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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HE > HEALED (12)

New Era Community (1926) - 131:
131. On quality of advice. Often advice does not achieve its purpose for the reason that it is given as if for oneself. The condition of the brother is not taken into consideration, and the advisor puts himself in the place of the advised. Then the sympathy and pity and solicitude flow about the advisor himself. From such counsels one must of course expect harmful results - not only for the case itself but also in regard to the sufferer. His consciousness is pierced by an alien thinking as if by spikes. These clefts are healed with difficulty, for such counsels may be practically applicable yet their execution demands a quite different aura.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 168:
It is not always easy to decide when one is a murderer and when a benefactor. Only as beacons of Agni Yoga can we with justice illumine the workings of chaotic thought. But for this we must consecrate ourselves in sacrifice to Agni Yoga; and few can love the dangers of self-sacrifice. Therefore, what is said is comprehensible to only a few. But one can cite numerous examples, such as how one who became insane in Asia was the cause of the death of another in Europe, or how one who rose in spirit in America healed another in Egypt. Hence the efflorescence of beneficent thoughts is a flaming flower of spirit.

Heart (1932) - 382:
382. Gradually one can accept many subtle manifestations as the usual conditions of life. Such is the transformation of life, and it may lead toward the most exalting condition, without segregating one from life. You yourselves know how one can converse at a distance, and you have experienced more than once an entire battery of various currents. thus, also, you know how the currents are growing gradually, and how even very dangerous cases are healed at a distance by Our currents.

Heart (1932) - 547:
547. Healing against the will of a patient exacts an unlimited amount of strength. Even without opposition, simply through lack of understanding, much strength is dissipated. Nevertheless, even this exhausting method of healing may be successful despite the non-understanding of the patient. Many cases can be cited when Initiates suffered greatly after having healed forcibly. Naturally in these days, the tension and dissipation of strength are unusual. Hence, if you feel tension or fatigue do not be ashamed to lie down. During the unprecedented battle the heart must be guarded. This advice is given to all. One should visualize the entire smoky surface of Earth, in order to understand the need of a protective armor.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 287:
287. We often hear about pains from old wounds. They seem to have healed, the physical tissues have grown together, but pains still continue. Also one may hear that only suggestion can help in these cases. Can it be imagined that the subtle body does not ache when it has been injured? A wound heals physically, but the subtle body may still feel pain. Of course, if the consciousness of a man has been developed, he can by his own command compel the subtle body to become well. But in other cases suggestion is required, acting on the subtle body in conformity with the physical process. Thus do those who know the complex of the organism improve the condition of all its bodies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 15:
Urusvati will not forget how We are transformed at times of tension. Let humanity ask to be healed, for without their consent they cannot be healed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153:
The Teacher could have lived His Great Life without the crowds. Even those whom He healed polluted space with their threats and curses. Such a manifestation of free will may be called by many names, yet it remains a form of free will. It is correct to consider free will as the highest gift, but how wisely this precious treasure must be used!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
If one could see how the Great Teacher related to animals and birds, one would be convinced of the living bond between the kingdoms. He could call a bird to alight on His arm and then send it in a particular direction, or calm an animal simply by a mental suggestion of calmness. The old legends tell us that sick animals would come to Him to be healed, and many true examples could be cited.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163:
Much remarkable healing was performed unnoticed. People saw only the obvious things, such as the healing of insanity, of paralysis, blindness, and deafness. This healing impressed the crowds because it was plainly evident. Indeed, when the dumb began to speak and the lepers became clean, the crowds were stunned. But, from a scientific point of view, there was even more remarkable healing: the Teacher could stop the internal destructive processes just by the power of His will. Even His immediate followers could not fully appreciate such powerful manifestations, when at His Command, dead muscles began to move and afflicted tissues were healed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 172:
The Great Pilgrim loved to open the memory of children. He brought them close to Him, questioned them, and touched them with His hand to intensify the clarity of their recollection. He treated children as equals, for when the remote past is recalled the mind becomes more mature. Children will never forget the one who treats them as equals, and will preserve such recollections all their lives. Perhaps children remembered the Great Pilgrim better than did those whom He healed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 338:
338. Urusvati knows that the human organism is generously endowed with powerful substances. The chemical laboratory of a human being is truly amazing, and it can be safely said that nowhere except in the human organism are such powers stored. With good reason theories have existed since ancient times that any illness can be healed by the patient's own secretions. Let us also consider the fact that the chemistry of the human organism derives its subtlety from being under the direct influence of psychic energy, constantly renewed by its connection with the currents of space.


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