far-off worlds, so do the fires sparkle above the crown of the head. By this the quality of psychic energy is refined. We should rejoice at every sign of refinement of psychic energy. Indeed, it is here in the earthly incarnations that one crystallizes the psychic energy. When one passes to the astral plane one must retain cognizance of the future, and also ignite one's striving with the crystal of psychic energy. Otherwise those who pass into the astral plane will submerge into the twilight of carry-overs. That is why one's accumulation of psychic energy is precious. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 285: When the arcs of consciousness are united, the heavenly vault is affirmed. The responding vibration affirms. Hierarchy (1931) - 260: 260. How often must the gardener water the garden entrusted to him? Certainly every day, except during a beneficent shower. When people close their shutters, the gardener weaves baskets for the ripening fruit. Verily, the shower frees the gardener from the labor of carrying water. Is it not the same with the Teaching? Certainly the foundations of the Teaching should be reiterated each day. Every hour, the Teaching should be protected from the leprosy of habit. But in the time of the whirlwind the Teaching is not in need of protection, because in it alone will the sole hope of men be found. Then they will turn their heads from Earth and perhaps for the first time perceive the far-off worlds and the heavenly Fire. The gardener calls the shower a blessing. Shall we not say the same of the whirlwind, which will force us to think of the Fire of Space and of future existence? Hierarchy (1931) - 290: 290. A physician usually says to his patient, "When summer comes you will go to the country, into the sun. You will be regenerated by the mountain wind or the sea breeze." Even an earthly physician cures by projecting into the future. Karma is the sickness of the past. Its cure lies in the future. Precisely, he who wishes to be liberated from the past should strive into the future. Striving with one's entire being protects one from downfalls; take for example the moving heavenly bodies. Thus, remember that I have pointed out how to walk upon the water, but I have never said that one can stand upon it. Karma can be changed by an irresistible striving. Hierarchy (1931) - 294: The same graphic example shows how the seed of the spirit is unharmed; and striving to the heights it sustains its shell without fearing the past. Verily, karma is frightening only to those who are plunged into inaction. But a striving thought is liberated from the burden of the past, and like a heavenly body is impelled forward without retracing its path. Thus, even with a difficult karma, one can achieve a useful liberation. Heart (1932) - 149: 149. Do not be astonished that even in the days of greatest tension I speak with you quietly about the mystery of the worlds. This comes from long experience. One cannot conduct a spiritual battle other than by citing all the abysses. The days are so tense that if we think in an earthly way we must walk depressed, but the supermundane law leads us upward. Thus, the one who does not descend ascends. But it is only by spirit that we can avoid descent. Thus, above the earthly decision there is a heavenly one. Thus, above the brain there is the heart. Heart (1932) - 176: 176. Armageddon has already begun - the end of the year 1931 revealed the Great Battle, which I did not hide from you; therefore the end of the Battle cannot now take place until the victorious decision. Of course, all the sensations of the Battle react upon the heart, when the flaming pentagram must be upraised like a shield. You should not be astonished that the events pile up, for the earthly battle follows a heavenly one. Much has been said about the Heavenly Host, about Michael the Archistrategus, about the appearance of an affirmed Leader and about all calamities. Therefore I say - Caution! Heart (1932) - 242: 242. Speaking of the kinds of love, let us note the love that holds back and the love that inspires. In essence the first love is earthly, and the second heavenly. But what a multitude of constructive efforts were destroyed by the first! And a similar multitude winged by the second! The first is aware of all the limitations of space and consciousness; but the second has no need of earthly measurements. It is without handicaps of space or considerations of death. The first knows the world as a planet; but the second is not impeded even by the destruction of the planet, because before it are all worlds. Verily, the second love embraces the physical world and the Subtle and Fiery Worlds as well. It kindles hearts for the highest joy and is thus indestructible. Thus, let us expand the heart - not for Earth but for Infinity. Heart (1932) - 251: 251. Some deny everything invisible. Not only savages but many literate people do not wish even to think about the stars. The teachings hint about countless heavenly abodes but people apparently are undesirous of hastening their path. It is the same as in the theater where the spectators weep, yet a moment after are ready to resume their wrath and to crush each other. Heart (1932) - 515: 515. It is dangerous not to feel any responsibility. To be a temporary traveler is also dangerous, for we are all just timeless beings bent upon ascent, like propelled heavenly bodies. Hence, each apostasy is abnormal, as are crime and evil. Each one ascends according to his nature, and responsibility becomes not a burden, but wings. Yet as soon as one wavers, the same responsibility becomes a milestone about one's neck. Moreover, even with no responsibility we cannot swim in the ocean of the elements. This is not a moral, but a life belt. A farewell is only a new, welcomed reunion. We are not temporary, but infinite beings. Heart (1932) - 573: 573. The correct measure of giving is the criterion of love and responsibility. To give too little is contrary to love, but it is no better to give too much. Niggardliness is unworthy, but generosity that leads even to treason is not goal-fitting. As insufficient food leads to hunger, so excessive food leads to poisoning. It can be stated without exaggeration that the extent of treason has increased considerably due to excessive giving. The Teacher who gives and trusts must take into consideration a great number of conditions. He must take into consideration not only the personal merits of the one who receives but also the qualities of his immediate surroundings and karmic and astrological conditions as well. The subtle heart prompts one how to discriminate in this complex current of conditions. Therefore We value so much this criterion of the heart. The path of the Bodhisattva contains this essence of measure. No logic will safeguard the giving one from excess, but the heart knows this heavenly balance. Heart (1932) - 587: 587. A hermit who understood the language of animals noticed that a small green snake began to coil about him during his prayers. This continued for many days. Finally he asked the snake, "What is the meaning of your strange behavior?" The snake answered, "Rishi, your concentration is strange if during your prayer you were aware of all my motions!" The hermit thereupon replied, "Cunning worm, do not judge by yourself. First occurs the earthly concentration, then the subtle and then the fiery when the heart contains the heavenly and earthly." Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 234: 234. If we enumerate all the heavenly luminaries, if we measure the whole unrevealed Depth, we will not thereby ameliorate the present hour. With courageous heart one must cognize the painful darkness that draws near when the fires are extinguished. In the opinion of many, unity is an unnecessary anachronism. They presume that individuality is safeguarded by disunity; such is the logic of darkness. Yet sometimes amidst dangerous epidemics, by remembering simple expedients, people find salvation. Thus simple are the means of unification. They unequivocally smite the darkness. Thus, let the spear not slumber over the dragon. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408: 408. The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 662: Thus, once again let us understand why the heart's striving to the Highest is so necessary. Simple maxims must not be arrogantly scorned; in them the most essential is attested simply. When a warrior is ready for battle, his leader examines him. Thus, especial caution is needed when I speak of that subtlest element, fire. One should not understand fire as a chemical formula. One should fittingly understand its utter indefinableness. Already in antiquity we can find all kinds of descriptions of the characteristics of Fire; how it permeates all objects; how all heavenly bodies, without exception, are permeated with fire. Thus, we cannot escape this most luminiferous element; and it is wise to prepare oneself to meet it and to know that the cognizance of higher Fire is useful in overcoming the lower fires. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 1: When we look in wonderment at the Chinese carved ivory spheres, one can imagine how great must be the tension of will for the condensation of mass in the formation of heavenly bodies. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 16: 16. As in Heaven, so on Earth. One foundation of Be-ness verily permeates all existence. Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity. Who then will doubt that in every earthly object is expressed someone's will? Without will no earthly object can be created, nor set into motion. Thus it is upon Earth, and it is the same in the Higher World. Since the existence of the planet as an earthly stronghold requires an impulse of will, it is just as comprehensible that the whole systems of heavenly bodies require the same. Such will of course is more readily comprehensible to an expanded consciousness. But even the average human will can serve as an example of a microcosm. One need not go too far in special calculation, but if we take as a unit the human will at its highest tension, then it is possible to estimate the force of the impulse of the planetary will. One may be involved in innumerable ciphers, in calculating the will-impulse of a whole system. Such a problem would be an introduction into the Grandeur of the Ineffable. So useful are the observations, therefore, upon will power, when thought sets into motion this cosmic energy. The abode of Agni is the furnace of Cosmic Power. One should not be overwhelmed at the innumerable digits in the calculation of the Magnitude. Figures merely express that of which we are conscious, but the fiery heart, without figures can strive along the path of assimilation of the Grandeur there where word is naught. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 30: 30. Some people may think - how easy it is for the Lords, when They have passed beyond the boundaries of earthly burdens! But whoever says this does not know the scope of reality. Precisely as it is upon Earth, so also in Heaven. The earthly burdens pass away, but incomparable cosmic cares take their place. Truly, if it is difficult on Earth, then so much more difficult it is in Heaven. Let us not count the moments of Devachan, when illusion may conceal tomorrow's labor. But in action amidst chaos, it cannot be easy. You suffer from darkness and chaos. In all abodes it is as difficult from many aspects of darkness and the same chaos. But, fortunately for you, you only feel the attacks of chaos and do not see its murky movements. Truly, it is difficult for people because of their ignorance and their servility to darkness. But it is more difficult when one sees the movements of the masses of matter being turned into chaos. When the destructive subterranean fire tries prematurely to pierce the earthly crust, or when layers of gases poison the space, the difficulty surpasses all earthly imagination. Not burdens, but only comparisons help now to speak about the difficulties. For ignoramuses think that hymns and harps are the lot of Heavenly Dwellers. Such error must be dispersed. Nowhere are there indications that it is difficult only upon Earth; in comparison it must be said - if here one is annoyed by devils, the Archangel is threatened by Satan himself. Thus one must understand action and the everlasting battle with chaos. One must realize it as the only path and grow to love it as the sign of the Creator's trust. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 54: 54. Flammarion strains his thought toward the creation of the subtle body of a planet. And indeed the body of a planet is created by thought, but the conception of the planet proceeds not from the Subtle World, but from the Fiery. When the Fiery Seed has been formed, then the thought of the Subtle World can be also useful. A multitude of heavenly bodies are to be found already in the subtlest aspect. Truly, space is not only filled but overcrowded. Thus the destruction of worlds, which is taking place every second, is only the actual generation of new bodies that have taken form. But it is correct to understand that this germination requires a fiery thought. Strive toward the Fiery World in order to participate in the higher creativeness. It is a mistake to think that it is inaccessible. Precisely every developed consciousness should strive toward the joy of creativeness. This striving already in itself is the beginning of cooperation. Though the thought of Flammarion cannot give a fully complete result, this thought is vast, noble and deserves our rejoicing over it. He constantly strived towards the broadening of understanding. Thus even his errors took on an aspect of usefulness; besides he did not allow his mind to wither, and was able to leave the Earth still young in spirit. In the Subtle World, while some ignorant ones try to think about murder the scientist dreams about a beautiful creation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 55: 55. An example of the opposite is when the mind has been withered through non-understanding of the Teaching - then one may reply, "It is enough to whine over your offences, you have had ample time to broaden your consciousness, you could have observed the heavenly worlds and understood the Source of the Teachings; but instead of this you wish to carry away with you earthly offences. What is the Teaching and Wisdom of the ages to you, when your thoughts instead of expanding have been shrunk in offence? No one has insulted you, but you have offended yourself." Thus in the Subtle World small thoughts are crowded. One may regret that so much energy is wasted in quarrels and mutual belittling. But if it be asked to what extent such thoughts of the Subtle World are chemically harmful, one can only say that small unkind thoughts generate poisonous gases. One must think not of oneself, but to what an extent people may harm each other even in the Subtle World. But every kind of thought and striving towards the Beautiful helps one to advance rapidly. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 86: 86. Many criminals will turn to labor under suggestion. Just as drunkenness and other vices, ailments of crime may be cured by the command of the will. It must not be forgotten also that many crimes are committed under the influence of obsession. Consequently such people need to be cured, and not punished. Definitely, during such treatments, increased, systematic labor has a decisive significance; for the obsessing entities every labor is hateful. They try to cast one into chaos, but the essence of labor is already a countermanifestation. One ought not be distressed by the thought as to whence will come the strong suggestions. They are many, but they are dissociated. When the Institute of Psychic Energy will be established, it will bring together many useful co-workers. It should not be forgotten that an Institute of Astrology would be very helpful toward the verification of data. Not long ago governments were ashamed to pay attention to heavenly luminaries, as well as to human powers, but psychic energy must occupy the attention of enlightened people. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 87: 87. Not without reason do people recall ancient prophecies about changes in the firmament. In fact, violation of the planet's equilibrium will cause many three-fold manifestations. Not only may new heavenly bodies become visible, but the very chemism of the Luminaries may be altered, and of course this will react strongly upon the inhabitants of Earth. Thus, while people are enjoying their bazaars and fairs, ominous events are in the offing. Therefore one must undeferrably reiterate about the Living Ethics. The Sacred Ethics is transformed into a foolish etiquette and has become a printed label. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 92: 92. It should be remembered that the New Firmament can become visible. Quite some time ago I mentioned that a new heavenly body is approaching, but as yet it is concealed from observation. It must not be forgotten that the energy radiated by humanity is necessary for the proper motion of the planet. But when this energy becomes poisoned it weakens the protective net of the planet and thus upsets the equilibrium of many luminaries. The waves of vibrations are altered and the planet loses part of its self-defense. Thus humanity itself is master of its own destiny. But when there comes the destructive period of so-called godlessness, then the mass of energy which is usually sent into the higher layers is shattered and becomes the material for the brown gas. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 121: 121. The World is moulded in beautiful Principles. The expression about the renunciation of the World is correct. One cannot renounce the heavenly beauty. The whole world has been given to man. Therefore it would be far truer to speak about the discovery of the meaning of things. When the manifestation of renunciation arises, it concerns the mostperverted concepts, the most harmful actions, but it is inadmissible to misuse a beautiful concept, the World, to describe a generalization of these abominations of ignorance. Worldly matters do not have to be unworthy and shameful. Great consciousnesses have taken great pains over the World. It is unfitting to attribute to them the distortions of ignorance! In studying the foundations of the Fiery World, it is first of all necessary to have an agreement over the understanding of many concepts. Is it at all possible to call gluttony, or depravity, or theft, or betrayal, Worldly matters? They are even beneath the actions of animals. Animals know the measure of need, but if man has forgotten the measure of justice it is only because he has abandoned the World and has fallen into darkness. Whoever does not reflect more worthily about the World, is not able to distinguish right from wrong. How could he comprehend the Blessed Fire? He would shudder at the very thought of the Fiery World. Let us advise friends to gradually differentiate the World from chaos. I advise friends to begin discourses about the fiery element as the subject of forthcoming revelations. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 201: 201. People who take upon themselves Great Service may be called "Heavenly Stones." In their striving they fill themselves with light. They pierce through the lower strata and contain within themselves diamond-adamant. But it is not easy to be a diamond, and it is necessary to be affirmed in light in order to conquer darkness. Great Service knows no repose; by incessant vigilance is the spirit strengthened. A heap made up of small earthly truths must be covered with the dome of magnanimity. One must be under the cover of Light issuing from Hierarchy, and must assimilate the Subtle and Fiery Worlds as in the nature of things. From a pit one may not notice the sun; yet people study the stars from a well. The most unexpected may happen on the path of Service, but the experienced Leader will not forget that each worldly loss is made up for in space. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 238: 238. The Fiery Sun is invisible, likewise invisible are great heavenly bodies. It should be explained in schools how insignificantly small is our field of vision. Only thus is it possible to convince humanity that while it is divine in its heart essence, in the body it is subject to all limitations. Only thus will children realize what they must be concerned about. They are very perplexed at that which is manifested in the chest and continually beats. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 330: 330. It has been said - the science of luminaries is precise, as the luminaries do exist. But in this let us not forget relativity. Besides the chemism of the rays of the luminary itself, it must be understood to what an extent the atmosphere vibrates at the passage of the heavenly bodies and waves of cosmic dust. Therefore the astrologer must be also an astro-physicist and an astronomer. In addition, he must perceive the earthly conditions which are working against the rays of the luminaries. Only through observance of these conditions will his deductions be free from errors. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 403: 403. Some people walk into the future with full trust. Whence can be drawn such invincible confidence? First of all, from communion with Hierarchy. But understanding of the Luminaries also strengthens the consciousness. Moreover, there is still a third circumstance which has no small significance. Actually the three Worlds exist in full cooperation. The affirmation of many earthly beginnings takes place in the Higher Worlds. You know about earthly teraphim; there can be likewise teraphim of the Subtle and of the Fiery World. Not infrequently entire structures, prior to their earthly realization, have been created in the Higher Worlds. One may read in the ancient Covenants about Heavenly Cities; in fact, they are being constructed in reality upon different spheres, and thus a magnetic attraction is created. Often people do not suspect that their teraphim already exist in various forms. At times the clairvoyants perceive such actual images, and erroneously carry over what they see to the earthly plane, whereas the earthly reflection is formed later. But one fact is unquestionable - precisely, the existence of such teraphim - it strengthens the consciousness of man. Can it not be that certain cities already do exist, and named people live in them? One may walk into the future as assuredly as if the delineations of the city were before the earthly eyesight. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 434: 434. "The Heavenly Forces are now invisibly serving with us" - a new conception of the reality of Invisible Space is already a step toward the actuality. We cannot pride ourselves on our cognition so long as the Invisible World does not grow in our consciousness. Thus, let us be on guard against everything which sways our thought away from that of good for others. The revelation of fiery thought will be accessible to benevolent thinking. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 59: 59. The most widespread cult is the cult of self-service. The champions of this cult always have stopped at nothing, and the aspects of their attempts are as varied as they are numerous. In the crooked mirrors of these champions of evil one can observe how monstrously distorted are good beginnings. Truly these followers of self-service stop at nothing, beginning with the smallest actions which gratify selfhood and ending with the plundering of the Highest gifts. Self-service can reveal itself in a most unexpected display; for instance, a pseudo heir imposes a veto on a spatial decision. It is impossible to enumerate all the distortions resulting from self-service. Who will take upon himself the sacrificial labor? He who represents the Heavenly Forces on Earth; He who knows the fiery Cult of Renunciation; He who knows Cosmic Service. Co-workers, manifest understanding of the harm of self-service. Thus let the successful co-worker remember on the path to the Fiery World. Sacrificial labor is the crown of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 89: 89. The planetary dates correspond with all the supermundane dates. The dark condition of this planet requires all forces for the affirmation of equilibrium. It is easy to think about the future when the spirit knows the bond of the two Worlds, when the spirit can be successful in its strivings toward the Fiery World. There cannot be an intensification which does not reveal to the spirit the amplitude of the manifest future. In the Subtle World events go on which assist manifestations on the Earth. Especially tensed are the strata which are close to the Earth. Entire armies are being assembled for events. Entire nations are being armed against the forces of destruction. The Supermundane World will not leave the planet helpless. So too, the Mother of the World and the Hierarchy of Good and the Fiery Viceroys are mobilizing their camps. Verily, great is the time solving the earthly destiny - the Heavenly forces saturate the space. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 276: 276. The sparks of Fohat line up into various extended threads and channels of transmission upon which subtle energies can be directed into space. Sparks of Fohat influenced by the fiery consciousness respond and collect together, for they are thus saturated with the fiery emanations of spirit and heart. These currents can resist all spatial assaults, for they are intensified by a fiery will. It has been said, "He who raises the sword perishes by the sword." Precisely, not the sword of the spirit, but the destructive sword whose name is the malign striving of selfhood. Truly, the sparks of Fohat can resist this sword. Where there is the crude physical sword, there is also disaster. But lofty and invincible is the sword of the spirit, for with it abide the Heavenly Forces. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 353: 353. Waves which engulf nations arise out of the national Karma. In Cosmic Construction each epoch leaves its waves in space. When the date draws near for magnetic attraction, all waves begin to act - thus Karma is unavoidable. When in ancient Scriptures it was said - "All is from the Heavenly Father," by that precisely the law of Karma was voiced. All is created according to these waves, which depart into space and preserve an everlasting bond with the planet. The bond between Worlds, supermundane and earthly, is conditioned by these waves. The records of space consist of these waves, and nations create their own historical redemptions. The realization that everything passes into the waves of space can awaken best aspirations. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest a striving for the betterment of the national Karma. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 362: 362. One may picture how the Cosmic Scales are fluctuating when there are placed on one of the cups of the Scales all the historical events which have preceded the present time. And if the future World be gazed upon, one may see how the battle is growing. One may be convinced as to how spatial fires are spreading. One may observe how the Heavenly Forces are being equipped with fiery armor, and how earthly forces condense each spatial manifestation. It is important to think about this, because Fiery Reconstruction must meet with the conscious manifesting understanding of what is taking place. The fiery fluctuation of the Scales creates vortexes which are a danger to unstable ones but which uplift to the Higher Worlds those who are flamingly aspirant. Amidst the oscillations of the Cosmic Scales humanity cannot choose a middle path, for only Light or darkness will be contending for the victory. On the path to the Fiery World let us keep in mind the Cosmic Scales. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 592: 592. Too often are words used in an incorrect meaning. People speak about the supernatural instead of saying the unusual. The supernatural does not exist in any of the Worlds. Perhaps a certain thing is unusual for the ignorant, but even this definition is conditional, as that something is unusual only under certain conditions. Thus it would be possible to revise dictionaries considerably. We have often spoken about this, and in translations into other languages you see how needful are various shades of meaning. People do not like to search for better definitions, yet diverse old dialects demonstrate that it is not easy to rejuvenate a dictionary with befitting expressions. It is especially difficult in the case of concepts of earthly and heavenly Fire. There are so many visible and invisible Fires that far more subtle definitions are needed. AUM (1936) - 20: 20. Leave not Earth derelict. Realization of the distant worlds must broaden one's consciousness, but one must not turn away from earthly suffering. Otherwise everyone will take flight and abandon his hearth. It is necessary to co-measure so that there be no conflict between the heavenly and the earthly. AUM (1936) - 88: Likewise, sendings to scientists will not be materially narrow; they will impel the thought toward an expanding horizon. The mind will act as a scabbard for the flaming sword. Thus, tasks with a broad range are presented from the Higher World. Earthly limitations reduce supermundane thought to the human word, yet in the depths of the consciousness is preserved the imprint of the heavenly hieroglyph. AUM (1936) - 96: 96. Alteration of karma appears unthinkable to many, but they err, forgetting about heavenly Justice. It is possible to experience instantaneously the highest realizations. Where the foot can tread, there thought can fly. In certain cults the neophytes were plunged into sleep and through hypnotic suggestion were compelled to experience at great speed the entire difficult pathway of their karmic life-pattern. Thus was inevitability understood, and also the possible acceleration of the law. Thought creates life. AUM (1936) - 137: 137. The inhabitance of heavenly bodies remains under doubt to this day. Even the best astronomers hesitate to express an opinion about this question. The reason lies chiefly in the conceit of man. He does not wish to admit incarnation in any conditions other than earthly. Fear before Infinity is also a hindrance. Surely, not many dare to reflect about such a remote giant as Antares, which, in the ocean of the Milky Way, presupposes beyond itself infinite Space. Meanwhile, people should think of distant worlds as being inhabited. AUM (1936) - 193: 193. The housewife who has churned from milk a morsel of butter has already become initiated into a very important aspect of cosmogony. Thus she can understand the generation of the heavenly bodies. Before beginning her churning the housewife thought about it, and only from a combination of thought and churning was the useful matter produced. AUM (1936) - 444: 444. The most obvious illustration of Maya and of reality is found in the heavenly bodies. Though such a body may have been destroyed thousands of years ago, its light is still seen on Earth. Who, then, can attempt to define the boundary between the existing and the visionary? We find similar examples also among earthly manifestations. AUM (1936) - 494: People do not notice the movement of the heavenly bodies in spite of all their precipitateness. Earth appears immovable to the eye of its inhabitant. Inner movement is also invisible to the earthly eyesight, but the essence of man must realize unceasing movement; only because of it can the heart beat. One should not imagine oneself immovable when the planet provides an example of ceaseless rotation; it exists by means of this motion. Thus, man cannot dwell in immobility. Still the consciousness whispers that a hustling about is only pretended movement. Again we come to the path of rhythm and harmony. Hustle is dissonance, and it can only irritate and dismember accumulations. Only a broadened consciousness understands the boundary line between striving and hustling. Brotherhood (1937) - 127: 127. The explosions of stars have a significance for Earth, not at the moment of explosion, but when the photochemism produces its reactions. This example is also quite instructive for human relations. It is impossible to trace the beginning and ending of the boundary line of manifested correlations. Since there are heavenly bodies in the Universe which are far removed from each other yet have strong mutual reactions, then human fluids also can be active at remote distances. And between the dense world and the Subtle World one may thus perceive a most complex web of interaction. I am not speaking here about thought transmission, but about the emanation of fluids which, as a constant outflowing of primary energy, is impelled in accordance with the magnetic principle. This basis should be kept in mind during each cooperation. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 63: 63. Urusvati knows how to appreciate the value of all that exists, for every manifestation is the result of active thought. Even if a manifestation is undergoing involution, somewhere in it is concealed a spark of the highest energy. People will usually reject something completely even if only one part is not understood by them. An unwise or inexperienced person will act in this way, but with accumulated knowledge he will learn to appreciate each creative force, even when it is in an unfit envelope. Even jinn can build temples. They may not understand the purpose of building, but because of their power they make good masons. Every legend contains a particle of truth. For instance, the subterranean people of Agartha are often mentioned, although they do not exist. But the legend itself originated not far from Our Abode, where We do have extensive underground passages, but they are not on the grand scale described in the legend. Other legends tell about "White Waters" and "The Heavenly Jerusalem." Both of these tales relate to Our Abode. It would be unwise to reject legends without pondering over their meaning. Each of them preserves precise indications, often deliberately concealed. Frequently We Ourselves shroud the meaning of a legend, so that the local people will not disclose too much. Sometimes We must sternly forbid the crossing of particular boundaries. In everything one should evaluate situations carefully. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 87: 87. Urusvati knows how absorbed We are in astrochemistry. Interplanetary chemistry is a science of the future. No matter what name it may be given, this subject will be attentively studied even in the schools. It would be more correct to call it psycho-chemistry, for not only every heavenly body, but all that exists produces strong chemical reactions. It is time to pay attention to these interactions, not only from the point of view of so-called magnetism but also from the point of view of chemistry. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132: Urusvati saw those who were eager to see their Teacher. Remember that We do visit the various spheres of the Subtle World, although it is difficult for Us to remain in the lower strata. Brother K. fell ill while fulfilling His mission on the earthly plane, and the lower layers of the Subtle World are just as dense. Urusvati is aware of this denseness and suffocation. It is better to know of all the difficulties of a dedicated life than to dream only of "heavenly harps and songs." We purposely emphasize the difficult side; first, in order not to hide the truth, and second, if man realizes the joy of spiritual achievement, he will also realize that even the greatest difficulties are nothing when compared with the grandeur of illumination. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 136: One can find ancient images that depict "heavenly" participants in earthly battles. Urusvati can testify how swiftly and safely she was able to fly amongst the combatants. You can imagine how often We participate in such earthly battles. We are invulnerable to human weapons, yet can suffer injuries from the hierophants of the dark forces, whose ruinous attacks fill space. Such invisible battles are not fairy tales. It is one thing to send a Ray from the Tower, but it is an entirely different thing to fly to participate in the righteous battle in space. Flights are possible even in the physical body, and, despite the sceptics, flights in the subtle body have often been proven. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 235: One can be drowning in astronomical calculations, yet be no nearer to the far-off worlds. Even spectrum analysis depends for accuracy on many conditions, and mechanical apparatuses are useless in communication with the far-off worlds. Of the billions of heavenly bodies, only thousands can be located, and even the most powerful telescope will be as naught when confronted with Infinity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249: The Thinker said, "It is not in my power to reach the far-off heavenly bodies, but indeed I am privileged! For it has been entrusted to me to observe them, and to meditate upon their greatness." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296: The question may be asked how one can reconcile astrology with these unexplained movements of heavenly bodies. The fact is that once astrology is understood to be based on the chemism of the stars, it will be seen that each heavenly body has an influence upon Earth, and an experienced astronomer will take into account the special influences caused by the various positions of the heavenly bodies. In the same way, astrology should make use of telescopes and accept clairvoyance. In fact, all fields of knowledge should be synthesized and applied. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296: We can properly observe the heavenly bodies only by utilizing these methods. From an early age, young people should be taught that the complex process of learning is a broad synthesis of all knowledge. Those teachers who begin with methods that limit thinking are in error. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 377: Those with a tendency to destroy harmony increase the burden of their karma. One should ask what happens to those who do not survive, who are "killed" by the explosions of thought. They fall into a deep sleep, an unconscious state that holds back their progress. In this way many descriptions of heavenly battles are not far from reality.