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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HA > HARBINGER (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) :
You who gave the Ashram, And you who gave two lives, Proclaim. Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps. Reader, if you have not grasped - read again, after a while. The predestined is not accidental, The leaves fall in their time. And winter is but the harbinger of spring. All is revealed; all is attainable. I will cover you with My shield, if you but tend to your labors. I have spoken.

AUM (1936) - 127:
127. Realization of the Higher World should arise freely, voluntarily and benevolently. Coercion is unfitting in such a transcendent matter. Thus, each teacher should interpret the Higher World as a higher joy. No one will call joy coercion. No one will condemn him who brings true joy. Yet how much inspiration must one develop in oneself in order to be a harbinger of joy! If a teacher has attained such a degree, he merits all reverence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 21:
This small girl, even without encouragement from others, was directed by her own consciousness to predestined achievements. This pilgrim of Light proceeded untiringly, in spite of the unsuitable surroundings of her childhood. After inward strengthening, she finally received a vision of Our bidding for achievement. We rejoice when such a mission is accepted, not in words, but by the flame of the heart. Such burning is a harbinger of illumination and of sacred pains. For only in the acceptance of suffering can the embryo of the joy of wisdom be born. It cannot be achieved without suffering. Only with Us is this joy born.


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