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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HE > HEARTHS (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.11:
Today is the beginning of the feminine awakening. A new wave has reached Earth today, and new hearths have become alight; for the substance of the rays penetrates deeply.

Heart (1932) - 125:
125. If here on Earth we do not learn to separate the properties of usefulness from those of harm, where can we acquire this experience? Following the law of the heart, one can clearly discern in each manifestation useful and harmful characteristics. Seldom are all the properties of an action good or bad, but the heart understands where are the sparks of light and the dust of darkness. The new cannot be built according to conventional, prejudicial, and earthly thoughts. It is necessary to remember that benefaction is issued broadly; its sparks are swept in to various hearths by a cosmic whirl. You yourselves see how unexpectedly the seeds of plants take hold. Likewise, there are many classes of human differentiations; this is why I also speak about containment.

Heart (1932) - 213:
213. Obsession must be very clearly defined. One must not be astonished to notice a number of obsessed persons near the hearths of spirituality. The reason for this is that the dark ones strive to reinforce their guard. Who, if not the obsessed, can best help the dark forces? In this field the multiformity of obsessions is incalculable. One must primarily discriminate where there is Good, and were essentially there is harm. Thus, the flaming heart will discern immediately where obsessionis concealed.

AUM (1936) - 11:
11. I can rejoice when I see the warriors full of vigor. There are many paths and the persecutors will pursue them in vain. Moreover, each battle with darkness is a worthy action. Each dispersion of darkness is the duty of man. The hero calls forth the dragon with a trumpet call in order to slay it. As long as the serpent is underground, people will have no peace at their hearths. Each extermination of evil will be construction of the future. The hero cannot be disheartened.

AUM (1936) - 216:
It is incomprehensible why people are so opposed to the simplest consideration - that of thought as energy. As if such a truth could demolish people's hearths! True, the energy can shake out some of the dust, but the house will be the purer for it.

Brotherhood (1937) - 100:
100. The collapse of home and family will be, not in words and actions, but in thoughts. Silently are the foundations undermined. Without noticing it, people themselves foment dissolution. There are not many hearths around which mutual labor is performed in full understanding. But each such home is a step toward Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 194:
194. Let us examine in what way Brotherhoods have moved around. Along these paths it is possible to learn about the movement of evolution. It should not be thought that Brotherhoods have hastily withdrawn into impregnable recesses. They have merely concentrated their forces in one strong place, both geologically and spiritually. It may be recalled that there have been hearths of Brotherhood in several countries, but at the approach of certain dates such hearths have been gathered together into one Stronghold.


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