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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HA > HASTILY (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 36:
36. The pupils must not judge hastily. I rejoice in the fiery spirit - but temper yourself. The spirit quivers, the northern lights are at play; teeming with life is nature, and God manifests His Mercy. My Shield will flame radiantly above you. Read less - ponder.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.13:
The rest you already know. He did not condemn me. He but weighed my chains and the chains of shame crumbled as dust. He decided simply. Never did He hesitate to send the simplest object which determined one's entire life. He touched these sendings as though bathing them in spirit. His path was empty; because people, after receiving His gifts, hastily departed. And wishing to lay on His Hands, He found all empty. When He was already condemned, the furies of shame rushed behind Him and mockingly brandished their branches. The price of the robber was worthy of the crowd.

Brotherhood (1937) - 194:
194. Let us examine in what way Brotherhoods have moved around. Along these paths it is possible to learn about the movement of evolution. It should not be thought that Brotherhoods have hastily withdrawn into impregnable recesses. They have merely concentrated their forces in one strong place, both geologically and spiritually. It may be recalled that there have been hearths of Brotherhood in several countries, but at the approach of certain dates such hearths have been gathered together into one Stronghold.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13:
13. Urusvati could reveal the names of members of the Brotherhood, but will not do so because she weighs the commensurability of such information. There are already seven Names upon the lips of the world, and where is the benefit? Deeds are needed, not names. Therefore, when We speak about the personal lives of the Brothers We describe deeds without mentioning names. People do not quarrel about deeds, but about names. When the name of one of Our Brothers who was in the world was revealed, it became necessary to declare Him dead in order to preserve His freedom of action. We have had to change Our names repeatedly in order not to arouse curiosity. We have been compelled to hastily hide Ourselves in order that a good work might not suffer harm. One of the first conditions of the Brotherhood is to put the essence of the action above all.


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