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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HA > HARMFULLY (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 128:
128. Therefore each striving leading to the unification of the disciple with the Teacher leads to cognizance of the higher laws. The disciple in rejecting the Teacher acknowledges his own ignorance, because he arrests his development. Each force attracting the spirit upward is a force of development. How shall we broaden our consciousness and uplift the spirit if we do not accept the Hand of a Hierarch? Conceit very harmfully retards progress! Hence it is urgent to point out to all those who speak against extreme devotion to the Teacher that only by the force of devotion can refinement of consciousness be achieved. The culture of the spirit and thought are to be followed, thus manifesting an unconquerable devotion to Hierarchy. Only thus is the spirit uplifted; only thus can one be affirmed in the evolution of the spirit. Hence, the beauty of Service is contained in the blending of consciousnesses. When the arcs of consciousnesses are blended, Light reigns, and the highest ordainment is affirmed. Only thus is the highest Law attained. Thus We create!

AUM (1936) - 149:
149. Secrecy is also cautiousness and goal-fitness. One should plant flowers in appropriate soil. One should know when and to whom to intrust the seeds; thus does the concept of the Guru grow. In the simplest and most needed manner, the Guru tells what is especially necessary. If he guards the secret, it means that this is temporarily imperative. There can be no suspicion that the Guru conceals harmfully. One must accept the Guru as Guide; in such a manner the concept of the secret is transformed.

AUM (1936) - 555:
555. It happens that medical advices are much spoken about, but, excluding physicians, no one concerns himself with questions connected with the basic energy. Many say that it is not their affair to go deeply into medical problems, but each such remark is harmfully ignorant. Life is for all that lives, and each one must bring his own stone for the construction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 209:
It is wrong to excite the mind with narcotics, for such methods harmfully affect even future generations. Artificial stimulants are as harmful as the most severe diseases, the only difference being that the effects of disease manifest quickly, whereas the effects of narcotics develop over a long time and affect future generations. Man thinks little about the future and cares little about what he contributes to it.


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